public CodeSegmentPreviewWindow (TextEditor editor, bool hideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString, ISegment segment, int width, int height) : base (Gtk.WindowType.Popup)
			this.HideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString = hideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString;
			this.editor = editor;
			this.AppPaintable = true;
			layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (this);
			informLayout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (this);
			informLayout.SetText (CodeSegmentPreviewInformString);
			fontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString (editor.Options.FontName);
			fontDescription.Size = (int)(fontDescription.Size * 0.8f);
			layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
			layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
			// setting a max size for the segment (40 lines should be enough), 
			// no need to markup thousands of lines for a preview window
			int startLine = editor.Document.OffsetToLineNumber (segment.Offset);
			int endLine = editor.Document.OffsetToLineNumber (segment.EndOffset);
			const int maxLines = 40;
			bool pushedLineLimit = endLine - startLine > maxLines;
			if (pushedLineLimit)
				segment = new Segment (segment.Offset, editor.Document.GetLine (startLine + maxLines).Offset - segment.Offset);
			layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
			layout.SetMarkup (editor.Document.SyntaxMode.GetMarkup (editor.Document,
			                                                        true) + (pushedLineLimit ? Environment.NewLine + "..." : ""));
			CalculateSize ();
        public override void Render(Drawable window,
                                     Widget widget,
                                     Rectangle cell_area,
                                     Rectangle expose_area,
                                     StateType cell_state,
                                     IPhoto photo)
            string text = GetRenderText (photo);

            var layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext);
            layout.SetText (text);

            Rectangle layout_bounds;
            layout.GetPixelSize (out layout_bounds.Width, out layout_bounds.Height);

            layout_bounds.Y = cell_area.Y;
            layout_bounds.X = cell_area.X + (cell_area.Width - layout_bounds.Width) / 2;

            if (layout_bounds.IntersectsWith (expose_area)) {
                Style.PaintLayout (widget.Style, window, cell_state,
                                   true, expose_area, widget, "IconView",
                                   layout_bounds.X, layout_bounds.Y,
		protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine (long line)
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText (string.Format ("{0:X}", line * Editor.BytesInRow));
			return new LayoutWrapper (layout);
        public FormattedTextImpl(
            Pango.Context context,
            string text,
            string fontFamily,
            double fontSize,
            FontStyle fontStyle,
            TextAlignment textAlignment,
            FontWeight fontWeight)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(context != null);
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(text != null);
            Layout = new Pango.Layout(context);
            _text = text;
            Layout.FontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription
                Family = fontFamily,
                Size = Pango.Units.FromDouble(CorrectScale(fontSize)),
                Style = (Pango.Style)fontStyle,
                Weight = fontWeight.ToCairo()

            Layout.Alignment = textAlignment.ToCairo();
            Layout.Attributes = new Pango.AttrList();
Example #5
        protected override bool OnDrawn(Cairo.Context cr)
            double step_width = Allocation.Width / (double)steps;
            double step_height = Allocation.Height / (double)steps;
            double h = 1.0;
            double s = 0.0;

            for (int xi = 0, i = 0; xi < steps; xi++) {
                for (int yi = 0; yi < steps; yi++, i++) {
                    double bg_b = (double)(i / 255.0);
                    double fg_b = 1.0 - bg_b;

                    double x = xi * step_width;
                    double y = yi * step_height;

                    cr.Rectangle (x, y, step_width, step_height);
                    cr.Color = CairoExtensions.ColorFromHsb (h, s, bg_b);
                    cr.Fill ();

                    int tw, th;
                    Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext);
                    layout.SetText (((int)(bg_b * 255.0)).ToString ());
                    layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th);

                    cr.Translate (0.5, 0.5);
                    cr.MoveTo (x + (step_width - tw) / 2.0, y + (step_height - th) / 2.0);
                    cr.Color = CairoExtensions.ColorFromHsb (h, s, fg_b);
                    PangoCairoHelper.ShowLayout (cr, layout);
                    cr.Translate (-0.5, -0.5);

            return true;
 public int ComputeRowHeight(Widget widget)
     int w_width, row_height;
     using (var layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext)) {
         layout.SetText ("W");
         layout.GetPixelSize (out w_width, out row_height);
         return row_height + 8;
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText (string.Format ("0{0:X}", Data.Length) + "_");
			int height;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out this.width, out height);
			layout.Dispose ();
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText (".");
			int height;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out charWidth, out height);
			layout.Dispose ();
			bgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigitBg);
			fgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigit);
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			string groupString = new string ('0', Editor.Options.GroupBytes * 2);
			layout.SetText (groupString + " ");
			int lineHeight;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out groupWidth, out lineHeight);
			Data.LineHeight = lineHeight;
			layout.SetText ("00");
			layout.GetPixelSize (out byteWidth, out lineHeight);
			layout.Dispose ();
			tabArray = new Pango.TabArray (1, true);
			tabArray.SetTab (0, Pango.TabAlign.Left, groupWidth);
			bgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigitBg);
			fgGC = GetGC (Style.HexDigit);
		internal protected override void OptionsChanged ()
			backgroundGC = GetGC (Style.IconBarBg);
			separatorGC = GetGC (Style.IconBarSeperator);
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			layout.SetText ("!");
			int tmp;
			layout.GetPixelSize (out tmp, out this.marginWidth);
			marginWidth *= 12;
			marginWidth /= 10;
			layout.Dispose ();
Example #11
        private void ComputeLayoutSize()
            if (segments.Count == 0)

            Pango.Layout layout = null;

            layout_width = layout_height = 0;

            for (int i = 0, n = segments.Count; i < n; i++)
                int aw, ah, bw, bh;

                layout = CreateAdaptLayout(layout, false, true);
                layout.GetPixelSize(out aw, out ah);

                layout = CreateAdaptLayout(layout, true, false);
                layout.GetPixelSize(out bw, out bh);

                int w = Math.Max(aw, bw);
                int h = ah + bh;

                segments[i].LayoutWidth  = w;
                segments[i].LayoutHeight = Math.Max(h, segment_box_size * 2);

                layout_width += segments[i].LayoutWidth + segment_box_size + segment_box_spacing
                                + (i < n - 1 ? segment_label_spacing : 0);
                layout_height = Math.Max(layout_height, segments[i].LayoutHeight);

