Example #1
        public override string ParseTemplate(MessageTemplatePart template, ParseTemplateContext context)
            var layout          = template.Layout;
            var templateContent = template.Text;
            var viewBag         = context.ViewBag;

            if (layout != null)
                _razorMachine.RegisterLayout("~/shared/_layout.cshtml", layout.Text);
                templateContent = "@{ Layout = \"_layout\"; }\r\n" + templateContent;

            try {
                // Convert viewBag to string/object pairs if required
                if (viewBag != null)
                    if (viewBag is IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > )
                        viewBag = ((IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >)viewBag).Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, object>(x.Key, x.Value)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                var tmpl = _razorMachine.ExecuteContent(templateContent, context.Model, viewBag);
            catch (TemplateCompileException ex) {
                Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, ex, "Failed to parse the {0} Razor template with layout {1}", template.Title, layout != null ? layout.Title : "[none]");
                return(BuildErrorContent(ex, template, layout));
        public override string ParseTemplate(TemplatePart template, ParseTemplateContext context)
            int    versionrecordid = template.Record.ContentItemRecord.Versions.Where(x => x.Published).FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string key             = _shellSettings.Name + versionrecordid.ToString();
            // var tr = new RazorTemplateManager();
            var layout          = template.Layout;
            var templateContent = template.Text;
            //var viewBag = context.ViewBag;
            string layoutString = null;

            if (layout != null)
                key         += "_" + template.Layout.Record.ContentItemRecord.Versions.Where(x => x.Published).FirstOrDefault().Id;
                layoutString = layout.Text;
                //  _razorTemplateManager.AddLayout("Layout" + key, layout.Text);
                templateContent = "@{ Layout = \"Layout" + key + "\"; }\r\n" + templateContent;

            try {
                var tmpl = _razorTemplateManager.RunString(key, templateContent, context.Model, (Dictionary <string, object>)context.ViewBag, layoutString);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, ex, "Failed to parse the {0} Razor template with layout {1}", template.Title, layout != null ? layout.Title : "[none]");
                return(BuildErrorContent(ex, template, layout));
        public override string ParseTemplate(TemplatePart template, ParseTemplateContext context)
            var layout          = template.Layout;
            var templateContent = new StringBuilder(template.Text);

            //var viewBag = context.ViewBag;

            if (layout != null)
                templateContent = new StringBuilder(layout.Text.Replace(LayoutBeacon, templateContent.ToString()));

            //if (viewBag != null) {
            //    var variables = viewBag as IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>>;
            //    if (variables != null) {
            //        templateContent = variables.Aggregate(templateContent, (current, variable) => current.Replace(string.Format("[{0}]", variable.Key), variable.Value));
            //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a contact email.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the sender.</param>
        /// <param name="confirmEmail">The email address of the sender.</param>
        /// <param name="email">The email address entered in by spam bot</param>
        /// <param name="subject">The email subject.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The email message.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaid">The id of the attached file or -1 if no file is provided</param>
        /// <param name="sendTo">The email address to send the message to.</param>
        /// <param name="requiredName">Bool of Name is required</param>
        /// <param name="useStaticSubject">Boolean indicating if a fixed subject must be used for all emails</param>
        /// <param name="templateId">The id of the mail template or -1 if no template is selected</param>
        /// <param name="attachFiles">Boolean indicating whether to attach uploaded files (true) or only add their URL to the body of the mail (false)</param>
        public void SendContactEmail(string name, string confirmEmail, string email, string subject, string message, int mediaid, string sendTo, bool requiredName, bool requiredAttachment = false, bool useStaticSubject = false, int templateId = -1, bool attachFiles = false, object additionalData = null)
            if (ValidateContactFields(name, email, message, requiredName, (mediaid != -1), requiredAttachment))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = email;

                var host = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",
                                         _orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Port == 80
                                        ? string.Empty : ":" + _orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Port);

                var smtpSettings = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As <SmtpSettingsPart>();
                var smtpLogger   = new SmtpLogger();
                ((Component)_messageManager).Logger = smtpLogger;

                if (smtpSettings != null && smtpSettings.IsValid())
                    var mailClient          = BuildSmtpClient(smtpSettings);
                    var contactFormSettings = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As <ContactFormSettingsPart>().Record;

                    if (confirmEmail != email)
                        // This option allows spam to be sent to a separate email address.
                        if (contactFormSettings.EnableSpamEmail && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contactFormSettings.SpamEmail))
                            try {
                                MediaPart mediaData = new MediaPart();
                                if (mediaid != -1)
                                    mediaData = _contentManager.Get(mediaid).As <MediaPart>();

