Example #1
        public JsonResult GetParks(string address, string expectedHour)
            // TODO check that the string is valid (not an attack)

            double parsedHouer = expectedHour == "" ? 0.0 : double.Parse(expectedHour);

            //CityPark API + finder
            GeoCoderClient  myGeoCoderClient  = new GeoCoderClient();
            CityParksClient myCityParksClient = new CityParksClient();
            Finder          parkFinder        = new Finder(myGeoCoderClient, myCityParksClient);

            ResultParkEntity[] resultParks = parkFinder.GetParksByAddress(address);

            //Forecast Factory
            ParkOccupancyFactory forecastFactory = new ParkOccupancyFactory(new Models.DAL.GameOfCode2016Entities());

            foreach (ResultParkEntity parkResult in resultParks)
                if (parkResult.Id != 0)//To avoid Parks without Id !
                    OccupancyForecast occupancyForecast = forecastFactory.GetForecast(parkResult.Id, parsedHouer == 0 ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Now.AddHours(parsedHouer));
                    if (occupancyForecast != null)
                        parkResult.FreeSlots = occupancyForecast.FreeSlots;
                        parkResult.Rate      = occupancyForecast.Rate;

            //Order result by Rate
            return(Json(BuildTop3(resultParks), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #2
        private static void Worker()
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Worker Thread";
            DateTime        lastUpdate  = DateTime.MinValue;
            CityParksClient parksClient = new CityParksClient();
            ARIMAEngine2    engine      = new ARIMAEngine2();

            while (continueToWork)
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                if (now > lastUpdate.AddMinutes(frequencyInMinutes))
                    // Refresh Occupancy
                    var items      = parksClient.GetCityParks().ToDictionary(k => k.Id ?? 666, k => k);
                    var parkingIds = items.Keys.ToArray();

                    var occupancy = items.Values.Select(cp => new Occupancy()
                        Date      = now,
                        FreeSlots = cp.Actuel ?? 666,
                        Rate      = (1.0 - (cp.Actuel ?? 666.0) / (cp.Total ?? 666.0)) * 100.0,
                        ParkingId = cp.Id ?? 666,
                    ParkOccupancyFactory factory = new ParkOccupancyFactory(new GameOfCode2016Entities());
                    Console.WriteLine("Saving Status");

                    // Forecast
                    DateTime dataStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
                    var      forecasts     = parkingIds.SelectMany(parkingId =>
                        var sourceData = factory.GetForecastsSince(dataStartDate, parkingId).Select(f => f.Rate).ToArray();
                        var occ        = engine.ForeCast(sourceData, 2 * 60 / frequencyInMinutes); // 2 hours with 5min interval

                        var toSave = new List <Forecast>();

                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (double item in occ)
                            var rate = Math.Max(Math.Min(item, 100.0), 0);
                            toSave.Add(new Forecast()
                                Date      = now.AddMinutes(frequencyInMinutes * count),
                                ParkingId = parkingId,
                                Rate      = rate,
                                FreeSlots = (int)(items[parkingId].Total * (100 - rate) / 100),

                    ParkOccupancyFactory factory2 = new ParkOccupancyFactory(new GameOfCode2016Entities());
                    Console.WriteLine("Forecast saved");

                    lastUpdate = now;