 Pango.Layout CreateLayout(Widget container, string text)
     Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(container.PangoContext);
     layout.SingleParagraphMode = false;
     if (diffMode)
         layout.FontDescription = font;
Example #13
        public virtual int ComputeRowHeight(Widget widget)
            int height;
            int text_w, text_h;

            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = widget.PangoContext.FontDescription;

            layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold;
            layout.GetPixelSize(out text_w, out text_h);
            height = text_h;

            layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal;
            layout.FontDescription.Size   = (int)(layout.FontDescription.Size * Pango.Scale.Small);
            layout.FontDescription.Style  = Pango.Style.Italic;
            layout.GetPixelSize(out text_w, out text_h);
            height += text_h;


            return((height < image_size ? image_size : height) + 6);
 void SetLayoutMarkupAndResize()
     if (layout != null)
         if (use_markup)
             layout.SetMarkup(brokentext ?? (text ?? string.Empty));
             layout.SetText(brokentext ?? (text ?? string.Empty));
Example #15
        internal protected override void OptionsChanged()
            backgroundGC = GetGC(Style.IconBarBg);
            separatorGC  = GetGC(Style.IconBarSeperator);

            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(Editor.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
            int tmp;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out tmp, out this.marginWidth);
            marginWidth *= 12;
            marginWidth /= 10;
Example #16
        public Tab(Tabstrip parent, string label, TabPosition tabPosition)
            this.parent = parent;
            this.Label  = label;
            layout      = PangoUtil.CreateLayout(parent);
            layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

            if (IsSeparator)
                w = SpacerWidth * 2;

            this.TabPosition = tabPosition;
 internal void CalcRowHeight()
     if (FixedRowHeight > 0)
         rowHeight = FixedRowHeight;
         int rowWidth;
         layout.GetPixelSize(out rowWidth, out rowHeight);
         rowHeight += padding;
Example #18
        void EnsureWidths()
            if (leftWidths != null)

            int w;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out this.height);

            leftWidths  = CreateWidthArray(leftPath);
            rightWidths = CreateWidthArray(rightPath);
        internal LayoutDescriptor CreateLayoutDescriptor(ErrorText errorText)
            LayoutDescriptor result;

            if (!textWidthDictionary.TryGetValue(errorText.ErrorMessage, out result))
                Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(editor.PangoContext);
                layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
                int w, h;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                textWidthDictionary[errorText.ErrorMessage] = result = new LayoutDescriptor(layout, w, h);
Example #20
        public override void Render(Gdk.Drawable window, Cairo.Context ctx, Gdk.Rectangle bounds, Gtk.StateType state)
            var values = Enum.GetValues(Property.PropertyType);

            if (values.Length < MaxCheckCount)
                if (style == null)

                var container = (Widget)Container;
                using (var layout = new Pango.Layout(container.PangoContext)) {
                    layout.Width           = -1;
                    layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified(Ide.Gui.Styles.FontScale11);

                    ulong value = Convert.ToUInt64(Value);
                    int   dy    = 2;
                    foreach (var val in values)
                        ulong          uintVal = Convert.ToUInt64(val);
                        Gtk.ShadowType sh      = (value & uintVal) != 0 ? Gtk.ShadowType.In : Gtk.ShadowType.Out;
                        if (value == 0 && uintVal == 0)
                            sh = Gtk.ShadowType.In;
                        int s = indicatorSize - 1;
                        Gtk.Style.PaintCheck(style, window, state, sh, bounds, Container, "checkbutton", bounds.X + indicatorSpacing - 1, bounds.Y + dy, s, s);

                        int tw, th;
                        layout.GetPixelSize(out tw, out th);
                        ctx.MoveTo(bounds.X + indicatorSize + indicatorSpacing, dy + bounds.Y + ((indicatorSize - th) / 2));
                        Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, layout);

                        dy += indicatorSize + CheckSpacing;
                base.Render(window, ctx, bounds, state);
Example #21
        protected override void PostProcessIconSurface(DockySurface surface)
            if (Status == WeatherDockletStatus.Error)
            if (Status == WeatherDockletStatus.Initializing)

            int     size = Math.Min(surface.Width, surface.Height);
            Context cr   = surface.Context;

            using (Pango.Layout layout = DockServices.Drawing.ThemedPangoLayout())
                layout.FontDescription        = new Gtk.Style().FontDescription;
                layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold;
                layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.None;

                Pango.Rectangle inkRect, logicalRect;

                layout.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(size);
                layout.SetText(WeatherController.Weather.Temp + AbstractWeatherSource.TempUnit);
                if (IsSmall)
                    layout.FontDescription.AbsoluteSize = Pango.Units.FromPixels((int)(size / 2.5));
                    layout.FontDescription.AbsoluteSize = Pango.Units.FromPixels((int)(size / 3.5));

                layout.GetPixelExtents(out inkRect, out logicalRect);
                cr.MoveTo((size - inkRect.Width) / 2, size - logicalRect.Height);

                Pango.CairoHelper.LayoutPath(cr, layout);
                cr.LineWidth = 2;
                cr.Color     = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.8);

                cr.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8);

Example #22
		internal void EnsureLayoutCreated (TextEditor editor)
			if (layouts != null)
			layouts = new List<MessageBubbleCache.LayoutDescriptor> ();
			foreach (ErrorText errorText in errors) {
				layouts.Add (cache.CreateLayoutDescriptor (errorText));
			if (errorCountLayout == null && errors.Count > 1) {
				errorCountLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				errorCountLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
				errorCountLayout.SetText (errors.Count.ToString ());
Example #23
 public void DrawText(Font font, Color color, int x, int y, string text)
     if (widget != null)
         using (var layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext)) {
             layout.FontDescription = (Pango.FontDescription)font.ControlObject;
             Control.Color = Generator.ConvertC(color);
             Control.MoveTo(x, y);
             Pango.CairoHelper.LayoutPath(Control, layout);
Example #24
        public SizeF MeasureString(string text)
            if (measureLayout == null)
                measureLayout = new Pango.Layout(FontsHandler.Context);
                measureLayout.FontDescription = Control;
                measureLayout.Spacing         = 0;
                measureLayout.Alignment       = Pango.Alignment.Left;
                measureLayout.Width           = int.MaxValue;
            int width, height;

            measureLayout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
            return(new SizeF(width, height));
        public FormattedTextImpl(
            Pango.Context context,
            string text,
            Typeface typeface,
            TextAlignment textAlignment,
            TextWrapping wrapping,
            Size constraint,
            IReadOnlyList <FormattedTextStyleSpan> spans)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(context != null);
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(text != null);

            Layout = new Pango.Layout(context);

            Layout.FontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription
                Family = typeface?.FontFamilyName ?? "monospace",
                Size   = Pango.Units.FromDouble(CorrectScale(typeface?.FontSize ?? 12)),
                Style  = (Pango.Style)(typeface?.Style ?? FontStyle.Normal),
                Weight = (typeface?.Weight ?? FontWeight.Normal).ToCairo(),

            Layout.Alignment  = textAlignment.ToCairo();
            Layout.Attributes = new Pango.AttrList();
            Layout.Width      = double.IsPositiveInfinity(constraint.Width) ? -1 : Pango.Units.FromDouble(constraint.Width);

            if (spans != null)
                foreach (var span in spans)
                    if (span.ForegroundBrush is SolidColorBrush scb)
                        var color = new Pango.Color();
                        color.Parse(string.Format("#{0}", scb.Color.ToString().Substring(3)));

                        var brushAttr = new Pango.AttrForeground(color);
                        brushAttr.StartIndex = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(span.StartIndex);
                        brushAttr.EndIndex   = (uint)TextIndexToPangoIndex(span.StartIndex + span.Length);


            Size = Measure();
        public override void Render(Drawable window,
                                    Widget widget,
                                    Rectangle cell_area,
                                    Rectangle expose_area,
                                    StateType cell_state,
                                    IPhoto photo)
            string date_text = null;

            if (photo is IInvalidPhotoCheck && (photo as IInvalidPhotoCheck).IsInvalid)

            if (cell_area.Width > 200)
                date_text = photo.Time.ToString();
                date_text = photo.Time.ToShortDateString();

            Pango.Layout layout = null;
            if (!cache.TryGetValue(date_text, out layout))
                layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);

                cache.Add(date_text, layout);

            Rectangle layout_bounds;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out layout_bounds.Width, out layout_bounds.Height);

            layout_bounds.Y = cell_area.Y;
            layout_bounds.X = cell_area.X + (cell_area.Width - layout_bounds.Width) / 2;

            if (layout_bounds.IntersectsWith(expose_area))
                Style.PaintLayout(widget.Style, window, cell_state,
                                  true, expose_area, widget, "IconView",
                                  layout_bounds.X, layout_bounds.Y,
Example #27
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
            Pango.Layout la = new Pango.Layout(PangoContext);
            int          w, h;

            if (UseMarkup)

            la.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

            int tx = Allocation.X + (int)Xpad + (int)((float)(Allocation.Width - (int)(Xpad * 2) - w) * Xalign);
            int ty = Allocation.Y + (int)Ypad + (int)((float)(Allocation.Height - (int)(Ypad * 2) - h) * Yalign);

            using (var ctx = CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) {
                ctx.MoveTo(tx, ty);

                // In order to get the same result as in MonoDevelop.Components.DockNotebook.TabStrip.DrawTab()
                // (document tabs) we need to draw using a LinearGradient (because of issues below),
                // but we don't want to mask the actual text here, like in the doc tabs.
                // Therefore we use a LinearGradient and mask only the last vertical pixel line
                // of the label with 0.99 alpha, which forces Cairo to render the whole layout
                // in the desired way.

                // Semi-transparent gradient disables sub-pixel rendering of the label (reverting to grayscale antialiasing).
                // As Mac sub-pixel font rendering looks stronger than grayscale rendering, the label used in pad tabs
                // looked different. We need to simulate same gradient treatment as we have in document tabs.

                using (var lg = new LinearGradient(tx + w - 1, 0, tx + w, 0)) {
                    var color = Style.Text(State).ToCairoColor();
                    lg.AddColorStop(0, color);
                    color.A = 0.99;
                    lg.AddColorStop(1, color);
                    Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(ctx, la);

        protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine(long line)
            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(Editor.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
            layout.Tabs            = tabArray;
            StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
            long          startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
            long          endOffset   = System.Math.Min(startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);

            byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes(startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
            for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++)
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", lineBytes[i]));
                if (i % Editor.Options.GroupBytes == 0)

            char[] lineChars = sb.ToString().ToCharArray();
            Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper(layout);
            uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;

            if (Data.IsSomethingSelected)
                ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
                HandleSelection(selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end)
                    Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground(Style.Selection.Red,
                    selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, TranslateColumn(start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
                    selectedForeground.EndIndex   = TranslateToUTF8Index(lineChars, TranslateColumn(end - startOffset) - 1, ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);

                    Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground(Style.SelectionBg.Red,
                    attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
                    attrBackground.EndIndex   = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
Example #29
            protected override void OnDrawContent(Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Cairo.Context g)
                Theme.BorderColor = marker.TooltipColor.Color;
                g.Rectangle(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);

                using (var drawingLayout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext)) {
                    drawingLayout.FontDescription = cache.tooltipFontDescription;

                    double y = verticalTextBorder;
                    var    showBulletedList = marker.Errors.Count > 1;

                    foreach (var msg in marker.Errors)
                        var icon = msg.IsError ? cache.errorPixbuf : cache.warningPixbuf;
                        int w, h;

                        if (!showBulletedList)
                            drawingLayout.Width = maxTextWidth;

                        drawingLayout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

                        if (showBulletedList)

                            g.Translate(textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2 + Math.Max(0, (h - icon.Height) / 2));
                            g.DrawImage(this, icon, 0, 0);


                        g.Translate(showBulletedList ? textBorder + iconTextSpacing + icon.Width: textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2);


                        y += h + verticalTextSpace;
Example #30
        internal protected override void OptionsChanged()
            backgroundGC            = new Gdk.GC(editor.GdkWindow);
            backgroundGC.RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.IconBarBg;

            separatorGC            = new Gdk.GC(editor.GdkWindow);
            separatorGC.RgbFgColor = editor.ColorStyle.IconBarSeperator;

            layout.FontDescription = editor.Options.Font;
            int tmp;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out tmp, out this.marginWidth);
            marginWidth *= 12;
            marginWidth /= 10;
        private void ShowError(Context context, string error)

            Pango.Layout layout = context.CreateLayout();
            layout.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
            layout.Width     = (int)(VirtualSize.Width * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
            layout.Wrap      = WrapMode.Word;
            int text_width;
            int text_height;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out text_width, out text_height);
            context.MoveTo(0, (VirtualSize.Height - text_height) / 2);
            context.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0);
Example #32
        private Pango.Layout CreatePagenumbersLayout(Gtk.PrintContext context,
                                                     int page_number, int total_pages)
            Pango.Layout layout = context.CreatePangoLayout();
            layout.FontDescription        = Window.Editor.Style.FontDesc;
            layout.Width                  = Pango.Units.FromPixels((int)context.Width);
            layout.FontDescription.Style  = Pango.Style.Normal;
            layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Light;

            string footer_left = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Page {0} of {1}"),
                                               page_number, total_pages);

            layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;

Example #33
        Pango.Layout clone(Pango.Layout pl)
            var al = new Pango.Layout(pl.Context)
                FontDescription     = pl.FontDescription,
                Width               = pl.Width,
                Ellipsize           = pl.Ellipsize,
                Wrap                = pl.Wrap,
                Alignment           = pl.Alignment,
                Justify             = pl.Justify,
                SingleParagraphMode = pl.SingleParagraphMode,
                Spacing             = pl.Spacing,

		protected override void Render (Drawable window, Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area, Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
				Gdk.Rectangle text_area1 = new Gdk.Rectangle();
			Gdk.Rectangle text_area2 = new Gdk.Rectangle();
			Gdk.Rectangle text_area3 = new Gdk.Rectangle();
				text_area1.Y= cell_area.Y;
				text_area2.Y= cell_area.Y+33;

				text_area3.X = cell_area.Width-20;
				text_area3.Y= cell_area.Y+33;
				text_area3.Width = 75;

				Pango.Layout text_l1 = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
				text_l1.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Meiryo,Arial 10.5");

				Pango.Layout text_l2 = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
				text_l2.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Meiryo,MS Gothic,Arial 8");
				text_l2.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Right;

				Pango.Layout text_l3 = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
				text_l3.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(text_area3.Width);
				text_l3.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Meiryo,MS Gothic,Arial 8");
				text_l3.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Right;
				text_l2.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(cell_area.Width-text_l3.Text.Length*8-13);

				StateType state = flags.HasFlag(CellRendererState.Selected) ?
				widget.IsFocus ? StateType.Selected : StateType.Active : StateType.Normal;
				text_l3.SetMarkup("<span color=" + (char)34 + "grey" + (char)34 + ">" + text_l3.Text + "</span>");;
				window.DrawLayout(widget.Style.TextGC(state), 55, text_area1.Y, text_l1);
				window.DrawLayout(widget.Style.TextGC(state), 55, text_area2.Y, text_l2);
				window.DrawLayout(widget.Style.TextGC(state), text_area3.X, text_area3.Y, text_l3);

				text_l1.Dispose ();
				text_l2.Dispose ();
				text_l3.Dispose ();

			}catch(Exception e){
				Console.WriteLine (e);

Example #35
        private void PaintMotionIndicators(Cairo.Context gc, double width, double height, double centerx, double centery)
            if (this.isTranslating)

                RenderPixbufToSurf(gc, arrowUp,
                                   (width / 2.0) - (arrowUp.Width / 2.0), 10);
                RenderPixbufToSurf(gc, arrowDown,
                                   (width / 2.0) - (arrowDown.Width / 2.0), (height - 10 - arrowDown.Height));
                RenderPixbufToSurf(gc, arrowRight,
                                   (width - 10 - arrowRight.Width) + 0.5, (height / 2.0) - (arrowRight.Height / 2.0));
                RenderPixbufToSurf(gc, arrowLeft,
                                   10, (height / 2.0) - (arrowRight.Height / 2.0));


            if (this.isScaling)

                CreateRoundedRectPath(gc, width - 104, 4, 100, 110, 30);
                gc.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
                RenderPixbufToSurf(gc, zoomGlass, width - 102, 6);

                Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext);
                layout.FontDescription      = this.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy();
                layout.FontDescription.Size = Pango.Units.FromDouble(10.0);

                Size te = GetTextSize(layout);
                gc.MoveTo(width - 52 - (te.Width / 2.0), 109);
                gc.Color = new Cairo.Color(1, 1, 1, 0.7);

                Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(gc, layout);

Example #36
        private void UpdateLayout(Pango.Layout layout, string text)
            string final_text = GetFormattedText(text);

            if (SingleParagraphMode && final_text.IndexOfAny(lfcr) >= 0)
                final_text = final_text.Replace("\r\n", "\x20").Replace('\n', '\x20').Replace('\r', '\x20');
            if (use_markup)
Example #37
        void EnsureWidths()
            if (widths != null)

            int w;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out this.height);
            textHeight = height;

            widths = new int [leftPath.Length + rightPath.Length];
            CreateWidthArray(widths, 0, leftPath);
            CreateWidthArray(widths, leftPath.Length, rightPath);
		protected override LayoutWrapper RenderLine (long line)
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (Editor.PangoContext);
			layout.FontDescription = Editor.Options.Font;
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			long startOffset = line * Editor.BytesInRow;
			long endOffset   = System.Math.Min (startOffset + Editor.BytesInRow, Data.Length);
			byte[] lineBytes = Data.GetBytes (startOffset, (int)(endOffset - startOffset));
			for (int i = 0; i < lineBytes.Length; i++) {
				byte b = lineBytes[i];
				char ch = (char)b;
				if (b < 128 && (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (ch) || Char.IsPunctuation (ch))) {
					sb.Append (ch);
				} else {
					sb.Append (".");
			layout.SetText (sb.ToString ());
			char[] lineChars = layout.Text.ToCharArray ();
			Margin.LayoutWrapper result = new LayoutWrapper (layout);
			uint curIndex = 0, byteIndex = 0;
			if (Data.IsSomethingSelected) {
				ISegment selection = Data.MainSelection.Segment;
				HandleSelection (selection.Offset, selection.EndOffset, startOffset, endOffset, null, delegate(long start, long end) {
					Pango.AttrForeground selectedForeground = new Pango.AttrForeground (Style.Selection.Red, 
					selectedForeground.StartIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(start - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					selectedForeground.EndIndex = TranslateToUTF8Index (lineChars, (uint)(end - startOffset), ref curIndex, ref byteIndex);
					result.Add (selectedForeground);
					Pango.AttrBackground attrBackground = new Pango.AttrBackground (Style.SelectionBg.Red, 
					attrBackground.StartIndex = selectedForeground.StartIndex;
					attrBackground.EndIndex = selectedForeground.EndIndex;
					result.Add (attrBackground);

