public static void TestHessainCompact() { CHessianProxyFactory factory = new CHessianProxyFactory(); //String url = ""; String url = ""; CHessianMethodCaller methodCaller = new CHessianMethodCaller(factory, new Uri(url)); try { MethodInfo mInfo_1 = typeof(IHessianTest).GetMethod("testConcatString"); object result = methodCaller.DoHessianMethodCall(new object[] { "Hallo ", "Welt" }, mInfo_1); Console.WriteLine("Return value of method \"testConcatString\":"); Console.WriteLine(result); MethodInfo mInfo_2 = typeof(IHessianTest).GetMethod("testHashMap"); string [] keys = new string[] { "Bauarbeiter", "Jo!" }; string [] values = new string[] { "Koennen wir das schaffen?", "Wir schaffen das!" }; Hashtable hashResult = (Hashtable)methodCaller.DoHessianMethodCall(new object[] { keys, values }, mInfo_2); IDictionaryEnumerator dict = hashResult.GetEnumerator(); Console.WriteLine("Return value of method \"testHashMap\":"); while (dict.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(dict.Key.ToString() + " " + dict.Value.ToString()); } ParamObject pobject = (ParamObject)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(ParamObject)); pobject.setStringVar("Bauarbeiter, koennen wir das schaffen?"); Hashtable hashTab = new Hashtable(); hashTab.Add("Jo", " Wir schaffen das!"); MethodInfo mInfo_3 = typeof(IHessianTest).GetMethod("testParamObject"); ParamObject pObjResult = (ParamObject)methodCaller.DoHessianMethodCall(new object[] { pobject }, mInfo_3); Console.WriteLine("Return value of method \"testParamObject\":"); Console.WriteLine(pObjResult.getStringVar()); Console.WriteLine(pObjResult.getHashVar()["Message"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void testWithConsole(IHessianTest test) { try { char shouldChar = new char(); shouldChar = 'R'; Console.WriteLine("ShouldChar" + shouldChar); String recievedString = test.testCharToString(shouldChar); Console.WriteLine("ReceivedChar: " + recievedString); char t = test.testChar('P'); Console.WriteLine("ReceivedChar2: " + t); DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string dtASString = test.testDateToString(dt); Console.WriteLine(dtASString); DateTime dt2 = test.testStringToDate("10.12.2004"); Console.WriteLine(dt2.ToString()); string s1 = test.testConcatString("Hallo ", "Welt"); Console.WriteLine(s1); string s2 = test.testDoubleToString(1.2); Console.WriteLine(s2); double d1 = test.testStringToDouble("4.5"); Console.WriteLine(d1); long l1 = test.testStringToLong("-45675467"); Console.WriteLine(l1); short sh1 = test.testStringToShort("5467"); Console.WriteLine(sh1); string s3 = test.testFloatToString((float)1.4); Console.WriteLine(s3); float f1 = test.testStringToFloat("1.89"); Console.WriteLine(f1); string s4 = test.testBoolToString(true); Console.WriteLine(s4); bool b1 = test.testStringToBoolean("false"); Console.WriteLine(b1); byte by1 = test.testStringToByte("7"); Console.WriteLine(by1); string s5 = test.testByteToString(5); Console.WriteLine(s5); //Integer Array Test: int[] intArr = { 23, 467 }; string[] stringArr = test.testIntArrToString(intArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArr2 = { "788", "343" }; int[] intArr2 = test.testStringArrToInt(stringArr2); for (int i = 0; i < intArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(intArr2[i]); } //Double Arrray Test: double[] doubleArr = { 23.467, 78.3 }; stringArr = test.testDoubleArrToString(doubleArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrDouble = { "788.56", "343.678" }; double[] doubleArr2 = test.testStringArrToDouble(stringArrDouble); for (int i = 0; i < doubleArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(doubleArr2[i]); } //Float Arrray Test: float[] floatArr = { (float)22.47, (float)3.3 }; stringArr = test.testFloatArrToString(floatArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrFloat = { "88.56", "4.678" }; float[] floatArr2 = test.testStringArrToFloat(stringArrFloat); for (int i = 0; i < floatArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(floatArr2[i]); } //Short Arrray Test: short[] shortArr = { 56, 3 }; stringArr = test.testShortArrToString(shortArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrShort = { "7", "38" }; short[] shortArr2 = test.testStringArrToShort(stringArrShort); for (int i = 0; i < shortArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(shortArr2[i]); } //Char Arrray Test: char[] charArr = { 'c', 'd' }; stringArr = test.testCharArrToString(charArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrChar = { "l", "w" }; char[] charArr2 = test.testStringArrToChar(stringArrChar); for (int i = 0; i < charArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(charArr2[i]); } //Long Arrray Test: long[] longArr = { 56323, 3232323 }; stringArr = test.testLongArrToString(longArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrLong = { "111117", "2222238" }; long[] longArr2 = test.testStringArrToLong(stringArrLong); for (int i = 0; i < longArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(longArr2[i]); } //Byte Arrray Test: byte[] byteArr = { 5, 3 }; stringArr = test.testByteArrToString(byteArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrByte = { "7", "3" }; byte[] byteArr2 = test.testStringArrToByte(stringArrByte); for (int i = 0; i < byteArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(byteArr2[i]); } //Bool Arrray Test: bool[] boolArr = { true, false }; stringArr = test.testBoolArrToString(boolArr); for (int i = 0; i < stringArr.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stringArr[i]); } string[] stringArrBool = { "true", "false" }; bool[] boolArr2 = test.testStringArrToBool(stringArrBool); for (int i = 0; i < boolArr2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(boolArr2[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Test the hashtable return value"); System.Collections.Hashtable testHash = test.testHashMap(new string[] { "Hallo" }, new string [] { "Welt" }); System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator enumer = testHash.GetEnumerator(); while (enumer.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(enumer.Key.ToString() + " " + enumer.Value.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Test the hashtable param"); Console.WriteLine(test.testHashMapParam(testHash)); ArrayList arrList = test.testArrayList(new string[] { "Hallo", " Dimi" }); Console.WriteLine(test.testArrayListParam(arrList)); Console.WriteLine("Test Object"); ParamObject testPObject = new ParamObject(); testPObject.setStringVar("Test Test"); Console.WriteLine(test.testSendParamObject(testPObject)); Console.WriteLine(test.testReceiveParamObject("REUTLINGEN").getStringVar()); ParamObject testPObject2 = test.testParamObject(testPObject); Console.WriteLine(testPObject2.getStringVar()); Hashtable h = testPObject2.getHashVar(); Console.WriteLine(testPObject2.getHashVar()["Message"].ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.ReadLine(); } }