public unsafe void SetRenderer(Renderer renderer, uint numParams, Parameter[] parameters) { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Library", "Cannot access a disposed object."); } if (renderer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("renderer"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters"); } ParameterRec[] paramRecs = new ParameterRec[parameters.Length]; //parameters.Select(x => x.Record).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < paramRecs.Length; i++) paramRecs[i] = parameters[i].Record; fixed(void *ptr = paramRecs) { Error err = FT.FT_Set_Renderer(Reference, renderer.Reference, numParams, (IntPtr)ptr); if (err != Error.Ok) { throw new FreeTypeException(err); } } }
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnExport.Enabled = false; if (!bgWorker.IsBusy) { ParameterRec data = new ParameterRec(); data.ClassIDs = string.Join(",", listClassID); bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(data); } }
private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { ParameterRec data = (ParameterRec)e.Argument; Document doc = new Document(); doc.RemoveAllChildren(); int progress = 0; // 取得學年度學期班級學生領域成績 DataTable dt = GetClassStudentDomainScore(data); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 10); // 資料解析 ParseData(dt); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 10); // 資料填寫 DataTable table = FillMergeFiledData(data); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 10); int p = 0; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { p = 70 / table.Rows.Count; } foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { Document eachDoc = new Document(); eachDoc.Sections.Clear(); Section section = (Section)eachDoc.ImportNode(docTemplate.FirstSection, true); eachDoc.AppendChild(section); eachDoc.MailMerge.CleanupOptions = MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs; eachDoc.MailMerge.Execute(row); doc.Sections.Add(doc.ImportNode(eachDoc.Sections[0], true)); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += p); } string path = $"{Application.StartupPath}\\Reports\\班級成績預警通知單.docx"; int i = 1; while (File.Exists(path)) { string docName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); string newPath = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(path)}\\成績預警通知單{i++}{Path.GetExtension(path)}"; path = newPath; } doc.Save(path, SaveFormat.Docx); e.Result = path; }
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!bgWorker.IsBusy) { ParameterRec data = new ParameterRec(); data.SchoolYear = cbxSchoolYear.SelectedItem.ToString(); data.Semester = cbxSemester.SelectedItem.ToString(); data.Range = cbxRange.SelectedItem.ToString(); bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(data); } }
private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { ParameterRec data = (ParameterRec)e.Argument; int progress = 0; // 取得各年級領域成績 DataTable dt = GetDomainScore(data.SchoolYear, data.Semester); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 15); // 資料解析 ParseData(dt, data.Range); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 15); if (listDomainFromData.Count > 0) { Workbook wb = FillWorkBookData(data); bgWorker.ReportProgress(progress += 25); string path = $"{Application.StartupPath}\\Reports\\領域不及格人數統計表.xlsx"; int i = 1; while (File.Exists(path)) { string docName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); string newPath = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(path)}\\領域不及格人數統計表{i++}{Path.GetExtension(path)}"; path = newPath; } wb.Save(path, SaveFormat.Xlsx); bgWorker.ReportProgress(100); e.Result = path; } else { bgWorker.ReportProgress(100); e.Result = ""; } }
