protected async void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { await StartSling(); int NumJobsIDs = Str.Num(hfNumJobsIDs.Value); for (int i = 1; i <= NumJobsIDs; i++) { Int32 JobRno = Parm.Int("JobId_" + i.ToString()); if (JobRno > 0) { // add the shift await AddShift(JobRno); } } int NumSlingIDs = Str.Num(hfNumSlingIDs.Value); for (int i = 1; i <= NumSlingIDs; i++) { string SlingId = Parm.Str("SlingId_" + i.ToString()); if (SlingId != string.Empty) { // delete the shift await Sling.DeleteShift(Str.Num(SlingId)); } } await LoadData(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Int32 CustomerRno = Parm.Int("Customer"); string ExportId = Parm.Str("ExportId"); if (CustomerRno == 0) // || ExportId.Length == 0) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; if (CustomerRno == 0) { Response.Write("Missing customer number: ExportedCustomer.asx?Customer=nnn\n"); } //if (ExportId.Length == 0) //{ // Response.Write("Missing export ID: ExportedCustomer.asx?ExportId=xxx\n"); //} Response.End(); } else { string Sql = string.Format("Select Count(*) From mcJobs Where JobRno = {0}", CustomerRno); try { using (DB db = new DB()) { int Count = db.SqlNum(Sql); if (Count > 0) { //Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobs Set CustomerExportId = '{1}', CustomerExportDtTm = GetDate() Where JobRno = {0}", CustomerRno, ExportId); Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobs Set CustomerExportId = '{1}' Where JobRno = {0}", CustomerRno, ExportId); db.Exec(Sql); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("OK"); Response.Flush(); } else { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Customer not found"); Response.Flush(); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write(Ex.ToString()); Response.End(); } Response.End(); } }
private void SaveConversions(int IngredRno) { for (int iConversion = 1; iConversion <= cConversions; iConversion++) { int IngredConvRno = Parm.Int("hfIngredConvRno" + iConversion); decimal Qty = Str.Fract(Parm.Str("txtQty" + iConversion)); int RecipeUnitRno = Parm.Int("hfRecipeUnitRno" + iConversion); decimal PurchaseQty = Parm.Dec("hfPurchaseQty" + iConversion); int PurchaseUnitRno = Parm.Int("hfPurchaseUnitRno" + iConversion); string Sql = string.Empty; bool fRemove = Parm.Bool("chkRemove" + iConversion); if (!fRemove) { try { if (Qty > 0) { if (IngredConvRno == 0) { Sql = string.Format( "Insert Into IngredConv (IngredRno, PurchaseQty, PurchaseUnitRno, RecipeUnitRno, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values (" + "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, GetDate(), {4}); " + "Select Scope_Identity()", IngredRno, PurchaseQty, PurchaseUnitRno, RecipeUnitRno, DB.PutStr(g.User)); IngredConvRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); } Sql = string.Format( "Update IngredConv Set " + "RecipeQty = {1}, " + "UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), " + "UpdatedUser = {2} " + "Where IngredConvRno = {0}", IngredConvRno, Qty, DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // insure the user is logged in g.User = (string)Session["User"]; if (!(g.User == null || g.User == "")) { switch (Parm.Str("Action")) { case "SetNonPurchase": SetNonPurchase(Parm.Int("Rno"), Parm.Bool("NonPurchase")); break; } } }
