public void ParseNode(XElement parseNode, HtmlNode htmlNode) { foreach (XElement childNode in parseNode.DescendantNodes()) { switch (childNode.Name.ToString()) { case "Title": HtmlNode titleNode = nodeFromAttribute(htmlNode, childNode, "nodeXPath"); if (titleNode != null) { Title = ConvertHtmlText(titleNode.InnerText); AddHeading(Title, "Heading 1"); // Add the provider postfix eg. - Royal Children's Hospital, for display of the document title in EMR Title += ParentProvider.TitlePostfix; } break; case "Image": HtmlNode image = nodeFromAttribute(htmlNode, childNode, "urlXPath"); if (image != null) { AddWebImage(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(image.GetAttributeValue("src", "")), boolAttribute(childNode, "align", "right")); } break; case "Synonym": String xpath = stringAttribute(childNode, "nodesXPath"); if (xpath.Length > 0) { HtmlNodeCollection match = htmlNode.SelectNodes(xpath); if (match != null) { foreach (HtmlNode synonym in match) { AddSynonym(ConvertHtmlText(synonym.InnerText.Trim())); } } } break; case "Content": HtmlNode contentBaseNode = nodeFromAttribute(htmlNode, childNode, "nodeXPath"); if (contentBaseNode != null) { wantNewParagraph = true; newParagraphStyle = stringAttribute(childNode, "style"); WalkNodes(contentBaseNode, boolAttribute(childNode, "ignoreDivs")); } else { if (boolAttribute(childNode, "required")) { ParseIssues.Add(item: new ParseIssue { issue = "Could not find match content node", location = 0 }); LoadStatus = LoadStatusEnum.ParseError; return; } } break; case "Node": HtmlNode subNode = nodeFromAttribute(htmlNode, childNode, "nodeXPath"); if (subNode != null) { ParseNode(childNode, subNode); } break; } } }
public void WalkNodes(HtmlNode thisNode, bool ignoreDiv = false) { int strongStart = 0; int emphasisStart = 0; int underlineStart = 0; int superscriptStart = 0; int subscriptStart = 0; bool skipList = false; bool skipChildren = false; // Open tag logic switch (thisNode.NodeType) { case HtmlNodeType.Element: switch (thisNode.Name) { case "h1": NewParagraph("Heading 1"); break; case "h2": NewParagraph("Heading 2"); break; case "h3": case "h4": case "h5": case "h6": case "thead": NewParagraph("Heading 3"); break; case "blockspan": NewParagraph("Quote"); break; case "br": case "p": if (thisNode.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("highlighted")) { inHighlight = true; } break; case "ul": // Some pages have empty <ul> or <ol>... only start a list if there is a <li> item immediately below if (thisNode.SelectNodes("li") == null || insideList) { skipList = true; } else { StartBulletList(); } break; case "ol": // Some pages have empty <ul> or <ol>... only start a list if there is a <li> item immediately below if (thisNode.SelectNodes("li") == null || insideList) { skipList = true; } else { StartOrderedList(); } break; case "b": case "strong": strongStart = getCurrentCursorPosition(); latestBlockStart = -1; //Console.WriteLine("Bold start: {0}", getCurrentCursorPosition()); break; case "i": case "em": emphasisStart = getCurrentCursorPosition(); latestBlockStart = -1; break; case "u": underlineStart = getCurrentCursorPosition(); latestBlockStart = -1; break; case "h": break; case "div": // wantNewParagraph = true; break; case "img": string link = thisNode.GetAttributeValue("src", ""); if (link.Length > 0) { wantNewParagraph = true; AddWebImage(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(link)); } break; case "li": break; case "td": wantNewParagraph = true; break; case "sup": superscriptStart = getCurrentCursorPosition(); latestBlockStart = -1; break; case "sub": subscriptStart = getCurrentCursorPosition(); latestBlockStart = -1; break; case "del": skipChildren = true; break; case "span": case "a": case "tbody": case "tr": case "script": case "address": case "svg": case "path": case "article": case "figure": case "figcaption": // Accepted no implementation for now break; case "iframe": // YouTube embed code Regex youTubeEmbedRx = new Regex(@"youtube\.com\/embed\/(?<ytCode>[\w-]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // Vimeo embed code Regex vimeoEmbedRx = new Regex(@"player\.vimeo\.com\/video\/(?