Example #1
    public static JObject AssessServiceGenSetting(JToken svcGenSettings)
        JObject svcGenSettingsJObject = (JObject)svcGenSettings;

        JObject assessedSvcGenSettings = new JObject();

        int inc = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> svcGenSetting in svcGenSettingsJObject)
            int    interestLevel = 3;
            string serviceName   = svcGenSetting.Key.Trim('"', '\\');
            JArray svcSettings   = (JArray)svcGenSetting.Value;
            string startupType   = svcSettings[0].ToString().Trim('"', '\\');
            string sddl          = svcSettings[1].ToString().Trim('"', '\\');

            string startupString = "";
            switch (startupType)
            case "2":
                startupString = "Automatic";

            case "3":
                startupString = "Manual";

            case "4":
                startupString = "Disabled";

            // go parse the SDDL
            if (GlobalVar.OnlineChecks)
                JObject parsedSddl = ParseSDDL.ParseSddlString(sddl, SecurableObjectType.WindowsService);

                // then assess the results based on interestLevel
                JObject assessedSddl = new JObject();

                if (parsedSddl["Owner"] != null)
                    assessedSddl.Add("Owner", parsedSddl["Owner"].ToString());
                    interestLevel = 4;

                if (parsedSddl["Group"] != null)
                    assessedSddl.Add("Group", parsedSddl["Group"].ToString());
                    interestLevel = 4;

                if (parsedSddl["DACL"] != null)
                    JObject assessedDacl = new JObject();

                    string[] boringSidEndings = new string[]
                    { "-3-0", "-5-9", "5-18", "-512", "-519", "SY", "BA", "DA", "CO", "ED", "PA", "CG", "DD", "EA", "LA", };
                    string[] interestingSidEndings = new string[]
                    { "DU", "WD", "IU", "BU", "AN", "AU", "BG", "DC", "DG", "LG" };

                    foreach (JProperty ace in parsedSddl["DACL"].Children())
                        int    aceInterestLevel = 0;
                        string trusteeSid       = ace.Value["SID"].ToString();

                        bool boringUserPresent = false;
                        foreach (string boringSidEnding in boringSidEndings)
                            if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(boringSidEnding))
                                boringUserPresent = true;

                        bool interestingUserPresent = false;
                        foreach (string interestingSidEnding in interestingSidEndings)
                            if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(interestingSidEnding))
                                interestingUserPresent = true;

                        if (interestingUserPresent /* && interestingRightPresent*/)
                            aceInterestLevel = 10;
                        else if (boringUserPresent)
                            aceInterestLevel = 0;

                        if (aceInterestLevel >= GlobalVar.IntLevelToShow)
                            // pass the whole thing on

                    if (assessedDacl.HasValues)
                        assessedSddl.Add("DACL", assessedDacl);

                if (assessedSddl.HasValues)
                    assessedSddl.AddFirst(new JProperty("Service", serviceName));
                    assessedSddl.Add("Startup Type", startupString);
                    assessedSvcGenSettings.Add(inc.ToString(), assessedSddl);
                if (interestLevel >= GlobalVar.IntLevelToShow)
                    assessedSvcGenSettings.Add(serviceName, new JObject(
                                                   new JProperty("SDDL", sddl),
                                                   new JProperty("Startup Type", startupString)

        if (assessedSvcGenSettings.Count <= 0)

Example #2
    public static JObject AssessRegKeys(JToken regKeys)
        // These are actually ACLs being set on reg keys using SDDL.

        // The first value is inheritance rules:

        // 2= replace existing permissions on all subkeys with inheritable permissions
        // 1= Do not allow permissions on this key to be replace.
        // 0= Propagate inheritable permissions to all subkeys.

        JObject regKeysJObject = (JObject)regKeys;
        int     interestLevel  = 1;

        JObject assessedRegKeys = new JObject();

        int inc = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> regKey in regKeysJObject)
            interestLevel = 1;
            string keyPath     = regKey.Key.Trim('"');
            JArray keyValues   = (JArray)regKey.Value;
            string inheritance = keyValues[0].ToString().Trim('"');
            string sddl        = keyValues[1].ToString().Trim('"');

            // turn the inheritance number into a nice string.
            string inheritanceString = "";
            switch (inheritance)
            case "0":
                inheritanceString = "Propagate inheritable permissions to all subkeys.";

            case "1":
                inheritanceString = "Do not allow permissions on this key to be replaced.";

            case "2":
                inheritanceString = "Replace existing permissions on all subkeys with inheritable permissions.";

            // then assess the results based on interestLevel
            JObject assessedSddl = new JObject();