private void Update() { bool fNew = (hfNewRecords.Value == "true"); DateTime Tm = DateTime.Now; int Count = (int)Str.Int64(hfCount.Value); for (int iRow = 1; iRow <= Count; iRow++) { int Seq = Parm.Int("hfSeq" + iRow); string sDescription = Parm.Str("hfDescription" + iRow); string sCaterer = Parm.Str("txtCaterer" + iRow); string sColor = Parm.Str("txtColor" + iRow); string sOrdered = Parm.Str("txtOrdered" + iRow); string sOther = Parm.Str("txtOther" + iRow); string Sql = string.Format(fNew ? "Insert Into JobLinens (JobRno, Seq, Description, Caterer, Color, Ordered, Other, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8})" : "Update JobLinens Set Caterer = {3}, Color = {4}, Ordered = {5}, Other = {6}, UpdatedDtTm = {7}, UpdatedUser = {8} Where JobRno = {0} and Seq = {1}", JobRno, Seq, DB.Put(sDescription, 20), DB.Put(sCaterer, 60), DB.Put(sColor, 20), DB.Put(sOrdered, 20), DB.Put(sOther, 60), DB.PutDtTm(Tm), DB.PutStr(g.User)); try { db.Exec(Sql); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // insure the user is logged in g.User = (string)Session["User"]; if (!(g.User == null || g.User == "")) { switch (Parm.Str("Action")) { case "SetAsHidden": SetAsHidden(Parm.Int("Rno"), Parm.Bool("Hide")); break; case "MarkAsIs": MarkAsIs(Parm.Int("Rno"), Parm.Bool("AsIs")); break; case "Recipe": Recipe(Parm.Int("Rno"), Parm.Int("RecipeRno")); break; } } }
private void Setup() { string Rno = Parm.Str("Rno"); if (Rno.Length > 0) { fStartHere = true; string Sql = string.Format("Select Name From Ingredients Where IngredRno = {0}", Rno); try { StartHere = db.SqlStr(Sql); //Response.Write("Setup " + StartHere + "<br/>"); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } LoadList(); //LoadConversions(); }
protected void SaveUpdates() { string Sql = string.Empty; try { DB db = new DB(); int cLines = Str.Num(hfNumLines.Value); for (int i = 0; i < cLines; i++) { int JobFoodRno = Parm.Int(string.Format("hfJobFoodRno{0}", i)); int SortOrder = Parm.Int(string.Format("hfSortOrder{0}", i)); bool fProposalTitle = Parm.Bool(string.Format("hfTitle{0}", i)); string Proposal = Parm.Str(string.Format("txtProposal{0}", i)); //bool fDelete = Parm.Bool(string.Format("chkDelete{0}", i)); bool fHide = Parm.Bool(string.Format("hfHide{0}", i)); DateTime Tm = DateTime.Now; // if deleting a title if (fHide && Proposal.Length == 0) { Sql = string.Format("Delete From mcJobFood Where JobFoodRno = {0}", JobFoodRno); db.Exec(Sql); } else { // if a new title or item if (JobFoodRno == 0) { // add to the menu Sql = string.Format( "Insert Into mcJobFood (JobRno, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values ({0}, {1}, {2}); Select @@Identity", JobRno, DB.PutDtTm(Tm), DB.PutStr(g.User)); JobFoodRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); } Sql = string.Format("Select MenuItemRno From mcJobFood Where JobFoodRno = {0}", JobFoodRno); int MenuItemRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); // update group title or menu item Sql = string.Format( "Update mcJobFood Set ProposalSeq = {1}, ProposalMenuItem = {2}, ProposalTitleFlg = {3}, ProposalHideFlg = {4} Where JobFoodRno = {0}", JobFoodRno, SortOrder, DB.PutStr(Proposal, 1000), DB.PutBool(fProposalTitle), DB.PutBool(fHide)); db.Exec(Sql); } } db.Close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } }
private void SaveUpdates() { string Sql = string.Empty; try { DB db = new DB(); int cItems = Str.Num(hfNumItems.Value); for (int i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { int Rno = Parm.Int(string.Format("hfRno{0}", i)); string Value = Parm.Str(string.Format("hfValue{0}", i)); string NewValue = Parm.Str(string.Format("txtValue{0}", i)); int Seq = Parm.Int(string.Format("hfSeq{0}", i)); bool fDelete = Parm.Bool(string.Format("hfDelete{0}", i)); if (Rno == 0) { if (!fDelete) { Sql = string.Format("Insert Into mcJobSupplies (JobRno, SupplyItem, SupplySeq, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values (0, {0}, {1}, GetDate(), {2})", DB.PutStr(NewValue), Seq, DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); } } else { if (!fDelete) { Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobSupplies Set SupplySeq = {1}, UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), UpdatedUser = {2} Where SupplyRno = {0}", Rno, Seq, DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); // has the Value text itself changed? if (NewValue != Value) { // has changed, update Value values Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobSupplies Set SupplyItem = {1} Where SupplyRno = {0}", Rno, DB.PutStr(NewValue)); db.Exec(Sql); } } else { Sql = string.Format("Delete From mcJobSupplies Where SupplyRno = {0}", Rno); db.Exec(Sql); } } } db.Close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } }
// save (insert or update) the menu food items for the job private void SaveFood() { cItems = Str.Num(hfNumItems.Value); for (int iItem = 1; iItem <= cItems; iItem++) { //TableRow tr = tblFood.Rows[iItem]; //CheckBox chkRemove = (CheckBox)tr.FindControl("chkRemove" + iItem); bool fRemoved = Utils.Parm.Bool("chkRemove" + iItem); //if (chkRemove != null && !chkRemove.Checked) if (!fRemoved) { //Int32 FoodSeq = Str.Num(WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtFoodSeq" + iItem)); Int32 FoodSeq = Utils.Parm.Int("txtFoodSeq" + iItem); Int32 JobFoodRno = Utils.Parm.Int("hfJobFoodRno" + iItem); //String Category = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtCategory" + iItem); string Category = Utils.Parm.Str("txtCategory" + iItem); //String OrigCategory = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtOrigCategory" + iItem); string OrigCategory = Utils.Parm.Str("txtOrigCategory" + iItem); //String MenuItem = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtMenuItem" + iItem); string MenuItem = Utils.Parm.Str("txtMenuItem" + iItem); //String OrigMenuItem = FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtOrigMenuItem" + iItem); string OrigMenuItem = Utils.Parm.Str("hfOrigMenuItem" + iItem); string Proposal = Parm.Str("hfProposal" + iItem); int KitchenLocRno = Parm.Int("hfLocRno" + iItem); bool OneTime = Parm.Bool("hfOneTime" + iItem); bool IngredSelFlg = Parm.Bool("hfIngredSelFlg" + iItem); bool OrigIngredSelFlg = Parm.Bool("hfOrigIngredSelFlg" + iItem); string IngredSel = Parm.Str("hfIngredSel" + iItem); string OrigIngredSel = Parm.Str("hfOrigIngredSel" + iItem); ////String QtyNote = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtQtyNote" + iItem); ////String OrigQtyNote = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtOrigQtyNote" + iItem); //int Qty = Str.Num(WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtQty" + iItem)); int Qty = Utils.Parm.Int("txtQty" + iItem); //int OrigQty = Str.Num(WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtOrigQty" + iItem)); int OrigQty = Utils.Parm.Int("txtOrigQty" + iItem); //String ServiceNote = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtServiceNote" + iItem); string ServiceNote = Utils.Parm.Str("txtServiceNote" + iItem); //String OrigServiceNote = WebPage.FindTextBox(ref tr, "txtOrigServiceNote" + iItem); string OrigServiceNote = Utils.Parm.Str("txtOrigServiceNote" + iItem); if (Category != OrigCategory || MenuItem != OrigMenuItem || //QtyNote != OrigQtyNote || IngredSelFlg != OrigIngredSelFlg || IngredSel != OrigIngredSel || (Qty != OrigQty && (Category != "" || MenuItem != "" || ServiceNote != "")) || ServiceNote != OrigServiceNote) { DateTime Tm = DateTime.Now; String Sql = ""; try { //if (FoodSeq == 0) if (JobFoodRno == 0) { FoodSeq = db.NextSeq("mcJobFood", "JobRno", JobRno, "FoodSeq"); Sql = "Insert Into mcJobFood (JobRno, FoodSeq, ProposalSeq, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values (" + JobRno + ", " + FoodSeq + ", " + FoodSeq + ", " + DB.PutDtTm(Tm) + ", " + DB.PutStr(g.User) + ") " + "Select @@Identity"; JobFoodRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); } int MenuItemRno = FindOrAddMenuItem(Category, MenuItem, Proposal, KitchenLocRno, OneTime); //Response.Write(string.Format("Category [{0}] OrigMenuItem [{1}] MenuItem [{2}] Proposal [{3}] ", Category, OrigMenuItem, MenuItem, Proposal)); string MenuItemProposal = GetMenuItemProposal(MenuItemRno); if (Proposal.Length == 0) { Proposal = MenuItemProposal; if (Proposal.Length == 0) { Proposal = MenuItem; } } if (IngredSelFlg && IngredSel.Length > 0 && Proposal.CompareTo(MenuItemProposal) == 0) { Sql = string.Format( "Select Coalesce(i.Name, r.Name) As Name " + "From RecipeIngredXref x " + "Left Join Ingredients i On i.IngredRno = x.IngredRno " + "Left Join Recipes r On r.RecipeRno = x.SubrecipeRno " + "Where x.RecipeIngredRno In ({0}) " + "Order By Name", IngredSel); DataTable dtIngred = db.DataTable(Sql); if (dtIngred.Rows.Count > 0) { Proposal += " - "; foreach (DataRow drIngred in dtIngred.Rows) { Proposal += DB.Str(drIngred["Name"]) + ", "; } Proposal = Proposal.Substring(0, Proposal.Length - 2); } } //Response.Write(string.Format("Proposal [{0}]<br />", Proposal)); Sql = "Update mcJobFood Set " + "Category = " + DB.PutStr(Category, 50) + ", " + "MenuItem = " + DB.PutStr(MenuItem, 50) + ", " + "MenuItemRno = " + MenuItemRno + ", " + //"QtyNote = " + DB.PutStr(QtyNote, 128) + ", " + "Qty = " + Qty + ", " + "ServiceNote = " + DB.PutStr(ServiceNote, 128) + ", " + "ProposalMenuItem = " + DB.PutStr(Proposal, 100) + ", " + "IngredSelFlg = " + DB.PutBool(IngredSelFlg) + ", " + "IngredSel = " + DB.PutStr(IngredSel) + ", " + "UpdatedDtTm = " + DB.PutDtTm(Tm) + ", " + "UpdatedUser = "******" " + //"Where JobRno = " + JobRno + " " + //"And FoodSeq = " + FoodSeq; "Where JobFoodRno = " + JobFoodRno; db.Exec(Sql); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } } } }
private void SaveDetails(int Rno) { // force a refresh of last purchase prices Ingred.LoadIngredPurchases(); for (int iDetail = 1; iDetail <= cDetails; iDetail++) { bool fRemove = Parm.Bool("chkRemove" + iDetail); int OrigIngredRno = Parm.Int("hfOrigIngredRno" + iDetail); int IngredRno = Parm.Int("hfIngredRno" + iDetail); if (!fRemove) { int PurchaseDetailRno = Parm.Int("hfPurchaseDetailRno" + iDetail); bool fNewRec = (PurchaseDetailRno == 0); bool fStockedFlg = Parm.Bool("hfStocked" + iDetail); string Ingredient = Parm.Str("txtIngredient" + iDetail); decimal PurchaseQty = Str.Fract(Parm.Str("txtPurchaseQty" + iDetail)); decimal UnitQty = Str.Fract(Parm.Str("txtUnitQty" + iDetail)); int UnitRno = Parm.Int("hfUnitRno" + iDetail); decimal Price = (Parm.Dec("txtPrice" + iDetail)); DateTime Tm = DateTime.Now; String Sql = ""; try { // if a new ingredient, create it if (Ingredient.Length > 0) { if (IngredRno == 0) { // first off, lets see if there is an ingredient with this name, just in case there already is one, probably hidden Sql = string.Format("Select IngredRno, HideFlg From Ingredients Where Name = {0}", DB.PutStr(Ingredient)); DataRow dr = db.DataRow(Sql); if (dr != null) { // the ingredient does indeed exist IngredRno = DB.Int32(dr["IngredRno"]); bool fHide = DB.Bool(dr["HideFlg"]); if (fHide) { // it is hidden, so now