private void method_35() { string text = string.Empty; if ((this.Text != Class816.string_9) && this.Text.Contains(Class816.string_9)) { ParagraphItemCollection items = (base.Owner is SDTInlineContent) ? (base.Owner as SDTInlineContent).Items : ((base.OwnerParagraph != null) ? base.OwnerParagraph.Items : null); if (items != null) { int index = this.Text.IndexOf(Class816.string_9); text = this.Text; int num = items.IndexOf(this); string str2 = text.Substring(index + 1); TextRange entity = base.Clone() as TextRange; if (index > 0) { entity.Text = text.Substring(index); this.Text = text.Substring(0, index); } else if (str2 != string.Empty) { entity.Text = str2; this.Text = Class816.string_9; } items.Insert(num + 1, entity); } } }
/// <summary> /// Iterates into paragraph items. /// </summary> /// <param name="paragraph">The paragraph.</param> /// <param name="fieldType">Type of field.</param> private void RemoveFieldCodesInParagraph(ParagraphItemCollection paraItems) { for (int i = 0; i < paraItems.Count; i++) { if (paraItems[i] is WField) { WField field = paraItems[i] as WField; field.Unlink(); } else if (paraItems[i] is WTextBox) { //If paragraph item is textbox, iterates into textbody of textbox. WTextBox textBox = paraItems[i] as WTextBox; RemoveFieldCodesInTextBody(textBox.TextBoxBody); } else if (paraItems[i] is Shape) { //If paragraph item is shape, iterates into textbody of shape. Shape shape = paraItems[i] as Shape; RemoveFieldCodesInTextBody(shape.TextBody); } else if (paraItems[i] is InlineContentControl) { //If paragraph item is inline content control, iterates into its item. InlineContentControl inlineContentControl = paraItems[i] as InlineContentControl; RemoveFieldCodesInParagraph(inlineContentControl.ParagraphItems); } } }
internal void method_32(ParagraphItemCollection A_0) { if (this.SDTContent.Items.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.SDTContent.Items.Count; i++) { if (this.SDTContent.Items[i] is StructureDocumentTagInline) { (this.SDTContent.Items[i] as StructureDocumentTagInline).UpdateDataBinding(); (this.SDTContent.Items[i] as StructureDocumentTagInline).method_32(A_0); } else { A_0.InnerList.Add(this.SDTContent.Items[i]); } } } else { TextRange range = (TextRange)base.Document.CreateParagraphItem(ParagraphItemType.TextRange); range.Text = ""; range.CharacterFormat.ApplyBase(base.m_charFormat); A_0.InnerList.Add(range); range.OwnerEmptyParagraph = base.OwnerParagraph; } }
private void method_37() { string text = this.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && text.Contains(Class816.string_6)) { int index = text.IndexOf(Class816.string_6); string str2 = text.Substring(index + 1); TextRange entity = base.Clone() as TextRange; if (index > 0) { entity.Text = text.Substring(index + 1); this.Text = text.Substring(0, index); } else if (str2 != string.Empty) { entity.Text = str2; this.Text = string.Empty; } ParagraphItemCollection items = (base.Owner is SDTInlineContent) ? (base.Owner as SDTInlineContent).Items : ((base.OwnerParagraph != null) ? base.OwnerParagraph.Items : null); if (items != null) { int num = base.method_5(); Break @break = new Break(base.Document, BreakType.LineBreak); items.Insert(++num, @break); if (index < (text.Length - 1)) { items.Insert(++num, entity); } } } }
internal static int smethod_2(SDTInlineContent A_0, Regex A_1, string A_2) { Paragraph ownerParagraph = A_0.OwnerParagraph; ParagraphItemCollection items = A_0.Items; string text = A_0.Text; MatchCollection matchs = A_1.Matches(text); if (matchs.Count > 0) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int length = A_2.Length; int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; foreach (Match match in matchs) { TextRange range2; num4 = match.Index + num; num5 = match.Length; num2 = length - match.Length; A_0.method_24(num4, num5, A_2); int num7 = Class191.smethod_4(A_0, num4 + 1, out range2); int num9 = range2.StartPos + range2.TextLength; range2.SafeText = false; if ((num9 <= (num4 + num5)) && ((range2.NextSibling == null) || (range2.NextSibling.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.TextRange))) { ParagraphBase base2; smethod_4(A_0, num4 + num5, num7 + 1, out base2); int num8 = num4 + num5; if (base2 is TextRange) { TextRange range = base2 as TextRange; range.TextLength -= num8 - range.StartPos; range.StartPos = num8 + num2; num7++; } range2.TextLength = (num8 + num2) - range2.StartPos; } else { range2.TextLength += num2; } smethod_6(A_0, num7 + 1, num2); num += num2; if (ownerParagraph.Document.ReplaceFirst) { break; } } } int count = matchs.Count; if (ownerParagraph.Document.ReplaceFirst && (count > 0)) { return(count); } return(count + smethod_3(A_0, A_1, A_2)); }
protected void method_9(ParagraphItemCollection A_0) { int num = 0; int count = A_0.Count; while (num < count) { this.method_10(A_0[num]); num++; } }
private static void smethod_7(ParagraphItemCollection A_0, int A_1, int A_2) { int num = A_1; int count = A_0.Count; while (num < count) { ParagraphBase base2 = A_0[num]; base2.StartPos += A_2; num++; } }
internal override void Close() { base.Close(); if (this.m_textBody != null) { this.m_textBody.method_28(); this.m_textBody = null; } this.m_format = null; this.textBodyPart_0 = null; this.paragraphItemCollection_1 = null; this.commentsCollection_0 = null; }
public MergeField(IDocument doc) : base(doc) { this.m_fieldName = ""; this.string_18 = ""; this.string_19 = ""; this.string_22 = ""; this.string_23 = ""; this.string_24 = ""; base.m_paraItemType = ParagraphItemType.MergeField; this.paragraphItemCollection_1 = new ParagraphItemCollection(doc as Document); this.paragraphItemCollection_1.method_0(this); base.m_fieldType = FieldType.FieldMergeField; }
protected override object CloneImpl() { Comment comment = (Comment)base.CloneImpl(); comment.m_format = this.Format.Clone(comment.Document); comment.m_textBody = (Spire.Doc.Body) this.Body.Clone(); comment.m_textBody.method_0(comment); foreach (BodyRegion region in comment.Body.ChildObjects) { region.method_0(comment.m_textBody); } this.paragraphItemCollection_1 = null; this.textBodyPart_0 = null; return(comment); }
private CommentMark method_33(int A_0, int A_1, ParagraphItemCollection A_2) { ParagraphBase base2 = null; for (int i = A_0; i > 0; i--) { base2 = A_2[i]; if (base2 is CommentMark) { CommentMark mark2 = base2 as CommentMark; if ((mark2.Type == CommentMarkType.CommentStart) && (mark2.CommentId == A_1)) { return(mark2); } } } return(null); }
private static void smethod_5(ParagraphItemCollection A_0, int A_1, int A_2, out ParagraphBase A_3) { int startPos = 0; A_3 = null; for (int i = A_2; i < A_0.Count; i++) { A_3 = A_0[i]; startPos = A_3.StartPos; if (A_3 is TextRange) { TextRange range = A_3 as TextRange; startPos = range.StartPos + range.TextLength; } if (startPos >= A_1) { return; } A_0.method_23(i); i--; } }
private void method_43(ParagraphItemCollection A_0, string A_1, int A_2) { int num = 15; if (this.dictionary_0 == null) { this.dictionary_0 = new Dictionary <string, TextRange>(); } string key = A_1 + BookmarkStart.b("樴", num) + A_2; TextRange range = null; if (this.dictionary_0.ContainsKey(key)) { range = this.dictionary_0[key]; } else { range = new TextRange(base.Document); range.CharacterFormat.ApplyBase(this.CharacterFormat); range.method_0(base.Owner); range.characterCategory_0 = this.CharacterCategory; range.StartPos = A_2; range.int_4 = A_1.Length; range.string_9 = A_1; range.string_8 = A_1; range.textRange_0 = this; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(A_1)) { range.bool_12 = Class57.smethod_11(A_1[0]); range.bool_13 = Class57.smethod_11(A_1[A_1.Length - 1]); range.bool_14 = Class57.smethod_12(A_1[0]); range.bool_15 = Class57.smethod_12(A_1[A_1.Length - 1]); range.bool_10 = Class57.smethod_6(A_1[0]) == Spire.Doc.CharacterCategory.FarEast; range.bool_11 = Class57.smethod_6(A_1[A_1.Length - 1]) == Spire.Doc.CharacterCategory.FarEast; } this.dictionary_0.Add(key, range); } A_0.InnerList.Add(range); }
public int method_0(Paragraph A_0, Regex A_1, string A_2) { int num = 0x12; ParagraphItemCollection items = A_0.Items; string text = A_0.Text; MatchCollection matchs = A_1.Matches(text); if (matchs.Count > 0) { int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int length = A_2.Length; int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; foreach (Match match in matchs) { ParagraphBase base2; num5 = match.Index + num2; num6 = match.Length; num3 = length - match.Length; A_0.method_66(num5, num6, A_2); TextRange entity = null; int num9 = Class191.smethod_3(A_0, num5 + 1, out base2); if (base2 is TextRange) { entity = base2 as TextRange; } else if (base2 is Break) { entity = (base2 as Break).TextRange; } int num8 = entity.StartPos + entity.TextLength; entity.SafeText = false; if (num8 > (num5 + num6)) { entity.TextLength += num3; } else { ParagraphBase base3; this.method_5(A_0, num5 + num6, num9 + 1, out base3); int num10 = num5 + num6; if (base3 is TextRange) { TextRange range2 = base3 as TextRange; range2.TextLength -= num10 - range2.StartPos; range2.StartPos = num10 + num3; num9++; } entity.TextLength = (num10 + num3) - entity.StartPos; } this.method_6(A_0, num9 + 1, num3); num2 += num3; if (base2 is Break) { int index = A_0.ChildObjects.IndexOf(base2); TextRange range3 = new TextRange(entity.Document) { StartPos = base2.StartPos, TextLength = A_2.Length }; range3.CharacterFormat.ApplyBase(base2.CharacterFormat.method_23()); A_0.ChildObjects.InnerList.RemoveAt(index); A_0.ChildObjects.InnerList.Insert(index, range3); range3.method_0(A_0); entity = range3; } else if (((entity != null) && (entity.DocumentObjectType == DocumentObjectType.TextRange)) && (entity.Text == BookmarkStart.b("㌷", num))) { int num11 = A_0.ChildObjects.IndexOf(entity); Break @break = new Break(entity.Document) { StartPos = entity.StartPos }; A_0.ChildObjects.InnerList.RemoveAt(num11); A_0.ChildObjects.InnerList.Insert(num11, @break); @break.method_0(A_0); } if (entity != null) { entity.method_39(); } if (A_0.Document.ReplaceFirst) { break; } } } int count = matchs.Count; if (A_0.Document.ReplaceFirst && (count > 0)) { return(count); } return(count + smethod_1(A_0, A_1, A_2)); }
internal void method_42(ParagraphItemCollection A_0) { if ((((this.CharacterCategory == Spire.Doc.CharacterCategory.FarEast) && (this.LetterOrDigitPosition.Count > 0)) && (((base.interface23_0 != null) && !base.interface23_0.imethod_4()) || (base.interface23_0 == null))) && (!(base.PreviousSibling is FieldMark) || !(base.NextSibling is FieldMark))) { string text = this.Text; int startPos = this.StartPos; int startIndex = 0; int num3 = 0; int count = this.LetterOrDigitPosition.Count; while (num3 < count) { Class217 class2 = this.LetterOrDigitPosition[num3]; Class217 class3 = null; if (num3 < (count - 1)) { class3 = this.LetterOrDigitPosition[num3 + 1]; } if ((num3 == 0) && !class2.method_6()) { string str3 = text.Substring(startIndex, class2.method_2().Value); this.method_43(A_0, str3, startPos); startPos += str3.Length; startIndex += str3.Length; str3 = text.Substring(startIndex, (class2.method_0().Value - class2.method_2().Value) + 1); this.method_43(A_0, str3, startPos); startPos += str3.Length; startIndex += str3.Length; if (class3 == null) { str3 = text.Substring(startIndex); } else if ((class3.method_2().Value - class2.method_0().Value) > 1) { str3 = text.Substring(startIndex, (class3.method_2().Value - class2.method_0().Value) - 1); } if (str3.Length > 0) { this.method_43(A_0, str3, startPos); startPos += str3.Length; startIndex += str3.Length; } } else { string str = text.Substring(startIndex, (class2.method_0().Value - class2.method_2().Value) + 1); this.method_43(A_0, str, startPos); startPos += str.Length; startIndex += str.Length; if (class3 == null) { str = text.Substring(startIndex); } else if ((class3.method_2().Value - class2.method_0().Value) > 1) { str = text.Substring(startIndex, (class3.method_2().Value - class2.method_0().Value) - 1); } if (str.Length > 0) { this.method_43(A_0, str, startPos); startPos += str.Length; startIndex += str.Length; } } num3++; } } else { A_0.InnerList.Add(this); } }
protected ParagraphBase(Document doc) : base(doc, null) { this.paragraphItemCollection_0 = new ParagraphItemCollection(doc); }