            // go parse the SDDL
            if (GlobalVar.OnlineChecks)
                JObject parsedSddl = ParseSDDL.ParseSddlString(sddl, SecurableObjectType.WindowsService);

                if (parsedSddl["Owner"] != null)
                    assessedSddl.Add("Owner", parsedSddl["Owner"].ToString());
                    interestLevel = 4;

                if (parsedSddl["Group"] != null)
                    assessedSddl.Add("Group", parsedSddl["Group"].ToString());
                    interestLevel = 4;

                JObject assessedDacl = new JObject();
                if (parsedSddl["DACL"] != null)
                    string[] boringSidEndings = new string[]
                    { "-3-0", "-5-9", "5-18", "-512", "-519", "SY", "BA", "DA", "CO", "ED", "PA", "CG", "DD", "EA", "LA", };
                    string[] interestingSidEndings = new string[]
                    { "DU", "WD", "IU", "BU", "AN", "AU", "BG", "DC", "DG", "LG" };

                    foreach (JProperty ace in parsedSddl["DACL"].Children())
                        int    aceInterestLevel = 0;
                        string trusteeSid       = ace.Value["SID"].ToString();

                        bool boringUserPresent = false;
                        foreach (string boringSidEnding in boringSidEndings)
                            if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(boringSidEnding))
                                boringUserPresent = true;

                        bool interestingUserPresent = false;
                        foreach (string interestingSidEnding in interestingSidEndings)
                            if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(interestingSidEnding))
                                interestingUserPresent = true;

                        if (interestingUserPresent /* && interestingRightPresent*/)
                            aceInterestLevel = 10;
                        else if (boringUserPresent)
                            aceInterestLevel = 0;

                        if (aceInterestLevel >= GlobalVar.IntLevelToShow)
                            // pass the whole thing on

                    if (assessedDacl.HasValues)
                        assessedSddl.Add("DACL", assessedDacl);

            if (interestLevel >= GlobalVar.IntLevelToShow)
                if (assessedSddl.HasValues)
                    assessedSddl.AddFirst(new JProperty("RegKey", keyPath));
                    assessedSddl.Add("Inheritance", inheritanceString);
                    assessedRegKeys.Add(inc.ToString(), assessedSddl);

        if (assessedRegKeys.Count <= 0)

Example #3
    public static JObject GetDomainGpos()
            DirectoryEntry rootDse = new DirectoryEntry();
            DirectoryEntry root    = new DirectoryEntry();
            DirectoryEntry rootExtRightsContext = new DirectoryEntry();
            if (GlobalVar.UserDefinedDomainDn != null)
                rootDse = new DirectoryEntry(("LDAP://" + GlobalVar.UserDefinedDomain + "/rootDSE"), GlobalVar.UserDefinedUsername, GlobalVar.UserDefinedPassword);
                root    = new DirectoryEntry(("GC://" + rootDse.Properties["defaultNamingContext"].Value),
                                             GlobalVar.UserDefinedUsername, GlobalVar.UserDefinedPassword);
                string schemaContextString = rootDse.Properties["schemaNamingContext"].Value.ToString();
                rootExtRightsContext =
                    new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + schemaContextString.Replace("Schema", "Extended-Rights"),
                                       GlobalVar.UserDefinedUsername, GlobalVar.UserDefinedPassword);
                rootDse = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://rootDSE");
                root    = new DirectoryEntry("GC://" + rootDse.Properties["defaultNamingContext"].Value);
                string schemaContextString = rootDse.Properties["schemaNamingContext"].Value.ToString();
                rootExtRightsContext =
                    new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + schemaContextString.Replace("Schema", "Extended-Rights"));

            // make a searcher to find GPOs
            DirectorySearcher gpoSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(root)
                Filter        = "(objectClass=groupPolicyContainer)",
                SecurityMasks = SecurityMasks.Dacl | SecurityMasks.Owner

            SearchResultCollection gpoSearchResults = gpoSearcher.FindAll();

            // stolen from prashant - grabbing guids for extended rights
            Dictionary <string, string> guidDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            guidDict.Add("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "All");

            // and again where we grab all the Extended Rights
            DirectorySearcher rightsSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(rootExtRightsContext)
                Filter           = "(objectClass=controlAccessRight)",
                PropertiesToLoad = { "name", "rightsGUID" }

            SearchResultCollection extRightsResultCollection = rightsSearcher.FindAll();

            foreach (SearchResult extRightsResult in extRightsResultCollection)
                string extRightGuidString = extRightsResult.Properties["rightsguid"][0].ToString();
                string extRightNameString = extRightsResult.Properties["name"][0].ToString();
                // for some reason we hit a single duplicate in this lot. nfi what that's about. TODO - figure that out.
                    guidDict.Add(extRightGuidString, extRightNameString);
                catch (System.ArgumentException)
                    if (GlobalVar.DebugMode)
                        Utility.DebugWrite("Hit a duplicate GUID in extRightsResult");

