Example #1
        public void SetLineOutOfRange()
            Page     page = new Page();
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            page.SetLine(16, line);
Example #2
        private bool Seek(int charIndex, int lineIndex)
            CurrentLine = Math.Clamp(lineIndex, 0, _page.LineCount);

            if (CurrentLine != lineIndex)

            PageLine line        = _page[lineIndex];
            int      columnIndex = 0;

            bool found = false;

            while (columnIndex <= line.TokenCount && !found)
                if (line[columnIndex].Start >= charIndex)
                    found = true;


            if (found)
                CurrentLine   = lineIndex;
                CurrentColumn = columnIndex;

Example #3
        public void Indexer()
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            line[0]  = 0x44;
            line[15] = 0x66;

            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x44, line[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x66, line[15]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x00, line[1]);
Example #4
        private void ProcessPage(Xwt.Drawing.Context g, IEnumerable p)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {   // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;

                    Xwt.Drawing.Color bcolorleft = XwtColor.SystemColorToXwtColor(pl.SI.BColorLeft);

                    DrawLine(bcolorleft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                             g, PixelsX(pl.X), PixelsY(pl.Y), PixelsX(pl.X2), PixelsY(pl.Y2)

                Xwt.Rectangle rect = new Xwt.Rectangle(PixelsX(pi.X), PixelsY(pi.Y), PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                    // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    //DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);

                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
Example #5
 public void ToStringInvalidFormat()
         PageLine line = new PageLine();
     catch (FormatException ex)
         throw ex;
Example #6
        public void GetLine()
            Page page = new Page();

            page[250] = 0x33;

            PageLine line = page.GetLine(15);

            for (int i = 0; i < PageLine.Size; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual <byte>((byte)((i == 10) ? 0x33 : 0), line[i]);
Example #7
        public void ToByteArray()
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            line[0]  = 0x44;
            line[15] = 0x66;

            byte[] array = line;

            Assert.AreEqual(PageLine.Size, array.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x44, array[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0, array[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x66, array[15]);
Example #8
        public void SetLine()
            Page     page = new Page();
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            line[0]  = 0x22;
            line[15] = 0xAA;

            page.SetLine(0, line);
            page.SetLine(15, line);

            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x22, page[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0xAA, page[15]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0x22, page[240]);
            Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0xAA, page[255]);
        public void AppendNewLine(PageLine newLine)
            Observable.FromEventPattern(newLine.del, "Click").Select(i => i.Sender).Subscribe(sl => {
                var lineToDelete = (sl as Button).Tag as UIElement;
                if (lineToDelete is PageLine)
                    ///TODO: still buggy...
                    //foreach (var l in (lineToDelete as PageLine).GetDependentLineIndices()) {
                    //    this.allLines.Children.RemoveAt(l);
            newLine.NewUIResult.Subscribe(i => {
                var smartGrid = new GridSplitter.SmartGrid();

            Observable.FromEventPattern(newLine.input, "PreviewKeyDown").Subscribe(i => {
                var sender = ((i.Sender as TextBox).Tag as PageLine);
                var e      = (i.EventArgs as KeyEventArgs);
                if (e.Key == Key.Enter && (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift)))
                    var result = CSharp.AppendCSharp(newLine.input.Text, newLine.LineNumber);
                    AppendNewLine(new PageLine());
                    e.Handled = true;
                else if (e.Key == Key.Enter && (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl)))
                    var result = sender.Result;
                    if (result == "")
                        result = sender.GetText();
                    CSharp.CSharpAssign(result, sender.LineNumber);
                    AppendNewLine(new PageLine());
                    e.Handled = true;
Example #10
        // render all the objects in a page (or any composite object
        private void ProcessPage(StringBuilder sb, IEnumerable p, Rectangle offset)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, sb, new Rectangle(PixelsX(pi.X), PixelsY(pi.Y), PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H)));

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                    DrawLine(pl.SI.BColorLeft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, PixelsX(pl.SI.BWidthLeft),
                             sb, PixelsX(pl.X), PixelsY(pl.Y),
                             PixelsX(pl.X2), PixelsY(pl.Y2));

                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(PixelsX(pi.X), PixelsY(pi.Y),
                                               PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, sb, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, sb, rect);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, sb, rect);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    this.DrawRectangle(pi as PageRectangle, sb, rect);

                DrawBorder(pi, sb, rect);
Example #11
        public void ToFormattedString()
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            for (int i = 0; i < PageLine.Size; i++)
                line[i] = (byte)(0x30 + i);

        private void Open_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd     = new OpenFileDialog();
            var            success = ofd.ShowDialog().Value;

            if (success)
                var xml = XElement.Load(ofd.FileName);
                foreach (var line in xml.Elements("Line"))
                    var newLine = PageLine.FromXml(line);
                    if (newLine.Type == LineType.Eval)
                        var result = CSharp.AppendCSharp(newLine.input.Text, newLine.LineNumber);
Example #13
        // render all the objects in a page (or any composite object
        private void ProcessPage(System.Drawing.Graphics g, IEnumerable p)
            // TODO: (Peter) Support can grow and can shrink
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                    DrawLine(pl.SI.BColorLeft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                             g, PixelsX(pl.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                             PixelsX(pl.X2 + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y2 + _top - _vScroll));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                                                 PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                if ((pi is PagePolygon) || (pi is PageCurve))
                { // intentionally empty; polygon's rectangles aren't calculated

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    // TODO: enable can shrink, can grow
                    // 2005 spec file, page 9, in the text box has
                    // CanGrow and CanShrink
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    this.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                    DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePie)
                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                    DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                    FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                    DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                              g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension);

                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);

            // TO: convert System.Drawing.Graphics to Xwt.Drawing.Context and draw it to this.g

            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(600, 600);

            g.DrawImage(bm, 600, 600);

            System.IO.MemoryStream s = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            gImg.Save(s, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            gImg.Save("test.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            // Xwt.Drawing.Image img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);
            Xwt.Drawing.Image img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile("test.png");

            xwtContext.DrawImage(img, new Xwt.Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600), new Xwt.Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600));
            //Xwt.Drawing.TextLayout layout = new Xwt.Drawing.TextLayout(xwtContext);
            //layout.Font = xwtContext.Font;
            //layout.Text = "Test";
            //xwtContext.DrawTextLayout(layout, 2, 4);
Example #14
        public void IndexerOutOfRange()
            PageLine line = new PageLine();

            line[16] = 0x44;
Example #15
        // render all the objects in a page (or any composite object
        private void ProcessPage(Graphics g, IEnumerable p, RectangleF clipRect, bool bHitList)
            // TODO: (Peter) Support can grow and can shrink
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                //if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                //{	// PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                //    if (SelectTool && bHitList)
                //    {
                //        RectangleF hr = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                //                                                            PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));
                //        _HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(hr, pi));
                //    }
                //    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g, clipRect, bHitList);
                //    continue;

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                    DrawLine(pl.SI.BColorLeft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                             g, PixelsX(pl.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                             PixelsX(pl.X2 + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y2 + _top - _vScroll));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                                                 PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                // Maintain the hit list
                //if (bHitList)
                //    if (SelectTool)
                //    {   // we need all PageText and PageImage items that have been displayed
                //        if (pi is PageText || pi is PageImage)
                //        {
                //            _HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(rect, pi));
                //        }
                //    }
                //    // Only care about items with links and tips
                //    else if (pi.HyperLink != null || pi.BookmarkLink != null || pi.Tooltip != null)
                //    {
                //        HitListEntry hle;
                //        if (pi is PagePolygon)
                //            hle = new HitListEntry(pi as PagePolygon, _left - _hScroll, _top - _vScroll, this);
                //        else
                //            hle = new HitListEntry(rect, pi);
                //        _HitList.Add(hle);
                //    }

                if ((pi is PagePolygon) || (pi is PageCurve))
                { // intentionally empty; polygon's rectangles aren't calculated
                else if (!rect.IntersectsWith(clipRect))

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    // TODO: enable can shrink, can grow
                    // 2005 spec file, page 9, in the text box has
                    // CanGrow and CanShrink
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    this.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                    DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePie)
                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                    DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                    FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                    DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                              g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension);

                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
Example #16
        private void ProcessPage(Cairo.Context g, IEnumerable p)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {   // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                        pl.SI.BColorLeft.ToCairoColor(), pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                        g, PixelsX(pl.X), PixelsY(pl.Y), PixelsX(pl.X2), PixelsY(pl.Y2)

