Example #1
        public void SetUniforms(Material target)
            if (target == null)

            if (ParentBody.GetBodyDeformationType() == BodyDeformationType.Spherical)
                var celestialBody = ParentBody as CelestialBody;

                if (celestialBody == null)
                    throw new Exception("Wow! Celestial body isn't Celestial?!");

                target.SetTexture("_Ground_Diffuse", celestialBody.GroundDiffuse);
                target.SetTexture("_Ground_Normal", celestialBody.GroundNormal);
                target.SetTexture("_DetailedNormal", celestialBody.DetailedNormal);
Example #2
        protected override void UpdateNode()
            TerrainMaterial.renderQueue = (int)ParentBody.RenderQueue + ParentBody.RenderQueueOffset;

            if (ParentBody.GetBodyDeformationType() == BodyDeformationType.Spherical)
                LocalToWorld = Matrix4x4d.ToMatrix4x4d(ParentBody.transform.localToWorldMatrix) * FaceToLocal;
                LocalToWorld = FaceToLocal;

            TangentFrameToWorld = new Matrix3x3d(LocalToWorld.m[0, 0], LocalToWorld.m[0, 1], LocalToWorld.m[0, 2],
                                                 LocalToWorld.m[1, 0], LocalToWorld.m[1, 1], LocalToWorld.m[1, 2],
                                                 LocalToWorld.m[2, 0], LocalToWorld.m[2, 1], LocalToWorld.m[2, 2]);

            var localToCamera    = GodManager.Instance.WorldToCamera * LocalToWorld;
            var invLocalToCamera = localToCamera.Inverse();

            DeformedCameraPosition = invLocalToCamera * Vector3d.zero;
            DeformedFrustumPlanes  = Frustum.GetFrustumPlanes(GodManager.Instance.CameraToScreen * localToCamera); // NOTE : Extract frustum planes from LocalToScreen matrix...
            LocalCameraPosition    = Deformation.DeformedToLocal(DeformedCameraPosition);

            var m = Deformation.LocalToDeformedDifferential(LocalCameraPosition, true);

            var left  = DeformedFrustumPlanes[0].XYZ().Normalized();
            var right = DeformedFrustumPlanes[1].XYZ().Normalized();

            var fov = (float)MathUtility.Safe_Acos(-left.Dot(right));

            SplitDistance  = SplitFactor * Screen.width / 1024.0f * Mathf.Tan(40.0f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) / Mathf.Tan(fov / 2.0f);
            DistanceFactor = (float)Math.Max((new Vector3d(m.m[0, 0], m.m[1, 0], m.m[2, 0])).Magnitude(), (new Vector3d(m.m[0, 1], m.m[1, 1], m.m[2, 1])).Magnitude());

            if (SplitDistance < 1.1f || !MathUtility.IsFinite(SplitDistance))
                SplitDistance = 1.1f;

            // initializes data structures for horizon occlusion culling
            if (UseHorizonCulling && LocalCameraPosition.z <= TerrainQuadRoot.ZMax)
                var deformedDirection = invLocalToCamera * Vector3d.forward;
                var localDirection    = (Deformation.DeformedToLocal(deformedDirection) - LocalCameraPosition).xy.Normalized();

                LocalCameraDirection = new Matrix2x2d(localDirection.y, -localDirection.x, -localDirection.x, -localDirection.y);

                for (byte i = 0; i < HORIZON_SIZE; ++i)
                    Horizon[i] = float.NegativeInfinity;



            if (ParentBody.AtmosphereEnabled)
                if (ParentBody.Atmosphere != null)

            if (ParentBody.OceanEnabled)
                if (ParentBody.Ocean != null)
                    TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_Ocean_DrawBRDF", 0.0f);
                TerrainMaterial.SetFloat("_Ocean_DrawBRDF", 0.0f);

            Deformation.SetUniforms(this, TerrainMaterial);

            //if (Manager.GetPlantsNode() != null)
            //    Manager.GetPlantsNode().SetUniforms(TerrainMaterial);
Example #3
        protected override void InitNode()
            ParentBody = GetComponentInParent <Body>();

            TerrainMaterial = MaterialHelper.CreateTemp(ParentBody.ColorShader, "TerrainNode");

            FaceToLocal = Matrix4x4d.identity;

            if (ParentBody.GetBodyDeformationType() == BodyDeformationType.Spherical)
                var celestialBody = ParentBody as CelestialBody;

                if (celestialBody == null)
                    throw new Exception("Wow! Celestial body isn't Celestial?!");

                var faces = new Vector3d[] { new Vector3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(90, 0, 0), new Vector3d(90, 90, 0), new Vector3d(90, 180, 0), new Vector3d(90, 270, 0), new Vector3d(0, 180, 180) };

                // If this terrain is deformed into a sphere the face matrix is the rotation of the
                // terrain needed to make up the spherical planet. In this case there should be 6 terrains, each with a unique face number
                if (Face - 1 >= 0 && Face - 1 < 6)
                    FaceToLocal = Matrix4x4d.Rotate(faces[Face - 1]);

                LocalToWorld = Matrix4x4d.ToMatrix4x4d(celestialBody.transform.localToWorldMatrix) * FaceToLocal;
                Deformation  = new DeformationSpherical(celestialBody.Size);


                if (celestialBody.Atmosphere != null)
                LocalToWorld = FaceToLocal;
                Deformation  = new DeformationBase();

            TangentFrameToWorld = new Matrix3x3d(LocalToWorld.m[0, 0], LocalToWorld.m[0, 1], LocalToWorld.m[0, 2],
                                                 LocalToWorld.m[1, 0], LocalToWorld.m[1, 1], LocalToWorld.m[1, 2],
                                                 LocalToWorld.m[2, 0], LocalToWorld.m[2, 1], LocalToWorld.m[2, 2]);



            SamplersOrder = new TileSamplerOrder(Samplers);

            var producers    = GetComponentsInChildren <TileProducer>();
            var lastProducer = producers[producers.Length - 1];

            if (lastProducer.IsLastInSequence == false)
                lastProducer.IsLastInSequence = true;

                Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} probably last in generation sequence, but maybe accidentally not marked as. Fixed!", lastProducer.name));