private static Uri GetStructureUriFromRelationship(Uri contentUri, string relationshipName) { Uri result = null; if (contentUri != null && relationshipName != null) { Uri partUri = PackUriHelper.GetPartUri(contentUri); if (partUri != null) { Uri packageUri = PackUriHelper.GetPackageUri(contentUri); Package package = PreloadedPackages.GetPackage(packageUri); if (package == null && SecurityHelper.CheckEnvironmentPermission()) { package = PackageStore.GetPackage(packageUri); } if (package != null) { PackagePart part = package.GetPart(partUri); PackageRelationshipCollection relationshipsByType = part.GetRelationshipsByType(relationshipName); Uri uri = null; foreach (PackageRelationship packageRelationship in relationshipsByType) { uri = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(partUri, packageRelationship.TargetUri); } if (uri != null) { result = PackUriHelper.Create(packageUri, uri); } } } } return(result); }
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Getting a Stream out of the Resource file, strDocument string strDocument = "View.Help.legendgenerator_english.xps"; string strSchemaPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + "." + strDocument; Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(strSchemaPath); // Getting the length of the Stream we just obtained int length = (int)stream.Length; // Setting up a new MemoryStream and Byte Array MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ms.Capacity = (int)length; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; // Copying the Stream to the Byte Array (Buffer) stream.Read(buffer, 0, length); // Copying the Byte Array (Buffer) to the MemoryStream ms.Write(buffer, 0, length); // Setting up a new Package based on the MemoryStream Package pkg = Package.Open(ms); // Putting together a Uri for the Package using the document name (strDocument) string strMemoryPackageName = string.Format("memorystream://{0}.xps", "legendgenerator_english.xps"); Uri packageUri = new Uri(strMemoryPackageName); // Adding the Package to PackageStore using the Uri if (PackageStore.GetPackage(packageUri) == null) { PackageStore.AddPackage(packageUri, pkg); } // Finally, putting together the XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument(pkg, CompressionOption.Maximum, strMemoryPackageName); // Feeding the DocumentViewer, which was declared at Design Time as a variable called "viewer" documentViewer1.Document = doc.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); documentViewer1.FitToWidth(); documentViewer1.FitToHeight(); }
private void window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { doc = new XpsDocument("ch19.xps", FileAccess.ReadWrite); docViewer.Document = doc.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); service = AnnotationService.GetService(docViewer); if (service == null) { Uri annotationUri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri("AnnotationStream", UriKind.Relative)); Package package = PackageStore.GetPackage(doc.Uri); PackagePart annotationPart = null; if (package.PartExists(annotationUri)) { annotationPart = package.GetPart(annotationUri); } else { annotationPart = package.CreatePart(annotationUri, "Annotations/Stream"); } // Load annotations from the package. AnnotationStore store = new XmlStreamStore(annotationPart.GetStream()); service = new AnnotationService(docViewer); service.Enable(store); } }
public ejpXpsDocument(string path, string title, bool isExternalToAssignment, Guid xpsDocumentId, Guid parentStudyId) { this._isExternalToAssignment = isExternalToAssignment; if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new IOException(Application.Current.Resources["EX_Fnf_XPSNotFound"] as string); //Properties.Resources.EX_Fnf_XPSNotFound); } this._xpsDocumentPath = path; this._packageUri = new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute); try { this._xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(path, FileAccess.ReadWrite); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); this._xpsDocument.CoreDocumentProperties.Title = title; this._xpsDocument.CoreDocumentProperties.Identifier = xpsDocumentId.ToString(); this._xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(this._packageUri); if ((this._xpsPackage == null) || (this._xpsDocument == null)) { throw new Exception(Application.Current.Resources["EX_Fnf_XPSNotFound"] as string); //Properties.Resources.EX_Fnf_XPSNotFound); } this.GetFixedDocumentSequenceUri(); } catch (Exception) { } } // end:Constructor()
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId, "No package ID was specified. Please pass --packageId YourPackage"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion, "No package version was specified. Please pass --packageVersion"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageHash, "No package hash was specified. Please pass --packageHash YourPackageHash"); var fileSystem = CalamariPhysicalFileSystem.GetPhysicalFileSystem(); var commandLineRunner = new CommandLineRunner( new SplitCommandOutput( new ConsoleCommandOutput(), new ServiceMessageCommandOutput( new CalamariVariableDictionary()))); NuGetVersion version; if (!NuGetVersion.TryParse(packageVersion, out version)) { throw new CommandException(String.Format("Package version '{0}' is not a valid Semantic Version", packageVersion)); } var packageStore = new PackageStore( new GenericPackageExtractorFactory().createJavaGenericPackageExtractor(fileSystem)); var packageMetadata = new ExtendedPackageMetadata() { Id = packageId, Version = packageVersion, Hash = packageHash }; var package = packageStore.GetPackage(packageMetadata); if (package == null) { Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} version {1} hash {2} has not been uploaded.", packageMetadata.Id, packageMetadata.Version, packageMetadata.Hash); Log.VerboseFormat("Finding earlier packages that have been uploaded to this Tentacle."); var nearestPackages = packageStore.GetNearestPackages(packageId, version).ToList(); if (!nearestPackages.Any()) { Log.VerboseFormat("No earlier packages for {0} has been uploaded", packageId); return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Found {0} earlier {1} of {2} on this Tentacle", nearestPackages.Count, nearestPackages.Count == 1 ? "version" : "versions", packageId); foreach (var nearestPackage in nearestPackages) { Log.VerboseFormat(" - {0}: {1}", nearestPackage.Metadata.Version, nearestPackage.FullPath); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound(nearestPackage.Metadata.Id, nearestPackage.Metadata.Version, nearestPackage.Metadata.Hash, nearestPackage.Metadata.FileExtension, nearestPackage.FullPath); } return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} {1} hash {2} has already been uploaded", package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound(package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash, package.Metadata.FileExtension, package.FullPath, true); return(0); }
public static void PrintPreview(Window owner, object data, bool IsSinglePage = false) { using (MemoryStream xpsStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (Package package = Package.Open(xpsStream, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { string packageUriString = "memorystream://data.xps"; Uri packageUri = new Uri(packageUriString); if (PackageStore.GetPackage(packageUri) != null) { PackageStore.RemovePackage(packageUri); } PackageStore.AddPackage(packageUri, package); XpsDocument xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOption.NotCompressed, packageUriString); XpsDocumentWriter writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(xpsDocument); // Form visual = new Form(); // PrintTicket printTicket = new PrintTicket(); // printTicket.PageMediaSize = A4PaperSize; // var d = PrintOnMultiPage(data, true); //((IDocumentPaginatorSource)data).DocumentPaginator if (!IsSinglePage) { writer.Write(PrintOnMultiPage(data, true)); } else { writer.Write(Print((Visual)data, true)); } FixedDocumentSequence document = xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); xpsDocument.Close(); PrintPreviewWindow printPreviewWnd = new PrintPreviewWindow(document); printPreviewWnd.Owner = owner; printPreviewWnd.ShowDialog(); PackageStore.RemovePackage(packageUri); } } }
//</SnippetDocViewAnnXpsDocPaginator> // ------------------------ GetAnnotationsPart ------------------------ /// <summary> /// Returns the part within an XPS document /// for storing user annotations.</summary> /// <param name="documentUri"> /// The URI of the FixedDocumentSequence /// within the package to annotate.</param> /// <returns> /// The package part containing existing user annotations /// and for storing new annotations.</returns> /// <remarks> /// If the document package does not as yet contain an annotations /// part, a new empty one is created and returned.</remarks> private PackagePart GetAnnotationPart(Uri documentUri) { // Open the document package. Package package = PackageStore.GetPackage(_packageUri); if (package == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "The document package '" + _packageUri + "' does not exist."); } // Get the FixedDocumentSequence part from the package. PackagePart docPart = package.GetPart(documentUri); // Search through all the document relationships to find the // annotations relationship part (or null, of there is none). PackageRelationship annotRel = null; foreach (PackageRelationship rel in docPart.GetRelationshipsByType(_annotRelsType)) { annotRel = rel; } // If annotations relationship does not exist, create a new // annotations part along with a relationship part for it. PackagePart annotPart = null; if (annotRel == null) { // Create a new Annotations part. annotPart = package.CreatePart(PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri( new Uri(_annotFile, UriKind.Relative)), _annotContentType); // Create a new relationship that points to the Annotations part. docPart.CreateRelationship( annotPart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, _annotRelsType); } // If an annotations relationship exists, // get the annotations part that it references. else // if (annotRel != null) { // Get the Annotations part specified by the relationship. annotPart = package.GetPart(annotRel.TargetUri); if (annotPart == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "The Annotations part referenced by the Annotations " + "Relationship TargetURI '" + annotRel.TargetUri + "' could not be found."); } } return(annotPart); }// end:GetAnnotationPart()
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId, "No package ID was specified. Please pass --packageId YourPackage"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion, "No package version was specified. Please pass --packageVersion"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageHash, "No package hash was specified. Please pass --packageHash YourPackageHash"); SemanticVersion version; if (!SemanticVersion.TryParse(packageVersion, out version)) { throw new CommandException(String.Format("Package version '{0}' is not a valid Semantic Version", packageVersion)); } var packageStore = new PackageStore(); var packageMetadata = new PackageMetadata { Id = packageId, Version = packageVersion, Hash = packageHash }; var package = packageStore.GetPackage(packageMetadata); if (package == null) { Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} version {1} hash {2} has not been uploaded.", packageMetadata.Id, packageMetadata.Version, packageMetadata.Hash); Log.VerboseFormat("Finding earlier packages that have been uploaded to this Tentacle."); var nearestPackages = packageStore.GetNearestPackages(packageId, version).ToList(); if (!nearestPackages.Any()) { Log.VerboseFormat("No earlier packages for {0} has been uploaded", packageId); return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Found {0} earlier {1} of {2} on this Tentacle", nearestPackages.Count, nearestPackages.Count == 1 ? "version" : "versions", packageId); foreach (var nearestPackage in nearestPackages) { Log.VerboseFormat(" - {0}: {1}", nearestPackage.Metadata.Version, nearestPackage.FullPath); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound(nearestPackage.Metadata.Id, nearestPackage.Metadata.Version, nearestPackage.Metadata.Hash, nearestPackage.FullPath); } return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} {1} hash {2} has already been uploaded", package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound(package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash, package.FullPath, true); return(0); }
public void ReloadPreview(PageOrientation pageOrientation, PaperSize currentPaper) { ReloadingPreview = true; if (FullScreenPrintWindow != null) { WaitScreen.Show("Loading Preview"); } if (PageOrientation == PageOrientation.Portrait) { FlowDocument.PageHeight = currentPaper.Height; FlowDocument.PageWidth = currentPaper.Width; } else { FlowDocument.PageHeight = currentPaper.Width; FlowDocument.PageWidth = currentPaper.Height; } _ms = new MemoryStream(); _pkg = Package.Open(_ms, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); const string pack = "pack://temp.xps"; var oldPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(new Uri(pack)); if (oldPackage == null) { PackageStore.AddPackage(new Uri(pack), _pkg); } else { PackageStore.RemovePackage(new Uri(pack)); PackageStore.AddPackage(new Uri(pack), _pkg); } _xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(_pkg, CompressionOption.SuperFast, pack); var xpsWriter = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(_xpsDocument); var documentPaginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)FlowDocument).DocumentPaginator; xpsWriter.Write(documentPaginator); Paginator = documentPaginator; MaxCopies = NumberOfPages = ApproaxNumberOfPages = Paginator.PageCount; PagesAcross = 2; DisplayPagePreviewsAll(documentPaginator); WaitScreen.Hide(); ReloadingPreview = false; }
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId, "No package ID was specified. Please pass --packageId YourPackage"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(rawPackageVersion, "No package version was specified. Please pass --packageVersion"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageHash, "No package hash was specified. Please pass --packageHash YourPackageHash"); var fileSystem = CalamariPhysicalFileSystem.GetPhysicalFileSystem(); var extractor = new GenericPackageExtractorFactory().createJavaGenericPackageExtractor(fileSystem); var packageStore = new PackageStore(extractor); if (!VersionFactory.TryCreateVersion(rawPackageVersion, out IVersion version, versionFormat)) { throw new CommandException($"Package version '{rawPackageVersion}' is not a valid {versionFormat} version string. Please pass --packageVersionFormat with a different version type."); } ; var package = packageStore.GetPackage(packageId, version, packageHash); if (package == null) { Log.Verbose($"Package {packageId} version {version} hash {packageHash} has not been uploaded."); if (exactMatchOnly) { return(0); } FindEarlierPackages(packageStore, version); return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} {1} hash {2} has already been uploaded", package.PackageId, package.Version, package.Hash); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound( package.PackageId, package.Version, package.Hash, package.Extension, package.FullFilePath, true); return(0); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/SimpleScan_Manual.xps"); Package package = PackageStore.GetPackage(uri); if (package == null) { var stream = Application.GetResourceStream(uri).Stream; package = Package.Open(stream); PackageStore.AddPackage(uri, package); } var xpsDoc = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOption.Maximum, uri.AbsoluteUri); var fixedDocumentSequence = xpsDoc.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); doc.Document = fixedDocumentSequence; xpsDoc.Close(); }
public ejpXpsDocument(string path, string title, bool isExternalToAssignment, Guid xpsDocumentId, Guid parentStudyId) { this._isExternalToAssignment = isExternalToAssignment; if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new IOException("Xps Document not Found."); } this._xpsDocumentPath = path; this._packageUri = new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute); try { this._xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(path, FileAccess.ReadWrite); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path); this._xpsDocument.CoreDocumentProperties.Title = title; this._xpsDocument.CoreDocumentProperties.Identifier = xpsDocumentId.ToString(); this._xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(this._packageUri); if ((this._xpsPackage == null) || (this._xpsDocument == null)) { throw new Exception("Unable to get Package from file."); } this.GetFixedDocumentSequenceUri(); } catch (Exception ex) { //SiliconStudio.DebugManagers.DebugReporter.Report( // SiliconStudio.DebugManagers.MessageType.Error, System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message); // "Failed to create Xps Document Instance", // "\nPath: " + path + // "\nIs External To Assignment: " + isExternalToAssignment.ToString() + // "\nError: " + ex.Message); } } // end:Constructor()
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId, "No package ID was specified. Please pass --packageId YourPackage"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion, "No package version was specified. Please pass --packageVersion"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageHash, "No package hash was specified. Please pass --packageHash YourPackageHash"); var fileSystem = CalamariPhysicalFileSystem.GetPhysicalFileSystem(); var packageMetadata = new MetadataFactory().GetMetadataFromPackageID(packageId, packageVersion, null, 0, packageHash); var extractor = new GenericPackageExtractorFactory().createJavaGenericPackageExtractor(fileSystem); var packageStore = new PackageStore(extractor); var package = packageStore.GetPackage(packageMetadata); if (package == null) { Log.Verbose($"Package {packageMetadata.PackageId} version {packageMetadata.Version} hash {packageMetadata.Hash} has not been uploaded."); if (exactMatchOnly) { return(0); } FindEarlierPackages(packageStore, packageMetadata); return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} {1} hash {2} has already been uploaded", package.Metadata.PackageId, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound( package.Metadata.PackageId, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash, package.Metadata.FileExtension, package.FullPath, true); return(0); }
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageId, "No package ID was specified. Please pass --packageId YourPackage"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageVersion, "No package version was specified. Please pass --packageVersion"); Guard.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(packageHash, "No package hash was specified. Please pass --packageHash YourPackageHash"); var fileSystem = CalamariPhysicalFileSystem.GetPhysicalFileSystem(); if (!NuGetVersion.TryParse(packageVersion, out var version)) { throw new CommandException($"Package version '{packageVersion}' is not a valid Semantic Version"); } var packageStore = new PackageStore( new GenericPackageExtractorFactory().createJavaGenericPackageExtractor(fileSystem)); var packageMetadata = new ExtendedPackageMetadata { Id = packageId, Version = packageVersion, Hash = packageHash }; var package = packageStore.GetPackage(packageMetadata); if (package == null) { Log.Verbose($"Package {packageMetadata.Id} version {packageMetadata.Version} hash {packageMetadata.Hash} has not been uploaded."); if (exactMatchOnly) { return(0); } FindEarlierPackages(packageStore, version); return(0); } Log.VerboseFormat("Package {0} {1} hash {2} has already been uploaded", package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash); Log.ServiceMessages.PackageFound(package.Metadata.Id, package.Metadata.Version, package.Metadata.Hash, package.Metadata.FileExtension, package.FullPath, true); return(0); }
public static FixedDocumentSequence BytesToXpsDocument(byte[] bytes) { Package package; Stream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); string uriString = br.ReadString(); int length = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] docData = br.ReadBytes(length); stream.Close(); stream = new MemoryStream(docData); package = Package.Open(stream); Uri uri = new Uri(uriString); if (PackageStore.GetPackage(uri) != null) { PackageStore.RemovePackage(uri); } PackageStore.AddPackage(uri, package); XpsDocument xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOption.Maximum, uriString); return(xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence()); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _doc = new XpsDocument("ch19.xps", FileAccess.ReadWrite); DocViewer.Document = _doc.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); _service = AnnotationService.GetService(DocViewer); if (_service != null) { return; } var annotationUri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri("AnnotationStream", UriKind.Relative)); var package = PackageStore.GetPackage(_doc.Uri); var annotationPart = package.PartExists(annotationUri) ? package.GetPart(annotationUri) : package.CreatePart(annotationUri, "Annotations/Stream"); // Load annotations from the package. if (annotationPart != null) { AnnotationStore store = new XmlStreamStore(annotationPart.GetStream()); _service = new AnnotationService(DocViewer); _service.Enable(store); } }
private bool PackageStoreContains(Uri packageUri) { return(PackageStore.GetPackage(packageUri) != null); }
}// end:OnOpen() // --------------------------- OpenDocument --------------------------- /// <summary> /// Loads and displays a given XPS document file.</summary> /// <param name="filename"> /// The path and filename of the XPS document /// to load and display.</param> /// <returns> /// true if the document loads successfully; otherwise false.</returns> public bool OpenDocument(string filename) { // Save the document path and filename. _xpsDocumentPath = filename; // Extract the document filename without the path. _xpsDocumentName = filename.Remove(0, filename.LastIndexOf('\\')+1); _packageUri = new Uri(filename, UriKind.Absolute); try { _xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(filename, FileAccess.Read); } catch (System.IO.FileFormatException) { string msg = filename + "\n\nThe specified file " + "in not a valid unprotected XPS document.\n\n" + "The file is possibly encrypted with rights management. " + "Please see the RightsManagedPackageViewer\nsample that " + "shows how to access and view a rights managed XPS document."; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Invalid File Format", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return false; } // Get the document's PackageStore into which // new user annotations will be added and saved. _xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(_packageUri); if ((_xpsPackage == null) || (_xpsDocument == null)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get Package from file."); return false; } // Get the FixedDocumentSequence from the open document. FixedDocumentSequence fds = _xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); if (fds == null) { string msg = filename + "\n\nThe document package within the specified " + "file does not contain a FixedDocumentSequence."; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Package Error"); return false; } // Load the FixedDocumentSequence to the DocumentViewer control. docViewer.Document = fds; // Enable document menu controls. menuFileClose.IsEnabled = true; menuFilePrint.IsEnabled = true; menuFileRights.IsEnabled = true; menuViewIncreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; menuViewDecreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; // Give the DocumentViewer focus. docViewer.Focus(); WriteStatus("Opened '" + _xpsDocumentName + "'"); WritePrompt("Click 'File | Rights...' to select an " + "eXtensible Rights Markup (XrML) permissions file."); return true; }// end:OpenDocument()