            // new dictionary for data from each GPO to go into
            JObject gposData = new JObject();

            foreach (SearchResult gpoSearchResult in gpoSearchResults)
                // object for all data for this one gpo
                JObject        gpoData = new JObject();
                DirectoryEntry gpoDe   = gpoSearchResult.GetDirectoryEntry();
                // get some useful attributes of the gpo
                string gpoDispName = gpoDe.Properties["displayName"].Value.ToString();
                gpoData.Add("Display Name", gpoDispName);
                string gpoUid = gpoDe.Properties["name"].Value.ToString();
                gpoData.Add("UID", gpoUid);
                string gpoDn = gpoDe.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value.ToString();
                gpoData.Add("Distinguished Name", gpoDn);
                string gpoCreated = gpoDe.Properties["whenCreated"].Value.ToString();
                gpoData.Add("Created", gpoCreated);

                // 3= all disabled
                // 2= computer configuration settings disabled
                // 1= user policy disabled
                // 0 = all enabled
                string gpoFlags         = gpoDe.Properties["flags"].Value.ToString();
                string gpoEnabledStatus = "";
                switch (gpoFlags)
                case "0":
                    gpoEnabledStatus = "Enabled";

                case "1":
                    gpoEnabledStatus = "User Policy Disabled";

                case "2":
                    gpoEnabledStatus = "Computer Policy Disabled";

                case "3":
                    gpoEnabledStatus = "Disabled";

                    gpoEnabledStatus = "Couldn't process GPO Enabled Status. Weird.";
                gpoData.Add("GPO Status", gpoEnabledStatus);
                // get the acl
                ActiveDirectorySecurity gpoAcl = gpoDe.ObjectSecurity;
                // // Get the owner in a really dumb way
                // string gpoSddl = gpoAcl.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(AccessControlSections.Owner);
                // JObject parsedOwner = ParseSDDL.ParseSddlString(gpoSddl, SecurableObjectType.DirectoryServiceObject);
                // string gpoOwner = parsedOwner["Owner"].ToString();
                // gpoData.Add("Owner", gpoOwner);
                // make a JObject to put the stuff in
                JObject gpoAclJObject = new JObject();;

                AccessControlSections sections = AccessControlSections.All;
                string  sddlString             = gpoAcl.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(sections);
                JObject parsedSDDL             = ParseSDDL.ParseSddlString(sddlString, SecurableObjectType.DirectoryServiceObject);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> thing in parsedSDDL)
                    if (thing.Key == "Owner")
                        gpoAclJObject.Add("Owner", thing.Value.ToString());

                    if (thing.Key == "Group")
                        gpoAclJObject.Add("Group", thing.Value);

                    if (thing.Key == "DACL")
                        foreach (JProperty ace in thing.Value.Children())
                            int  aceInterestLevel        = 1;
                            bool interestingRightPresent = false;
                            if (ace.Value["Rights"] != null)
                                string[] intRightsArray0 = new string[]
                                    "WRITE_OWNER", "CREATE_CHILD", "WRITE_PROPERTY", "WRITE_DAC", "SELF_WRITE", "CONTROL_ACCESS"

                                foreach (string right in intRightsArray0)
                                    if (ace.Value["Rights"].Contains(right))
                                        interestingRightPresent = true;

                            string   trusteeSid       = ace.Value["SID"].ToString();
                            string[] boringSidEndings = new string[]
                            { "-3-0", "-5-9", "5-18", "-512", "-519", "SY", "BA", "DA", "CO", "ED", "PA", "CG", "DD", "EA", "LA", };
                            string[] interestingSidEndings = new string[]
                            { "DU", "WD", "IU", "BU", "AN", "AU", "BG", "DC", "DG", "LG" };

                            bool boringUserPresent = false;
                            foreach (string boringSidEnding in boringSidEndings)
                                if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(boringSidEnding))
                                    boringUserPresent = true;

                            bool interestingUserPresent = false;
                            foreach (string interestingSidEnding in interestingSidEndings)
                                if (trusteeSid.EndsWith(interestingSidEnding))
                                    interestingUserPresent = true;

                            if (interestingUserPresent && interestingRightPresent)
                                aceInterestLevel = 10;
                            else if (boringUserPresent)
                                aceInterestLevel = 0;

                            if (aceInterestLevel >= GlobalVar.IntLevelToShow)
                                // pass the whole thing on

                //add the JObject to our blob of data about the gpo
                if (gpoAclJObject.HasValues)
                    gpoData.Add("ACLs", gpoAclJObject);

                // then add all of the above to the big blob of data about all gpos
                gposData.Add(gpoUid, gpoData);

        catch (Exception exception)
