Example #1
    void SelectAndDrag()
        Profiler.BeginSample("[PW] Select and drag");

        //rendering the selection rect
        if (editorEvents.isSelecting)
            Rect posiviteSelectionRect = PWUtils.CreateRect(e.mousePosition, editorEvents.selectionStartPoint);
            Rect decaledSelectionRect  = PWUtils.DecalRect(posiviteSelectionRect, -graph.panPosition);

            //draw selection rect
            if (e.type == EventType.Repaint)
                selectionStyle.Draw(posiviteSelectionRect, false, false, false, false);

            //iterate throw all nodes of the graph and check if the selection overlaps
            graph.nodes.ForEach(n => n.isSelected = decaledSelectionRect.Overlaps(n.rect));
            editorEvents.selectedNodeCount        = graph.nodes.Count(n => n.isSelected);

        //multiple window drag:
        if (e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && editorEvents.isDraggingSelectedNodes)
            graph.nodes.ForEach(n => {
                if (n.isSelected)
                    n.rect.position += e.delta;

Example #2
    void RenderDecaledNode(int id, PWNode node)
        //node grid snapping when pressing cmd/crtl
        if (node.isDragged && e.command)
            Vector2 pos = node.rect.position;
            //aproximative grid cell size
            float snapPixels = 25.6f;

            pos.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x / snapPixels) * snapPixels);
            pos.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y / snapPixels) * snapPixels);
            node.rect.position = pos;

        //move the node if panPosition changed:
        node.rect = PWUtils.DecalRect(node.rect, graph.panPosition);
        Rect decaledRect = GUILayout.Window(id, node.rect, node.OnWindowGUI, node.name, (node.isSelected) ? nodeSelectedStyle : nodeStyle, GUILayout.Height(node.viewHeight));

        node.visualRect = decaledRect;
        node.rect       = PWUtils.DecalRect(decaledRect, -graph.panPosition);

        //draw node header:
        //Draw the node header using the color scheme:
        if (e.type == EventType.Repaint)
            float h = nodeStyle.border.top;
            float w = decaledRect.width - nodeStyle.border.right - nodeStyle.border.left;
            GUI.color = PWColorTheme.GetNodeColor(node.colorSchemeName);
            // GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, w, h), nodeHeaderStyle.normal.background);
            nodeHeaderStyle.Draw(new Rect(decaledRect.x, decaledRect.y, w, h), false, false, false, false);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

        if (node.debug)
            Rect debugRect = decaledRect;
            debugRect.y -= 20;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(debugRect, "id: " + node.id);
            debugRect.y -= 20;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(debugRect, "comp order: " + node.computeOrder + " | can work: " + node.canWork);
Example #3
    void RenderNode(int id, PWNode node)
        RenderDecaledNode(id, node);

        //check if the mouse is over this node
        if (node.rect.Contains(e.mousePosition - graph.panPosition))
            graph.editorEvents.mouseOverNode        = node;
            graph.editorEvents.isMouseOverNodeFrame = true;

        //display the process time of the window (if > .1ms)
        if (node.processTime > .1f)
            GUIStyle gs     = new GUIStyle();
            Rect     msRect = PWUtils.DecalRect(node.rect, graph.panPosition);
            msRect.position    += new Vector2(msRect.size.x / 2 - 10, msRect.size.y + 5);
            gs.normal.textColor = greenRedGradient.Evaluate(node.processTime / 20);             //20ms ok, after is red
            GUI.Label(msRect, node.processTime.ToString("F1") + " ms", gs);
Example #4
        public void Render(PWGraph graph, Vector2 screenSize)
            var  e      = Event.current;
            Rect screen = new Rect(-graph.panPosition, screenSize);

            //check if ordering group is not visible
            if (!orderGroupRect.Overlaps(screen))

            //Start GUI frame

            if (orderingGroupStyle == null)

            Rect orderGroupWorldRect = PWUtils.DecalRect(orderGroupRect, graph.panPosition);

            callbackId = 0;

            int controlSize = 8;
            int cornerSize  = 14;

            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //left resize anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x, orderGroupWorldRect.y + cornerSize, controlSize, orderGroupWorldRect.height - cornerSize * 2),
                () => orderGroupRect.xMin += e.delta.x
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //right resize anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + orderGroupWorldRect.width - controlSize, orderGroupWorldRect.y + cornerSize, controlSize, orderGroupWorldRect.height - cornerSize * 2),
                () => orderGroupRect.xMax += e.delta.x
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //top resize anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + cornerSize, orderGroupWorldRect.y, orderGroupWorldRect.width - cornerSize * 2, controlSize),
                () => orderGroupRect.yMin += e.delta.y
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //down resize anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + cornerSize, orderGroupWorldRect.y + orderGroupWorldRect.height - controlSize, orderGroupWorldRect.width - cornerSize * 2, controlSize),
                () => orderGroupRect.yMax += e.delta.y

            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //top left anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x, orderGroupWorldRect.y, cornerSize, cornerSize),
                () => { orderGroupRect.yMin += e.delta.y; orderGroupRect.xMin += e.delta.x; }
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //top right anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + orderGroupWorldRect.width - cornerSize, orderGroupWorldRect.y, cornerSize, cornerSize),
                () => { orderGroupRect.yMin += e.delta.y; orderGroupRect.xMax += e.delta.x; }
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //down left anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x, orderGroupWorldRect.y + orderGroupWorldRect.height - cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize),
                () => { orderGroupRect.yMax += e.delta.y; orderGroupRect.xMin += e.delta.x; }
            CreateAnchorRectCallabck(             //down right anchor
                new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + orderGroupWorldRect.width - cornerSize, orderGroupWorldRect.y + orderGroupWorldRect.height - cornerSize, cornerSize, cornerSize),
                () => { orderGroupRect.yMax += e.delta.y; orderGroupRect.xMax += e.delta.x; }

            if (e.rawType == EventType.MouseUp)
                resizing = false;

            //draw renamable name field
            orderingGroupNameStyle.normal.textColor = color;
            PWGUI.TextField(orderGroupWorldRect.position + new Vector2(10, -22), ref name, true, orderingGroupNameStyle);

            //draw move pad
            Rect movePadRect = new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.position + new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(50, 30));

            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(movePadRect, movepadTexture, new Rect(0, 0, 5, 4));
            EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(movePadRect, MouseCursor.MoveArrow);
            if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0)
                if (movePadRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    innerNodes = graph.nodes.Where(n => n.rect.Overlaps(orderGroupRect)).ToList();
                    moving     = true;
            if (e.rawType == EventType.MouseUp)
                moving = false;

            if (moving && e.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
                orderGroupRect.position += e.delta;
                innerNodes.ForEach(n => n.rect.position += e.delta);

            //draw ordering group
            GUI.color = color;
            GUI.Label(orderGroupWorldRect, (string)null, orderingGroupStyle);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            //draw color picker
            Rect colorPickerRect = new Rect(orderGroupWorldRect.x + orderGroupWorldRect.width - 30, orderGroupWorldRect.y + 10, 20, 20);

            PWGUI.ColorPicker(colorPickerRect, ref color, false);

            if (orderGroupWorldRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                graph.editorEvents.mouseOverOrderingGroup        = this;
                graph.editorEvents.isMouseOverOrderingGroupFrame = true;