public void EndDialog() { if (Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentDialog() != null) { Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentDialog().TriggerDialogEnd(); GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <Global>().timeScale2 = 1; } }
/** * DidJump is fired from ThirdPersonControler when the player pressed Jump * * We want to fire an event "Jump" onto the quests each time the player jumps, but only when that quest is enabled for performance reasons. * */ void DidJump() { if (broadcastjumps) { // The code below fires a Quest Event "Jump" into Parley Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent("Jump"); } }
public void Update() { if (!showQuests && Input.GetButtonUp(showQuestsAction) && !Parley.GetInstance().IsInGui()) { Parley.GetInstance().SetInGui(true); showQuests = true; SendMessage("QuestsStarted", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewState[this.ClientID + "_ParleyId"] != null) { int parleyId = Int32.Parse((string)ViewState[this.ClientID + "_ParleyId"]); _parley = Parley.FromIdentity(parleyId); CreateDynamicControls(); } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) { if (bumpon && "Player".Equals(collider.gameObject.tag)) { bridge.rigidbody.useGravity = true; //RotateBridge(); Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent("BridgeKnocked"); gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public void SelectQuest(Quest q) { currentQuest = q; if (q != null) { questText = Parley.GetInstance().EmbedEnviromentalInformation(q.description + "\n\n" + q.GetObjectivesSummary()); questTextStartSec = Time.time; } }
void Update() { if (!showMenu && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape) && !Parley.GetInstance().IsInGui()) { showMenu = true; state = State.Menu; Parley.GetInstance().SetInGui(true); } //showMenu = true; }
public void Awake() { LoadDialog(); playerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); // Add this to the parley list if (!Parley.GetInstance().GetDialogs().ContainsKey(dialogname)) { Parley.GetInstance().GetDialogs().Add(dialogname, this); } }
public void Load() { if (noLoad) { return; } GameObject.Find("Loading Text").guiText.enabled = true; Parley.GetInstance().GetComponent <SaveLoadGui>().Load("DROD RPG Savefile 2.txt"); LevelSerializer.LoadSavedLevelFromFile("DROD RPG Savefile.txt"); GameObject.Find("Loading Text").guiText.enabled = false; }
public void TriggerQuestEvent(string questEvent) { if (questEvent.Contains("!")) { Parley.GetInstance().GetQuestEventSet().Remove(questEvent.Replace("!", "")); } else { Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent(questEvent); } }
public void UpdateAvailability() { _available = !_seen || !once; if (_available && questrequirement != null && questrequirement.Length > 0) { _available = Parley.GetInstance().IsRequirementTrue(questrequirement); } if (_available && environmentalrequirement != null && environmentalrequirement.Length > 0) { _available = Parley.GetInstance().IsEnvironmentalRequirementTrue(environmentalrequirement); } }
public void Save() { if (noSave) { return; } GameObject.Find("Saving Text").guiText.enabled = true; Parley.GetInstance().GetComponent <SaveLoadGui>().Save("DROD RPG Savefile 2.txt"); LevelSerializer.SerializeLevelToFile("DROD RPG Savefile.txt"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Saved", 1); GameObject.Find("Saving Text").guiText.enabled = false; }
public void StartDialog(string str) { if (GameObject.Find(str) != null) { GameObject.Find(str).GetComponent <Dialog>().TriggerDialog(); } else { Parley.GetInstance().SetCurrentDialog(int.Parse(str)); Debug.Log("YAY"); } }
public void TestQuestDone(string questEvent = null) { // If started test against each quest option if (open) { // Test each option bool done = true; foreach (Objective o in objectives) { if ( == false && Parley.GetInstance().IsRequirementTrue(o.questrequirement)) { = true; if (o.activeevent != null && o.activeevent.Length > 0) { Parley.GetInstance().StartEventActive(o.activeevent); } } if (questEvent != null && o.TriggerQuestEvent(questEvent)) { lastEffected = Time.time; } if (!o.optional && !o.completed) { done = false; } } // Mark this quest as completed and fire events if (readyToHandIn == false && done == true) { Debug.Log("Parley: Completed quest " + name); readyToHandIn = done; lastEffected = Time.time; status = "Completed"; if (!boundInDialog) { CompleteQuest(); } else { FireQuestHasChanged(); } } else { UpdateStatus(); } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); Parley parley = (Parley)target; bool showDebug = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Debug Info", parley.showDebug, new GUILayoutOption[0]); bool clearFlag = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Clear At Start", parley.clearAtStartOfScene, new GUILayoutOption[0]); int oldAct = actProperty.intValue; int oldScene = sceneProperty.intValue; int newAct = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Act", oldAct, ParleyMenu.GetActs(), new GUILayoutOption[0]); int newScene = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Scene", newAct != oldAct?0:oldScene, ParleyMenu.GetActsScenes()[ParleyMenu.GetActs()[newAct]], new GUILayoutOption[0]); if (oldAct != newAct || oldScene != newScene || showDebugProperty.boolValue != showDebug || clearDebugProperty.boolValue != clearFlag) { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Change Act and Scene"); sceneProperty.intValue = newScene; actProperty.intValue = newAct; showDebugProperty.boolValue = showDebug; clearDebugProperty.boolValue = clearFlag; // Set new resources LoadQuests(); if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties() || (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed")) { serializedObject.Update(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Reload Quests for scene")) { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("Reload Parley quests"); LoadQuests(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } parley.showEditorQuests = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(parley.showEditorQuests, "Quests"); if (parley.showEditorQuests) { for (int x = 0; x < questListProperty.arraySize; x++) { EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((TextAsset)questListProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(x).objectReferenceValue, typeof(TextAsset)); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if ( == "Player") { Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent(questEvent); if (dialogGoName != "") { GameObject.Find(dialogGoName).GetComponent <Dialog>().TriggerDialog(); } renderer.enabled = false; if (destroy) { Destroy(gameObject); } } }
/** * This returns all the current Options available at this stage in the Dialog. * * These need to presented to the user. * */ protected List <Option> GetCurrentConversationOptions() { if (currentOptions == null && conversation.options != null) { currentOptions = new List <Option>(); foreach (Option o in conversation.options) { if (o._available) { o.displaytext = Parley.GetInstance().EmbedEnviromentalInformation(o.text); currentOptions.Add(o); } } } return(currentOptions); }
private void PopulateParleyData() { int parleyId = Int32.Parse(this.DropParleys.SelectedValue); _parley = Parley.FromIdentity(parleyId); Ledger.Accounts = FinancialAccounts.FromSingle(_parley.Budget); int year = DateTime.Today.Year; Ledger.DateStart = _parley.CreatedDateTime.Date; Ledger.DateEnd = new DateTime(year, 12, 31); Ledger.MaxAmount = 1.0e12m; Ledger.Populate(); CreateDynamicControls(); }
public static void Load(StreamUnpacker su) { // Reset Scene quests Parley.GetInstance().LoadSceneQuests(); int n = su.ReadInt(); Parley.GetInstance().GetCompletedQuests().Clear(); for (int t = 0; t < n; t++) { Parley.GetInstance().GetCompletedQuests().Add(UnpackQuest(su)); } n = su.ReadInt(); Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentQuests().Clear(); for (int t = 0; t < n; t++) { Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentQuests().Add(UnpackQuest(su)); } // Bring quests in line Parley.GetInstance().SyncQuests(); Debug.LogError(su.ReadString()); // Unpack all events string[] allEvents = su.ReadStrings(); HashSet <string> questEvents = Parley.GetInstance().GetQuestEventSet(); questEvents.Clear(); foreach (string s in allEvents) { questEvents.Add(s); } Debug.LogError(su.ReadString()); int activeEvents = su.ReadInt(); Parley.GetInstance().GetActiveEvents().Clear(); for (int t = 0; t < activeEvents; t++) { Parley.GetInstance().GetActiveEvents().Add(su.ReadString()); } Debug.LogError(su.ReadString()); }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if ( == "Player" && attackTimer > attackRate) { attackTimer = 0; player.hp--; if (player.hp <= 0) { if (Application.loadedLevelName == "Survival") { Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); } if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Saved", 0) == 1) { player.Load(); } else { Application.LoadLevel(0); } } } else if ( == "PlayerSword" && player.attackTimer > player.attackRate && other.transform.position.normalized * Mathf.Round(other.transform.position.magnitude) == transform.position.normalized * Mathf.Round(transform.position.magnitude)) { player.attackTimer = 0; hp -= damage; if (hp <= 0) { player.score += 1; if (player.score > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Score", 0)) { if (player.survival) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Score", player.score); } } player.kills++; if (player.kills == 1) { Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent("EnemyKilled"); } += gold; Destroy(gameObject); } } }
/** * End Dialog is called by you when the Player decides to End the Dialog. * * Either through a close button or by moving too far away. Any number of situations. * You can casually call EndDialog from within your code all Dialog end cleanup * code should be added to your method implementing DialogEnded. * */ public void EndDialog() { // change camera back if (oldCamera != null) { dialog.dialogCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); oldCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); } // Broadcast to player and this object that we have finished a dialog BroadcastMessage("DialogEnded", dialog, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").BroadcastMessage("DialogEnded", dialog, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); Parley.GetInstance().SetCurrentDialog(null); Parley.GetInstance().SetInGui(false); SendMessage("TriggerDialogEnd", this, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver); }
private void ShowQuestList() { int q = 0; List <Quest> quests = Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentQuests(); for (int t = quests.Count - 1; t >= 0; t--) { Quest qq = quests[t]; if (qq.GetStatus() != "" && qq.GetStatus() != "Completed") { Rect currentQuestDisplay = new Rect(Screen.width - 190, Screen.height - 70 - 80 * q, 180, 60); GUI.BeginGroup(currentQuestDisplay,; GUI.Label(new Rect(3, 20, currentQuestDisplay.width - 6, currentQuestDisplay.height - 23), qq.GetStatus()); GUI.EndGroup(); q++; } } }
public void Awake() { instance=this; if (clearAtStartOfScene){ ResetQuests(); } // Add all known evalauations to list the order does matter as we must evaulate so that smaller string wont be confused to the longer ones. // EG = could easily be picked up with >= so we make sure >= is in the list first. evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEqualOrLessThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEqualOrGreaterThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateLessThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateGreaterThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateNotEquals()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEquals()); LoadSceneQuests(); SyncQuests(); }
private void DrawButtons() { List <Quest> quests = Parley.GetInstance().GetQuests(); foreach (Quest q in quests) { if ( { if (GUILayout.Button( { SelectQuest(q); } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Resume game")) { CloseQuestDialog(); } }
private object GetTerm(string termString) { // Is this a string if (termString.StartsWith("'") || termString.StartsWith("\"")) { return(termString.Substring(1, termString.Length - 2)); } else if ("0123456789-+".IndexOf(termString.Substring(0, 1)) != -1) { // Ok we are a number // Int or float? if (termString.IndexOf(".") != -1) { return(float.Parse(termString)); } else { return(int.Parse(termString)); } } else { // This is hopefully an enviromental term ParleyEnviromentInfo info = Parley.GetInstance().GetParleyEnviromentInfo(); if (info != null) { object o = info.GetEnviromentInfo(termString); if (o == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Parley: Enviromental Term requested and not found '" + termString + "'"); return(-1); } return(o); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Parley: Enviromental Term requested but not ParleyEnviromentInfo service has been registered."); return(-1); } } }