private DataTable FillMergeFiledData(ParameterRec data) { DataTable dt = CreateMergeFiledTable(); foreach (string classID in dicClassNameByID.Keys) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); row["school_name"] = School.ChineseName; row["class_name"] = dicClassNameByID[classID]; // 班級領域清單 List <string> listDomain = dicDomainNameByClassID[classID]; // 根據領域對照表做排序 listDomain.Sort(delegate(string a, string b) { int aIndex = listDomainName.FindIndex(domain => domain == a); int bIndex = listDomainName.FindIndex(domain => domain == b); if (aIndex > bIndex) { return(1); } else if (aIndex == bIndex) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } }); // 目前樣板最多支援8個領域 多的不顯示 if (listDomain.Count > 8) { listDomain.RemoveRange(8, listDomain.Count - 8); } // 領域 { int d = 1; foreach (string domain in listDomain) { row[$"domain_{d}"] = domain; d++; } } // 學生 Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, ScoreRec> > dicStuDomainScore = dicClassStuDomainScore[classID]; int s = 1; foreach (string stuID in dicStuDomainScore.Keys) { StudentRec stuRec = dicStuRecByID[stuID]; row[$"seat_no_{s}"] = stuRec.SeatNo; row[$"name_{s}"] = stuRec.Name; int d = 1; int sc = 0; int passCount = 0; decimal totalPower = 0; decimal totalScore = 0; // 領域成績 foreach (string domain in listDomain) { if (dicStuDomainScore[stuID].ContainsKey(domain)) { string score = dicStuDomainScore[stuID][domain].Score; string originScore = dicStuDomainScore[stuID][domain].OriginScore; string power = dicStuDomainScore[stuID][domain].Power; row[$"stu_{s}_domain_{d}"] = score == originScore ? score : $"{score}"; //totalScore += FloatParser(score) * FloatParser(power); //totalPower += FloatParser(power); // 最後平均使用算術平均不使用加權平均 totalScore += DecimalParser(score); totalPower += 1; if (DecimalParser(score) >= 60) { passCount++; } sc++; } d++; } if (sc > 0) { // 沒有權重就不幫你算 if (totalPower > 0) { // 成績計算規則 ScoreCalculator defaultScoreCalculator = new ScoreCalculator(null); ScoreCalculator studentCalculator = defaultScoreCalculator; if (calcIDCache.ContainsKey(stuID) && calcCache.ContainsKey(calcIDCache[stuID])) { studentCalculator = calcCache[calcIDCache[stuID]]; } //// 平均成績 //row[$"stu_{s}_avg_score"] = studentCalculator.ParseGraduateScore(totalScore / totalPower); // Math.Round(totalScore / totalPower, 2); List <decimal> scoreList = new List <decimal>(); if (StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict.ContainsKey(stuID) && StudentSemsCreditSumDict.ContainsKey(stuID)) { foreach (string sms in StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict[stuID].Keys) { // 各學期做加權平均 if (StudentSemsCreditSumDict[stuID].ContainsKey(sms)) { decimal ss = StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict[stuID][sms]; decimal cc = StudentSemsCreditSumDict[stuID][sms]; if (cc > 0) { // 使用領域計算規則進位 scoreList.Add(studentCalculator.ParseDomainScore(ss / cc)); } } } } // 最後再做算術平均在四捨五入 row[$"stu_{s}_avg_score"] = studentCalculator.ParseGraduateScore(scoreList.Average()); // Math.Round(totalScore / totalPower, 2); } // 領域及格數 row[$"stu_{s}_pass_count"] = passCount; } s++; } dt.Rows.Add(row); } return(dt); }
private DataTable GetClassStudentDomainScore(ParameterRec data) { // string sql = string.Format(@" //WITH data_row AS ( // SELECT // {0}::INT AS school_year // , {1}::INT AS semester //), target_student AS( // SELECT // * // FROM // student // WHERE // ref_class_id IN ({2}) // AND status IN(1, 2) //) //SELECT // // , // , student.seat_no // , AS class_id // , class.class_name // , sems_subj_score_ext.semester // , sems_subj_score_ext.school_year // , array_to_string(xpath('/Domain/@原始成績', subj_score_ele), '')::text AS 原始成績 // , array_to_string(xpath('/Domain/@成績', subj_score_ele), '')::text AS 成績 // , array_to_string(xpath('/Domain/@領域', subj_score_ele), '')::text AS 領域 // , array_to_string(xpath('/Domain/@權數', subj_score_ele), '')::text AS 權數 //FROM ( // SELECT // sems_subj_score.