/// <summary>
        /// We need to make sure the users does not create a new group under an object
        /// </summary>
        private void PackageTreeContextMenu_Popup(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            ContextMenuStrip contextMenu = sender as ContextMenuStrip;

            // Get our tree, then get our selected node, so we can then get our NodeType (which is defaulted to Class)
            MogControl_PackageTreeView tree = contextMenu.SourceControl as MogControl_PackageTreeView;

            if (tree != null)
                TreeNode node = tree.SelectedNode;
                // If we actually have a node selected...
                if (node != null && node.Tag != null)
                    PackageNodeTypes nodeType = ((Mog_BaseTag)node.Tag).PackageNodeType;

                    // Enable all our MenuItems
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in contextMenu.Items)
                        item.Enabled = true;

                    // Depending on our NodeType, decide which MenuItems will be available to the user
                    switch (nodeType)
                    // For package and group, we should not be able to create a sub-package
                    case PackageNodeTypes.Asset:
                    case PackageNodeTypes.Package:
                        this.PackageNewClassificationMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Enabled        = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Enabled         = false;
                        this.PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled            = true;

                    case PackageNodeTypes.Group:
                        this.PackageNewClassificationMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Enabled        = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Enabled         = false;
                        this.PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled            = true;

                    // For object, we should not be able to create a package or a sub-group
                    case PackageNodeTypes.Object:
                        this.PackageNewClassificationMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Enabled        = false;
                        this.PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Enabled         = false;
                        this.PackageNewGroupMenuItem.Enabled          = false;
                        this.PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled            = true;

                    // For class, we should only be able to add a package or remove a package
                    default:                     // PackageNodeTypes.Class:
                        this.PackageNewClassificationMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                        this.PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Enabled        = true;
                        this.PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Enabled         = true;
                        this.PackageNewGroupMenuItem.Enabled          = false;
                        this.PackageNewObjectMenuItem.Enabled         = false;
                        this.PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled            = false;

                    // Disable menu items we don't have privileges for
                    MOG_Privileges privileges            = MOG_ControllerProject.GetPrivileges();
                    bool           bCanAddClassification = privileges.GetUserPrivilege(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), MOG_PRIVILEGE.AddClassification);
                    if (!bCanAddClassification)
                        PackageNewClassificationMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    bool bCanCreatePackage = privileges.GetUserPrivilege(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), MOG_PRIVILEGE.CreatePackage);
                    if (!bCanCreatePackage)
                        PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                        PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Enabled  = false;
                        PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled     = false;
                    bool bCanCreatePackageGroup = privileges.GetUserPrivilege(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), MOG_PRIVILEGE.AddPackageGroup);
                    if (!bCanCreatePackageGroup)
                        PackageNewObjectMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                        PackageNewGroupMenuItem.Enabled  = false;
                        PackageRemoveMenuItem.Enabled    = false;

                    // Substitute the create package submenu in the place of the create package option depending on the ShowPlatformSpecific option
                    PackageNewPackageMenuItem.Visible = !tree.ShowPlatformSpecific;
                    PackageNewPackageSubMenu.Visible  = tree.ShowPlatformSpecific;
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in contextMenu.Items)
                        item.Enabled = false;
                // Now the ContextMenu will display properly
		private void AttachValidatedTagToNewObjectOrGroup(TreeNode package, TreeNode newNode, PackageNodeTypes nodeType)
			// If this thing is a Group or Object, we need to do this algorithm
			string fullFilename = null;
			MOG_Filename assetFile = null;

			int imageIndex = 0;

			switch (nodeType)
			case PackageNodeTypes.Group:
				imageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetClassIconIndex(PackageGroup_ImageText);
			case PackageNodeTypes.Object:
				imageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetClassIconIndex(PackageObject_ImageText);
				MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Got Unexpected PackageNodeTypes",
					"Unexpected PackageNodeTypes enum given for MOG_ControlsLibrary.Controls",

			string groupPath = newNode.FullPath.Substring(package.FullPath.Length).Trim(PathSeparator.ToCharArray()).Replace(PathSeparator, "/");
			fullFilename = package.FullPath + "/" + groupPath;
			assetFile = new MOG_Filename(((Mog_BaseTag)package.Tag).FullFilename);

			// Now that we've got our initial information, add our tag
			newNode.Tag = new Mog_BaseTag(newNode, assetFile.GetEncodedFilename(), this.FocusForAssetNodes, true);
			((Mog_BaseTag)newNode.Tag).PackageNodeType = nodeType;
			((Mog_BaseTag)newNode.Tag).PackageFullName = fullFilename;
			SetImageIndices(newNode, imageIndex);