Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the next value of the key into the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SetSequence(int customerId, string key, int value)
            if (key == "Tick" || key == "Lock")
                throw new ExceptionNotAuthorized("ERR_UNAUTHENTICATED");

            // Get the next value

            string          parameterKey = $"Sequence.{key}.{customerId}";
            int             currentValue = 1;
            ParameterRecord valueRecord  = _Parameter.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.Equals(parameterKey));

            if (valueRecord == null)
                valueRecord = new ParameterRecord {
                    Key = parameterKey, Value = value.ToString()
                valueRecord = _Parameter.Add(valueRecord);
                currentValue = int.Parse(valueRecord.Value);
                if (currentValue < value)
                    valueRecord.Value = value.ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the current tick into the database for the given customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetTick(DatabaseContext database, int customerId)
            string          tickKey   = $"Database.Tick.{customerId}";
            ParameterRecord parameter = database._Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(tickKey));

            if (parameter == null)

            if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Value, out int tick))

        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called after updating the record ... used to complete the update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="tick"></param>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="record"></param>
        public void OnAfterUpdateRecord(Common.Database.DatabaseContext database, int tick, string table, DSRecord record)
            if (table.Equals("Language"))
                if (database is Module.Administration.DatabaseContext administration &&
                    record is DSRecordWithCustomerId language)
                    string          tickKey   = $"Language.Tick.{language.CustomerId}";
                    ParameterRecord parameter = database._Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(tickKey));
                    if (parameter != null)
                        parameter.Value = tick.ToString();

                    // Unable to add a line into "_Parameter" due to the lock set into the table "_Parameter"!
Example #4
        public static void FindSoundsSTUD(STUD stud, HashSet <ulong> done, Dictionary <ulong, List <ulong> > ret, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, Dictionary <ulong, ulong> replace, ulong parent, ulong mykey)
            foreach (ISTUDInstance instance in stud.Instances)
                if (instance == null)

                if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(GenericRecordReference)))
                    GenericRecordReference inst = (GenericRecordReference)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(inst.Reference.key.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(UISoundList)))
                    UISoundList inst = (UISoundList)instance;
                    foreach (UISoundList.SoundListEntry[] list in inst.Entries)
                        foreach (UISoundList.SoundListEntry entry in list)
                            FindSoundsExD(entry.sound, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(GenericSoundReference)))
                    GenericSoundReference inst = (GenericSoundReference)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(inst.Reference.key.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(ChildGameParameterRecord)))
                    ChildGameParameterRecord inst = (ChildGameParameterRecord)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(inst.Param.binding.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    FindSoundsEx(inst.Param.binding2.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(SoundMasterList)))
                    SoundMasterList smr = (SoundMasterList)instance;
                    foreach (ulong key in smr.Sound)
                        FindSoundsEx(key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    if (smr.Owner != null)
                        foreach (ulong key in smr.Owner)
                            FindSoundsEx(key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(SoundOwner)))
                    SoundOwner owner = (SoundOwner)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(owner.Data.soundbank.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(SoundBank)))
                    SoundBank sb = (SoundBank)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(sb.Data.soundbank.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    if (sb.SFX != null)
                        foreach (OWRecord record in sb.SFX)
                            FindSoundsEx(record.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    if (sb.Music != null)
                        foreach (OWRecord record in sb.Music)
                            FindSoundsEx(record.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(ParameterRecord)))
                    ParameterRecord parameter = (ParameterRecord)instance;
                    foreach (ParameterRecord.ParameterEntry entry in parameter.Parameters)
                        FindSoundsEx(entry.parameter.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(SoundBindingReference)))
                    SoundBindingReference smr = (SoundBindingReference)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(smr.Reference.sound.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, MutateKey(mykey, (ushort)smr.Reference.Typus));
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(BindingRecord)))
                    BindingRecord record = (BindingRecord)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(record.Param.binding.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    FindSoundsEx(record.Param.binding2.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(SoundFX)))
                    SoundFX record = (SoundFX)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(record.Param.binding.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    FindSoundsEx(record.Param.binding2.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(ChildParameterRecord)))
                    ChildParameterRecord record = (ChildParameterRecord)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(record.Header.binding.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                    foreach (ChildParameterRecord.Child child in record.Children)
                        FindSoundsEx(child.parameter.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(EffectReference)))
                    EffectReference reference = (EffectReference)instance;
                    FindSoundsExD(reference.Reference.key.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(BindingEffectReference)))
                    BindingEffectReference reference = (BindingEffectReference)instance;
                    // Exports a LOT of system sound effects unrelated to the origin.
                    FindSoundsExD(reference.Reference.effect.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
                else if (instance.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(GenericKeyReference)))
                    GenericKeyReference reference = (GenericKeyReference)instance;
                    FindSoundsEx(reference.Reference.key.key, done, ret, map, handler, replace, mykey);
Example #5
        public override void OnParameter(int num, AnimatorControllerParameter acp)
            ParameterRecord record = new ParameterRecord(num, acp.name, acp.defaultBool, acp.defaultFloat, acp.defaultInt, acp.nameHash, acp.type);

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a list of requests from a client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transaction"></param>
        /// <returns>RequestId, Error, Record</returns>
        public List <Tuple <DSRecord, InformationRecord> > ExecuteTransaction(DSTransaction transaction)
            Info($"Executing the transaction [{transaction.RequestId}] containing {transaction.Requests.Count} requests ...");

            List <Tuple <DSRecord, InformationRecord> >         recordsTreated  = new List <Tuple <DSRecord, InformationRecord> >();
            List <Tuple <string, DSRecord, InformationRecord> > recordsToUpdate = new List <Tuple <string, DSRecord, InformationRecord> >();

            // Retrieve the database schema

            DSDatabase schema = ConfigurationManager.Schemas[transaction.Area];

            if (schema == null)
                Error("No schema available!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_SCHEMA");

            // Lock database during the execution of the request

            using (DatabaseLock lockDatabase = Database.Lock(transaction.CustomerId))
                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Getting the first tick of the transaction ...");

                    // Get the tick

                    string          tickKey    = $"Database.Tick.{transaction.CustomerId}";
                    int             tick       = 0;
                    ParameterRecord tickRecord = Database._Parameter.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.Equals(tickKey));
                    if (tickRecord == null)
                        tickRecord = new ParameterRecord {
                            Key = tickKey, Value = transaction.Requests.Count.ToString()
                        tickRecord = Database._Parameter.Add(tickRecord);
                        tick             = int.Parse(tickRecord.Value);
                        tickRecord.Value = (tick + transaction.Requests.Count).ToString();

                    if (IsDebug())
                        Debug($"First tick is {tick}");

                    // Execute the OnBefore trigger

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Executing the pre-request of the transaction ...");


                    foreach (DSRequest request in transaction.Requests)
                        // Execute the request

                        if (IsVerboseAll())
                            Verbose($"Executing the pre-request[{request.Id}] with tick[{request.NewTick}]: {request} ...");

                        // Execute the trigger before requesting

                        schema.OnBeforeExecuteRequest(Database, request.NewTick,
                                                      transaction.CustomerId, transaction.UserId, transaction.Area, transaction.Profile,
                                                      request.Table, request.Action, request.RecordId, request.Record, request.Identity);

                    if (IsDebug())
                        Debug($"Pre-request executed for {transaction.Requests.Count} requests");

                    // Execute each request

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Executing the transaction ...");

                    // Execution by lot

                    List <RequestTableRecord> actions = new List <RequestTableRecord>();

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (List <DSRequest> lot in transaction.LotRequests)
                        // Execute the lot of requests

                        if (IsVerbose())
                            Verbose($"Executing the lot[{index}] with {lot.Count} requests ...");

                        // Execute the lot of requests

                        recordsTreated.AddRange(schema.ExecuteRequest(Database, transaction, lot));

                        // Saving data



                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Building the list of actions ...");

                    index = 0;
                    foreach (DSRequest request in transaction.Requests)
                        Tuple <DSRecord, InformationRecord> recordTreated = recordsTreated[index];

                        // Keep in memory all records executed

                        recordsToUpdate.Add(Tuple.Create(request.Table, recordTreated.Item1, recordTreated.Item2));

                        // The request is correctly executed ... Store a new request

                        actions.Add(new RequestTableRecord
                            Tick       = request.NewTick,
                            CustomerId = transaction.CustomerId,
                            UserId     = transaction.UserId,
                            RequestId  = transaction.RequestId,
                            Table      = request.Table,
                            Action     = request.Action,
                            Id         = (recordTreated == null || recordTreated.Item1 == null ? -1 : recordTreated.Item1.Id)

                        Info($"The request[{request.Id}] has correctly been executed : {(recordTreated == null ? "null" : recordTreated.ToString())}");


                    if (IsDebug())
                        Debug($"Transaction executed with {transaction.Requests.Count} requests");

                    // Write actions into the RequestTable

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose($"Writing {actions.Count} actions into the RequestTable ...");


                    if (IsDebug())
                        Debug($"{actions.Count} actions written into the RequestTable");

                    // Execute the OnAfter trigger

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Executing the post-request of the transaction ...");

                    foreach (DSRequest request in transaction.Requests)
                        // Execute the request

                        if (IsVerboseAll())
                            Verbose($"Executing the post-request[{request.Id}] with tick[{request.NewTick}]: {request} ...");

                        // Execute the trigger before requesting

                        DSRecord record = recordsTreated[request.Id].Item1;
                        if (record != null)
                            schema.OnAfterExecuteRequest(Database, request.NewTick,
                                                         transaction.CustomerId, transaction.UserId, transaction.Area, transaction.Profile,
                                                         request.Table, request.Action, record.Id, record);

                    if (IsDebug())
                        Debug($"Post-request executed for {transaction.Requests.Count} requests");

                    // Unlock the database and commit all changes

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Committing changes ...");


                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Changes committed");

                    // Update the cache manager

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Updating cache ...");

                    DatabaseCacheManager.Instance.UpdateCache(recordsToUpdate, transaction.CustomerId, tick + transaction.Requests.Count);

                    if (IsVerbose())
                        Verbose("Cache updated");
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    Exception("An exception occurs on executing the transaction", ex);

                    bool saveFailed = false;

                        saveFailed = false;
                        catch (DbUpdateException ex2)
                            saveFailed = true;
                    }while (saveFailed);

                    // Rollback all request already executed

                    throw ex;

            Info("Transaction done");

        /// <summary>
        /// The client starts the initialization process and has to declare its area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="area"></param>
        /// <param name="moduleId"></param>
        /// <returns>the database schema correspnding to the user's profile and its area:
        ///     Version         = database version
        ///     Schema          = database schema
        ///     DefaultLanguage = default language (user's language or default language of the application)
        ///     User            = user's profile
        ///     LastRequestId   = last request id of the user
        /// </returns>
        public JObject Initialize(string area, int moduleId)
            string  defaultLanguage = "EN";
            int     versionDatabase = 0;
            int     lastRequestId   = 0;
            IUser   user            = null;
            IModule module          = null;

            Info($"Initializing connection within the area '{area}' ({moduleId}) ...");

            if (_userManager == null)
                Error("Unable to open the connection. UserManager is undefined!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_CONNECTION");

            // Retrieve database information

            defaultLanguage = ConfigurationManager.DefaultLanguage;
            ParameterRecord parameterVersion = Database._Parameter.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.Equals("Database.Version"));

            if (parameterVersion != null)
                versionDatabase = int.Parse(parameterVersion.Value);

            // Retrieve the current user and its language

            user = _userManager.GetById(_userId);
            if (user == null)
                Warn("The user doesn't exist!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_CONNECTION");

            module = _userManager.GetModule(user, moduleId);
            if (module == null)
                Warn("The module doesn't exist!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_CONNECTION");

            // Retrieve the connection

            ConnectionRecord currentConnection = Database._Connection.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ConnectionId.Equals(_connectionId) &&

            if (currentConnection == null)
                Warn("The connection doesn't exist. Open the new connection!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_CONNECTION");

            // Retrieve the database schema

            DSSchema.DSDatabase schema = ConfigurationManager.Schemas[area];
            if (schema == null)
                Error("No schema available!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_SCHEMA");

            // Is this connection authorized to start the dialog ?

            if (!currentConnection.Allow)
                Error("Not allowed!");
                throw new ExceptionDefinitionRecord("ERR_UNAUTHORIZED");

            // Retrieve the last requestId of this user

            RequestIdRecord requestId = Database._RequestId.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserId == _userId);

            if (requestId != null)
                lastRequestId = requestId.RequestId;

            // Set the area of the connection and notify that the connection is initialized

            currentConnection.Area           = area;
            currentConnection.ModuleId       = module.Id;
            currentConnection.Profile        = module.Profile;
            currentConnection.Status         = true;
            currentConnection.ConnectionLast = DateTime.Now;
            Info($"The connection '{currentConnection}' is linked to the area '{area}'");

            // define the response

            JObject result = new JObject
                ["Version"]         = versionDatabase,
                ["Schema"]          = schema.ToJSON(area, currentConnection.Profile, Database.GetCache(schema)),
                ["DefaultLanguage"] = defaultLanguage,
                ["CurrentUserId"]   = user == null ? -1 : user.Id,
                ["CurrentModuleId"] = moduleId,
                ["LastRequestId"]   = lastRequestId
            JObject settings = new JObject();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> setting in ConfigurationManager.Settings)
                if (!setting.Key.StartsWith("Syncytium.Client."))

                settings[setting.Key.Substring("Syncytium.Client.".Length)] = setting.Value;
            result["Parameters"] = settings;

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Lock the database for a customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        public DatabaseLock Lock(int customerId)
            string lockKey = $"Database.Lock.{customerId}";

            // Create Database.Lock if the line doesn't exist

            ParameterRecord parameterRecord = _Parameter.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.Equals(lockKey));

            if (parameterRecord == null)
                parameterRecord = new ParameterRecord()
                    Key = $"Database.Lock.{customerId}", Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                parameterRecord = _Parameter.Add(parameterRecord);

            // Lock the database

            DbContextTransaction transaction = Database.BeginTransaction();

            switch (_provider.Type)
            case Provider.Provider.EProvider.Oracle:
                if (Database.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"UPDATE \"_Parameter\" SET \"Value\" = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' where \"Key\" = 'Database.Lock.{customerId}'");

            case Provider.Provider.EProvider.SQLServer:
                if (Database.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"UPDATE [{ConfigurationManager.DatabaseSchema}].[_Parameter] SET [Value] = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' where [Key] = 'Database.Lock.{customerId}'");

            case Provider.Provider.EProvider.Firebird:
                if (Database.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"UPDATE \"_Parameter\" SET \"Value\" = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' where \"Key\" = 'Database.Lock.{customerId}'");

            case Provider.Provider.EProvider.MySQL:
                if (Database.Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                Database.ExecuteSqlCommand($"UPDATE `{ConfigurationManager.DatabaseSchema}`.`_Parameter` SET `Value` = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' where `Key` = 'Database.Lock.{customerId}'");

                Warn("Unable to lock the database due to an implementation of locking database missing!");

            _lock = new DatabaseLock(transaction);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Upgrade the current schema of the database towards the last one
        /// </summary>
        public void Upgrade()
            ParameterRecord parameterVersion = null;
            ParameterRecord parameterUpdate  = null;

            Info("Upgrading the database ...");

            int    lastUpgradingVersion = 0;
            string lastUpgradingDate    = string.Empty;

            // Is the DS Model defined ?

            bool?existsParameter = ExistTable("_Parameter");

            if (existsParameter != null && existsParameter.Value)
                parameterVersion = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Version"));
                if (parameterVersion != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterVersion.Value) && !int.TryParse(parameterVersion.Value, out lastUpgradingVersion))
                    lastUpgradingVersion = 0;

                parameterUpdate = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Update"));
                if (parameterUpdate != null)
                    lastUpgradingDate = parameterUpdate.Value;

                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastUpgradingDate))
                    Info($"No database set up");
                    Info($"The current database version '{lastUpgradingVersion:D4}' was set up at '{lastUpgradingDate}'");
                Info($"No database set up");

            // Retrieve the list of script to run

            Regex pattern = new Regex(@"^(?<version>\d+)\-(?<year>\d+)\-(?<month>\d+)\-(?<day>\d+)-(?<label>.*)\.txt$");
            Dictionary <int, string> scriptsToRun = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (string sqlFilenameAndDirectory in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "Database", "Provider", _provider.Type.ToString(), "Script")))
                // check if the filename mathes to the pattern expected

                string filename = Path.GetFileName(sqlFilenameAndDirectory);

                Match match = pattern.Match(filename);
                if (!match.Success)
                    Warn($"The filename '{filename}' has no the correct format name ... ignore it!");

                // check if the script must be run on depends on the last upgrading version

                int version = int.Parse(match.Groups["version"].Value);
                if (version <= lastUpgradingVersion)
                    Info($"Script '{filename}' already done ...");

                if (scriptsToRun.ContainsKey(version))
                    throw new ExceptionParse($"The version ('{version}') of the script '{filename}' is defined twice!");

                // load the sql file and replace all values from the settings

                Info($"The script '{filename}' must be applied");

                scriptsToRun[version] = sqlFilenameAndDirectory;

            // check if a script must be run

            if (scriptsToRun.Count == 0)
                Info("Database already up-to-date");

            // Executing the list of upgrade scripts ordered by the version number

            Dictionary <string, string> valuesToReplace = ConfigurationManager.Settings;
            List <int> versions = scriptsToRun.Keys.ToList();


            foreach (int version in versions)
                string filename = scriptsToRun[version];

                // load the sql file and replace all values from the settings

                Info($"Executing script '{filename}' ...");

                string sqlCommand = File.ReadAllText(filename);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> valueToReplace in valuesToReplace)
                    sqlCommand = sqlCommand.Replace($"${{{valueToReplace.Key}}}", valueToReplace.Value);

                if (!_provider.ExecuteScript(sqlCommand))
                    throw new ExceptionParse($"Unable to execute the script '{filename}', see the log file to have more details!");

                // update parameters

                lastUpgradingVersion = version;
                if (parameterVersion == null)
                    _Parameter.Add(new ParameterRecord()
                        Key = "Database.Version", Value = lastUpgradingVersion.ToString()
                    parameterVersion.Value = lastUpgradingVersion.ToString();

                lastUpgradingDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                if (parameterUpdate == null)
                    _Parameter.Add(new ParameterRecord()
                        Key = "Database.Update", Value = lastUpgradingDate
                    parameterUpdate.Value = lastUpgradingDate;


                Info($"The database is successfully upgraded in version ({lastUpgradingVersion:D4}) - '{lastUpgradingDate}'");

                // retrieve the record after updating database

                if (parameterVersion == null)
                    parameterVersion = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Version"));
                    parameterUpdate  = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Update"));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if an upgrade must be done
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the database is up to date</returns>
        public bool HasToUpgrade()
            ParameterRecord parameter = null;

            Info("Checking upgrading the database schema ...");

            // Is the DS Model defined ?

            bool?existsParameter = ExistTable("_Parameter");

            if (existsParameter == null || !existsParameter.Value)
                Logger.LoggerManager.Instance.Warn(Logger.LoggerManager.MODULE_NAME, "The DS Model is not defined");

            Logger.LoggerManager.Instance.Info(Logger.LoggerManager.MODULE_NAME, "The DS Model is defined");

            // Retrieve the last upgrading already done

            int lastUpgradingVersion = 0;

            parameter = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Version"));
            if (parameter != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.Value) && !int.TryParse(parameter.Value, out lastUpgradingVersion))
                lastUpgradingVersion = 0;

            if (lastUpgradingVersion == 0)
                Info("No database defined ... start the first upgrade");

            string lastUpgradingDate = string.Empty;

            parameter = _Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals("Database.Update"));
            if (parameter != null)
                lastUpgradingDate = parameter.Value;

            Info($"The current database version '{lastUpgradingVersion:D4}' was set up at '{lastUpgradingDate}'");

            // Check if the version of the expected database is described into the configuration file

                Debug($"The domain is '{HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath}'");
            catch (System.Exception)
                // If an exception is raised, it means that this code is run over the web application (for example: in the job par of the application)

                if (lastUpgradingVersion != ConfigurationManager.DatabaseExpectedVersion)
                    Warn($"The expected database version must be '{ConfigurationManager.DatabaseExpectedVersion:D4}' instead of '{lastUpgradingVersion:D4}'");


            // Check if a script must be executed ...

            Regex pattern = new Regex(@"^(?<version>\d+)\-(?<year>\d+)\-(?<month>\d+)\-(?<day>\d+)-(?<label>.*)\.txt$");

            foreach (string sqlFilenameAndDirectory in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "Database", "Provider", _provider.Type.ToString(), "Script")))
                // check if the filename mathes to the pattern expected

                string filename = Path.GetFileName(sqlFilenameAndDirectory);

                Match match = pattern.Match(filename);
                if (!match.Success)
                    Warn($"The filename '{filename}' has no the correct format name ... ignore it!");

                // check if the script must be run on depends on the last upgrading version

                int versionFile = int.Parse(match.Groups["version"].Value);
                if (versionFile <= lastUpgradingVersion)
                    Info($"Script '{filename}' already done ...");

                // load the sql file and replace all values from the settings

                Info("A upgrade must be applied ...");

            Info("No upgrade detected");

        /// <summary>
        /// Load all labels if it's necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        private void Load(DatabaseContext database, int?customerId)
            int lastUpdate = 0;

            _mutex.Wait(); // lock critical section

            if (customerId == null)
                // Load all tickId for each customer or create it if it doesn't exist

                foreach (CustomerRecord customer in database.Customer.ToList())
                    int tick = 0;

                    // Retrieve the tick of the database

                    string          tickKey   = $"Database.Tick.{customer.Id}";
                    ParameterRecord parameter = database._Parameter.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(tickKey));
                    if (parameter != null)
                        int.TryParse(parameter.Value, out tick);

                    // Update or retrieve the tick of the language

                    tickKey   = $"Language.Tick.{customer.Id}";
                    parameter = database._Parameter.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(tickKey));
                    if (parameter == null)
                        database._Parameter.Add(new ParameterRecord()
                            Key = tickKey, Value = tick.ToString()
                        parameter.Value = tick.ToString();

                    _lastUpdate[customer.Id] = tick;

                string          tickKey   = $"Language.Tick.{customerId.Value}";
                ParameterRecord parameter = database._Parameter.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(tickKey));

                if (parameter == null)
                    Warn($"Please, create the parameter '{tickKey}' into the database to avoid loading labels every time!");

                if (parameter != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.Value) && !int.TryParse(parameter.Value, out lastUpdate))
                    lastUpdate = 0;

                if (parameter != null && _lastUpdate.ContainsKey(customerId.Value) && lastUpdate == _lastUpdate[customerId.Value] && lastUpdate >= 0)
                    // no changes ...
                    _mutex.Release(); // unlock critical section

                // Update the language tick

                if (parameter != null && lastUpdate < 0)
                    string          dbTickKey     = $"Database.Tick.{customerId.Value}";
                    ParameterRecord parameterTick = database._Parameter.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key.Equals(dbTickKey));
                    if (parameterTick != null)
                        parameter.Value = parameterTick.Value;

            if (customerId == null)
                Info("Loading all labels ...");

                    int i = 0;
                    Dictionary <int, List <LanguageRecord> > newLabels = new Dictionary <int, List <LanguageRecord> >();

                    foreach (LanguageRecord label in database.Language.ToList())
                        if (!newLabels.ContainsKey(label.CustomerId))
                            newLabels[label.CustomerId] = new List <LanguageRecord>();

                        newLabels[label.CustomerId].Add(DSRecord.Copy(label) as LanguageRecord);

                        if (IsDebug() && customerId == null && label.CustomerId == 1)
                            Debug($"{label.Key.Trim()} = {label}");


                    Info($"{i} labels loaded");

                    _labels = newLabels;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Exception("Unable to load all labels", ex);
                Info($"Loading labels because they recently change ('{lastUpdate}') for the customer '{customerId.Value}' ...");

                    int i = 0;
                    List <LanguageRecord> newLabels = new List <LanguageRecord>();

                    foreach (LanguageRecord label in database.Language.Where(l => l.CustomerId == customerId.Value).ToList())
                        newLabels.Add(DSRecord.Copy(label) as LanguageRecord);

                    Info($"{i} labels loaded");

                    _labels[customerId.Value]     = newLabels;
                    _lastUpdate[customerId.Value] = lastUpdate;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Exception($"Unable to load labels for the customer '{customerId.Value}'", ex);

            _mutex.Release(); // unlock critical section

            if (customerId != null)
                DatabaseCacheManager.Instance.Reload(database, customerId.Value, "Language");