* // , unnest(xpath('/root/Domains/Domain', xmlparse(content '<root>' || score_info || '</root>'))) as subj_score_ele // FROM // sems_subj_score // INNER JOIN target_student // ON = sems_subj_score.ref_student_id // ) as sems_subj_score_ext // LEFT OUTER JOIN student // ON = sems_subj_score_ext.ref_student_id // LEFT OUTER JOIN class // ON = student.ref_class_id // INNER JOIN data_row // ON data_row.school_year = sems_subj_score_ext.school_year // AND data_row.semester = sems_subj_score_ext.semester //ORDER BY // sems_subj_score_ext.grade_year // , class.display_order // , student.seat_no // ", data.SchoolYear, data.Semester, data.ClassIDs); //return qh.Select(sql); // 取得班級學生含研修 QueryHelper qh1 = new QueryHelper(); string qry = @"SELECT,,student.seat_no, AS class_id,class.class_name FROM student INNER JOIN class on student.ref_class_id = WHERE student.status IN(1,2) AND IN(" + data.ClassIDs + @") ORDER BY class.grade_year,class.display_order,class.class_name,student.seat_no"; DataTable dtStudent = qh1.Select(qry); List <string> StudentIDList = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtStudent.Rows) { StudentIDList.Add(dr["id"].ToString()); } // 取得學生學期成績,即時計算使用 List <JHSemesterScoreRecord> StudentSemesterScoreList = JHSemesterScore.SelectByStudentIDs(StudentIDList); // 建立成績資料索引 Dictionary <string, List <JHSemesterScoreRecord> > StudentSemesterScoreDict = new Dictionary <string, List <JHSemesterScoreRecord> >(); foreach (JHSemesterScoreRecord rec in StudentSemesterScoreList) { if (!StudentSemesterScoreDict.ContainsKey(rec.RefStudentID)) { StudentSemesterScoreDict.Add(rec.RefStudentID, new List <JHSemesterScoreRecord>()); } StudentSemesterScoreDict[rec.RefStudentID].Add(rec); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("id"); dt.Columns.Add("name"); dt.Columns.Add("seat_no"); dt.Columns.Add("class_id"); dt.Columns.Add("class_name"); dt.Columns.Add("semester"); dt.Columns.Add("school_year"); dt.Columns.Add("原始成績"); dt.Columns.Add("成績"); dt.Columns.Add("領域"); dt.Columns.Add("權數"); // 各領域學期成績 Dictionary <string, List <decimal> > domainnScoreDict = new Dictionary <string, List <decimal> >(); // 各領域學期成績原始 Dictionary <string, List <decimal> > domainnScoreOrignDict = new Dictionary <string, List <decimal> >(); // 各領域成績(算術平均) Dictionary <string, decimal> domainnScoreAvgDict = new Dictionary <string, decimal>(); // 各領域成績(算術平均)(原始) Dictionary <string, decimal> domainnScoreAvgOrignDict = new Dictionary <string, decimal>(); // 各領域學分 Dictionary <string, List <decimal> > domainCreditDict = new Dictionary <string, List <decimal> >(); // 各領域學分平均 Dictionary <string, decimal> domainAvgCreditDict = new Dictionary <string, decimal>(); #region 取得學生成績計算規則 ScoreCalculator defaultScoreCalculator = new ScoreCalculator(null); //key: ScoreCalcRuleID calcCache.Clear(); //key: StudentID, val: ScoreCalcRuleID calcIDCache.Clear(); List <string> scoreCalcRuleIDList = new List <string>(); List <StudentRecord> StudentRecList = K12.Data.Student.SelectByIDs(StudentIDList); foreach (StudentRecord student in StudentRecList) { //calcCache.Add(student.ID, new ScoreCalculator(student.ScoreCalcRule)); string calcID = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.OverrideScoreCalcRuleID)) { calcID = student.OverrideScoreCalcRuleID; } else if (student.Class != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.Class.RefScoreCalcRuleID)) { calcID = student.Class.RefScoreCalcRuleID; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(calcID)) { calcIDCache.Add(student.ID, calcID); } } foreach (JHScoreCalcRuleRecord record in JHScoreCalcRule.SelectByIDs(calcIDCache.Values)) { if (!calcCache.ContainsKey(record.ID)) { calcCache.Add(record.ID, new ScoreCalculator(record)); } } #endregion // 計算畢業成績使用 StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict.Clear(); StudentSemsCreditSumDict.Clear(); // 開始填資料 foreach (DataRow dr in dtStudent.Rows) { string sid = dr["id"].ToString(); //DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow(); //newRow["id"] = sid; //newRow["name"] = dr["name"].ToString(); //newRow["seat_no"] = dr["seat_no"].ToString(); //newRow["class_id"] = dr["class_id"].ToString(); //newRow["class_name"] = dr["class_name"].ToString(); //newRow["semester"] = ""; //newRow["school_year"] = ""; //newRow["原始成績"] = "0"; //newRow["成績"] = "0"; //newRow["領域"] = "0"; //newRow["權數"] = "0"; // 即時計算領域成績 if (StudentSemesterScoreDict.ContainsKey(sid)) { // 成績計算規則 ScoreCalculator studentCalculator = defaultScoreCalculator; if (calcIDCache.ContainsKey(sid) && calcCache.ContainsKey(calcIDCache[sid])) { studentCalculator = calcCache[calcIDCache[sid]]; } domainnScoreDict.Clear(); domainnScoreOrignDict.Clear(); domainnScoreAvgDict.Clear(); domainnScoreAvgOrignDict.Clear(); domainCreditDict.Clear(); if (!StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict.ContainsKey(sid)) { StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict.Add(sid, new Dictionary <string, decimal>()); } if (!StudentSemsCreditSumDict.ContainsKey(sid)) { StudentSemsCreditSumDict.Add(sid, new Dictionary <string, decimal>()); } // 整理各學期領域成績 foreach (JHSemesterScoreRecord rec in StudentSemesterScoreDict[sid]) { string key = rec.SchoolYear + "_" + rec.Semester; if (!StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict[sid].ContainsKey(key)) { StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict[sid].Add(key, 0); } if (!StudentSemsCreditSumDict[sid].ContainsKey(key)) { StudentSemsCreditSumDict[sid].Add(key, 0); } // 讀取成績 foreach (string dName in rec.Domains.Keys) { // 加入領域成績 if (rec.Domains[dName].Score.HasValue) { if (!domainnScoreDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainnScoreDict.Add(dName, new List <decimal>()); } domainnScoreDict[dName].Add(rec.Domains[dName].Score.Value); if (rec.Domains[dName].Credit.HasValue) { StudentSemsDomainScoreSumDict[sid][key] += (rec.Domains[dName].Score.Value * rec.Domains[dName].Credit.Value); } } // 加入領域原始 if (rec.Domains[dName].ScoreMakeup.HasValue) { if (!domainnScoreOrignDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainnScoreOrignDict.Add(dName, new List <decimal>()); } domainnScoreOrignDict[dName].Add(rec.Domains[dName].ScoreMakeup.Value); } // 加入權數 if (rec.Domains[dName].Credit.HasValue) { if (!domainCreditDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainCreditDict.Add(dName, new List <decimal>()); } domainCreditDict[dName].Add(rec.Domains[dName].Credit.Value); StudentSemsCreditSumDict[sid][key] += rec.Domains[dName].Credit.Value; } } } // 計算成績 foreach (string dName in domainnScoreDict.Keys) { // 使用畢業成績計算規則四捨五入方式,即時計算平均 decimal avgScore = studentCalculator.ParseGraduateScore(domainnScoreDict[dName].Average()); if (!domainnScoreAvgDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainnScoreAvgDict.Add(dName, avgScore); } } foreach (string dName in domainnScoreOrignDict.Keys) { // 使用畢業成績計算規則四捨五入方式,即時計算平均(原始) decimal avgScore = studentCalculator.ParseGraduateScore(domainnScoreOrignDict[dName].Average()); if (!domainnScoreAvgOrignDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainnScoreAvgOrignDict.Add(dName, avgScore); } } // 處理學分 foreach (string dName in domainCreditDict.Keys) { // 使用畢業成績計算規則四捨五入方式,即時計算平均(原始) decimal avgScore = studentCalculator.ParseGraduateScore(domainCreditDict[dName].Average()); if (!domainAvgCreditDict.ContainsKey(dName)) { domainAvgCreditDict.Add(dName, avgScore); } } foreach (string domainName in domainnScoreAvgDict.Keys) { // 填資料 DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow(); newRow["id"] = sid; newRow["name"] = dr["name"].ToString(); newRow["seat_no"] = dr["seat_no"].ToString(); newRow["class_id"] = dr["class_id"].ToString(); newRow["class_name"] = dr["class_name"].ToString(); newRow["semester"] = ""; newRow["school_year"] = ""; newRow["原始成績"] = ""; if (domainnScoreAvgOrignDict.ContainsKey(domainName)) { newRow["原始成績"] = domainnScoreAvgOrignDict[domainName]; } newRow["成績"] = domainnScoreAvgDict[domainName]; newRow["領域"] = domainName; newRow["權數"] = ""; if (domainAvgCreditDict.ContainsKey(domainName)) { newRow["權數"] = domainAvgCreditDict[domainName]; } dt.Rows.Add(newRow); } } } return(dt); }
