internal unsafe virtual void GetFloaterPolygons(
     FloaterBaseParaClient paraClient,   // IN:
     uint fswdirTrack,                   // IN:  direction of Track
     int ncVertices,                     // IN:  size of array of vertex counts (= number of polygons)
     int nfspt,                          // IN:  size of the array of all vertices
     int *rgcVertices,                   // OUT: array of vertex counts (array containing number of vertices for each polygon)
     out int ccVertices,                 // OUT: actual number of vertex counts
     PTS.FSPOINT *rgfspt,                // OUT: array of all vertices
     out int cfspt,                      // OUT: actual total number of vertices in all polygons
     out int fWrapThrough)               // OUT: fill text in empty areas within obstacles?
     Debug.Assert(false, "Tight wrap is not currently supported.");
     ccVertices = cfspt = fWrapThrough = 0;
 internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons(FigureParaClient paraClient, uint fswdir, int ncVertices, int nfspt, int *rgcVertices, out int ccVertices, PTS.FSPOINT *rgfspt, out int cfspt, out int fWrapThrough)
     ccVertices = (cfspt = (fWrapThrough = 0));
Example #3
 internal unsafe virtual void GetFloaterPolygons(FloaterBaseParaClient paraClient, uint fswdirTrack, int ncVertices, int nfspt, int *rgcVertices, out int ccVertices, PTS.FSPOINT *rgfspt, out int cfspt, out int fWrapThrough)
     ccVertices = (cfspt = (fWrapThrough = 0));