Example #1
        public T getUnit <T>()
            Type paramType = typeof(T);

            if (paramType == typeof(Parameters.Units[]))
                // request to return as Parameters.Units[]

                // create a copy (since an array is passed by reference)
                Parameters.Units[] cUnits = new Parameters.Units[units.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < units.Length; i++)
                    cUnits[i] = units[i];

                // return value
                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(cUnits, typeof(Parameters.Units[])));
                // request to return as other

                // message and return false
                logger.Error("Could not retrieve the unit for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') as '" + paramType.Name + "', can only return value as 'Parameters.Units[]'. Returning 0");
                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(Parameters.emptyValue <T>(), typeof(T)));
Example #2
        public T getUnit <T>()
            Type paramType = typeof(T);

            if (paramType == typeof(Parameters.Units[]))
                // request to return as Parameters.Units[]

                // return value
                Parameters.Units[] units = new Parameters.Units[values.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    units[i] = Parameters.Units.ValueOrSamples;
                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(units, typeof(Parameters.Units[])));
                // request to return as other

                // message and return false
                logger.Error("Could not retrieve the unit for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') as '" + paramType.Name + "', can only return value as 'Parameters.Units[]'. Returning 0");
                return((T)Convert.ChangeType(Parameters.emptyValue <T>(), typeof(T)));
Example #3
        public bool setValue(string value)
            // try to parse the value
            double doubleValue;

            Parameters.Units unit;
            if (!tryParseValue(value, out doubleValue, out unit))
                // message
                logger.Error("Could not store the value for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), value '" + value + "' could not be parsed as double");

                // return failure

            // check if the parameter has options and the unit is set in seconds
            if (this.options.Length > 0 && unit == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                // message
                logger.Warn("Parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') has a list of options, yet the value is specified in seconds, this is unlikely to be correct");

            // assign
            this.value = doubleValue;
            this.unit  = unit;

            // return success
Example #4
        public bool setValue(int[][] values)
            // check if options (fixed columns) are set and if the set matches the dimensions
            if (this.options.Length > 0 && this.options.Length != values.Length)
                // message
                logger.Error("Could not store the values for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), the number of columns in the value matrix does not match the options (fixed number of colums) set for the parameter");

                // return failure

            // re-initialize the buffer holding the units for the values
            units = new Parameters.Units[values.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                units[i] = new Parameters.Units[values[i].Length];

            // set the values
            this.values = values;

            // return success
Example #5
        protected bool tryParseValue(string value, out double doubleValue, out Parameters.Units unit)
            doubleValue = 0.0;
            unit        = Parameters.Units.ValueOrSamples;

            // lower case and trim all whitespace
            value = value.ToLower().TrimAll();

            // check if value is in seconds
            if (value.Length > 1 && value.Substring(value.Length - 1).Equals("s"))
                unit  = Parameters.Units.Seconds;
                value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1);

            // return false if the value is empty
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

            // check if value is numeric and can be converted to a double
            // return false if unsucessful
            if (!double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, Parameters.NumberCulture, out doubleValue))

            // successfull parsing, return true
Example #6
        public bool setValue(string paramName, double paramValue, Parameters.Units paramUnit)
            lock (lockParameters) {
                iParam param = getParameter(paramName);
                if (param == null)
                    logger.Error("Could not find parameter '" + paramName + "' in parameter set '" + paramSetName + "', value not set");

                // check if the parameter is indeed used to store a double
                if (param.GetType() != typeof(ParamDouble))
                    logger.Error("Could not set parameter '" + paramName + "' in parameter set '" + paramSetName + "', trying to set a double value in a '" + param.GetType().Name + "' parameter");

                // set the value
                if (!((ParamDouble)param).setValue(paramValue))
                if (!((ParamDouble)param).setUnit(paramUnit))

                // return success
Example #7
 public bool setValue(string paramName, double[][] paramValue)
     Parameters.Units[][] paramUnit = new Parameters.Units[paramValue.Length][];
     for (int i = 0; i < paramUnit.Length; i++)
         paramUnit[i] = new Parameters.Units[paramValue[i].Length];
     return(setValue(paramName, paramValue, paramUnit));
Example #8
        public bool setUnit(Parameters.Units unit)
            // check if the parameter has options and the unit is set in seconds
            if (this.options.Length > 0 && unit == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                // message
                logger.Warn("Parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') has a list of options, yet the value set to be in seconds, this is unlikely to be correct");

            // set units
            this.unit = unit;

            // return success
Example #9
        public bool setValue(string value)
            // try to split up the string
            string[] split = value.Split(Parameters.ArrDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // parse the values as integers
            int[] values             = new int[split.Length];
            Parameters.Units[] units = new Parameters.Units[split.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                // try to parse the value
                int intValue;
                Parameters.Units unit;
                if (!tryParseValue(split[i], out intValue, out unit))
                    // message
                    logger.Error("Could not store the values for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), the value(s) '" + value + "' could not be parsed as an array of integers due to value '" + split[i] + "'");

                    // return failure

                // check if the parameter has options and the unit is set in seconds
                if (this.options.Length > 0 && unit == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                    // message
                    logger.Warn("Parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') has a list of options, yet one of the values is specified in seconds, this is unlikely to be correct");

                // add to the array of integers
                values[i] = intValue;
                units[i]  = unit;

            // store the values
            this.values = values;
            this.units  = units;

            // return success
Example #10
        public bool setValue(string value)
            // check if the input is empty
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                // store empty matrices
                this.values = new int[0][];
                this.units  = new Parameters.Units[0][];

                // return success

            // try to split up the columns of the string
            string[] splitColumns = value.Split(Parameters.MatColumnDelimiters);

            // check if options (fixed columns) are set and if the set matches the dimensions
            if (this.options.Length > 0 && this.options.Length != splitColumns.Length)
                // message
                logger.Error("Could not store the values for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), the number of columns in the value matrix does not match the options (fixed number of colums) set for the parameter");

                // return failure

            // resize the array columns
            int[][] values             = new int[splitColumns.Length][];
            Parameters.Units[][] units = new Parameters.Units[splitColumns.Length][];

            // parse the values as doubles
            for (int i = 0; i < splitColumns.Length; i++)
                // try to split up the rows of each column string
                string[] splitRows = splitColumns[i].Split(Parameters.MatRowDelimiters);

                // check whether the current row has the same number of values (as the row before it)
                if (i > 0 && splitRows.Length != values[i - 1].Length)
                    // message
                    logger.Error("Could not store the values for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), the rows have different numbers of values");

                    // return failure

                // resize the arrays rows
                values[i] = new int[splitRows.Length];
                units[i]  = new Parameters.Units[splitRows.Length];

                // loop through each row in the column (cell)
                for (int j = 0; j < splitRows.Length; j++)
                    // try to parse the value
                    int intValue;
                    Parameters.Units unit;
                    if (!tryParseValue(splitRows[j], out intValue, out unit))
                        // message
                        logger.Error("Could not store the values for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "'), the value(s) '" + splitRows[j] + "' could not be parsed as an array of integers due to value '" + splitRows[j] + "'");

                        // return failure

                    // add to the array of doubles
                    values[i][j] = intValue;
                    units[i][j]  = unit;

            // store the values
            this.values = values;
            this.units  = units;

            // return success