<vimeoCode>\w+)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // Try to detect embedded youtube video string sourceURL = thisNode.GetAttributeValue("src", ""); // Find matches. MatchCollection ytMatches = youTubeEmbedRx.Matches(sourceURL); MatchCollection vimeoMatches = vimeoEmbedRx.Matches(sourceURL); if (ytMatches.Count > 0) { // Report on each match. foreach (Match match in ytMatches) { GroupCollection groups = match.Groups; NewParagraph("Heading 3"); AddText("View YouTube Video"); NewParagraph(); InsertQRCode(new Uri("" + groups["ytCode"].Value)); } } else if (vimeoMatches.Count > 0) { // Report on each match. foreach (Match match in vimeoMatches) { // OK it's a Vimeo URL... GroupCollection groups = match.Groups; NewParagraph("Heading 3"); AddText("View Vimeo Video"); NewParagraph(); InsertQRCode(new Uri("" + groups["vimeoCode"].Value)); } } else { ParseIssues.Add(item: new ParseIssue { issue = "Unhandled IFrame URL:" + sourceURL, location = getCurrentCursorPosition() }); } break; case "table": ParseIssues.Add(item: new ParseIssue { issue = "Table Encountered, review needed", location = getCurrentCursorPosition() }); break; default: ParseIssues.Add(item: new ParseIssue { issue = "Unhandled Tag " + thisNode.Name, location = getCurrentCursorPosition() }); break; } break; case HtmlNodeType.Text: ConvertAndAddText(thisNode.InnerText); break; case HtmlNodeType.Comment: break; default: ParseIssues.Add(new ParseIssue { issue = "Unhandled Node Type " + thisNode.NodeType, location = getCurrentCursorPosition() }); break; } if (!skipChildren) { foreach (HtmlNode childNode in thisNode.ChildNodes) { if (ignoreDiv && childNode.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element && childNode.Name == "div") { continue; } WalkNodes(childNode); } } // Close tag logic switch (thisNode.NodeType) { case HtmlNodeType.Element: switch (thisNode.Name) { case "h1": case "h2": case "h3": case "h4": case "h5": case "h6": wantNewParagraph = true; break; case "ul": case "ol": if (!skipList) { EndList(); } break; case "li": wantNewParagraph = true; inHighlight = false; break; case "br": case "div": case "p": wantNewLine = true; inHighlight = false; break; case "b": case "strong": if (latestBlockStart != -1 && strongStart < latestBlockStart && latestBlockStart < currentRange.Start) { strongStart = latestBlockStart; } //Console.WriteLine("Bold end: {0} (check end: {1})", currentRange.End, thisDoc.Paragraphs.Last.Range.End); boldRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(strongStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); //strongRange.Font.Bold = 1; if (inHighlight) { highlightRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(strongStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); } break; case "i": case "em": if (latestBlockStart != -1 && emphasisStart < latestBlockStart && latestBlockStart < currentRange.Start) { emphasisStart = latestBlockStart; } emphasisRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(emphasisStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); if (inHighlight) { highlightRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(emphasisStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); } break; case "u": if (latestBlockStart != -1 && underlineStart < latestBlockStart && latestBlockStart < currentRange.Start) { underlineStart = latestBlockStart; } underlineRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(underlineStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); if (inHighlight) { highlightRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(underlineStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); } break; case "sub": if (latestBlockStart != -1 && subscriptStart < latestBlockStart && latestBlockStart < currentRange.Start) { subscriptStart = latestBlockStart; } subscriptRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(subscriptStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); if (inHighlight) { highlightRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(subscriptStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); } break; case "sup": if (latestBlockStart != -1 && superscriptStart < latestBlockStart && latestBlockStart < currentRange.Start) { superscriptStart = latestBlockStart; } subscriptRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(superscriptStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); if (inHighlight) { highlightRanges.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(superscriptStart, getCurrentCursorPosition())); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } }