public void OpenMessage(PacketMessage packetMessage, string folder) { if (packetMessage is null) { return; } //string folder = (((PivotItem)MainPagePivot.SelectedItem).Tag as StorageFolder).Path; // Change state so the message will not be sent if it is open for editing //if (((PivotItem)MainPagePivot.SelectedItem).Tag as StorageFolder == SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder) if (folder == SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.Path) { packetMessage.MessageState = MessageState.Edit; packetMessage.Save(folder); } string packetMessagePath = Path.Combine(folder, packetMessage.FileName); Type type = typeof(CountyFormsPage); switch (packetMessage.FormControlType) { case FormControlAttribute.FormType.Undefined: type = typeof(CountyFormsPage); break; case FormControlAttribute.FormType.None: type = typeof(CountyFormsPage); break; case FormControlAttribute.FormType.CountyForm: type = typeof(CountyFormsPage); break; case FormControlAttribute.FormType.CityForm: type = typeof(CityFormsPage); break; case FormControlAttribute.FormType.HospitalForm: type = typeof(HospitalFormsPage); break; case FormControlAttribute.FormType.TestForm: type = typeof(TestFormsPage); break; } if (packetMessage.MessageState != MessageState.ResendSameID && packetMessage.MessageState != MessageState.ResendNewID) { NavigationService.Navigate(type, packetMessagePath); } else { NavigationService.Navigate(type, packetMessagePath, packetMessage.MessageState); } }
public async Task BBSConnectAsync2() { (string bbsName, string tncName, string MessageFrom) = Utilities.GetProfileDataBBSStatusChecked(); //BBSData bbs = PacketSettingsViewModel.Instance.BBSFromSelectedProfile; BBSData bbs = BBSDefinitions.Instance.BBSDataArray.Where(bBS => bBS.Name == bbsName).FirstOrDefault(); //TNCDevice tncDevice = TNCDeviceArray.Instance.TNCDeviceList.Where(tnc => tnc.Name == tncName).FirstOrDefault(); TNCDevice tncDevice = PacketSettingsViewModel.Instance.TNCFromSelectedProfile; //if (tncName.Contains(SharedData.EMail) && tncDevice is null) //{ // tncDevice = TNCDeviceArray.Instance.TNCDeviceList.Where(tnc => tnc.Name.Contains(SharedData.EMail)).FirstOrDefault(); //} _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Start a new send/receive session"); // Collect messages to be sent _packetMessagesToSend.Clear(); List <string> fileTypeFilter = new List <string>() { ".xml" }; QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.DefaultQuery, fileTypeFilter); // Get the files in the Outbox folder StorageFileQueryResult results = SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); // Iterate over the results IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> unsentFiles = await results.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (StorageFile file in unsentFiles) { // Add Outpost message format by Filling the MessageBody field in packetMessage. PacketMessage packetMessage = PacketMessage.Open(file.Path); if (packetMessage is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Error opening message file {file.Path}"); continue; } // messages that are opened for editing will not be sent until editing is finished if (packetMessage.MessageState == MessageState.Edit) { continue; } // Moved to send button processing //DateTime now = DateTime.Now; //var operatorDateField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.Where(formField => formField.ControlName == "operatorDate").FirstOrDefault(); //if (operatorDateField != null) //{ // operatorDateField.ControlContent = $"{now.Month:d2}/{now.Day:d2}/{(now.Year):d4}"; //} //var operatorTimeField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.Where(formField => formField.ControlName == "operatorTime").FirstOrDefault(); //if (operatorTimeField != null) // operatorTimeField.ControlContent = $"{now.Hour:d2}:{now.Minute:d2}"; FormControlBase formControl = FormsViewModel.CreateFormControlInstance(packetMessage.PacFormName); if (formControl is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Could not create an instance of {packetMessage.PacFormName}"); await ContentDialogs.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"Form {packetMessage.PacFormName} not found"); continue; } packetMessage.MessageBody = formControl.CreateOutpostData(ref packetMessage); packetMessage.UpdateMessageSize(); // Save updated message packetMessage.Save(SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.Path); _packetMessagesToSend.Add(packetMessage); } _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Send messages count: {_packetMessagesToSend.Count}"); if (tncDevice.Name.Contains(PublicData.EMail) && _packetMessagesToSend.Count == 0) { return; } List <PacketMessage> messagesSentAsEMail = new List <PacketMessage>(); // Send email messages foreach (PacketMessage packetMessage in _packetMessagesToSend) { //tncDevice = TNCDeviceArray.Instance.TNCDeviceList.Where(tnc => tnc.Name == packetMessage.TNCName).FirstOrDefault(); //bbs = BBSDefinitions.Instance.BBSDataList.Where(bBS => bBS.Name == packetMessage.BBSName).FirstOrDefault(); //TNCInterface tncInterface = new TNCInterface(bbs?.ConnectName, ref tncDevice, packetSettingsViewModel.ForceReadBulletins, packetSettingsViewModel.AreaString, ref _packetMessagesToSend); // Send as email if a TNC is not reachable, or if message is defined as an e-mail message if (tncDevice.Name.Contains(PublicData.EMail)) { try { // Mark message as sent by email packetMessage.TNCName = tncDevice.Name; //if (!tncDevice.Name.Contains(SharedData.EMail)) //{ // packetMessage.TNCName = "E-Mail-" + PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentTNC.MailUserName; //} bool sendMailSuccess = await SendMessageViaEMailAsync(packetMessage); if (sendMailSuccess) { packetMessage.MessageState = MessageState.Locked; packetMessage.SentTime = DateTime.Now; packetMessage.MailUserName = SmtpClient.Instance.UserName; _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message sent via E-Mail: {packetMessage.MessageNumber}"); var file = await SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileAsync(packetMessage.FileName, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); await file?.DeleteAsync(); // Do a save to ensure that updates are saved packetMessage.Save(SharedData.SentMessagesFolder.Path); //_packetMessagesToSend.Remove(packetMessage); messagesSentAsEMail.Add(packetMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Error sending e-mail message {packetMessage.MessageNumber}"); string text = ex.Message; continue; } } } // Remove already processed E-Mail messages. foreach (PacketMessage packetMessage in messagesSentAsEMail) { _packetMessagesToSend.Remove(packetMessage); } // TODO check if TNC connected otherwise suggest send via email //if (_packetMessagesToSend.Count == 0) //{ // tncDevice = PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentTNC; // (string bbsName, string tncName, string MessageFrom) = Utilities.GetProfileData(); // //string MessageFrom = from; // BBSData MessageBBS = Singleton<PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentBBS; // if (MessageBBS == null || !MessageBBS.Name.Contains("XSC") && !tncDevice.Name.Contains(SharedData.EMail)) // { // //string bbsName = AddressBook.Instance.GetBBS(MessageFrom); // bbs = BBSDefinitions.Instance.GetBBSFromName(bbsName); // } // else // { // bbs = Singleton<PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentBBS; // } // tncDevice = TNCDeviceArray.Instance.TNCDeviceList.Where(tnc => tnc.Name == tncName).FirstOrDefault(); //} //else //{ // //tncDevice = Singleton<PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentTNC; // tncDevice = TNCDeviceArray.Instance.TNCDeviceList.Where(tnc => tnc.Name == _packetMessagesToSend[0].TNCName).FirstOrDefault(); // bbs = BBSDefinitions.Instance.BBSDataList.Where(bBS => bBS.Name == _packetMessagesToSend[0].BBSName).FirstOrDefault(); // //Utilities.SetApplicationTitle(bbs.Name); // //bbs = PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentBBS; //} //Utilities.SetApplicationTitle(bbs?.Name); if (!tncDevice.Name.Contains(PublicData.EMail)) { ViewLifetimeControl viewLifetimeControl = await WindowManagerService.Current.TryShowAsStandaloneAsync("Connection Status", typeof(RxTxStatusPage)); //RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage._viewLifetimeControl.Height = RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage.RxTxStatusViewmodel.ViewControlHeight; //RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage._viewLifetimeControl.Width = RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage.RxTxStatusViewmodel.ViewControlWidth; //bool success = RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage._viewLifetimeControl.ResizeView(); //return; //Test PacketSettingsViewModel packetSettingsViewModel = PacketSettingsViewModel.Instance; //_tncInterface = new TNCInterface(bbs?.ConnectName, ref tncDevice, packetSettingsViewModel.ForceReadBulletins, packetSettingsViewModel.AreaString, ref _packetMessagesToSend); _tncInterface = new TNCInterface(bbs?.ConnectName, ref tncDevice, packetSettingsViewModel.ForceReadBulletins, packetSettingsViewModel.AreaCommands, ref _packetMessagesToSend); // Collect remaining messages to be sent // Process files to be sent via BBS await _tncInterface.BBSConnectThreadProcAsync(); // Close status window await RxTxStatusPage.Current._viewLifetimeControl.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { //RxTxStatusPage.rxtxStatusPage.CloseStatusWindowAsync(); //RxTxStatusPage.Current.RxTxStatusViewmodel.CloseStatusWindowAsync(); RxTxStatViewModel.Instance.CloseStatusWindowAsync(); }); PacketSettingsViewModel.Instance.ForceReadBulletins = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bbs?.Name)) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Disconnected from: {bbs?.ConnectName}. Connect time = {_tncInterface.BBSDisconnectTime - _tncInterface.BBSConnectTime}"); } // Move sent messages from unsent folder to the Sent folder foreach (PacketMessage packetMsg in _tncInterface.PacketMessagesSent) { try { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {packetMsg.MessageNumber} Sent"); StorageFile file = await SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileAsync(packetMsg.FileName, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); await file.DeleteAsync(); // Do a save to ensure that updates from tncInterface.BBSConnect are saved packetMsg.Save(SharedData.SentMessagesFolder.Path); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"File Not Found {packetMsg.FileName}"); continue; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Unauthorized Access {packetMsg.FileName}"); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packetMsg.Area) && SettingsViewModel.Instance.PrintSentMessages) { // Do printing if requested _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {packetMsg.MessageNumber} to be printed"); packetMsg.Save(SharedData.PrintMessagesFolder.Path); SettingsViewModel settingsViewModel = SettingsViewModel.Instance; PrintQueue.Instance.AddToPrintQueue(packetMsg.FileName, settingsViewModel.SentCopyNamesAsArray()); } } _packetMessagesReceived = _tncInterface.PacketMessagesReceived; await ProcessReceivedMessagesAsync(); /* * ApplicationTrigger trigger = new ApplicationTrigger(); * var task = RxTxBackgroundTask.RegisterBackgroundTask(RxTxBackgroundTask.RxTxBackgroundTaskEntryPoint, * RxTxBackgroundTask.ApplicationTriggerTaskName, * trigger, * null); * task.Progress += new BackgroundTaskProgressEventHandler(OnProgress); * task.Completed += new BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler(OnCompleted); * * * // Register a ApplicationTriggerTask. * RxTxBackgroundTask rxTxBackgroundTask = new RxTxBackgroundTask(bbs?.ConnectName, ref tncDevice, packetSettingsViewModel.ForceReadBulletins, packetSettingsViewModel.AreaString, ref _packetMessagesToSend); * rxTxBackgroundTask.Register(); * // Start backgroung task * // Reset the completion status * var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; * settings.Values.Remove(BackgroundTaskSample.ApplicationTriggerTaskName); * * //Signal the ApplicationTrigger * var result = await trigger.RequestAsync(); * * ApplicationTriggerResult result = await rxTxBackgroundTask._applicationTrigger.RequestAsync(); * // await Singleton<BackgroundTaskService>.Instance.HandleAsync(RxTxBackgroundTask); * // RxTxBackgroundTask is finished * * if (_connectState == ConnectState.ConnectStateBBSConnect) * { * await Utilities.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync(_result, "Close", "BBS Connect Error"); * //_result = "It appears that the radio is tuned to the wrong frequency,\nor the BBS was out of reach"; * } * else if (_connectState == ConnectState.ConnectStatePrepareTNCType) * { * await Utilities.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync("Unable to connect to the TNC.\nIs the TNC on?\nFor Kenwood; is the radio in \"packet12\" mode?", "Close", "BBS Connect Error"); * //_result = ""; * } * else if (_connectState == ConnectState.ConnectStateConverseMode) * { * await Utilities.