unhide it Sql = string.Format("Update Ingredients Set HideFlg = 0 Where IngredRno = {0}", IngredRno); db.Exec(Sql); } } else { // the indgredient does indeed not exist, so create it Sql = string.Format( "Insert Into Ingredients (Name, StockedFlg, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) " + "Values ({0}, {1}, GetDate(), {2});" + "Select Scope_Identity()", DB.PutStr(Ingredient), DB.PutBool(fStockedFlg), DB.PutStr(g.User)); IngredRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); } } if (PurchaseDetailRno == 0) { Sql = string.Format( "Insert Into PurchaseDetails (PurchaseRno, IngredRno, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) " + "Values ({0}, {1}, GetDate(), {2});" + "Select Scope_Identity()", Rno, IngredRno, DB.PutStr(g.User)); PurchaseDetailRno = db.SqlNum(Sql); } Sql = string.Format( "Update PurchaseDetails Set " + "IngredRno = {1}, " + "PurchaseQty = {2}, " + "PurchaseUnitQty = {3}, " + "PurchaseUnitRno = {4}, " + "Price = {5}, " + "UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), " + "UpdatedUser = {6} " + "Where PurchaseDetailRno = {0}", PurchaseDetailRno, IngredRno, PurchaseQty, UnitQty, UnitRno, Price, DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); // update the ingredient prices Ingred.UpdateWithLastPrice(IngredRno); } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } // if the deleted or changed, update the original ingredient prices if (fRemove || IngredRno != OrigIngredRno) { Ingred.UpdateWithLastPrice(OrigIngredRno); } } }
protected void SaveValues() { string Sql = string.Format("Select PropCreatedDtTm From mcJobs Where JobRno = {0}", JobRno); try { DateTime dtCreated = db.SqlDtTm(Sql); Sql = string.Format( "Update mcJobs Set " + "ServicePropDesc = {1}, " + "DeliveryPropDesc = {2}, " + "ChinaPropDesc = {3}, " + "AddServicePropDesc = {4}, " + "FuelTravelPropDesc = {5}, " + "FacilityPropDesc = {6}, " + "RentalsPropDesc = {7}, " + "Adj1PropDesc = {8}, " + "Adj2PropDesc = {9}, " + "ServicePropDescCustFlg = {10}, " + "DeliveryPropDescCustFlg = {11}, " + "ChinaPropDescCustFlg = {12}, " + "AddServicePropDescCustFlg = {13}, " + "FuelTravelPropDescCustFlg = {14}, " + "FacilityPropDescCustFlg = {15}, " + "RentalsPropDescCustFlg = {16}, " + "ServicePropOptions = '{17}', " + "DeliveryPropOptions = '{18}', " + "ChinaPropOptions = '{19}', " + "AddServicePropOptions = '{20}', " + "FuelTravelPropOptions = '{21}', " + "FacilityPropOptions = '{22}', " + "RentalsPropOptions = '{23}', " + "EstTotPropDesc = {24}, " + "EstTotPropDescCustFlg = {25}, " + "DepositPropDesc = {26}, " + "DepositPropDescCustFlg = {27}, " + "Prop{28}DtTm = '{29}', " + "Prop{28}User = '******' " + "Where JobRno = {0}", JobRno, DB.PutStr(txtServiceDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtDeliveryDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtChinaDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtAddServiceDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtFuelTravelDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtFacilityDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtRentalsDesc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtAdj1Desc.Text, 1000), DB.PutStr(txtAdj2Desc.Text, 1000), hfServiceCustomized.Value, hfDeliveryCustomized.Value, hfChinaCustomized.Value, hfAddServiceCustomized.Value, hfFuelTravelCustomized.Value, hfFacilityCustomized.Value, hfRentalsCustomized.Value, ResponseOptions(Service), ResponseOptions(Delivery), ResponseOptions(China), ResponseOptions(AddService), ResponseOptions(FuelTravel), ResponseOptions(Facility), ResponseOptions(Rentals), DB.PutStr(txtTotalDesc.Text, 