private void ParseInquiryQueue()
            PTJ_Configuration board_config = new PTJ_Configuration();
            char[] GetConfigCharSeparators = new char[] { ' ', '\r' };
            List<InquiryResult> BT_device = new List<InquiryResult>();

            while (UART_MSG.Count > 0)
                string str = UART_MSG.Dequeue();
                string[] words = str.Split(GetConfigCharSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (words.Length >= 4)
                    if(words[0]== "INQUIRY")
                        BT_device.Add(new InquiryResult(words[1], words[2], words[3]));
            IEnumerable<string> All_BT_Address = BT_device.Select(x => x.bt_addr).Distinct();
            foreach(string addr in All_BT_Address)
                Serial_WriteStringWithPause("name " + addr + "\x0d");
                while ((Check_Read_OneLine_Done() == false) && (Get_ReadLine_Timeout_Flag() == false))    // Loop until either Timeout occurs or get one line
                    Application.DoEvents();                     // let other process goes on
                if (UART_MSG.Count > 0)
                    AppendSerialMessageLog(UART_MSG.Dequeue() + '\x0d');
        private void ParseConfigQueue()
            PTJ_Configuration board_config = new PTJ_Configuration();
            char[] GetConfigCharSeparators = new char[] { '=', '\r' };
            while (UART_MSG.Count>0)
                string str = UART_MSG.Dequeue();
                string[] words = str.Split(GetConfigCharSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (words.Length >= 2)
                    // Combine other splitting word,if any, into one parameter
                        for (int index=2; index<words.Length; index++)
                        words[1] += words[index];
                    AppendSerialMessageLog(words[0] + "/" + words[1] + '\x0d');
                    // Use "string content" as "property name" --> easy for extension and coding
                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = typeof(PTJ_Configuration).GetProperty(words[0].ToLower());
                    prop.SetValue(board_config, words[1], null);
                    // the following code is only for reference
                    //object value = prop.GetValue(yourInstance, null);
                    //prop.SetValue(yourInstance, "value", null);