private Workbook FillWorkBookData(ParameterRec data) { Workbook prototype = new Workbook(); prototype.Copy(wbTemplate); Worksheet ps = prototype.Worksheets[0]; Workbook wb = new Workbook(); wb.Copy(prototype); Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0]; Range colRange = ps.Cells.CreateRange(2, 1, 1, 1); Range rowRange = ps.Cells.CreateRange(3, 1, false); int rowIndex = 0; int colIndex = 0; int domainCount = listDomainFromData.Count; string title = cbxIsSchoolYear.Checked ? $"{data.SchoolYear}學年度 領域不及格人數統計表" : $"{data.SchoolYear}學年度 {data.Semester}學期 領域不及格人數統計表"; ws.Cells.Merge(rowIndex, 0, 1, domainCount * 2); ws.Cells[rowIndex++, 0].PutValue(title); // 各學習領域學生成績評量情形 { ws.Cells.Merge(1, 1, 1, domainCount); Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(1, 1, 1, domainCount); range.SetOutlineBorders(CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black); range.PutValue("各學習領域學生成績評量情形", false, false); Cell cell = ws.Cells.GetCell(1, 1); Style style = cell.GetStyle(); style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; cell.SetStyle(style); } // 學生成績評量不及格領域數情形 { ws.Cells.Merge(1, domainCount + 1, 1, domainCount); Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(1, domainCount + 1, 1, domainCount); range.SetOutlineBorders(CellBorderType.Thin, Color.Black); range.PutValue("學生成績評量不及格領域數情形", false, false); Cell cell = ws.Cells.GetCell(1, domainCount + 1); Style style = cell.GetStyle(); style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; cell.SetStyle(style); } rowIndex++; colIndex = 1; // 領域 foreach (string domain in listDomainFromData) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); range.ColumnWidth = colRange.ColumnWidth; ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(domain); } // 不及格數 for (int i = 1; i <= listDomainFromData.Count; i++) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); range.ColumnWidth = colRange.ColumnWidth; ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue($"{i}個學習領域不及格人數"); } rowIndex++; // 年級 foreach (string gradeYear in listGradeYear) { colIndex = 0; if (rowIndex > 3) { ws.Cells.InsertRow(rowIndex); } ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, 1, false).CopyStyle(rowRange); ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue($"{gradeYear}年級"); // 領域不及格人數 foreach (string domain in listDomainFromData) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); if (dicUnPassCountByDomainGradeYear[gradeYear].ContainsKey(domain)) { int unPassCount = dicUnPassCountByDomainGradeYear[gradeYear][domain]; ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(unPassCount); } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(0); } } // 不及格領域人數 for (int i = 1; i <= listDomainFromData.Count; i++) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); if (dicUnPassCountByUnPassGradeYear.ContainsKey(gradeYear)) { if (dicUnPassCountByUnPassGradeYear[gradeYear].ContainsKey(i)) { int unPassCount = dicUnPassCountByUnPassGradeYear[gradeYear][i]; ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(unPassCount); } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(0); } } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(0); } } rowIndex++; } colIndex = 1; // 總計 領域 foreach (string domain in listDomainFromData) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(dicTotalCountByDomain[domain]); } // 總計 不及格領域數 foreach (int i in dicTotalCountByUnPass.Keys) { Range range = ws.Cells.CreateRange(rowIndex, colIndex, 1, 1); range.CopyStyle(colRange); ws.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex++].PutValue(dicTotalCountByUnPass[i]); } rowIndex++; int year = DateTime.Now.Year - 1911; int month = DateTime.Now.Month; int day = DateTime.Now.Day; ws.Cells[rowIndex, 0].PutValue($"列印日期: {year}年{month}月{day}日"); return(wb); }