private void DoUnpack(PackEngine.Engine engine, Common.CommandLine cmdLine) { string pathIn = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/pathIn"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathIn)) { throw new ApplicationException("Input path is required"); } string pathOut = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/pathOut"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathOut)) { throw new ApplicationException("Output path is required"); } PackEngine.PackageReader reader = engine.CreatePackageReader(pathIn); PackEngine.PackageInfo info = reader.GetInfo(); if (info == null) { throw new ApplicationException("The package metadata is invalid"); } pathOut = ReplacePackageInfoWildcards(pathOut, info); Console.WriteLine($"== Extracting package \"{info.Name}\".\r\n"); reader.Extract(pathOut); }
private void PrintPackage(PackEngine.PackageInfo package, int dupeCount = 0) { if (package == null) { return; } string dupeStr = dupeCount > 0 ? $" (+{dupeCount} older)" : string.Empty; Console.WriteLine($"{package.Name} {package.Version.ToString(4)}"); }
public PackEngine.PackageInfo WritePackage(Stream stream, out string storeFileName) { string tempStoreName = Path.Combine(TempDirName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); using (Stream tempStream = WritePackage(tempStoreName)) stream.CopyTo(tempStream); string tempStorePath = Path.Combine(_storeRoot, tempStoreName); string finalStorePath = null; try { PackEngine.Engine packEngine = new PackEngine.Engine(); PackEngine.PackageReader reader = packEngine.CreatePackageReader(tempStorePath); PackEngine.PackageInfo info = reader.GetInfo(); if (info == null || !info.IsValid()) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid package"); } storeFileName = MakeStoreFileName(info.Name, info.Version); finalStorePath = Path.Combine(_storeRoot, storeFileName); if (File.Exists(finalStorePath)) { File.Delete(finalStorePath); } (new FileInfo(finalStorePath)).Directory.Create(); File.Move(tempStorePath, finalStorePath); return(info); } catch { if (finalStorePath != null && File.Exists(finalStorePath)) { File.Delete(finalStorePath); } storeFileName = null; return(null); } finally { if (File.Exists(tempStorePath)) { File.Delete(tempStorePath); } } }
private void DoList(PackEngine.Engine engine, Common.CommandLine cmdLine) { string serverURI = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/serverURI"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverURI)) { throw new ApplicationException("Server URI is required"); } string name = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/name"); string version = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/version"); int maxResults = cmdLine.GetValue <int>("/maxResults", -1); PackEngine.PackageManager packageManager = engine.CreatePackageManager(serverURI); List <PackEngine.PackageInfo> packages = packageManager.ListPackages(name, version, maxResults); PackEngine.PackageInfo first = null; int dupeCount = 0; foreach (PackEngine.PackageInfo package in packages) { if (first == null) { first = package; } else if (first.Name == package.Name) { ++dupeCount; } else { PrintPackage(first, dupeCount); first = package; dupeCount = 0; } } PrintPackage(first, dupeCount); }
private void DoPack(PackEngine.Engine engine, Common.CommandLine cmdLine) { string pathIn = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/pathIn"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathIn)) { throw new ApplicationException("Input path is required"); } string pathOut = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/pathOut"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathOut)) { throw new ApplicationException("Output path is required"); } string versionStr = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/version", ""); Version version = null; if (!Version.TryParse(versionStr, out version)) { throw new ApplicationException($"Invalid version string \"{versionStr}\""); } PackEngine.PackageInfo info = new PackEngine.PackageInfo(); info.Name = cmdLine.GetValue <string>("/name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathOut)); info.Version = version; pathIn = ReplacePackageInfoWildcards(pathIn, info); pathOut = ReplacePackageInfoWildcards(pathOut, info); Console.WriteLine($"== Creating package \"{info.Name}\".\r\n"); PackEngine.PackageWriter writer = engine.CreatePackageWriter(pathOut, info); writer.AddFolder(pathIn, string.Empty); writer.Save(); }
public bool AddPackage(Stream stream) { lock (_guard) { string storeFileName = null; try { PackEngine.PackageInfo info = _store.WritePackage(stream, out storeFileName); if (info == null || !info.IsValid() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeFileName)) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to handle the package"); } if (_index.GetEntry(info.Name, info.Version.ToString()) != null) { return(false); } _index.AddEntry(new PackageIndex.Entry { Info = info, StoreFileName = storeFileName }); } catch { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeFileName)) { _store.DeletePackage(storeFileName); } throw; } } return(true); }
internal Entry() { Info = new PackEngine.PackageInfo(); }
private string ReplacePackageInfoWildcards(string str, PackEngine.PackageInfo info) { return(str.Replace("{PackageName}", info.Name).Replace("{PackageVersion}", info.Version.ToString())); }