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"Error sending FCC Identification - {Singleton<IdentityViewModel>.Instance.UserCallsign}.", "Close", "TNC Converse Error"); * //_result = $"Error sending FCC Identification - { Singleton<IdentityViewModel>.Instance.UserCallsign}."; * } * //else if (e.Message.Contains("not exist")) * else if (e.GetType() == typeof(IOException)) * { * await Utilities.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync("Looks like the USB or serial cable to the TNC is disconnected", "Close", "TNC Connect Error"); * //_result = "Looks like the USB or serial cable to the TNC is disconnected"; * } * else if (e.GetType() == typeof(UnauthorizedAccessException)) * { * await Utilities.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"The COM Port ({_TncDevice.CommPort.Comport}) is in use by another application. ", "Close", "TNC Connect Error"); * //_result = $"The COM Port ({_TncDevice.CommPort.Comport}) is in use by another application."; * } * * PacketSettingsViewModel>.Instance.ForceReadBulletins = false; * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bbs?.Name)) * { * _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Disconnected from: {bbs?.ConnectName}. Connect time = {rxTxBackgroundTask.BBSDisconnectTime - rxTxBackgroundTask.BBSConnectTime}"); * } * * // Move sent messages from unsent folder to the Sent folder * foreach (PacketMessage packetMsg in rxTxBackgroundTask.PacketMessagesSent) * { * try * { * _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {packetMsg.MessageNumber} Sent"); * * StorageFile file = await SharedData.UnsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileAsync(packetMsg.FileName, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); * await file.DeleteAsync(); * * // Do a save to ensure that updates from tncInterface.BBSConnect are saved * packetMsg.Save(SharedData.SentMessagesFolder.Path); * } * catch (Exception e) * { * _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Exception {e.Message}"); * } * } * _packetMessagesReceived = rxTxBackgroundTask.PacketMessagesReceived; * ProcessReceivedMessagesAsync(); *///_deviceFound = true; //try //{ // _serialPort = new SerialPort(Singleton<TNCSettingsViewModel>.Instance.CurrentTNCDevice.CommPort.Comport); //} //catch (IOException e) //{ // _deviceFound = false; //} //_serialPort.Close(); } }
public async Task ProcessReceivedMessagesAsync() { if (_packetMessagesReceived.Count() > 0) { bool updateBulletinList = false; foreach (PacketMessage packetMessageOutpost in _packetMessagesReceived) { FormControlBase formControl = new MessageControl(); // test for packet form!! PacketMessage pktMsg = new PacketMessage() { BBSName = packetMessageOutpost.BBSName, TNCName = packetMessageOutpost.TNCName, MessageSize = packetMessageOutpost.MessageSize, MessageNumber = packetMessageOutpost.MessageNumber, ReceivedTime = packetMessageOutpost.ReceivedTime, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Area = packetMessageOutpost.Area, // Save the original message for post processing (tab characters are lost in the displayed message) MessageBody = packetMessageOutpost.MessageBody, MessageState = MessageState.Locked, MessageOpened = false, MessageOrigin = MessageOriginHelper.MessageOrigin.Received, }; string[] msgLines = packetMessageOutpost.MessageBody.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None); // Check if base64 encoded int startOfMessage = 0; int startOfMessage1 = 0; int startOfMessage2 = 0; int endOfMessage = 0; bool dateFound = false; bool subjectFound = false; for (int k = 0; k < msgLines.Length; k++) { if (msgLines[k].StartsWith("Date:")) { dateFound = true; startOfMessage1 = k + 1; } if (msgLines[k].StartsWith("Subject:")) { subjectFound = true; startOfMessage2 = k + 1; } if (dateFound && subjectFound) { break; } } startOfMessage = Math.Max(startOfMessage1, startOfMessage2); endOfMessage = msgLines.Length - 1; try { // Process encoded message string message = ""; for (int j = startOfMessage; j <= endOfMessage; j++) { message += msgLines[j]; } const string outpostEncodedMarker = "!B64!"; if (message.StartsWith(outpostEncodedMarker)) { message = message.Substring(outpostEncodedMarker.Length); } byte[] messageText = Convert.FromBase64String(message); string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageText); List <string> msgLinesList = msgLines.ToList(); msgLinesList.RemoveRange(startOfMessage, endOfMessage - startOfMessage + 1); string[] decodedMsgLines = decodedString.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); msgLinesList.InsertRange(startOfMessage, decodedMsgLines); msgLines = msgLinesList.ToArray(); _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, "This message was an encoded message"); } catch (FormatException) { // Not an encoded message //_logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Not an encoded message"); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Argument out of range"); } bool toFound = false; subjectFound = false; string prefix = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(msgLines.Length, 20); i++) { if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("From:")) { pktMsg.MessageFrom = NormalizeEmailField(msgLines[i].Substring(6)); } else if (!toFound && msgLines[i].StartsWith("To:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo = NormalizeEmailField(msgLines[i].Substring(4)); toFound = true; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Cc:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo += (", " + msgLines[i].Substring(4)); while (msgLines[i + 1].Length == 0) { i++; } if (msgLines[i + 1][0] == ' ') { pktMsg.MessageTo += msgLines[i + 1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' }); } } else if (!subjectFound && msgLines[i].StartsWith("Subject:")) { pktMsg.Subject = msgLines[i].Substring(9); if (pktMsg.Subject[3] == '-') { prefix = pktMsg.Subject.Substring(0, 3); } //pktMsg.MessageSubject = pktMsg.MessageSubject.Replace('\t', ' '); subjectFound = true; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Date:")) { pktMsg.JNOSDate = DateTime.Parse(msgLines[i].Substring(10, 21)); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("# FORMFILENAME:")) { string html = ".html"; string formName = msgLines[i].Substring(16).TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ' }); formName = formName.Substring(0, formName.Length - html.Length); pktMsg.PacFormName = formName; formControl = FormsViewModel.CreateFormControlInstance(pktMsg.PacFormName); if (formControl is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); await ContentDialogs.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); return; } pktMsg.SenderMessageNumber = FormControlBase.GetOutpostValue(msgLines[i + 1]); pktMsg.FormProvider = FormProviders.PacForm; // TODO update with real provider //pktMsg.FormProvider = formControl.FormProvider; // TODO update with real provider break; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("#T:")) { string[] fileNameString = msgLines[i].Split(new char[] { ' ', '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string formName = fileNameString[1]; formName.Trim(); pktMsg.PacFormName = formName; formControl = FormsViewModel.CreateFormControlInstance(pktMsg.PacFormName); if (formControl is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); await ContentDialogs.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); return; } pktMsg.SenderMessageNumber = FormControlBase.GetOutpostValue(msgLines[i + 2]); pktMsg.FormProvider = FormProviders.PacItForm; break; } } //pktMsg.MessageNumber = GetMessageNumberPacket(); // Filled in BBS connection pktMsg.PacFormType = formControl.PacFormType; //pktMsg.PacFormName = formControl.GetPacFormName(); pktMsg.PacFormName = formControl.FormControlName; pktMsg.FormControlType = formControl.FormControlType; pktMsg.FormFieldArray = formControl.ConvertFromOutpost(pktMsg.MessageNumber, ref msgLines, pktMsg.FormProvider); //if (pktMsg.ReceivedTime != null) //{ // DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)pktMsg.ReceivedTime; //} if (!pktMsg.CreateFileName()) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Error in Create FileName(), {pktMsg.MessageNumber}, {pktMsg.PacFormType}"); throw new Exception(); } AddressBook.Instance.UpdateLastUsedBBS(pktMsg.MessageFrom, prefix); _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} received"); // If the received message is a delivery confirmation, update receivers message number in the original sent message if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Subject) && pktMsg.Subject.Contains("DELIVERED:")) { await ProcessMessagesMarkedDeliveredAsync(pktMsg); } pktMsg.Save(SharedData.ReceivedMessagesFolder.Path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Area)) { updateBulletinList |= true; // Does this work with xscevent if (pktMsg.Area.ToLower() == "xscperm") { if (pktMsg.Subject.ToLower().Contains("scco packet frequencies")) { await BBSDefinitions.CreateFromBulletinAsync(pktMsg); } else if (pktMsg.Subject.ToLower().Contains("scco packet tactical calls")) { await TacticalCallsigns.CreatePacketTacticalCallsignsFromBulletinAsync(pktMsg); } } } // Do printing if requested if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Subject) && !pktMsg.Subject.Contains("DELIVERED:") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Area) && SettingsViewModel.Instance.PrintReceivedMessages) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} to be printed"); pktMsg.Save(SharedData.PrintMessagesFolder.Path); SettingsViewModel settingsViewModel = SettingsViewModel.Instance; PrintQueue.Instance.AddToPrintQueue(pktMsg.FileName, settingsViewModel.ReceivedCopyNamesAsArray()); // Test await PrintQueue.Instance.PrintToDestinationsAsync(); //await Singleton<PrintQueue>.Instance.BackgroundPrintingTrigger.RequestAsync(); } } //RefreshDataGrid(); // Display newly added messages if (updateBulletinList) { await MainViewModel.Instance.UpdateDownloadedBulletinsAsync(); } } }
/* * Mail area: kz6dm * 1 message - 1 new * * St. # TO FROM DATE SIZE SUBJECT * > N 1 kz6dm kz6dm Sep 14 662 DELIVERED: 5DM-002_O/R_OAAlliedHeal * (#1) > * R 1 * Message #1 * Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 18:51:37 PDT * From: [email protected] * To: [email protected] * Subject: DELIVERED: 5DM-002_O/R_OAAlliedHealth_Facility Type_Facility Name * * !LMI!6DM-526P!DR!9/14/2018 6:51:22 PM * Your Message * To: KZ6DM * Subject: 5DM-002_O/R_OAAlliedHealth_Facility Type_Facility Name * was delivered on 9/14/2018 6:51:22 PM * Recipient's Local Message ID: 6DM-526P * * (#1) > * K 1 * Msg 1 Killed. * * * Your message was delivered to: * [email protected] at 9/14/2018 6:51:22 PM * [email protected] assigned Msg ID: 6DM-526P */ private async Task ProcessMessagesMarkedDeliveredAsync(PacketMessage pktMsg) { var formField = pktMsg.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "messageBody"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formField.ControlContent)) { formField = pktMsg.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "richTextMessageBody"); } if (formField.ControlContent.Contains("!LMI!")) { string[] searchStrings = new string[] { "Subject: ", "was delivered on ", "Recipient's Local Message ID: " }; DateTime receiveTime = DateTime.Now; string receiversMessageId = "", sendersMessageId = "", senderSubject = ""; var messageLines = formField.ControlContent.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in messageLines) { if (line.Contains(searchStrings[0])) { senderSubject = line.Substring(searchStrings[0].Length); int indexOfUnderscore = line.IndexOf('_'); int indexOfDelivered = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[0]); if (indexOfUnderscore >= 0) { sendersMessageId = line.Substring(indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length, indexOfUnderscore - (indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length)); } } else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[1])) { int indexOfDeliveryTime = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[1]); if (indexOfDeliveryTime >= 0) { string s = line.Substring(indexOfDeliveryTime + searchStrings[1].Length); receiveTime = DateTime.Parse(s); } } else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[2])) { receiversMessageId = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(searchStrings[2]) + searchStrings[2].Length); } } StringBuilder messageBody = new StringBuilder(); messageBody.AppendLine("Your message was delivered to:"); messageBody.AppendLine($"{pktMsg.MessageFrom} at {receiveTime}"); messageBody.AppendLine($"{pktMsg.MessageFrom} assigned Msg ID: {receiversMessageId}"); formField.ControlContent = messageBody.ToString(); List <string> fileTypeFilter = new List <string>() { ".xml" }; QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.DefaultQuery, fileTypeFilter); // Get the files in the user's sent folder StorageFileQueryResult results = SharedData.SentMessagesFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); // Iterate over the results IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await results.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (StorageFile file in files) { // Update sent form with receivers message number and receive time if (file.Name.Contains(sendersMessageId)) { PacketMessage packetMessage = PacketMessage.Open(file.Path); if (packetMessage is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Failed to open {file.Path}"); } else { if (packetMessage.MessageNumber == sendersMessageId && packetMessage.Subject == senderSubject) { formField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "receiverMsgNo"); if (formField != null) { formField.ControlContent = receiversMessageId; } packetMessage.ReceiverMessageNumber = receiversMessageId; packetMessage.ReceivedTime = receiveTime; packetMessage.Save(SharedData.SentMessagesFolder.Path); break; } } } } } }
public async Task CreatePacketMessageFromMessageAsync(PacketMessage pktMsg) { FormControlBase formControl = new MessageControl(); // test for packet form!! //pktMsg.PacFormType = PacForms.Message; //pktMsg.PacFormName = "SimpleMessage"; // Save the original message for post processing (tab characters are lost in the displayed message) string[] msgLines = pktMsg.MessageBody.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool subjectFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(msgLines.Length, 20); i++) { if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Date:")) { string startpos = "Date: "; bool success = DateTime.TryParse(msgLines[i].Substring(startpos.Length), out DateTime JNOSDate); pktMsg.JNOSDate = (success ? JNOSDate : (DateTime?)null); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("From:")) { pktMsg.MessageFrom = msgLines[i].Substring(6); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("To:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo = msgLines[i].Substring(4); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Cc:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo += (", " + msgLines[i].Substring(4)); while (msgLines[i + 1].Length == 0) { i++; } if (msgLines[i + 1][0] == ' ') { pktMsg.MessageTo += msgLines[i + 1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' }); } } else if (!subjectFound && msgLines[i].StartsWith("Subject:")) { pktMsg.Subject = msgLines[i].Substring(9); //pktMsg.MessageSubject = pktMsg.MessageSubject.Replace('\t', ' '); subjectFound = true; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("# FORMFILENAME:")) { string html = ".html"; string formName = msgLines[i].Substring(16).TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ' }); formName = formName.Substring(0, formName.Length - html.Length); pktMsg.PacFormName = formName; formControl = FormsViewModel.CreateFormControlInstance(pktMsg.PacFormName); if (formControl is null) { _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); await ContentDialogs.ShowSingleButtonContentDialogAsync($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); return; } break; // pktMsg.FormProviderIndex = 0; } } //formControl.FormProvider = FormProviders.PacForm; pktMsg.FormProvider = FormProviders.PacForm; // TODO update with real provider pktMsg.FormControlType = formControl.FormControlType; //pktMsg.PacFormName = formControl.GetPacFormName(); pktMsg.PacFormName = formControl.FormControlName; pktMsg.FormFieldArray = formControl.ConvertFromOutpost(pktMsg.MessageNumber, ref msgLines, pktMsg.FormProvider); //pktMsg.ReceivedTime = packetMessage.ReceivedTime; if (!pktMsg.CreateFileName()) { throw new Exception(); } string fileFolder = SharedData.ReceivedMessagesFolder.Path; pktMsg.Save(fileFolder); _logHelper.Log(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} converted and saved"); return; }
public void CreatePacketMessageFromMessageAsync(ref PacketMessage pktMsg) { FormControlBase formControl = new MessageControl(); // test for packet form!! //pktMsg.PacFormType = PacForms.Message; //pktMsg.PacFormName = "SimpleMessage"; // Save the original message for post processing (tab characters are lost in the displayed message) string[] msgLines = pktMsg.MessageBody.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool subjectFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(msgLines.Length, 20); i++) { if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Date:")) { string startpos = new string(new char[] { 'D', 'a', 't', 'e', ':', ' ' }); pktMsg.JNOSDate = DateTime.Parse(msgLines[i].Substring(startpos.Length)); pktMsg.JNOSDateDisplay = $"{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Month:d2}/{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Date:d2}/{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Year - 2000:d2} {pktMsg.JNOSDate.Hour:d2}:{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Minute:d2}"; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("From:")) { pktMsg.MessageFrom = msgLines[i].Substring(6); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("To:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo = msgLines[i].Substring(4); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Cc:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo += (", " + msgLines[i].Substring(4)); while (msgLines[i + 1].Length == 0) { i++; } if (msgLines[i + 1][0] == ' ') { pktMsg.MessageTo += msgLines[i + 1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' }); } } else if (!subjectFound && msgLines[i].StartsWith("Subject:")) { pktMsg.Subject = msgLines[i].Substring(9); //pktMsg.MessageSubject = pktMsg.MessageSubject.Replace('\t', ' '); subjectFound = true; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("# FORMFILENAME:")) { string html = ".html"; string formName = msgLines[i].Substring(16).TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ' }); formName = formName.Substring(0, formName.Length - html.Length); pktMsg.PacFormType = formName; formControl = Views.FormsPage.CreateFormControlInstance(pktMsg.PacFormType); if (formControl == null) { //await Utilities.ShowMessageDialogAsync($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); log.Error($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); return; } break; } } pktMsg.PacFormName = formControl.PacFormFileName; //pktMsg.PacFormType = formControl.PacFormType; //pktMsg.MessageNumber = packetMessage.MessageNumber; pktMsg.FormFieldArray = formControl.ConvertFromOutpost(pktMsg.MessageNumber, ref msgLines); //pktMsg.ReceivedTime = packetMessage.ReceivedTime; pktMsg.CreateFileName(); string fileFolder = Views.MainPage._receivedMessagesFolder.Path; pktMsg.Save(fileFolder); //log.Info($"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} received"); LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} converted and saved"); // If the received message is a delivery confirmation, update receivers message number in the original sent message //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Subject) && pktMsg.Subject.Contains("DELIVERED:")) //{ // var formField = pktMsg.