                                var body = "<strong>" + name + "</strong><hr/>" + "<br/><br/><div>" + message + "</div>";
                                if (mediaid != -1 && !attachFiles)
                                    body += "<div><a href=\"" + host + mediaData.MediaUrl + "\">" + T("Attachment") + "</a></div>";
                                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                data.Add("Recipients", sendTo);
                                data.Add("ReplyTo", email);
                                data.Add("Subject", subject);
                                data.Add("Body", body);
                                if (mediaid != -1 && attachFiles)
                                    data.Add("Attachments", new string[] { _orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(mediaData.MediaUrl) });


                                string spamMessage = string.Format(T("Your message was flagged as spam. If you feel this was in error contact us directly at: {0}").Text, sendTo);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                Logger.Error(e, T("An unexpected error while sending a contact form message flagged as spam to {0} at {1}").Text, contactFormSettings.SpamEmail, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
                                string errorMessage = string.Format(T("Your message was flagged as spam. If you feel this was in error contact us directly at: {0}").Text, sendTo);
                            _notifier.Error(T("'Confirm email' and 'Email' does not match. Please retry."));
                        try {
                            if (templateId > 0)
                                ParseTemplateContext templatectx = new ParseTemplateContext();
                                var template  = _templateServices.GetTemplate(templateId);
                                var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(_orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext);

                                string mailSubject = "";
                                if (useStaticSubject && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(template.Subject))
                                    mailSubject = template.Subject;
                                    mailSubject = subject;

                                MediaPart mediaData = new MediaPart();
                                if (mediaid != -1)
                                    mediaData = _contentManager.Get(mediaid).As <MediaPart>();

                                dynamic model = new {
                                    SenderName     = name,
                                    SenderEmail    = email,
                                    Subject        = mailSubject,
                                    Message        = message,
                                    AttachmentUrl  = (mediaid != -1 ? host + mediaData.MediaUrl : ""),
                                    AdditionalData = additionalData

                                // Creo un model che ha Content (il contentModel), Urls con alcuni oggetti utili per il template
                                // Nel template pertanto Model, diventa Model.Content
                                templatectx.Model = model;
                                var body = _templateServices.ParseTemplate(template, templatectx);
                                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                data.Add("Recipients", sendTo);
                                data.Add("ReplyTo", email);
                                data.Add("Subject", mailSubject);
                                data.Add("Body", body);
                                if (mediaid != -1 && attachFiles)
                                    data.Add("Attachments", new string[] { _orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(mediaData.MediaUrl) });

                                MediaPart mediaData = new MediaPart();
                                if (mediaid != -1)
                                    mediaData = _contentManager.Get(mediaid).As <MediaPart>();

                                var body = "<strong>" + name + "</strong><hr/>" + "<br/><br/><div>" + message + "</div>";
                                if (mediaid != -1 && !attachFiles)
                                    body += "<div><a href=\"" + host + mediaData.MediaUrl + "\">" + T("Attachment") + "</a></div>";
                                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                                data.Add("Recipients", sendTo);
                                data.Add("ReplyTo", email);
                                data.Add("Subject", subject);
                                data.Add("Body", body);
                                if (mediaid != -1 && attachFiles)
                                    data.Add("Attachments", new string[] { _orchardServices.WorkContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(mediaData.MediaUrl) });

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(smtpLogger.ErrorMessage))
                                throw new Exception(smtpLogger.ErrorMessage, smtpLogger.Exception);

                            Logger.Debug(T("Contact form message sent to {0} at {1}").Text, sendTo, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
                            _notifier.Information(T("Operation completed successfully."));
                            //_notifier.Information(T("Thank you for your inquiry, we will respond to you shortly."));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.Error(e, T("An unexpected error while sending a contact form message to {0} at {1}").Text, sendTo, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
                            var errorMessage = string.Format(T("An unexpected error occured when sending your message. You may email us directly at: {0}").Text, sendTo);
                            throw new System.Exception(errorMessage);
                    string errorMessage = string.Format(T("Our email server isn't configured. You may email us directly at: {0}").Text, sendTo);
                    throw new System.Exception(errorMessage);
                throw new System.Exception(T(validationError).Text);
Example #5
 public abstract string ParseTemplate(MessageTemplatePart template, ParseTemplateContext context);