Example #1
        public ActionResult AdminPanel()
            PanelVM          model      = new PanelVM();
            UsersRepository  usersRepo  = new UsersRepository();
            OrdersRepository ordersRepo = new OrdersRepository();

            model.Users  = usersRepo.GetAll();
            model.Orders = ordersRepo.GetAll();

Example #2
        public ActionResult YonetimPaneli()
            if (CurrentUser == null)

            PanelVM vm = new PanelVM();

            vm.Habers   = db.habers.ToList();
            vm.Portfoys = db.portfoys.Where(x => x.danisman.IsDeleted == false && x.IsDeleted == false && x.Onay == true && !x.islems.Any(y => y.IsDeleted == false && y.YonetimOnay == true) && x.BittiTarih > DateTime.Now).OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).Take(20).ToList();

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a room view model
        /// </summary>
        public RoomVM(string RoomName, int RoomNumber)
            StripViewModel = new StripVM()
                RoomNumber = RoomNumber
            PanelViewModel = new PanelVM()
                RoomNumber = RoomNumber
            // Subscribe room to view model's properties
            StripViewModel.PropertyChanged     += Shelving_PropertyChanged;
            PanelViewModel.PropertyChanged     += Shelving_PropertyChanged;
            ShelfViewModel.PropertyChanged     += Shelving_PropertyChanged;
            AccessoryViewModel.PropertyChanged += Shelving_PropertyChanged;

            DataSet dataset = new DataSet();

            StripColorData = dataset.Tables[0];

            dataset = new DataSet();
            ShelvingDepthData = dataset.Tables[0];

            dataset = new DataSet();
            WoodData = dataset.Tables[0];

            Room = new Model.Room(RoomName, RoomNumber)
                WoodColorValues     = new ObservableCollection <string>(GetWoodColorVales()),
                StripColorValues    = new ObservableCollection <string>(GetStripColorValues()),
                ShelvingDepthValues = new ObservableCollection <string>(GetShelvingDepthValues())
            Room.PropertyChanged += Room_PropertyChanged;
 public IncrementQuantityCommand(PanelVM viewmodel)
     this.viewmodel = viewmodel;
Example #5
        //Create the view for the Backups screen
        public ActionResult Backups()
            //Set user credentials as session variables
            string username = Session["SkyscapeUsername"] as string;
            string password = Session["SkyscapePassword"] as string;

            //Initializes a new api call to Skyscape
            var api = new APIMethods();

            //Authentication details passed through from config class
            var authenticate = api.authenticateSkyscape(username, password);

            var accounts = api.getAccounts();

            //Generates viewModels for view
            VmViewModel vmViewModel = new VmViewModel();

            vmViewModel.names      = new List <string>();
            vmViewModel.accountVms = new List <PanelVM>();
            vmViewModel.accounts   = new List <Account>();
            vmViewModel.backups    = new List <Backup>();

            // "expires_after : 900" means a successful authentication
            if (authenticate.Content == "{\"expires_after\":900}")
                //Generates counter to uniquely identify JQuery dialogs in Backup view
                int k = 0;
                ViewBag.response = "Authentication successful";

                //Deserializes JSON string into account objects
                vmViewModel.accounts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Account> >(accounts.Content);
                //Loop through deserialized accounts
                for (int i = 0; i < vmViewModel.accounts.Count; i++)
                    //getVms makes the call to Skyscape to retrieve vm/backup information
                    var vms = api.getSkyscapeVms(vmViewModel.accounts[i].id);

                    //result is the objects of the returned deserialized JSON String from the API with a set DateTimeFormat included
                    var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkyscapeResponse>(vms.Content, new IsoDateTimeConverter {
                        DateTimeFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"

                    //To create VM objects, must loop through the different levels of JSON String
                    foreach (var vOrg in result.vOrgs)
                        foreach (var vDC in vOrg.vDCs)
                            foreach (var vApp in vDC.vApps)
                                foreach (var virtualMachine in vApp.VMs)
                                    //If any VM within an account has at a last backup which failed, count this fail to display in accordion view
                                    if (virtualMachine.LastBackupStatus.Contains("Failed"))
                                        vmViewModel.accounts[i].allBackupsStatus = false;
                                    //create new instance of PanelVM
                                    PanelVM panelVm = new PanelVM();
                                        panelVm.AccountId        = result.Account.id;
                                        panelVm.Name             = virtualMachine.Name;
                                        panelVm.LastBackupStatus = virtualMachine.LastBackupStatus;
                                        panelVm.LastBackup       = virtualMachine.LastBackup;
                                        panelVm.backups          = virtualMachine.Backups;
                                        panelVm.Id                    = virtualMachine.Id; //Not suitable as unique identifier for VM as may be duplicate in other accounts
                                        panelVm.Size                  = virtualMachine.Size;
                                        panelVm.MonthToDate           = virtualMachine.MonthToDate;
                                        panelVm.EstimatedMonthlyTotal = virtualMachine.EstimatedMonthlyTotal;
                                        panelVm.BilledHoursPoweredOn  = virtualMachine.BilledHoursPoweredOn;
                                        panelVm.BilledHoursPoweredOff = virtualMachine.BilledHoursPoweredOff;
                                        panelVm.PowerStatus           = virtualMachine.PowerStatus;
                                        panelVm.OperatingSystem       = virtualMachine.OperatingSystem;
                                        panelVm.NumberOfCPUs          = virtualMachine.NumberOfCPUs;
                                        panelVm.Memory                = virtualMachine.Memory;
                                        panelVm.Storage               = virtualMachine.Storage;
                                        panelVm.counter               = k++; //counter allows unique ID of VM without using any Skyscape data as key for VM
                                    //Must add panelVm to view model in order to use in Backups view
            else //API Authentication has failed
                ViewBag.response = "Authentication Failed";
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));
            return(View(vmViewModel)); // Must return viewModel to create view
 public SelectPreviousCommand(PanelVM viewmodel)
     this.viewmodel = viewmodel;
Example #7
 public RemoveCommand(PanelVM viewmodel)
     this.viewmodel = viewmodel;
Example #8
 public AddCommand(PanelVM viewmodel)
     this.viewmodel = viewmodel;
Example #9
 public SelectNextCommand(PanelVM viewmodel)
     this.viewmodel = viewmodel;