Example #1
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
                const string collectionName   = "TestCollection";
                string       connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CUSTOMCONNSTR_MongoDB");
                //string connectionString     = "mongodb://*****:*****@localhost:27017";

                ConventionRegistry.Register("Conventions", new MongoDbConventions(), _ => true);

                MongoClient    mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
                IMongoDatabase database    = mongoClient.GetDatabase("TestDB");

                // Put a break point here and F10.
                // --> Drop: Collection.

                IStudentRepository repository = new StudentRepository(database, collectionName);

                // --> Seed.
                await repository.InsertAsync(Student.GenerateStudents(100));

                Student student = Student.GenerateStudent();

                ReplaceOneResult updateOrInsertResult = await repository.UpdateOrInsertAsync(student, true);

                // updateOrInsertResult.UpsertedId.AsString // It has a value, in case of insert.

                student = await repository.GetAsync(student.Id);

                DeleteResult deleteResult = await repository.DeleteAsync(student.Id);

                bool exists = await repository.ExistsAsync(s => s.Id == student.Id);

                IEnumerable <Student> physicists = await repository.FindAsync(s => s.Subjects.Contains("Physics"));

                // ModifiedCount has to be 0.
                UpdateResult updateResult = await repository.AddSubjectAsync(physicists.First().Id, "Physics");

                updateResult = await repository.RemoveSubjectAsync(physicists.First().Id, "Physics");

                long count = await repository.CountAsync(s => s.Subjects.Contains("Physics"));

                // --> Paged query.
                PageQuery <Student> pageQuery = PageQuery <Student>
                                                .Create(page : 1, pageSize : 20)
                                                .Filter(s => s.Age >= 18 && s.Age <= 65)
                                                .Sort(sb => sb.Ascending(s => s.Age).Ascending(s => s.Name));

                PageResult <Student> studentPageResult = null;

                    studentPageResult = await repository.BrowseAsync(pageQuery);

                    // if (studentPageResult.IsNotEmpty) studentPageResult.Items
                } while (studentPageResult.HasNextPage);

                // --> Paged query with projection.
                PageQuery <Student, StudentDto> pageQueryProjection = PageQuery <Student, StudentDto>
                                                                      .Create(page : 1, pageSize : 20)
                                                                      .Filter(s => s.Age >= 18 && s.Age <= 65)
                                                                      .Sort(sb => sb.Descending("$natural")) // https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/glossary/#term-natural-order
                                                                      .Project(s => new StudentDto {
                    Id = s.Id, Name = s.Name, SubjectCount = s.Subjects.Count()

                PageResult <StudentDto> studentDtoPageResult = null;

                    studentDtoPageResult = await repository.BrowseAsync(pageQueryProjection);

                } while (studentDtoPageResult.HasNextPage);

                deleteResult = await repository.DeleteAsync(s => s.Age < 5);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // MongoException
                // Do something...