			result.SetAttributes ();
			return result;
Example #39
        public void Draw(Gtk.PrintContext context)
            Cairo.Context con    = context.CairoContext;
            Pango.Layout  layout = context.CreatePangoLayout();

            layout.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(this.FontDescription);

            int pixelSizeWidth, pixelSizeHeight;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out pixelSizeWidth, out pixelSizeHeight);

            Console.WriteLine("   Text value: " + this.textValue);
            Console.WriteLine("   Pixel size width: " + pixelSizeWidth);
            Console.WriteLine("   Pixel size height: " + pixelSizeHeight);
            Console.WriteLine("   Text X position: " + this.x);
            Console.WriteLine("   Text Y position: " + this.y);

            double x_offset = pixelSizeWidth * 0;           // Disabled
            double y_offset = pixelSizeHeight * 0.83;

            Console.WriteLine("width: " + x_offset);
            Console.WriteLine("height: " + y_offset);

            /// Alignment
            /// If text.Alignment == "center", then x coordinate is indicating
            /// the center, not the left side. That's way we add pixelSizeWidth/2
            /// to x_offset
            if (this.alignment.Equals("center"))
                layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;
                x_offset        += pixelSizeWidth / 2;

            con.MoveTo(this.x - x_offset, this.y - y_offset);
            Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout(con, layout);

//			con.MoveTo(text.X, text.Y - y_offset);
//			con.LineTo(text.X + 100, text.Y - y_offset);
//			con.Stroke();
//			con.MoveTo(text.X, 38.4376957919563);
//			con.LineTo(text.X + 100, 38.4376957919563);
//			con.Stroke();
Example #40
        public Tab(Tabstrip parent, string label, TabPosition tabPosition)
            //this.parent = parent;
            this.Label = label;

            layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout(parent);
            layout.FontDescription = FontService.SansFont.CopyModified(Styles.FontScale11);
            layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;
            layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);

            if (IsSeparator)
                w = SpacerWidth * 2;

            this.TabPosition = tabPosition;
Example #41
        protected override void Render(Gdk.Drawable window, Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area, Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
            base.Render (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags);
            int xPos = cell_area.X;
            if(this.Pixbuf != null){
                window.DrawPixbuf(widget.Style.MidGC( StateType.Normal), this.Pixbuf, 0, 0, xPos + 1, cell_area.Y + 1, 16, 16, Gdk.RgbDither.Normal, 0, 0);
                xPos += 20;
            using (var layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext)) {
                layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Left;
                layout.SetText(this.Text ?? "");

                StateType state = flags.HasFlag(CellRendererState.Selected) ?
                    widget.IsFocus ? StateType.Selected : StateType.Active : StateType.Normal;

                window.DrawLayout(widget.Style.TextGC(state), xPos, cell_area.Y + 2, layout);
Example #42
 private void UpdateButton()
     if (calendarItem != null && > 0)
         this.Image = null;
         this.TooltipText = calendarItem.FullText;
         this.Relief      = ReliefStyle.Normal;
         Drag.SourceSet(this, Gdk.ModifierType.Button1Mask, null, Gdk.DragAction.Move);
         Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color();
         Gdk.Color.Parse(calendarItem.Color, ref col);
         logger.Debug("a={0} - {1} - {2}", col.Red, col.Green, col.Blue);
         this.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, col);
         byte r = (byte)Math.Min(((double)col.Red / ushort.MaxValue) * byte.MaxValue + 30, byte.MaxValue);
         byte g = (byte)Math.Min(((double)col.Green / ushort.MaxValue) * byte.MaxValue + 30, byte.MaxValue);
         byte b = (byte)Math.Min(((double)col.Blue / ushort.MaxValue) * byte.MaxValue + 30, byte.MaxValue);
         col = new Gdk.Color(r, g, b);
         this.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, col);
         logger.Debug("b={0} - {1} - {2}", col.Red, col.Green, col.Blue);
         PangoMessages.SetText(calendarItem.MessageCount + "โœ‰");
     else if (calendarItem != null && == 0)
         Pango.FontDescription desc = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Serif Bold 35");
         PangoText.FontDescription = desc;
         this.Relief = ReliefStyle.Normal;
         Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color();
         Gdk.Color.Parse(calendarItem.Color, ref col);
         this.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, col);
         this.ModifyBg(StateType.Prelight, col);
         this.Image       = null;
         this.TooltipText = null;
         this.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
Example #43
        public CodePreviewWindow(
            Gdk.Window parentWindow,
            string fontName   = null,
            EditorTheme theme = null)
            : base(Gtk.WindowType.Popup)
            ParentWindow = parentWindow ?? MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow.GdkWindow;

            AppPaintable  = true;
            SkipPagerHint = SkipTaskbarHint = true;
            TypeHint      = WindowTypeHint.Menu;

            this.fontName = fontName = fontName ?? DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.FontName;

            layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout(this);
            var font = Xwt.Drawing.Font.FromName(fontName);

            if (font == null)
                LoggingService.LogError("Can't parse font " + fontName);
                fontDescription        = font.ToPangoFont();
                fontDescription.Size   = (int)(fontDescription.Size * 0.8f);
                layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
            layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;

            var geometry = Screen.GetUsableMonitorGeometry(Screen.GetMonitorAtWindow(ParentWindow));

            maxWidth  = geometry.Width * 2 / 5;
            maxHeight = geometry.Height * 2 / 5;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out int _, out int lineHeight);
            MaximumLineCount = maxHeight / lineHeight;

            theme     = theme ?? DefaultSourceEditorOptions.Instance.GetEditorTheme();
            colorText = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(theme, EditorThemeColors.Foreground);
            colorBg   = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(theme, EditorThemeColors.Background);
            colorFold = SyntaxHighlightingService.GetColor(theme, EditorThemeColors.CollapsedText);
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			Pango.Layout la = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext);
			int w, h;
			if (UseMarkup)
				la.SetMarkup (Text);
				la.SetText (Text);

			la.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

			int tx = Allocation.X + (int) Xpad + (int) ((float)(Allocation.Width - (int)(Xpad*2) - w) * Xalign);
			int ty = Allocation.Y + (int) Ypad + (int) ((float)(Allocation.Height - (int)(Ypad*2) - h) * Yalign);

			using (var ctx = CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
				ctx.SetSourceColor (Style.Text (State).ToCairoColor ());
				ctx.MoveTo (tx, ty);

				// In order to get the same result as in MonoDevelop.Components.DockNotebook.TabStrip.DrawTab()
				// (document tabs) we need to draw using a LinearGradient (because of issues below),
				// but we don't want to mask the actual text here, like in the doc tabs.
				// Therefore we use a LinearGradient and mask only the last vertical pixel line
				// of the label with 0.99 alpha, which forces Cairo to render the whole layout
				// in the desired way.

				// Semi-transparent gradient disables sub-pixel rendering of the label (reverting to grayscale antialiasing).
				// As Mac sub-pixel font rendering looks stronger than grayscale rendering, the label used in pad tabs
				// looked different. We need to simulate same gradient treatment as we have in document tabs.

				using (var lg = new LinearGradient (tx + w - 1, 0, tx + w, 0)) {
					var color = Style.Text (State).ToCairoColor ();
					lg.AddColorStop (0, color);
					color.A = 0.99;
					lg.AddColorStop (1, color);
					ctx.SetSource (lg);
					Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (ctx, la);
			la.Dispose ();
			return true;
		public CodeSegmentPreviewWindow (TextEditor editor, bool hideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString, TextSegment segment, int width, int height, bool removeIndent = true) : base (Gtk.WindowType.Popup)
			this.HideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString = hideCodeSegmentPreviewInformString;
			this.Segment = segment;
			this.editor = editor;
			this.AppPaintable = true;
			this.SkipPagerHint = this.SkipTaskbarHint = true;
			this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.Menu;
			layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (this);
			informLayout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout (this);
			informLayout.SetText (CodeSegmentPreviewInformString);
			fontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString (editor.Options.FontName);
			fontDescription.Size = (int)(fontDescription.Size * 0.8f);
			layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
			layout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
			// setting a max size for the segment (40 lines should be enough), 
			// no need to markup thousands of lines for a preview window
			SetSegment (segment, removeIndent);
			CalculateSize (width);
Example #46
        public FormattedTextImpl(
            string text,
            string fontFamily,
            double fontSize,
            FontStyle fontStyle,
            TextAlignment textAlignment,
            FontWeight fontWeight)
            var context = Locator.Current.GetService<Pango.Context>();
            Layout = new Pango.Layout(context);
            Layout.FontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription
                Family = fontFamily,
                Size = Pango.Units.FromDouble(fontSize * 0.73),
                Style = (Pango.Style)fontStyle,
                Weight = fontWeight.ToCairo()

            Layout.Alignment = textAlignment.ToCairo();
Example #47
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt)
			if (!dropShadowVisible)
				return base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);

			Pango.Layout la = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext);
			int w, h;
			if (UseMarkup)
				la.SetMarkup (Text);
				la.SetText (Text);

			la.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

			int tx = Allocation.X + (int) Xpad + (int) ((float)(Allocation.Width - (int)(Xpad*2) - w) * Xalign);
			int ty = Allocation.Y + (int) Ypad + (int) ((float)(Allocation.Height - (int)(Ypad*2) - h) * Yalign);
			GdkWindow.DrawLayout (Style.TextGC (State), tx, ty, la);
			la.Dispose ();
			return true;
Example #48
        public virtual int ComputeRowHeight(Widget widget)
            int height;
            int text_w, text_h;

            Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext);
            layout.FontDescription = widget.PangoContext.FontDescription;

            layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold;
            layout.SetText ("W");
            layout.GetPixelSize (out text_w, out text_h);
            height = text_h;

            layout.FontDescription.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal;
            layout.FontDescription.Size = (int)(layout.FontDescription.Size * Pango.Scale.Small);
            layout.FontDescription.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;
            layout.SetText ("W");
            layout.GetPixelSize (out text_w, out text_h);
            height += text_h;

            layout.Dispose ();

            return (height < image_size ? image_size : height) + 6;
		void DrawString (string text, bool isMarkup, Cairo.Context context, int x, int y, int width, double opacity, Pango.Context pango, StatusArea.RenderArg arg)
			Pango.Layout pl = new Pango.Layout (pango);
			if (isMarkup)
				pl.SetMarkup (text);
				pl.SetText (text);
			pl.FontDescription = Styles.StatusFont;
			pl.FontDescription.AbsoluteSize = Pango.Units.FromPixels (Styles.StatusFontPixelHeight);
			pl.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
			pl.Width = Pango.Units.FromPixels(width);

			int w, h;
			pl.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

			context.Save ();
			// use widget height instead of message box height as message box does not have a true height when no widgets are packed in it
			// also ensures animations work properly instead of getting clipped
			context.Rectangle (new Rectangle (x, arg.Allocation.Y, width, arg.Allocation.Height));
			context.Clip ();

			// Subtract off remainder instead of drop to prefer higher centering when centering an odd number of pixels
			context.MoveTo (x, y - h / 2 - (h % 2));
			context.Color = Styles.WithAlpha (FontColor (), opacity);

			Pango.CairoHelper.ShowLayout (context, pl);
			pl.Dispose ();
			context.Restore ();
 private int ComputeWidgetHeight()
     int width, height;
     Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext);
     layout.SetText ("W");
     layout.GetPixelSize (out width, out height);
     layout.Dispose ();
     return 2 * height;
 public void DrawText( Gdk.GC gc, Gtk.Widget widget, String text, int x, int y )
     Pango.Layout l = new Pango.Layout( widget.PangoContext );
     l.SetText( text );
     this.DrawLayout( gc, x, y, l );
		public override void DrawAfterEol (TextEditor textEditor, Cairo.Context g, double y, EndOfLineMetrics metrics)
			if (!IsVisible)
			EnsureLayoutCreated (editor);
			int errorCounterWidth = 0, eh = 0;
			if (errorCountLayout != null) {
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out errorCounterWidth, out eh);
				errorCounterWidth = Math.Max (15, Math.Max (errorCounterWidth + 3, (int)(editor.LineHeight * 3 / 4)));

			var sx = metrics.TextRenderEndPosition;
			var width = LayoutWidth + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			var drawLayout = layouts[0].Layout;
			int ex = 0 , ey = 0;
			bool customLayout = true; //sx + width > editor.Allocation.Width;
			bool hideText = false;
			bubbleIsReduced = customLayout;
			var showErrorCount = errorCounterWidth > 0 && errorCountLayout != null;
			if (customLayout) {
				width = editor.Allocation.Width - sx;
				string text = layouts[0].Layout.Text;
				drawLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				drawLayout.FontDescription = cache.fontDescription;
				var paintWidth = (width - errorCounterWidth - editor.LineHeight + 4);
				var minWidth = Math.Max (17, errorCounterWidth) + editor.LineHeight;
				if (paintWidth < minWidth) {
					hideText = true;
					drawLayout.SetMarkup ("<span weight='heavy'>ยทยทยท</span>");
					width = minWidth;
					showErrorCount = false;
					sx = Math.Min (sx, editor.Allocation.Width - width);
				} else {
					drawLayout.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
					drawLayout.Width = (int)(paintWidth * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					drawLayout.SetText (text);
					int w2, h2;
					drawLayout.GetPixelSize (out w2, out h2);
					width = w2 + errorCounterWidth + editor.LineHeight;
			bubbleDrawX = sx - editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset;
			bubbleDrawY = y;
			bubbleWidth = width;

			var bubbleHeight = editor.LineHeight - 1;
			g.RoundedRectangle (sx, y + 1, width, bubbleHeight, editor.LineHeight / 2 - 1);
			g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.Color);
			g.Fill ();

			// Draw error count icon
			if (showErrorCount) {
				var errorCounterHeight = bubbleHeight - 2;
				var errorCounterX = sx + width - errorCounterWidth - 3;
				var errorCounterY = y + 1 + (bubbleHeight - errorCounterHeight) / 2;

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					errorCounterX - 1, 
					errorCounterY - 1, 
					errorCounterWidth + 2, 
					errorCounterHeight + 2, 
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3

				g.SetSourceColor (new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0, 0.081));
				g.Fill ();

				g.RoundedRectangle (
					editor.LineHeight / 2 - 3
				using (var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient (errorCounterX, errorCounterY, errorCounterX, errorCounterY + errorCounterHeight)) {
					lg.AddColorStop (0, CounterColor.Color);
					lg.AddColorStop (1, CounterColor.Color.AddLight (-0.1));
					g.Pattern = lg;
					g.Fill ();

				g.Save ();

				int ew;
				errorCountLayout.GetPixelSize (out ew, out eh);

				g.Translate (
					errorCounterX + (errorCounterWidth - ew) / 2,
					errorCounterY + (errorCounterHeight - eh) / 2
				g.SetSourceColor (CounterColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (errorCountLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			// Draw label text
			if (!showErrorCount || !hideText) {
				g.Save ();
				g.Translate (sx + editor.LineHeight / 2, y + (editor.LineHeight - layouts [0].Height) / 2 + 1);

				// draw shadow
				g.SetSourceColor (MessageBubbleCache.ShadowColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Translate (0, -1);

				g.SetSourceColor (TagColor.SecondColor);
				g.ShowLayout (drawLayout);
				g.Restore ();

			if (customLayout)
				drawLayout.Dispose ();

		internal LayoutDescriptor CreateLayoutDescriptor (ErrorText errorText)
			LayoutDescriptor result;
			if (!textWidthDictionary.TryGetValue (errorText.ErrorMessage, out result)) {
				Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
				layout.SetText (GetFirstLine (errorText));
				int w, h;
				layout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);
				textWidthDictionary[errorText.ErrorMessage] = result = new LayoutDescriptor (layout, w, h);
			return result;
		void EnsureLayoutCreated (TextEditor editor)
			if (editor.ColorStyle != null) {
				bool isError = errors.Any (e => e.IsError);
				string typeString = isError ? "error" : "warning";
				gc = (HslColor)(editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".text").Color);
				gcSelected = (HslColor)editor.ColorStyle.Selection.Color;
				gcLight = new Cairo.Color (1, 1, 1);
				colorMatrix[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".light.color1").Color);
				colorMatrix[0, 1, 0, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".light.color2").Color);
				colorMatrix[0, 0, 1, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".dark.color1").Color);
				colorMatrix[0, 1, 1, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".dark.color2").Color);
				colorMatrix[0, 0, 2, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + "").Color);
				colorMatrix[0, 1, 2, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble." + typeString + ".line.bottom").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 0, 0, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + ".light.color1").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 1, 0, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + ".light.color2").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 0, 1, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + ".dark.color1").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 1, 1, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + ".dark.color2").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 0, 2, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + "").Color);
				colorMatrix[1, 1, 2, 0, 0] = Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle ("bubble.inactive." + typeString + ".line.bottom").Color);
				double factor = 1.03;
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
						for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
							HslColor color = colorMatrix[i, j, k, 0, 0];
							color.L *= factor;
							colorMatrix[i, j, k, 1, 0] = color;
				var selectionColor = Style.ToCairoColor (editor.ColorStyle.Selection.BackgroundColor);
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
						for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
							for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++) {
								var color = colorMatrix[i, j, k, l, 0];
								colorMatrix[i, j, k, l, 1] = new Cairo.Color ((color.R + selectionColor.R * 1.5) / 2.5, (color.G + selectionColor.G * 1.5) / 2.5, (color.B + selectionColor.B * 1.5) / 2.5);
			if (layouts != null)
			layouts = new List<LayoutDescriptor> ();
			fontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString (editor.Options.FontName);
			var label = new Gtk.Label ("");
			fontDescription.Family = label.Style.FontDescription.Family;
			label.Destroy ();
			fontDescription.Size = (int)(fontDescription.Size * 0.9f * editor.Options.Zoom);
			foreach (ErrorText errorText in errors) {
				Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				layout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
				layout.SetText (errorText.ErrorMessage);
				KeyValuePair<int, int> textSize;
				if (!textWidthDictionary.TryGetValue (errorText.ErrorMessage, out textSize)) {
					int w, h;
					layout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);
					textSize = new KeyValuePair<int, int> (w, h);
					textWidthDictionary[errorText.ErrorMessage] = textSize;
				layouts.Add (new LayoutDescriptor (layout, textSize.Key, textSize.Value));
			if (errorCountLayout == null && errors.Count > 1) {
				errorCountLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				errorCountLayout.FontDescription = fontDescription;
				errorCountLayout.SetText (errors.Count.ToString ());
		internal void EnsureLayoutCreated (TextEditor editor)
			if (layouts != null)
			layouts = new List<MessageBubbleCache.LayoutDescriptor> ();
			foreach (ErrorText errorText in errors) {
				layouts.Add (cache.CreateLayoutDescriptor (errorText));
			if (errorCountLayout == null && errors.Count > 1) {
				errorCountLayout = new Pango.Layout (editor.PangoContext);
				errorCountLayout.FontDescription = FontService.GetFontDescription ("MessageBubbles");
				errorCountLayout.SetText (errors.Count.ToString ());
Example #56
			protected override void OnDrawContent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt, Cairo.Context g)
				g.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
				g.SetSourceColor (marker.TooltipColor.Color);
				g.Fill ();

				using (var drawingLayout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext)) {
					drawingLayout.FontDescription = cache.tooltipFontDescription;

					double y = verticalTextBorder;
					var showBulletedList = marker.Errors.Count > 1;

					foreach (var msg in marker.Errors) {
						var icon = msg.IsError ? errorPixbuf : warningPixbuf;
						int w, h;

						if (!showBulletedList)
							drawingLayout.Width = maxTextWidth;

						drawingLayout.SetText (GetFirstLine (msg));
						drawingLayout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);

						if (showBulletedList) {
							g.Save ();

							g.Translate (textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2 + Math.Max (0, (h - icon.Height) / 2));
							g.DrawImage (this, icon, 0, 0);
							g.Restore ();

						g.Save ();

						g.Translate (showBulletedList ? textBorder + iconTextSpacing + icon.Width: textBorder, y + verticalTextSpace / 2);
						g.SetSourceColor (marker.TagColor.SecondColor);
						g.ShowLayout (drawingLayout);

						g.Restore ();

						y += h + verticalTextSpace;
Example #57
			protected override void OnSizeRequested (ref Gtk.Requisition requisition)
				base.OnSizeRequested (ref requisition);
				double y = verticalTextBorder * 2 - verticalTextSpace + (MonoDevelop.Core.Platform.IsWindows ? 10 : 2);

				using (var drawingLayout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext)) {
					drawingLayout.FontDescription = cache.tooltipFontDescription;

					foreach (var msg in marker.Errors) {
						if (marker.Layouts.Count == 1) 
							drawingLayout.Width = maxTextWidth;
						drawingLayout.SetText (GetFirstLine (msg));
						int w;
						int h;
						drawingLayout.GetPixelSize (out w, out h);
						if (marker.Layouts.Count > 1) 
							w += (int)warningPixbuf.Width + iconTextSpacing;

						requisition.Width = Math.Max (w + textBorder * 2, requisition.Width);
						y += h + verticalTextSpace - 3;

				requisition.Height = (int)y;
		Pango.Layout CreateLayout (Widget container, string text)
			Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (container.PangoContext);
			layout.SingleParagraphMode = false;
			if (diffMode) {
				layout.FontDescription = font;
				layout.SetText (text);
				layout.SetMarkup (text);
			return layout;
Example #59
		protected override bool OnExposeEvent (EventExpose evnt)
			var ret = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt);
			if (image.Pixbuf != null)
				return ret;
			using (var cr = CairoHelper.Create (evnt.Window)) {
				cr.Rectangle (evnt.Region.Clipbox.X, evnt.Region.Clipbox.Y, evnt.Region.Clipbox.Width, evnt.Region.Clipbox.Height);
				cr.Clip ();
				var imgAlloc = image.Allocation;
				cr.Translate (imgAlloc.X, imgAlloc.Y);
				using (var layout = new Pango.Layout (PangoContext)) {
					layout.SetText (GettextCatalog.GetString ("No image"));
					layout.Width = (int)((imgAlloc.Width - 20) * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
					layout.Wrap = Pango.WrapMode.WordChar;
					layout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;
					int pw, ph;
					layout.GetPixelSize (out pw, out ph);
					cr.MoveTo ((imgAlloc.Width - layout.Width / Pango.Scale.PangoScale) / 2, (imgAlloc.Height - ph) / 2);
					cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
					cr.ShowLayout (layout);
				CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, 5, 5, imgAlloc.Width - 10, imgAlloc.Height - 10, 5);
				cr.LineWidth = 3;
				cr.Color = new Cairo.Color (0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
				cr.SetDash (new double[] { 12, 2 }, 0);
				cr.Stroke ();
			return ret;
        public override void Render(Drawable window,
                                     Widget widget,
                                     Rectangle cell_area,
                                     Rectangle expose_area,
                                     StateType cell_state,
                                     IPhoto photo)
            string date_text = null;

            if (photo is IInvalidPhotoCheck && (photo as IInvalidPhotoCheck).IsInvalid)

            if (cell_area.Width > 200) {
                date_text = photo.Time.ToString ();
            } else {
                date_text = photo.Time.ToShortDateString ();

            Pango.Layout layout = null;
            if ( ! cache.TryGetValue (date_text, out layout)) {
                layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext);
                layout.SetText (date_text);

                cache.Add (date_text, layout);

            Rectangle layout_bounds;
            layout.GetPixelSize (out layout_bounds.Width, out layout_bounds.Height);

            layout_bounds.Y = cell_area.Y;
            layout_bounds.X = cell_area.X + (cell_area.Width - layout_bounds.Width) / 2;

            if (layout_bounds.IntersectsWith (expose_area)) {
                Style.PaintLayout (widget.Style, window, cell_state,
                                   true, expose_area, widget, "IconView",
                                   layout_bounds.X, layout_bounds.Y,