1000), hfTotalCustomized.Value, DB.PutStr(txtDepositDesc.Text, 1000), hfDepositCustomized.Value, (dtCreated == DateTime.MinValue ? "Created" : "Updated"), DateTime.Now, g.User); // job info db.Exec(Sql); // prices Sql = string.Format("Select * From JobInvoicePrices Where JobRno = {0} Order By Seq", JobRno); DataTable dtPrices = db.DataTable(Sql); foreach (DataRow drPrice in dtPrices.Rows) { int Rno = DB.Int32(drPrice["Rno"]); string PriceType = DB.Str(drPrice["PriceType"]); switch (PriceType) { case Misc.cnPerPerson: Sql = string.Format( "Update JobInvoicePrices Set PropPerPersonDesc = {1}, PropPerPersonDescCustFlg = {2}, PropPerPersonOptions = {3} Where Rno = {0}", Rno, DB.Put(Parm.Str(string.Format("txtPrice_{0}", Rno))), DB.Put(Parm.Str(string.Format("hfPriceCustomized_{0}", Rno))), DB.Put(ResponseOptions(PerPerson))); db.Exec(Sql); break; case Misc.cnPerItem: Sql = string.Format( "Update JobInvoicePrices Set PropPerItemDesc = {1}, PropPerItemDescCustFlg = {2} Where Rno = {0}", Rno, DB.Put(Parm.Str(string.Format("txtPrice_{0}", Rno))), Parm.Str(string.Format("hfPriceCustomized_{0}", Rno))); db.Exec(Sql); break; case Misc.cnAllIncl: Sql = string.Format( "Update JobInvoicePrices Set PropAllInclDesc = {1}, PropAllInclDescCustFlg = {2} Where Rno = {0}", Rno, DB.Put(Parm.Str(string.Format("txtPrice_{0}", Rno))), Parm.Str(string.Format("hfPriceCustomized_{0}", Rno))); db.Exec(Sql); break; } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } }
private void SaveUpdates() { string Sql = string.Empty; try { DB db = new DB(); int cCats = Str.Num(hfNumCats.Value); for (int i = 0; i < cCats; i++) { string Category = Parm.Str(string.Format("hfCategory{0}", i)); string NewCategory = Parm.Str(string.Format("txtCategory{0}", i)); if (Category.Length > 0 || Category.Length == 0 && NewCategory.Length == 0) { //Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobMenuCategories Set SortOrder = {1}, MultSelFlg = {2}, HideFlg = {3}, UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), UpdatedUser = {4} Where Category = {0}", // DB.PutStr(Category), // Parm.Int(string.Format("hfSortOrder{0}", i)), // (Parm.Bool(string.Format("chkMultSel{0}", i)) ? 1 : 0), // (Parm.Bool(string.Format("chkHide{0}", i)) ? 1 : 0), // DB.PutStr(g.User)); Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobMenuCategories Set SortOrder = {1}, UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), UpdatedUser = {2} Where Category = {0}", DB.PutStr(Category), Parm.Int(string.Format("hfSortOrder{0}", i)), DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); // has the category text itself changed? if (NewCategory != Category && NewCategory.Length > 0) { // has changed, update category values Sql = string.Format( "Update mcJobMenuCategories Set Category = {1} Where Category = {0}; " + "Update mcJobMenuItems Set Category = {1}, UpdatedDtTm = GetDate(), UpdatedUser = {2} Where Category = {0}; ", DB.PutStr(Category), DB.PutStr(NewCategory), DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); } } else { //if (NewCategory.Length > 0) { Sql = string.Format("Insert Into mcJobMenuCategories (Category, SortOrder, MultSelFlg, HideFlg, CreatedDtTm, CreatedUser) Values ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, GetDate(), {4})", DB.PutStr(NewCategory), Parm.Int(string.Format("hfSortOrder{0}", i)), (Parm.Bool(string.Format("chkMultSel{0}", i)) ? 1 : 0), (Parm.Bool(string.Format("chkHide{0}", i)) ? 1 : 0), DB.PutStr(g.User)); db.Exec(Sql); } } } db.Close(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } }