Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is our basic method for handling new asynchronous data packets
        /// received events. When this method is called by VnSensor, the packet has
        /// already been verified as valid and determined to be an asynchronous
        /// data packet. Howerver, some processing is required on the user side to
        /// make sure it is the expected type of asynchronous message so that it
        /// can be parsed correctly.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AsyncPacketReceived(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs packetFoundEventArgs)
            var packet = packetFoundEventArgs.FoundPacket;

            // Make sure we have an ASCII packet and not a binary packet.
            if (packet.Type != PacketType.Ascii)
                Console.WriteLine("Error - PacketType is not ASCII");

            // Make sure we have a VNYPR data packet.
            if (packet.AsciiAsyncType != AsciiAsync.VNYPR)
                Console.WriteLine("Error- PacketAscii type is not VNYPR");

            // We now need to parse out the yaw, pitch, roll data.
            vec3f ypr;

            packet.ParseVNYPR(out ypr);

            // Now print out the yaw, pitch, roll measurements.
            Console.WriteLine("ASCII Async YPR: {0}", ypr);
Example #2
        private void SensorOnAsyncPacketReceived(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs packetFoundEventArgs)
            var p = packetFoundEventArgs.FoundPacket;

            var nd = new CompositeData();

            lock (_data)
                CompositeData.ParsePacket(p, new[] { nd, _data });

            lock (this)
                _nextData = nd;

Example #3
    private static void AsciiOrBinaryAsyncPacketReceived(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs packetFoundEventArgs)
        var packet = packetFoundEventArgs.FoundPacket;

        if (packet.Type == PacketType.Ascii && packet.AsciiAsyncType == AsciiAsync.VNYPR)
            vec3f ypr;
            packet.ParseVNYPR(out ypr);

            Console.WriteLine("ASCII Async YPR: {0}", ypr);
        else if (packet.Type == PacketType.Binary)
            // First make sure we have a binary packet type we expect since there
            // are many types of binary output types that can be configured.
            if (!packet.IsCompatible(
                    CommonGroup.TimeStartup | CommonGroup.YawPitchRoll,
                // Not the type of binary packet we are expecting.

            // Ok, we have our expected binary output packet. Since there are many
            // ways to configure the binary data output, the burden is on the user
            // to correctly parse the binary packet. However, we can make use of
            // the parsing convenience methods provided by the Packet structure.
            // When using these convenience methods, you have to extract them in
            // the order they are organized in the binary packet per the User Manual.
            var timeStartup = packet.ExtractUint64();
            var ypr         = packet.ExtractVec3f();
            Console.WriteLine("Binary Async TimeStartup: {0}", timeStartup);
            Console.WriteLine("Binary Async YPR: {0}", ypr);
    private static void ValidPacketFoundHandler(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs args)
        // When this method is called, the packet will already have been
        // validated so no checksum/CRC check is required.

        var packet = args.FoundPacket;

        // First see if this is an ASCII or binary packet.
        if (packet.Type == PacketType.Ascii)
            // Now that we know this is an ASCII packet, we can call the
            // various ASCII methods to further process this packet.

            if (packet.IsAsciiAsync)
                // We know we have an ASCII asynchronous data packet. Let's see
                // if this is a message type we are looking for.

                if (packet.AsciiAsyncType == AsciiAsync.VNYMR)
                    // Parse the VNYMR message.
                    vec3f ypr, mag, accel, angularRate;

                    packet.ParseVNYMR(out ypr, out mag, out accel, out angularRate);

                    Console.WriteLine("[Found VNYMR Packet]");
                    Console.WriteLine("  YawPitchRoll: {0}", ypr);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Magnetic: {0}", mag);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Acceleration: {0}", accel);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Angular Rate: {0}", angularRate);
            else if (packet.IsResponse)
                if (IsCheckingForModelNumberResponse)
                    var modelNumber = packet.ParseModelNumber();

                    Console.WriteLine("Model Number: {0}", modelNumber);
                else if (IsCheckingForAsyncOutputFreqResponse)
                    var asyncFreq = packet.ParseAsyncDataOutputFrequency();

                    Console.WriteLine("Asynchronous Output Frequency: {0}", asyncFreq);
                else if (IsCheckingForVpeBasicControlResponse)
                    packet.ParseVpeBasicControl(out enable, out headingMode, out filteringMode, out tuningMode);

                    Console.WriteLine("[VPE Basic Control]");
                    Console.WriteLine("  Enable: {0}", enable != 0);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Heading Mode: {0}", (HeadingMode) headingMode);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Filtering Mode: {0}", (FilterMode) filteringMode);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Tuning Mode: {0}", (FilterMode) tuningMode);
            else if (packet.IsError)
                Console.WriteLine("Sensor Error: {0}", packet.Error);
        else if (packet.Type == PacketType.Binary)
            // See if this is a binary packet type we are expecting.
            if (!packet.IsCompatible(
                CommonGroup.TimeStartup | CommonGroup.YawPitchRoll,
                // Not the type of binary packet we are expecting.

            // Ok, we have our expected binary output packet. Since there are
            // many ways to configure the binary data output, the burden is on
            // the user to correctly parse the binary packet. However, we can
            // make use of the parsing convenience methods provided by the
            // Packet class. When using these convenience methods, you have to
            // extract them in the order they are organized in the binary
            // packet per the User Manual.

            var timeStartup = packet.ExtractUint64();
            var ypr = packet.ExtractVec3f();

            Console.WriteLine("[Binary Packet Received]");
            Console.WriteLine("  TimeStartup: {0}", timeStartup);
            Console.WriteLine("  Yaw Pitch Roll: {0}", ypr);
Example #5
 private void PfOnValidPacketFound(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs packetFoundEventArgs)
Example #6
    void HandleAsyncPacketReceived(object sender, PacketFoundEventArgs e)
        var p = e.FoundPacket;

        if (!p.IsAsciiAsync)
            // Might be a binary packet but we are not handling this
            // scenario in this example. Please refer to the net/examples/getting_started
            // for an example of how to parse binary data.

        // This is the factory default output data type for VN-100 sensors.
        if (p.AsciiAsyncType == AsciiAsync.VNYMR)
            vec3f ypr, magnetic, acceleration, angularRate;

            // Now that we have identified the type of packet we have, we
            // can call the corresponding parse method.
                out ypr,
                out magnetic,
                out acceleration,
                out angularRate);

            // Set the current orientation of the 3D cube. Note we must
            // convert the yaw, pitch, roll from the sensor reference
            // frame to the reference frame used by Unity.
            transform.localEulerAngles = Conv.VnYprInDegsToUnityEulerAngles(ypr);

        // This is the factory default output data type for VN-200 and
        // VN-300 sensors.
        else if (p.AsciiAsyncType == AsciiAsync.VNINS)
            double time;
            ushort week, status;
            vec3f  ypr, nedVel;
            vec3d  lla;
            float  attUncertainty, posUncertainty, velUncertainty;

            // Now that we have identified the type of packet we have, we
            // can call the corresponding parse method.
                out time,
                out week,
                out status,
                out ypr,
                out lla,
                out nedVel,
                out attUncertainty,
                out posUncertainty,
                out velUncertainty);

            // Set the current orientation of the 3D cube. Note we must
            // convert the yaw, pitch, roll from the sensor reference
            // frame to the reference frame used by Unity.
            transform.localEulerAngles = Conv.VnYprInDegsToUnityEulerAngles(ypr);

        // If you have configured the sensor to output another message type,
        // you can add more parsers here.