Example #1
 internal static float Poly3ComputeL(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float p)
     //l = sqrt((du/dp)^2 + (dv/dp)^2)
     // dv/du is the slope
     var(dvDp, duDp) = Poly3ComputeDerivative(poly3, p);
     return(math.sqrt(duDp * duDp + dvDp * dvDp));
Example #2
        internal static SimpsonsRuleValues Poly3ComputeSimpsonStep(ParamPoly3Data poly3, SimpsonsRuleValues current,
                                                                   float samplingDelta)
            //use the arc length rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_length#Finding_arc_lengths_by_integrating) and
            //Simpson's Rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson's_rule) to estimate the distance along the polynomial
            var(dvdp, dudp) = Poly3ComputeDerivative(poly3, current.p);
            var stepSize = samplingDelta / math.sqrt(dvdp * dvdp + dudp * dudp);
            var pMid     = current.p + stepSize;
            var lMid     = Poly3ComputeL(poly3, pMid);

            var pNext = current.p + stepSize * 2;
            var lNext = Poly3ComputeL(poly3, pNext);

            var ds = (current.l + 4 * lMid + lNext) * stepSize / 3;

            var sNext = current.s + ds;

            if (ds <= 0)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"ds was {ds:0.0000} but should always be positive and non-zero while stepping through a Poly3.\n"
                          + $"Error caused by sampling with step size {samplingDelta:0.0000}: {poly3}");

            return(new SimpsonsRuleValues(sNext, lNext, pNext));
Example #3
        internal static (float, float) Poly3ComputeDerivative(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float t)
            var ddt  = Poly3FirstOrder(t);
            var dudt = math.dot(ddt, poly3.u);
            var dvdt = math.dot(ddt, poly3.v);

            return(dvdt, dudt);
        // Because all of these tests were written assuming open drive coordinates, but our geometry is in
        // Unity coordinates, rather than re-write all the test cases, we just convert from OpenDRIVE to Unity here
        static Geometry ConstructGeometryFromOpenDriveCoordinates(
            GeometryKind geometryKind, float headingDegrees, float length, float sAbsolute, float x, float z,
            ArcData arcData     = default, SpiralData spiralData         = default,
            Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default)
            var pose = OpenDriveMapElementFactory.FromOpenDriveGlobalToUnity(math.radians(headingDegrees), x, z);

            return(ConstructGeometry(geometryKind, pose, length, sAbsolute,
                                     arcData, spiralData, poly3Data, paramPoly3Data));
Example #5
        internal static PointSampleLocal Poly3ConstructSample(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float sLocal,
                                                              SimpsonsRuleValues current, SimpsonsRuleValues next)
            var sPercent     = (sLocal - current.s) / (next.s - current.s);
            var pFinal       = current.p + (next.p - current.p) * sPercent;
            var uFinal       = Poly3ComputeU(poly3, pFinal);
            var vFinal       = Poly3ComputeV(poly3, pFinal);
            var headingLocal = Poly3ComputeHeading(poly3, pFinal);

            return(new PointSampleLocal(uFinal, vFinal, headingLocal));
        internal SamplingStatePoly3(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float dsStepForApproximation = 0.1f)
            m_poly3 = poly3;
            m_dsStepForApproximation = dsStepForApproximation;

            m_currentIdx = 0;
            var initialValues = new SimpsonsRuleValues(0, GeometrySampling.Poly3ComputeL(m_poly3, 0), 0);

            m_values = new[]
                GeometrySampling.Poly3ComputeSimpsonStep(m_poly3, initialValues, dsStepForApproximation)
 static Geometry ConstructGeometry(
     GeometryKind geometryKind, RigidTransform pose, float length, float sAbsolute,
     ArcData arcData     = default, SpiralData spiralData         = default,
     Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default)
     return(new Geometry()
         length = length,
         sRoad = sAbsolute,
         startPose = pose,
         geometryKind = geometryKind,
         arcData = arcData,
         spiralData = spiralData,
         poly3Data = poly3Data,
         paramPoly3Data = paramPoly3Data
        // Because all of these tests were written assuming open drive coordinates, but our geometry is in
        // Unity coordinates, rather than re-write all the test cases, we just convert from OpenDRIVE to Unity here
        static Geometry ConstructGeometryFromOpenDriveCoordinates(
            float headingDegrees, float length, float sAbsolute, float x, float z,
            GeometryKind geometryKind, ArcData arcData = default, SpiralData spiralData = default,
            Poly3Data poly3Data = default, ParamPoly3Data paramPoly3Data = default)
            var pose = OpenDriveMapElementFactory.FromOpenDriveGlobalToUnity(math.radians(headingDegrees), x, z);

