Example #1
		// Format includes:
		// Control:
		//   ^    Switch to big endian encoding
		//   _    Switch to little endian encoding
		//   %    Switch to host (native) encoding
		//   !    aligns the next data type to its natural boundary (for strings this is 4).
		// Types:
		//   s    Int16
		//   S    UInt16
		//   i    Int32
		//   I    UInt32
		//   l    Int64
		//   L    UInt64
		//   f    float
		//   d    double
		//   b    byte
                //   c    1-byte signed character
                //   C    1-byte unsigned character
		//   z8   string encoded as UTF8 with 1-byte null terminator
		//   z6   string encoded as UTF16 with 2-byte null terminator
		//   z7   string encoded as UTF7 with 1-byte null terminator
		//   zb   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode with 2-byte null terminator
		//   z3   string encoded as UTF32 with 4-byte null terminator
		//   z4   string encoded as UTF32 big endian with 4-byte null terminator
		//   $8   string encoded as UTF8
		//   $6   string encoded as UTF16
		//   $7   string encoded as UTF7
		//   $b   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode
		//   $3   string encoded as UTF32
		//   $4   string encoded as UTF-32 big endian encoding
		//   x    null byte
		// Repeats, these are prefixes:
		//   N    a number between 1 and 9, indicates a repeat count (process N items
		//        with the following datatype
		//   [N]  For numbers larger than 9, use brackets, for example [20]
		//   *    Repeat the next data type until the arguments are exhausted
		static public byte [] Pack (string description, params object [] args)
			int argn = 0;
			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
			b.conv = CopyConv;
			b.description = description;

			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
				object oarg;

				if (argn < args.Length)
					oarg = args [argn];
				else {
					if (b.repeat != 0)
					oarg = null;

				int save = b.i;
				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
					if (b.repeat > 0){
						if (--b.repeat > 0)
							b.i = save;
					} else
				} else
			return b.Get ();
Example #2
		static public byte [] PackEnumerable (string description, IEnumerable args)
			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
			b.conv = CopyConv;
			b.description = description;
			IEnumerator enumerator = args.GetEnumerator ();
			bool ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();

			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
				object oarg;

				if (ok)
					oarg = enumerator.Current;
				else {
					if (b.repeat != 0)
					oarg = null;
				int save = b.i;
				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
					ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();
					if (b.repeat > 0){
						if (--b.repeat > 0)
							b.i = save;
					} else
				} else
			return b.Get ();
Example #3
		static public byte [] PackEnumerable (string description, IEnumerable args)
			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
			b.conv = CopyConv;
			b.description = description;
			IEnumerator enumerator = args.GetEnumerator ();
			bool ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();

			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
				object oarg;

				if (ok)
					oarg = enumerator.Current;
				else {
					if (b.repeat != 0)
					oarg = null;
				int save = b.i;
				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
					ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();
					if (b.repeat > 0){
						if (--b.repeat > 0)
							b.i = save;
					} else
				} else
			return b.Get ();
Example #4
		// Format includes:
		// Control:
		//   ^    Switch to big endian encoding
		//   _    Switch to little endian encoding
		//   %    Switch to host (native) encoding
		//   !    aligns the next data type to its natural boundary (for strings this is 4).
		// Types:
		//   s    Int16
		//   S    UInt16
		//   i    Int32
		//   I    UInt32
		//   l    Int64
		//   L    UInt64
		//   f    float
		//   d    double
		//   b    byte
                //   c    1-byte signed character
                //   C    1-byte unsigned character
		//   z8   string encoded as UTF8 with 1-byte null terminator
		//   z6   string encoded as UTF16 with 2-byte null terminator
		//   z7   string encoded as UTF7 with 1-byte null terminator
		//   zb   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode with 2-byte null terminator
		//   z3   string encoded as UTF32 with 4-byte null terminator
		//   z4   string encoded as UTF32 big endian with 4-byte null terminator
		//   $8   string encoded as UTF8
		//   $6   string encoded as UTF16
		//   $7   string encoded as UTF7
		//   $b   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode
		//   $3   string encoded as UTF32
		//   $4   string encoded as UTF-32 big endian encoding
		//   x    null byte
		// Repeats, these are prefixes:
		//   N    a number between 1 and 9, indicates a repeat count (process N items
		//        with the following datatype
		//   [N]  For numbers larger than 9, use brackets, for example [20]
		//   *    Repeat the next data type until the arguments are exhausted
		static public byte [] Pack (string description, params object [] args)
			int argn = 0;
			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
			b.conv = CopyConv;
			b.description = description;

			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
				object oarg;

				if (argn < args.Length)
					oarg = args [argn];
				else {
					if (b.repeat != 0)
					oarg = null;

				int save = b.i;
				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
					if (b.repeat > 0){
						if (--b.repeat > 0)
							b.i = save;
					} else
				} else
			return b.Get ();