public bool foundParent(string frag, ParentInfo.terminal terminal, FusionCandidate candidate, bool foundFirstSearch)
            //localTheoreticals.AsParallel().Where(x => x.Contains(frag)).ToList();
            if (notFoundSequences.Contains(frag)) //has the fragment been searched but not found before?

            List <TheoreticalProtein> matches = new List <TheoreticalProtein>();

            if (foundSequences.TryGetValue(frag, out matches)) //has the fragment been searched AND found before?
                candidate.parentInfo.Add(new ParentInfo(matches, terminal, frag));

            if (foundFirstSearch) //Has something smaller been found before? Well, then we can just search against those found sequences
                string shorterFrag = terminal.Equals(ParentInfo.terminal.N) ? frag.Substring(0, frag.Length - 1) : frag.Substring(1, frag.Length - 1);

                foreach (ParentInfo info in candidate.parentInfo)
                    if (info.parentType.Equals(terminal) && info.fragFound.Equals(shorterFrag))
                        List <TheoreticalProtein> tempProtList = new List <TheoreticalProtein>();
                        info.theoreticalProteins.ForEach(protein => tempProtList.Add(protein));
                        matches = tempProtList.AsParallel().Where(x => x.seq.Contains(frag)).ToList();
            else //it hasn't been found before... we need to search against the whole database :(
                matches = theoreticalProteins.AsParallel().Where(x => x.seq.Contains(frag)).ToList();
            if (matches != null && matches.Count() > 0)
                foundSequences.Add(frag, matches);
                candidate.parentInfo.Add(new ParentInfo(matches, terminal, frag));
 public TransParent(string id, string seq, List <int> start, int length, ParentInfo.terminal terminal) : base(id, seq)
     this.start         = start;
     this.peptideLength = length;
     this.terminal      = terminal;