Example #1
        private static async Task FetchWithTPL(PagedCharacters firstPage)
            /* Because API fetch is network bound parallel execution is beneficial.
             *    Therefore, use TPL dataflow for fetching and collecting data.

            var apiFetcher = new ActionBlock <int>(
                async pageNr =>
                var result = await FetchCharacter(pageNr);
                , new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism    = MaxParallel, // Degree of parallelism is controlled by this property.
                SingleProducerConstrained = false        // Instructing about the SingleProducer enhances the performance.

            // Start by posting page numbers to the fetcher
            for (var pageNr = 2; pageNr <= firstPage.PageInfo.Pages; pageNr++)
                await apiFetcher.SendAsync(pageNr);

            await apiFetcher.Completion;

            Console.WriteLine($"API fetch completed. Elapsed: {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
Example #2
        private static async Task FetchAndSaveWithTPL(PagedCharacters firstPage)
            /* This is an experimental method and NOT in use.
             * This method links two DataFlow blocks.
             *  1. TransformBlock for fetching API data and pass to the next block
             *  2. AcitonBlock to save the fetched data.
             *  The idea is that because API Fetch is much slower than the db insert,
             *  parallel execution of API fetch and db save can reduce some of db saving load.
             *  But the result seems to show the gain from this approach is less than the overhead of
             *  having two TPL blocks being maintained.

            var apiFetcher = new TransformBlock <int, PagedCharacters>(
                async pageNr =>
                var result = await FetchCharacter(pageNr);
                , new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism    = MaxParallel,
                SingleProducerConstrained = false

            var saver = new ActionBlock <PagedCharacters>(pc =>
                using var db = new RickAndMortyContext(dbOptions);
                Console.WriteLine($"Save finished. Page: {pc.CurrentPage}");
            }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 //Do not allow concurrent writes

            apiFetcher.LinkTo(saver, new DataflowLinkOptions {
                PropagateCompletion = true

            // Start by posting page numbers to the fetcher
            for (var pageNr = 2; pageNr <= firstPage.PageInfo.Pages; pageNr++)
                await apiFetcher.SendAsync(pageNr);

            await saver.Completion;

            Console.WriteLine($"API fetch & save completed. Elapsed: {stopwatch.Elapsed}");
Example #3
 private static void SavePage(PagedCharacters firstPage)
     using var db = new RickAndMortyContext(dbOptions);