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "messageBody"); // if (formField.ControlContent.Contains("!LMI!")) // { // string[] searchStrings = new string[] { "Subject: ", "was delivered on ", "Recipient's Local Message ID: " }; // DateTime receiveTime = DateTime.Now; // string receiversMessageId = "", sendersMessageId = ""; // var messageLines = formField.ControlContent.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // foreach (string line in messageLines) // { // if (line.Contains(searchStrings[0])) // { // int indexOfUnderscore = line.IndexOf('_'); // int indexOfDelivered = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[0]); // if (indexOfUnderscore >= 0) // { // sendersMessageId = line.Substring(indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length, indexOfUnderscore - (indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length)); // } // } // else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[1])) // { // int indexOfDeliveryTime = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[1]); // if (indexOfDeliveryTime >= 0) // { // string s = line.Substring(indexOfDeliveryTime + searchStrings[1].Length); // receiveTime = DateTime.Parse(s); // } // } // else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[2])) // { // receiversMessageId = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(searchStrings[2]) + searchStrings[2].Length); // } // } // List<string> fileTypeFilter = new List<string>() { ".xml" }; // QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.DefaultQuery, fileTypeFilter); // // Get the files in the user's archive folder // StorageFileQueryResult results = MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); // // Iterate over the results // IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> files = await results.GetFilesAsync(); // foreach (StorageFile file in files) // { // // Update sent form with receivers message number and receive time // if (file.Name.Contains(sendersMessageId)) // { // PacketMessage message = PacketMessage.Open(file); // if (packetMessage.MessageNumber == sendersMessageId) // { // formField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "receiverMsgNo"); // if (formField != null) // { // formField.ControlContent = receiversMessageId; // } // packetMessage.ReceivedTime = receiveTime; // if (receiveTime != null) // { // packetMessage.ReceivedTimeDisplay = $"{receiveTime.Month:d2}/{receiveTime.Date:d2}/{receiveTime.Year - 2000:d2} {receiveTime.Hour:d2}:{receiveTime.Minute:d2}"; // } // packetMessage.Save(MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.Path); // break; // } // } // } // } //} return; }
public async void BBSConnectAsync() { FormControlBase formControl; //_listOfDevices = listOfDevices; ViewModels.SharedData sharedData = ViewModels.SharedData.SharedDataInstance; TNCDevice tncDevice = sharedData.CurrentTNCDevice; if (tncDevice != null) { // Try to connect to TNC _deviceFound = await TryOpenComportAsync(); BBSData bbs = sharedData.CurrentBBS; if (bbs != null) { // Do we use a bluetooth device? if ((bool)sharedData.CurrentTNCDevice.CommPort?.IsBluetooth) { RfcommDeviceService service = null; try { DeviceInformationCollection DeviceInfoCollection = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(RfcommDeviceService.GetDeviceSelector(RfcommServiceId.SerialPort)); foreach (var deviceInfo in DeviceInfoCollection) { if (deviceInfo.Id.Contains(sharedData.CurrentTNCDevice.CommPort.DeviceId)) { service = await RfcommDeviceService.FromIdAsync(deviceInfo.Id); _deviceFound = true; break; } } } catch (Exception exp) { LogHelper(LogLevel.Error, $"Error finding bluetooth device. { exp.Message }"); } if (!_deviceFound) { await Utilities.ShowMessageDialogAsync($"TNC not found. Sending the message via e-mail"); } else { if (_socket != null) { // Disposing the socket with close it and release all resources associated with the socket _socket.Dispose(); } _socket = new StreamSocket(); bool success = true; try { // Note: If either parameter is null or empty, the call will throw an exception await _socket.ConnectAsync(service.ConnectionHostName, service.ConnectionServiceName); } catch (Exception ex) { success = false; LogHelper(LogLevel.Error, "Bluetootn Connect failed:" + ex.Message); } // If the connection was successful, the RemoteAddress field will be populated try { if (success) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(msg); //await md.ShowAsync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper(LogLevel.Error, $"Overall Connect: { ex.Message}"); _socket.Dispose(); _socket = null; } } } // Collect messages to be sent _packetMessagesToSend.Clear(); List <string> fileTypeFilter = new List <string>() { ".xml" }; QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.DefaultQuery, fileTypeFilter); // Get the files in the user's archive folder StorageFileQueryResult results = MainPage._unsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); // Iterate over the results IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await results.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (StorageFile file in files) { // Add Outpost message format by Filling the MessageBody field in packetMessage. PacketMessage packetMessage = PacketMessage.Open(file); if (packetMessage == null) { continue; } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; var operatorDateField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.Where(formField => formField.ControlName == "operatorDate").FirstOrDefault(); if (operatorDateField != null) { operatorDateField.ControlContent = $"{now.Month:d2}/{now.Day:d2}/{now.Year:d2}"; } var operatorTimeField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.Where(formField => formField.ControlName == "operatorTime").FirstOrDefault(); if (operatorTimeField != null) { operatorTimeField.ControlContent = $"{now.Hour:d2}{now.Minute:d2}"; } formControl = Views.FormsPage.CreateFormControlInstance(packetMessage.PacFormType); if (formControl == null) { MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog($"Form {packetMessage.PacFormName} not found"); await messageDialog.ShowAsync(); continue; } packetMessage.MessageBody = formControl.CreateOutpostData(ref packetMessage); packetMessage.MessageSize = packetMessage.Size; // Save updated message packetMessage.Save(MainPage._unsentMessagesFolder.Path); _packetMessagesToSend.Add(packetMessage); } if (_packetMessagesToSend.Count == 0) { LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"No messages to send."); } TNCInterface tncInterface = new TNCInterface(bbs.ConnectName, ref tncDevice, ViewModels.SharedData._forceReadBulletins, ViewModels.SharedData._Areas, ref _packetMessagesToSend); // Send as email if a TNC is not reachable, or if defined as e-mail message if (!_deviceFound || tncDevice.Name == "E-Mail") { EmailMessage emailMessage; try { foreach (PacketMessage packetMessage in _packetMessagesToSend) { // Mark message as sent by email packetMessage.TNCName = "E-Mail"; emailMessage = new EmailMessage(); // Create the to field. var messageTo = packetMessage.MessageTo.Split(new char[] { ' ', ';' }); foreach (string address in messageTo) { var index = address.IndexOf('@'); if (index > 0) { index = address.ToLower().IndexOf(""); if (index < 0) { emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient(address + "")); } else { emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient(address)); } } else { string to = $"{packetMessage.MessageTo}@{packetMessage.BBSName}"; emailMessage.To.Add(new EmailRecipient(to)); } } SmtpClient smtpClient = Services.SMTPClient.SmtpClient.Instance; if (smtpClient.Server == "") { if (!smtpClient.UserName.EndsWith("") && !smtpClient.UserName.EndsWith("") && !smtpClient.UserName.EndsWith("")) { throw new Exception("Mail from user must be a valid address."); } } else if (smtpClient.Server == "") { if (!smtpClient.UserName.EndsWith("")) { throw new Exception("Mail from user must be a valid gmail address."); } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtpClient.Server)) { throw new Exception("Mail Server must be defined"); } SmtpMessage message = new SmtpMessage(smtpClient.UserName, packetMessage.MessageTo, null, packetMessage.Subject, packetMessage.MessageBody); // adding an other To receiver //message.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); await smtpClient.SendMail(message); // emailMessage.Subject = packetMessage.Subject; //// Insert \r\n //string temp = packetMessage.MessageBody; //string messageBody = temp.Replace("\r", "\r\n"); //var msgBody = temp.Split(new char[] { '\r' }); //messageBody = ""; //foreach (string s in msgBody) //{ // messageBody += (s + "\r\n"); //} //emailMessage.Body = messageBody; // emailMessage.Body = packetMessage.MessageBody; //IBuffer //var memStream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); //var randomAccessStreamReference = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(memStream); //emailMessage.SetBodyStream(EmailMessageBodyKind.PlainText, randomAccessStreamReference); //emailMessage.Body = await memStream.WriteAsync(packetMessage.MessageBody); // await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage); DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; packetMessage.SentTime = dateTime; packetMessage.SentTimeDisplay = $"{dateTime.Month:d2}/{dateTime.Day:d2}/{dateTime.Year - 2000:d2} {dateTime.Hour:d2}:{dateTime.Minute:d2}"; packetMessage.MailUserName = smtpClient.UserName; tncInterface.PacketMessagesSent.Add(packetMessage); LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Message sent via email {packetMessage.MessageNumber}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { string text = ex.Message; } } else { //ref List<PacketMessage> packetMessagesReceived, ref List<PacketMessage> packetMessagesToSend, out DateTime bbsConnectTime, out DateTime bbsDisconnectTime //string messageBBS, ref TNCDevice tncDevice, bool forceReadBulletins LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Connect to: {bbs.ConnectName}"); //tncInterface.BBSConnect(ref packetMessagesReceived, ref packetMessagesToSend); //ConnectedDialog connectDlg = new ConnectedDialog(); //connectDlg.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); //tncInterface.ConnectDlg = connectDlg; bool success = await tncInterface.BBSConnectThreadProcAsync(); EventHandlerForDevice.Current.CloseDevice(); if (!success) { return; } //var thread = new Thread(tncInterface.BBSConnectThreadProc); //thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //connectDlg.ConnectThread = thread; //connectDlg.ConnectError = tncInterface; //thread.Start(); //// Blocks UI while connected to BBS //connectDlg.ShowDialog(); ViewModels.SharedData._forceReadBulletins = false; LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Disconnected from: {bbs.ConnectName}. Connect time = {tncInterface.BBSDisconnectTime - tncInterface.BBSConnectTime}"); } // Move sent messages from unsent folder to the Sent folder foreach (PacketMessage packetMsg in tncInterface.PacketMessagesSent) { LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {packetMsg.MessageNumber} Sent"); var file = await MainPage._unsentMessagesFolder.CreateFileAsync(packetMsg.FileName, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); await file.DeleteAsync(); // Do a save to ensure that updates from tncInterface.BBSConnect are saved packetMsg.Save(Views.MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.Path); } _packetMessagesReceived = tncInterface.PacketMessagesReceived; ProcessReceivedMessagesAsync(); } else { MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog($"Could not find the requested TNC ({ViewModels.SharedData.SharedDataInstance.CurrentProfile.TNC})"); await messageDialog.ShowAsync(); LogHelper(LogLevel.Error, $"Could not find the requested TNC ({ViewModels.SharedData.SharedDataInstance.CurrentProfile.TNC})"); } } else { MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog($"Could not find the requested BBS ({ViewModels.SharedData.SharedDataInstance.CurrentProfile.BBS}). Check Packet Settings"); await messageDialog.ShowAsync(); LogHelper(LogLevel.Error, $"Could not find the requested BBS ({ViewModels.SharedData.SharedDataInstance.CurrentProfile.BBS}). Check Packet Settings"); } }
public async void ProcessReceivedMessagesAsync() { if (_packetMessagesReceived.Count() > 0) { foreach (PacketMessage packetMessageOutpost in _packetMessagesReceived) { FormControlBase formControl = new MessageControl(); // test for packet form!! PacketMessage pktMsg = new PacketMessage() { //pktMsg.PacFormType = PacForms.Message; PacFormName = "SimpleMessage", BBSName = packetMessageOutpost.BBSName, TNCName = packetMessageOutpost.TNCName, MessageSize = packetMessageOutpost.MessageSize, Area = packetMessageOutpost.Area, // Save the original message for post processing (tab characters are lost in the displayed message) MessageBody = packetMessageOutpost.MessageBody, //MessageReadOnly = true }; string[] msgLines = packetMessageOutpost.MessageBody.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool subjectFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(msgLines.Length, 20); i++) { if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Date:")) { pktMsg.JNOSDate = DateTime.Parse(msgLines[i].Substring(10, 21)); pktMsg.JNOSDateDisplay = $"{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Month:d2}/{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Date:d2}/{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Year - 2000:d2} {pktMsg.JNOSDate.Hour:d2}:{pktMsg.JNOSDate.Minute:d2}"; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("From:")) { pktMsg.MessageFrom = msgLines[i].Substring(6); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("To:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo = msgLines[i].Substring(4); } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("Cc:")) { pktMsg.MessageTo += (", " + msgLines[i].Substring(4)); while (msgLines[i + 1].Length == 0) { i++; } if (msgLines[i + 1][0] == ' ') { pktMsg.MessageTo += msgLines[i + 1].TrimStart(new char[] { ' ' }); } } else if (!subjectFound && msgLines[i].StartsWith("Subject:")) { pktMsg.Subject = msgLines[i].Substring(9); //pktMsg.MessageSubject = pktMsg.MessageSubject.Replace('\t', ' '); subjectFound = true; } else if (msgLines[i].StartsWith("# FORMFILENAME:")) { string html = ".html"; string formName = msgLines[i].Substring(16).TrimEnd(new char[] { ' ' }); formName = formName.Substring(0, formName.Length - html.Length); pktMsg.PacFormType = formName; //formControl = Views.FormsPage.CreateFormControlInstanceFromFileName(pktMsg.PacFormName); formControl = Views.FormsPage.CreateFormControlInstance(pktMsg.PacFormType); if (formControl == null) { await Utilities.ShowMessageDialogAsync($"Form {pktMsg.PacFormName} not found"); return; } break; } } //pktMsg.MessageNumber = GetMessageNumberPacket(); // Filled in BBS connection pktMsg.PacFormType = formControl.PacFormType; pktMsg.MessageNumber = packetMessageOutpost.MessageNumber; pktMsg.FormFieldArray = formControl.ConvertFromOutpost(pktMsg.MessageNumber, ref msgLines); pktMsg.ReceivedTime = packetMessageOutpost.ReceivedTime; if (pktMsg.ReceivedTime != null) { DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)pktMsg.ReceivedTime; pktMsg.ReceivedTimeDisplay = $"{dateTime.Month:d2}/{dateTime.Date:d2}/{dateTime.Year - 2000:d2} {dateTime.Hour:d2}:{dateTime.Minute:d2}"; } if (pktMsg.ReceivedTime != null) { DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)pktMsg.ReceivedTime; pktMsg.ReceivedTimeDisplay = $"{dateTime.Month:d2}/{dateTime.Date:d2}/{dateTime.Year - 2000:d2} {dateTime.Hour:d2}:{dateTime.Minute:d2}"; } pktMsg.CreateFileName(); string fileFolder = Views.MainPage._receivedMessagesFolder.Path; pktMsg.Save(fileFolder); //log.Info($"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} received"); LogHelper(LogLevel.Info, $"Message number {pktMsg.MessageNumber} received"); // If the received message is a delivery confirmation, update receivers message number in the original sent message if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pktMsg.Subject) && pktMsg.Subject.Contains("DELIVERED:")) { var formField = pktMsg.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "messageBody"); if (formField.ControlContent.Contains("!LMI!")) { string[] searchStrings = new string[] { "Subject: ", "was delivered on ", "Recipient's Local Message ID: " }; DateTime receiveTime = DateTime.Now; string receiversMessageId = "", sendersMessageId = ""; var messageLines = formField.ControlContent.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in messageLines) { if (line.Contains(searchStrings[0])) { int indexOfUnderscore = line.IndexOf('_'); int indexOfDelivered = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[0]); if (indexOfUnderscore >= 0) { sendersMessageId = line.Substring(indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length, indexOfUnderscore - (indexOfDelivered + searchStrings[0].Length)); } } else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[1])) { int indexOfDeliveryTime = line.IndexOf(searchStrings[1]); if (indexOfDeliveryTime >= 0) { string s = line.Substring(indexOfDeliveryTime + searchStrings[1].Length); receiveTime = DateTime.Parse(s); } } else if (line.Contains(searchStrings[2])) { receiversMessageId = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(searchStrings[2]) + searchStrings[2].Length); } } //DirectoryInfo diSentFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Views.MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.Path); //foreach (FileInfo fi in diSentFolder.GetFiles()) List <string> fileTypeFilter = new List <string>() { ".xml" }; //fileTypeFilter.Add(".xml"); QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.DefaultQuery, fileTypeFilter); // Get the files in the user's archive folder StorageFileQueryResult results = MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); // Iterate over the results IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await results.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (StorageFile file in files) { // Update sent form with receivers message number and receive time if (file.Name.Contains(sendersMessageId)) { PacketMessage packetMessage = PacketMessage.Open(file); if (packetMessage.MessageNumber == sendersMessageId) { formField = packetMessage.FormFieldArray.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ControlName == "receiverMsgNo"); if (formField != null) { formField.ControlContent = receiversMessageId; } packetMessage.ReceivedTime = receiveTime; if (receiveTime != null) { packetMessage.ReceivedTimeDisplay = $"{receiveTime.Month:d2}/{receiveTime.Date:d2}/{receiveTime.Year - 2000:d2} {receiveTime.Hour:d2}:{receiveTime.Minute:d2}"; } packetMessage.Save(MainPage._sentMessagesFolder.Path); break; } } } } } } //RefreshDataGrid(); // Display newly added messages } }