Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// 退换货单分页查询
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">筛选条件</param>
 /// <returns>可分页的退换货表</returns>
 /// <remarks>2013-07-11 朱家宏 创建</remarks>
 public abstract Pager <CBRcReturn> GetAll(ParaRmaFilter filter);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 退换货单分页查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">筛选条件</param>
        /// <returns>退换货表</returns>
        /// <remarks>2013-07-11 朱家宏 创建</remarks>
        public override Pager <CBRcReturn> GetAll(ParaRmaFilter filter)
            const string sql =
                @"(select  a.sysno,a.ordersysno,a.refundtotalamount,a.status,a.createdate,a.rmatype,a.source,a.handledepartment,a.CustomerSysNo,
                            c.account as customerAccount,
                    from    rcreturn a
                            left join soOrder b on b.sysno=a.ordersysno
                            left join crCustomer c on c.sysno=a.customersysno
                            left join WhwareHouse e on e.SYSNO = a.warehousesysno
                            (@0 is null or c.account=@0) and                                                                            --会员号
                            (@1 is null or a.sysno=@1) and                                                                                                  --RmaId
                            (@2 is null or a.OrderSysNo=@2) and                                                                                   --OrderSysNo
                            (@3 is null or exists (select 1 from splitstr(@3,',') tmp where tmp.col = b.ordersource)) and     --销售单来源
                            (@4 is null or @4 = '' or exists (select 1 from splitstr(@4,',') tmp where tmp.col = a.status)) and            --退换货状态
                            (@5 is null or exists (select 1 from splitstr(@5,',') tmp where tmp.col = a.source)) and              --申请单来源
                            (@6 is null or a.RmaType=@6) and                                                                                            --RmaType
                            (@7 is null or a.createDate>=@7) and                                                                                    --创建日期(起)
                            (@8 is null or a.createDate<@8) and                                                                                         --创建日期(止) 
                            (@9 is null or c.SysNo=@9) and                                                                                     --会员编号
                            (@10='true' or (a.warehousesysno is null or a.warehousesysno=0)) and      
                            (@11 is null or exists (select 1 from splitstr(@11,',') tmp where tmp.col = a.HandleDepartment)) and              --申请单处理部门
                            (@12 is null or exists (select 1 from splitstr(@12,',') tmp where tmp.col = e.sysNo))
                    ) tb";

            var orderSources = filter.OrderSources != null?string.Join(",", filter.OrderSources) : null;

            var rmaStatuses = filter.RmaStatuses != null?string.Join(",", filter.RmaStatuses) : null;

            var rmaSources = filter.RmaSources != null?string.Join(",", filter.RmaSources) : null;

            var handleDepartments = filter.HandleDepartments != null?string.Join(",", filter.HandleDepartments) : null;

            var storeSysNos = filter.StoreSysNoList != null?string.Join(",", filter.StoreSysNoList) : null;

            filter.EndDate = filter.EndDate == null ? (DateTime?)null : filter.EndDate.Value.AddDays(1);

            var paras = new object[]
                filter.CustomerAccount, // filter.CustomerAccount,
                filter.RmaId,           ///  filter.RmaId,
                filter.OrderSysNo,      //  filter.OrderSysNo,
                orderSources,           // orderSources,
                rmaStatuses,            //   rmaStatuses,
                rmaSources,             //   rmaSources,
                filter.RmaType,         // filter.RmaType,
                filter.BeginDate,       //  filter.BeginDate,
                filter.EndDate,         //  filter.EndDate,
                filter.CustomerSysNo,   // filter.CustomerSysNo,
                handleDepartments,      //  handleDepartments,
                storeSysNos             //,                storeSysNos

            var dataList  = Context.Select <CBRcReturn>("tb.*").From(sql);
            var dataCount = Context.Select <int>("count(0)").From(sql);


            var pager = new Pager <CBRcReturn>
                PageSize    = filter.PageSize,
                CurrentPage = filter.Id

            pager.TotalRows = dataCount.QuerySingle();
            pager.Rows      = dataList.OrderBy("tb.createdate desc").Paging(pager.CurrentPage, filter.PageSize).QueryMany();
