/// <summary>
        /// The find pages with criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageLink">
        /// The page link.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="criterias">
        /// The criterias.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="languageBranch">
        /// The language branch.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="selector">
        /// The selector.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="PageDataCollection"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public PageDataCollection FindPagesWithCriteria(
            PageReference pageLink,
            PropertyCriteriaCollection criterias,
            string languageBranch,
            ILanguageSelector selector)
            if (PageReference.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink))
                return(new PageDataCollection());

            // Any search beneath the entry root should in fact be performed under the clone root as that's where the original content resides
            if (pageLink.CompareToIgnoreWorkID(this.EntryRoot))
                pageLink = this.CloneRoot;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageLink.ProviderName))
                // Any search beneath a cloned page should in fact be performed under the original page, so we use a page link without any provider information
                pageLink = new PageReference(pageLink.ID);

            PageDataCollection pages = DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(
                pageLink, criterias, languageBranch, selector);

            // Return cloned search result set
            return(new PageDataCollection(pages.Select(this.ClonePage)));
        protected override IEnumerable <PageReference> GetContentReferences(string languageBranch)
            var criterias = new PropertyCriteriaCollection()
            PageDataCollection pages = DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(PageReference.StartPage, criterias, languageBranch);

            return(pages.Select(p => p.PageLink));