/// <summary>
        /// Renders page link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper">This is an HtmlHelper extension method.</param>
        /// <param name="pageLinkViewModel">Contains all of the information required to render a page link.</param>
        /// <returns>MvcHtmlString containing page link.</returns>
        public static IHtmlContent PageLink(this IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, PageLinkViewModel pageLink)
            // If page ID not specified, then render link to the current page (this might be the case on a special administration page, where PageId is not set)
            if (pageLink.Page.PageId == 0)
                string pathAndQuery = string.Format("{0}{1}", htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.Path, htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString);
                string pageLinkHtml = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", pathAndQuery, htmlHelper.Encode(pageLink.LinkText));
                return(new HtmlString(pageLinkHtml));

            // Otherwise, render link to page specified
            if (pageLink.Page.ParentPageId == null)
                return(htmlHelper.RouteLink(pageLink.LinkText, "HomePage", pageLink.RouteValues, pageLink.HtmlAttributes));
                IWebHelperService    webHelperService         = (IWebHelperService)htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IWebHelperService));
                RouteValueDictionary routeValueDictionary     = pageLink.RouteValues == null ? new RouteValueDictionary() : new RouteValueDictionary(pageLink.RouteValues);
                RouteValueDictionary htmlAttributesDictionary = pageLink.HtmlAttributes == null ? new RouteValueDictionary() : new RouteValueDictionary(pageLink.HtmlAttributes);
                routeValueDictionary.Add("pageid", pageLink.Page.PageId);
                routeValueDictionary.Add("description", webHelperService.UrlFriendly(pageLink.Description));
                return(htmlHelper.RouteLink(pageLink.LinkText, "ReadPage", routeValueDictionary, (IDictionary <string, object>)htmlAttributesDictionary));
Example #2
        public IActionResult CreateLinks(PageLinkViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)


        /// <summary>
        /// Renders page link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="htmlHelper">This is an HtmlHelper extension method.</param>
        /// <param name="page">The page whose link is rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="linkText">Text that should appear on link.</param>
        /// <param name="description">SEO text that is displayed just before query string.</param>
        /// <param name="routeValues">Route values that should be added to the link.</param>
        /// <param name="htmlAttributes">Html attributes that should be applied to anchor tag.</param>
        /// <returns>MvcHtmlString containing page link.</returns>
        public static IHtmlContent PageLink(this IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, Page page, string linkText, string description, object routeValues, object htmlAttributes = null)
            // Construct page link info from method arguments
            PageLinkViewModel pageLink = new PageLinkViewModel {
                Description    = description,
                HtmlAttributes = htmlAttributes,
                LinkText       = linkText,
                Page           = page,
                RouteValues    = routeValues

            // And return resulting HTML
            return(PageLink(htmlHelper, pageLink));
Example #4
        private IList <IPageLink> GetPageHierarchyPageLinks(Page page)
            bool firstPage = true;
            IList <IPageLink> pageLinks = new List <IPageLink>();

            while (page != null)
                PageLinkViewModel pageLink = new PageLinkViewModel
                    Description = page.Name,
                    LinkText    = firstPage ? ElementResource.PageHeaderHomeBreadcrumbLabel : page.Name,
                    Page        = page
                page      = page.ChildPages.Count == 1 ? page.ChildPages[0] : null;
                firstPage = false;
Example #5
        private PageViewModel createDefaultPageViewModel(page currentPage)
            PageViewModel model = new PageViewModel();

            model.titre       = currentPage.titre;
            model.description = currentPage.description;
            model.id_projet   = currentPage.id_projet;

            IEnumerable <page>        pages      = db.projets.Find(currentPage.id_projet).pages.OrderBy(p => p.numero);
            IList <PageLinkViewModel> pagesLinks = new List <PageLinkViewModel>();

            foreach (page p in pages)
                PageLinkViewModel link = new PageLinkViewModel();
                link.titre    = p.titre;
                link.page_url = "/pages/Details/" + p.id_page;

                if (currentPage.id_page == p.id_page)
                    link.isCurrent = true;
                    link.isCurrent = false;

            model.pages    = pagesLinks;
            model.sections = currentPage.sections.OrderBy(s => s.ordre);

            model.page           = new page();
            model.page.id_page   = currentPage.id_page;
            model.page.id_projet = currentPage.id_projet;
            model.page.numero    = pages.Max(p => p.numero) + 1;