            return(new Geometry()
                length = length,
                sRoad = sAbsolute,
                startPose = pose,
                geometryKind = geometryKind,
                arcData = arcData,
                spiralData = spiralData,
                poly3Data = poly3Data,
                paramPoly3Data = paramPoly3Data
        public void SampleParamPoly3_ReturnsCorrectStartAndEndPoints(
            ParamPoly3Data poly3, PointSampleLocal startExpected, PointSampleLocal endExpected, float sEnd)
            var samplingState = new SamplingStatePoly3(poly3);
            var startActual   = GeometrySampling.SamplePoly3(ref samplingState, 0);

            AssertSamplesEqual(startExpected, startActual);
            var endActual = GeometrySampling.SamplePoly3(ref samplingState, sEnd);

            // Check state object first to see if traversal worked
            Assert.IsTrue(samplingState.NextValues.s >= sEnd, "Sampling didn't traverse far enough along the line. " +
                          $"Expected to get to s={sEnd} but only got to s={samplingState.NextValues.s}");
            Assert.IsTrue(samplingState.CurrentValues.s <= sEnd, "Sampling traversed past end of line. +" +
                          $"Should have stopped at s={sEnd} but went to s={samplingState.CurrentValues.s}");
            // Because we're treating these polynomials as normalized, p will always be 1.0f when s = sEnd
            Assert.IsTrue(samplingState.NextValues.p >= 1.0f, "Sampling didn't traverse far enough along the line. " +
                          $"Expected to get to p=1.0 but only got to p={samplingState.NextValues.p}");
            Assert.IsTrue(samplingState.CurrentValues.p <= 1.0f, "Sampling traversed past end of line. +" +
                          $"Should have stopped at p=1.0 but went to p={samplingState.CurrentValues.p}");
            AssertSamplesEqual(endExpected, endActual, positionTolerance: 0.001f);
        internal SamplingStatePoly3(Geometry geometry, float dsStepForApproximation = 0.1f)
            if (geometry.geometryKind == GeometryKind.Poly3)
                m_poly3 = new ParamPoly3Data(geometry.poly3Data);
                m_poly3 = geometry.paramPoly3Data;

            m_dsStepForApproximation = dsStepForApproximation;

            m_currentIdx = 0;
            var initialValues = new SimpsonsRuleValues(0, GeometrySampling.Poly3ComputeL(m_poly3, 0), 0);

            m_values = new[]
                GeometrySampling.Poly3ComputeSimpsonStep(m_poly3, initialValues, m_dsStepForApproximation)
        public void SampleParamPoly3_ReturnsCorrectValuesForPoly3Inputs(
            Poly3Data poly3Data, float s, Vector2 samplePositionExpected, float headingExpectedDegrees)
            var pPoly3          = new ParamPoly3Data(poly3Data);
            var initialPosition = new Vector2(12, -5);
            var geometryHeading = 10;
            var geometry        = ConstructGeometryFromOpenDriveCoordinates(
                headingDegrees: geometryHeading,
                length: 2 + s,
                sAbsolute: 0,
                x: initialPosition.x,
                z: initialPosition.y,
                geometryKind: GeometryKind.ParamPoly3,
                paramPoly3Data: pPoly3);
            var positionExpected =
                (Vector2)(Quaternion.AngleAxis(-geometryHeading, Vector3.back) * samplePositionExpected) + initialPosition;
            var sampleExpectedGlobal = ConstructPointSampleFromOpenDriveCoordinates(
                positionExpected.x, positionExpected.y, headingExpectedDegrees + geometryHeading);
            var sampleExpected   = GeometrySampling.FromGlobalToLocal(geometry.pose, sampleExpectedGlobal);
            var poly3SampleState = new SamplingStatePoly3(geometry.paramPoly3Data, 0.01f);
            var sampleActual     = GeometrySampling.SamplePoly3(ref poly3SampleState, s);

            AssertSamplesEqual(sampleExpected, sampleActual, positionTolerance: 0.01f, rotationTolerance: 0.01f);
Example #12
        internal static float Poly3ComputeV(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float t)
            var tValues = Poly3ZeroOrder(t);

            return(math.dot(tValues, poly3.v));
Example #13
 internal static float Poly3ComputeHeading(ParamPoly3Data poly3, float t)
     var(dv, du) = Poly3ComputeDerivative(poly3, t);
     return(math.atan2(dv, du));