internal void method_0(bool A_0, bool A_1) { int num = 1; if (this.CurrentBookmark == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } BookmarkStart bookmarkStart = this.CurrentBookmark.BookmarkStart; BookmarkEnd bookmarkEnd = this.CurrentBookmark.BookmarkEnd; if (bookmarkEnd != null) { Paragraph ownerParagraph = bookmarkStart.OwnerParagraph; Paragraph paragraph = bookmarkEnd.OwnerParagraph; if (ownerParagraph.Owner != paragraph.Owner) { throw new NotSupportedException(BookmarkStart.b("椦䘨弪ബ尮䐰䌲䔴堶䬸伺堼嬾慀❂⁄⭆ⱈ㽊ⅎ㙐獒㙔㡖㝘⽚㡜ㅞᕠ䍢ݤɦᵨᱪ੮ὰ卲ᡶᙸၺၼṾꞆ권ﺚ膠펢쒤햦좨첪\udfac\uceae솰\udbb2\uc6b4", num)); } Body owner = (Body)ownerParagraph.Owner; BodyRegionCollection regions = owner.Items; int index = ownerParagraph.method_5() + 1; if (ownerParagraph != paragraph) { while (regions.Count > index) { if (regions[index] == paragraph) { break; } regions.RemoveAt(index); } } ParagraphItemCollection items = ownerParagraph.Items; int num4 = bookmarkStart.method_5() + 1; if (A_0 && (items.Count > num4)) { TextRange range = items[num4] as TextRange; if (range != null) { range.Text = ""; num4++; } } while (items.Count > num4) { if (items[num4] == bookmarkEnd) { break; } items.RemoveAt(num4); if (this.int_1 > 0) { this.int_1--; } } if (ownerParagraph != paragraph) { int num2 = bookmarkEnd.method_5(); if (num2 != 0) { while (num2 < paragraph.Items.Count) { DocumentObject entity = paragraph.Items[num2]; ownerParagraph.Items.Add(entity); } paragraph.RemoveSelf(); } else if (A_1) { if (num4 == 1) { ownerParagraph.RemoveSelf(); paragraph.Items.RemoveAt(num2); } if ((num4 == 2) && (items[0] is BookmarkEnd)) { paragraph.Items.RemoveAt(num2); BookmarkEnd end2 = items[0] as BookmarkEnd; ((Paragraph)regions[index]).Items.Insert(0, end2); ownerParagraph.RemoveSelf(); } } } } if (this.document_0.Bookmarks.InnerList.Contains(this.CurrentBookmark)) { this.MoveToBookmark(this.CurrentBookmark.Name, this.bool_0, this.bool_1); } }
private void method_36() { if (!this.bool_8) { string str = string.Empty; if (this.Text.Replace(Class816.string_4, Class816.string_27).Replace('\n', '\r').Contains(Class816.string_27)) { ParagraphItemCollection items = (base.Owner is SDTInlineContent) ? (base.Owner as SDTInlineContent).Items : ((base.OwnerParagraph != null) ? base.OwnerParagraph.Items : null); if (items != null) { TextRange entity = (this.textRange_0 != null) ? this.textRange_0 : this; str = entity.Text.Replace(Class816.string_4, Class816.string_27).Replace('\n', '\r'); int index = str.IndexOf(Class816.string_27); string str2 = str.Substring(index + 1); TextRange range2 = entity.Clone() as TextRange; if ((this.textRange_0 != null) && (this.int_4 > 0)) { this.int_4--; } if (index > 0) { range2.Text = str.Substring(index + 1); entity.Text = str.Substring(0, index); } else if (str2 != string.Empty) { range2.Text = str2; entity.Text = string.Empty; } if (str == Class816.string_27) { entity.Text = string.Empty; range2.Text = string.Empty; } Paragraph paragraph2 = (base.Owner is SDTInlineContent) ? (base.Owner as SDTInlineContent).OwnerParagraph : base.OwnerParagraph; Paragraph paragraph = paragraph2.Clone() as Paragraph; paragraph.method_57(); int num7 = paragraph2.method_5(); paragraph2.OwnerTextBody.Items.Insert(num7 + 1, paragraph); (paragraph2.interface23_0 as Class213).method_38(false); paragraph.Items.Add(range2); int num2 = items.IndexOf(entity); if (num2 > -1) { int num = (base.Document != null) ? base.Document.ClonedFields.Count : 0; paragraph.method_67(items, num2 + 1); int num5 = (base.Document != null) ? base.Document.ClonedFields.Count : 0; int num4 = 0; int num6 = num5 - num; while (num4 < num6) { base.Document.ClonedFields.Pop(); num4++; } if (base.IsAddForIfField) { paragraph.IsAddForIfField = true; base.m_doc.LayoutVariables.method_1().Add(paragraph); } } } } } }
internal SDTInlineContent(Document A_0, StructureDocumentTagInline A_1) : base(A_0, A_1) { this.stringBuilder_0 = new StringBuilder(1); this.paragraphItemCollection_0 = new ParagraphItemCollection(A_0); this.paragraphItemCollection_0.method_0(this); }