//                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X), PixelsY(pi.Y), PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));
                Cairo.Rectangle rect = new Cairo.Rectangle(PixelsX(pi.X), PixelsY(pi.Y), PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                    // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    //DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                //                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                //                {
                //                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                //                    DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                //                }
                //                else if (pi is PagePie)
                //                {
                //                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                //                    DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                //                }
                //                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                //                {
                //                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                //                    FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect);
                //                }
                //                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                //                {
                //                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                //                    DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                //                        g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension);
                //                }
                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
 private void resetContent()
     this.selectedIndex = 0;
Example #18
 public ProtocolReadPageRx(byte header, Mode regim) : base(header, 0x5A, regim, new CheckSumXOR7FManager())
     Line = new PageLine();
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders all the objects in a Page or composite object.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessPage(Graphics g, IEnumerable p, RectangleF clipRect, bool bHitList, CanvasProperties cp, ref PageItemManager cpim)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled && bHitList)
                        RectangleF hr = new RectangleF(
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.Y + cp.Scroll.X - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.W, cp.Dpi.X),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.H, cp.Dpi.Y));

                        cpim.HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(hr, pi));
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g, clipRect, bHitList, cp, ref cpim);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.X2 + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.Y2 + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.W, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.H, cp.Dpi.Y));

                // Maintain the hit list
                if (bHitList)
                    if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled)
                    {   // we need all PageText and PageImage items that have been displayed
                        if (pi is PageText || pi is PageImage)
                            cpim.HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(rect, pi));
                    // Only care about items with links and tips
                    else if (pi.HyperLink != null || pi.BookmarkLink != null || pi.Tooltip != null)
                        HitListEntry hle;
                        if (pi is PagePolygon)
                            hle = new HitListEntry(pi as PagePolygon, cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, ((Canvas)cp.Parent));
                            hle = new HitListEntry(rect, pi);

                if ((pi is PagePolygon) || (pi is PageCurve))
                { // intentionally empty; polygon's rectangles aren't calculated
                else if (!rect.IntersectsWith(clipRect))

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawString(pt, g, rect, cp, cpim);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawImage(i, g, rect, cp, cpim);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    CanvasPainter.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePie)
                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                    CanvasPainter.FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect, cp);
                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                                            g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension, cp);

                CanvasPainter.DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
Example #20
        // render all the objects in a page (or any composite object
        private void ProcessPage(Graphics g, IEnumerable p, RectangleF clipRect, bool bHitList)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {                       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g, clipRect, bHitList);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                    DrawLine(pl.SI.BColorLeft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                             g, PixelsX(pl.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                             PixelsX(pl.X2 + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y2 + _top - _vScroll));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                                                 PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                // Maintain the hit list
                if (bHitList)
                    // Only care about items with links and tips
                    if (pi.HyperLink != null || pi.BookmarkLink != null || pi.Tooltip != null)
                        _HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(rect, pi));

                if (!rect.IntersectsWith(clipRect))

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {                       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    this.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);

                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
Example #21
 public ProtocolWritePageTx(byte header, Mode regim)
     : base(header, 0x55, regim, new CheckSumXOR7FManager())
     Line = new PageLine();
Example #22
 public void GetLineOutOfRange()
     Page     page = new Page();
     PageLine line = page.GetLine(16);
Example #23
        // render all the objects in a page (or any composite object
        private void ProcessPage(System.Drawing.Graphics g, IEnumerable p)
            // TODO: (Peter) Support can grow and can shrink
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                    DrawLine(pl.SI.BColorLeft, pl.SI.BStyleLeft, pl.SI.BWidthLeft,
                             g, PixelsX(pl.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                             PixelsX(pl.X2 + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pl.Y2 + _top - _vScroll));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
                                                 PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H));

                if ((pi is PagePolygon) || (pi is PageCurve))
                { // intentionally empty; polygon's rectangles aren't calculated

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    // TODO: enable can shrink, can grow
                    // 2005 spec file, page 9, in the text box has
                    // CanGrow and CanShrink
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    DrawString(pt, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    DrawImage(i, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    this.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                    DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePie)
                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                    DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                    FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                    DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                              g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension);

                DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);

            // TO: convert System.Drawing.Graphics to Xwt.Drawing.Context and draw it to this.g

            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(gImg.Width, gImg.Height);

            g.DrawImage(bm, gImg.Width, gImg.Height);

            // Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromStream does not work.  It crashes with both wpf and gtk
            // As a work around save the image to a temporary file and load it into xwt using the
            // FromFile method.

            System.IO.MemoryStream s = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            gImg.Save(s, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
            string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();

            gImg.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

            // Xwt.Drawing.Image img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromStream(s);

            Xwt.Drawing.Image img = Xwt.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileName);
            xwtContext.DrawImage(img, new Xwt.Rectangle(0, 0, gImg.Width, gImg.Height), new Xwt.Rectangle(0, 0, gImg.Width, gImg.Height));