}// end:OnOpen() // --------------------------- OpenDocument --------------------------- /// <summary> /// Loads and displays a given XPS document file.</summary> /// <param name="filename"> /// The path and file name of the XPS /// document to load and display.</param> /// <returns> /// true if the document loads successfully; otherwise false.</returns> public bool OpenDocument(string xpsFile) { // Check to see if the document is encrypted. // If encrypted, use OpenEncryptedDocument(). if (EncryptedPackageEnvelope.IsEncryptedPackageEnvelope(xpsFile)) return OpenEncryptedDocument(xpsFile); // Document is not encrypted, open normally. ShowStatus("Opening '" + Filename(xpsFile) + "'"); _packageUri = new Uri(xpsFile, UriKind.Absolute); try { _xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(xpsFile, FileAccess.Read); } catch (System.IO.FileFormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show(xpsFile + "\n\nThe file " + "is not a valid XPS document.\n\n" + "Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.GetType().ToString() + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace, "Invalid File Format", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return false; } // Get the document's PackageStore into which // new user annotations will be added and saved. _xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(_packageUri); if ((_xpsPackage == null) || (_xpsDocument == null)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get Package from file."); return false; } // Get the FixedDocumentSequence from the open document. FixedDocumentSequence fds = _xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); if (fds == null) { MessageBox.Show(xpsFile + "\n\nThe document package within " + "the specified file does not contain a " + "FixedDocumentSequence.", "Package Error"); return false; } // Load the FixedDocumentSequence to the DocumentViewer control. DocViewer.Document = fds; // Enable document menu controls. menuFileClose.IsEnabled = true; menuFilePrint.IsEnabled = true; menuViewIncreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; menuViewDecreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; // Give the DocumentViewer focus. docViewer.Focus(); this.Title = "RightsManagedPackageViewer SDK Sample - " + Filename(xpsFile); return true; }// end:OpenDocument()
public override int Execute(string[] commandLineArguments) { Options.Parse(commandLineArguments); string deltaFilePath; string newFilePath; string basisFilePath; ValidateParameters(out basisFilePath, out deltaFilePath, out newFilePath); fileSystem.EnsureDiskHasEnoughFreeSpace(packageStore.GetPackagesDirectory()); var commandLineRunner = new CommandLineRunner(new SplitCommandOutput(new ConsoleCommandOutput(), new ServiceMessageCommandOutput(new VariableDictionary()))); var tempNewFilePath = newFilePath + ".partial"; var executable = FindOctoDiffExecutable(); var octoDiff = CommandLine.Execute(executable) .Action("patch") .PositionalArgument(basisFilePath) .PositionalArgument(deltaFilePath) .PositionalArgument(tempNewFilePath); if (skipVerification) { octoDiff.Flag("skip-verification"); } if (showProgress) { octoDiff.Flag("progress"); } Log.Info("Applying delta to {0} with hash {1} and storing as {2}", basisFilePath, fileHash, newFilePath); var result = commandLineRunner.Execute(octoDiff.Build()); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { fileSystem.DeleteFile(tempNewFilePath, DeletionOptions.TryThreeTimes); throw new CommandLineException(executable, result.ExitCode, result.Errors); } File.Move(tempNewFilePath, newFilePath); if (!File.Exists(newFilePath)) { throw new CommandException("Failed to apply delta file " + deltaFilePath + " to " + basisFilePath); } var package = packageStore.GetPackage(newFilePath); if (package == null) { return(0); } using (var file = new FileStream(package.FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { var size = file.Length; Log.ServiceMessages.DeltaVerification(package.FullPath, package.Metadata.Hash, size); } return(0); }
}// end:GetContentFolder() // --------------------------- OpenDocument --------------------------- /// <summary> /// Loads, displays, and enables user annotations /// a given XPS document file.</summary> /// <param name="filename"> /// The path and filename of the XPS document /// to load, display, and annotate.</param> /// <returns> /// true if the document loads successfully; otherwise false.</returns> public bool OpenDocument(string filename) { // Load an XPS document into a DocumentViewer // and enable user Annotations. _xpsDocumentPath = filename; _packageUri = new Uri(filename, UriKind.Absolute); try { _xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(filename, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException) { string msg = filename + "\n\nThe specified file is Read-Only which " + "prevents storing user annotations."; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Read-Only file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return(false); } // Get the document's PackageStore into which // new user annotations will be added and saved. _xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(_packageUri); if ((_xpsPackage == null) || (_xpsDocument == null)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to get Package from file."); return(false); } // Get the FixedDocumentSequence from the open document. FixedDocumentSequence fds = _xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); if (fds == null) { string msg = filename + "\n\nThe document package within the specified " + "file does not contain a FixedDocumentSequence."; MessageBox.Show(msg, "Package Error"); return(false); } // Load the FixedDocumentSequence to the DocumentViewer control. docViewer.Document = fds; // Enable document menu controls. menuFileClose.IsEnabled = true; menuFilePrint.IsEnabled = true; menuViewAnnotations.IsEnabled = true; menuViewIncreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; menuViewDecreaseZoom.IsEnabled = true; // Enable user annotations on the document. Uri fixedDocumentSeqUri = GetFixedDocumentSequenceUri(); _annotHelper.SetSource(_packageUri, fixedDocumentSeqUri); if (menuViewAnnotations.IsChecked) { _annotHelper.StartAnnotations(); } // Give the DocumentViewer focus. docViewer.Focus(); return(true); }// end:OpenDocument()
private PackagePart GetAnnotationPart(Uri uri) { Package package = PackageStore.GetPackage(documentUri); if (package == null) { return(null); } // Get the FixedDocumentSequence part from the package. PackagePart fdsPart = package.GetPart(uri); // Search through all the document relationships to find the // annotations relationship part (or null, of there is none). PackageRelationship annotRel = null; annotRel = fdsPart.GetRelationships().FirstOrDefault <PackageRelationship>( pr => pr.RelationshipType == annotRelsType); PackagePart annotPart; //If annotations relationship does not exist, create a new //annotations part, if required, and a relationship for it. if (annotRel == null) { Uri annotationUri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri("annotations.xml", UriKind.Relative)); if (package.PartExists(annotationUri)) { annotPart = package.GetPart(annotationUri); } else { //Create a new Annotations part in the document. annotPart = package.CreatePart(annotationUri, annotContentType); } //Create a new relationship that points to the Annotations part. fdsPart.CreateRelationship(annotPart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, annotRelsType); } else { //If an annotations relationship exists, //get the annotations part that it references. //Get the Annotations part specified by the relationship. annotPart = package.GetPart(annotRel.TargetUri); if (annotPart == null) { //The annotations part pointed to by the annotation //relationship Uri is not present. Handle as required. return(null); } } return(annotPart); }
//Presents the user with an OpenFileDialog, used to get a path //to the XPS document they want to open. If this succeeds, //the XPS document is loaded and displayed in the document viewer, //ready for annotating. private void LoadFixedDocument() { //Get a path to the file to be opened. string fileName = GetDocumentPath(); //If we didn't get a valid file path, we're done. //You might want to log an error here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } //Create a URI for the file path. documentUri = new Uri(fileName, UriKind.Absolute); try { //Attempts to open the specified xps document with //read and write permission. xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } catch (Exception) { //You may want to handle any errors that occur during //the loading of the XPS document. For example a //UnauthorizedAccessException will be thrown if the //file is marked as read-only. } //Get the document's Package from the PackageStore. xpsPackage = PackageStore.GetPackage(documentUri); //If either the package or document are null, the //document is not valid. if ((xpsPackage == null) || (xpsDocument == null)) { //You may want to log an error here. return; } //Get the FixedDocumentSequence of the loaded document. FixedDocumentSequence fixedDocumentSequence = xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); //If the document's FixedDocumentSequence is not found, //the document is corrupt. if (fixedDocumentSequence == null) { //Handle as required. return; } //Load the document's FixedDocumentSequence into //the DocumentViewer control. dvViewer.Document = fixedDocumentSequence; //Enable user annotations on the document. StartFixedDocumentAnnotations(); hasOpenDocument = true; }