public static void Save(StreamPacker sp) { // Pack all quests List <Quest> quests = Parley.GetInstance().GetCompletedQuests(); sp.WriteInt(quests.Count); foreach (Quest q in quests) { PackQuest(sp, q); } quests = Parley.GetInstance().GetCurrentQuests(); sp.WriteInt(quests.Count); foreach (Quest q in quests) { PackQuest(sp, q); } sp.WriteString("Pack1"); // Pack all events HashSet <string> questEvents = Parley.GetInstance().GetQuestEventSet(); string[] allEvents = new string[questEvents.Count]; int c = 0; foreach (string s in questEvents) { allEvents[c++] = s; } sp.WriteStrings(allEvents); sp.WriteString("Pack2"); // Pack all active quest events sp.WriteInt(Parley.GetInstance().GetActiveEvents().Count); foreach (string s in Parley.GetInstance().GetActiveEvents()) { sp.WriteString(s); } sp.WriteString("Pack3"); }
public void Awake() { instance = this; if (clearAtStartOfScene) { ResetQuests(); } // Add all known evalauations to list the order does matter as we must evaulate so that smaller string wont be confused to the longer ones. // EG = could easily be picked up with >= so we make sure >= is in the list first. evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEqualOrLessThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEqualOrGreaterThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateLessThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateGreaterThen()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateNotEquals()); evaluations.Add(new EvaluateEquals()); LoadSceneQuests(); SyncQuests(); }
public void TriggerQuestEvent(string questEvent) { // Do nothing if this quest is finished allready if (completed) { return; } // Check if we can start this quest if (!open) { available = Parley.GetInstance().IsRequirementTrue(questrequirement); if (available && !boundInDialog) { StartQuest(); } } TestQuestDone(questEvent); }
public void CompleteQuest() { if (playerCommands != null && playerCommands.Length > 0) { Parley.GetInstance().ExecutePlayerCommands(null, playerCommands); } GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").BroadcastMessage("FinishedQuest", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); // Fire quest event if (questevent != null && questevent.Length > 0) { Parley.GetInstance().TriggerQuestEvent(questevent); } Parley.GetInstance().QuestCompleted(this); completed = true; lastEffected = Time.time; if (activeevent != null && activeevent.Length > 0) { Parley.GetInstance().StopEventActive(activeevent); } FireQuestHasChanged(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string parleyIdString = Request.QueryString["ParleyId"]; int parleyId = Int32.Parse(parleyIdString); _parley = Parley.FromIdentity(parleyId); this.LabelConference.Text = _parley.Name; string bgColor = Request.QueryString["BackgroundColor"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bgColor)) { this.BodyTag.Style["background-color"] = "#" + bgColor.Substring(0, 6); // safety net against code injection - cut to six chars } this.TextNameFirst.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width] = "100px"; this.TextNameLast.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width] = "150px"; this.TextEmail.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width] = "260px"; this.TextEmail2.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width] = "260px"; PopulateOptions(); }
public string GetObjectivesSummary(bool abridged = false) { string summary = ""; ParleyEnviromentInfo[] infoSets = new ParleyEnviromentInfo[2]; infoSets[1] = Parley.GetInstance().GetParleyEnviromentInfo(); ParleyEnviromentInfoCombiner pic = new ParleyEnviromentInfoCombiner(infoSets); foreach (Objective o in objectives) { infoSets[0] = o; if ( { if (abridged) { if (!o.completed) { summary += Parley.GetInstance().EmbedEnviromentalInformation(o.GetStatus() + "\n", pic); } } else { if (o.completed) { summary += Parley.GetInstance().EmbedEnviromentalInformation(" - " + o.GetStatus() + " (" + (o.optional?"Optional, ":"") + "done)\n", pic); } else { summary += Parley.GetInstance().EmbedEnviromentalInformation(" - " + o.GetStatus() + (o.optional?" (Optional)":"") + "\n", pic); } } } } return(summary); }