private static CCAddress GetAddress(PTEID_EIDCard card) { var pins = card.getPins(); var pin = pins.getPinByPinRef(PTEID_Pin.ADDR_PIN); uint triesLeft = 0; if (pin.getTriesLeft() > 1 && pin.verifyPin("0000", ref triesLeft, true)) { var addr = card.getAddr(); return(new CCAddress { Municipality = addr.getMunicipality(), PostalLocality = addr.getPostalLocality(), Place = addr.getPlace(), StreetName = addr.getStreetName(), StreetType = addr.getStreetType(), Side = addr.getSide(), Locality = addr.getLocality(), Floor = addr.getFloor(), DoorNo = addr.getDoorNo(), District = addr.getDistrict(), CountryCode = addr.getCountryCode(), }); } return(null); }
public static void Init(String readerName){ try { PTEID_ReaderSet.initSDK(); readerSet = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance(); if (readerName == null || readerName == String.Empty) readerContext = readerSet.getReaderByNum(0); else readerContext = readerSet.getReaderByName(readerName); idCard = readerContext.getEIDCard(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PteidException(0); } }
/* * Initializes the SDK and sets main variables */ public void Initiate() { //Must always be called in the beginning of the program PTEID_ReaderSet.initSDK(); //Gets the set of connected readers, if there is any inserted readerSet = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance(); //Gets the first reader //When multiple readers are connected, you should iterate through the various indexes with the methods getReaderName and getReaderByName readerContext = readerSet.getReader(); //Gets the card instance eidCard = readerContext.getEIDCard(); }
public ActionResult Get() { // DOC: try { PTEID_ReaderContext readerContext = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance().getReader(); PTEID_EIDCard card = readerContext.getEIDCard(); var data = GetData(card); return(Ok(data)); } catch (PTEID_ExNoCardPresent) { return(NotFound()); } }
private static CCData GetData(PTEID_EIDCard card) { var eid = card.getID(); return(new CCData { GivenName = eid.getGivenName(), DocumentNumber = eid.getDocumentNumber(), Surname = eid.getSurname(), Gender = eid.getGender(), DateOfBirth = eid.getDateOfBirth(), Height = eid.getHeight(), Nationality = eid.getNationality(), Country = eid.getCountry(), Parents = eid.getParents(), TaxNo = eid.getTaxNo(), CivilianIdNumber = eid.getCivilianIdNumber(), HealthNumber = eid.getHealthNumber(), Address = GetAddress(card), Photo = eid.getPhotoObj()?.getphoto()?.GetBytes(), }); }
public void dumpID(){ try { this.idCard = this.readerContext.getEIDCard(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nCitizen identification"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("deliveryEntity " + this.idCard.getID().getIssuingEntity()); Console.WriteLine("country " + this.idCard.getID().getCountry()); Console.WriteLine("documentType " + this.idCard.getID().getDocumentType()); Console.WriteLine("cardNumber " + this.idCard.getID().getDocumentNumber()); Console.WriteLine("cardNumberPAN " + this.idCard.getID().getDocumentPAN()); Console.WriteLine("cardVersion " + this.idCard.getID().getDocumentVersion()); Console.WriteLine("deliveryDate " + this.idCard.getID().getValidityBeginDate()); Console.WriteLine("locale " + this.idCard.getID().getLocalofRequest()); Console.WriteLine("validityDate " + this.idCard.getID().getValidityEndDate()); Console.WriteLine("name " + this.idCard.getID().getSurname()); //Console.writeline("firstname " + id.getGivenName()); Console.WriteLine("sex " + this.idCard.getID().getGender()); Console.WriteLine("nationality " + this.idCard.getID().getNationality()); Console.WriteLine("birthDate " + this.idCard.getID().getDateOfBirth()); Console.WriteLine("height " + this.idCard.getID().getHeight()); Console.WriteLine("numBI " + this.idCard.getID().getCivilianIdNumber()); Console.WriteLine("nameFather " + this.idCard.getID().getSurnameFather()); Console.WriteLine("firstnameFather " + this.idCard.getID().getGivenNameFather()); Console.WriteLine("nameMother " + this.idCard.getID().getSurnameMother()); Console.WriteLine("firstnameMother " + this.idCard.getID().getGivenNameMother()); Console.WriteLine("numNIF " + this.idCard.getID().getTaxNo()); Console.WriteLine("numSS " + this.idCard.getID().getSocialSecurityNumber()); Console.WriteLine("numSNS " + this.idCard.getID().getHealthNumber()); Console.WriteLine("Accidental indications " + this.idCard.getID().getAccidentalIndications()); Console.WriteLine("mrz1 " + this.idCard.getID().getMRZ1()); Console.WriteLine("mrz2 " + this.idCard.getID().getMRZ2()); Console.WriteLine("mrz3 " + this.idCard.getID().getMRZ3()); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------"); } catch (PTEID_Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
public static void Init(String readerName) { try { PTEID_ReaderSet.initSDK(); readerSet = PTEID_ReaderSet.instance(); if (readerName == null || readerName == String.Empty) { readerContext = readerSet.getReader(); } else { readerContext = readerSet.getReaderByName(readerName); } pteidlib_dotNet.setCompatReaderContext(readerContext); idCard = readerContext.getEIDCard(); } catch (PTEID_ExNoReader) { throw new PteidException(SC_ERROR_NO_READERS_FOUND); } catch (PTEID_ExNoCardPresent) { throw new PteidException(SC_ERROR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT); } catch (PTEID_ExCardTypeUnknown) { throw new PteidException(SC_ERROR_INVALID_CARD); } catch (PTEID_Exception ex) { throw new PteidException(ex.GetError()); } }
/* * Sign a given data with the SHA-1 algorithm. This process required the Authentication PIN * * @param inputData * the data to be signed * @return the byte[] correspondent to what was given but signed * * @throws CCError */ /* public byte[] signData(final byte[] inputData) throws CCError { // we shouldn't use a byte[] from parameter instead we should use a copy of the data. final byte[] dataToBeSigned = inputData.clone(); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); final byte[] digest = md.digest(dataToBeSigned); final byte[] SHA1_MAGIC_STRING = new byte[] { 0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14 }; final byte[] hashMagicString = SHA1_MAGIC_STRING; final byte[] fullDigest = Arrays.copyOf(hashMagicString, hashMagicString.length + digest.length); System.arraycopy(digest, 0, fullDigest, hashMagicString.length, digest.length); final PTEID_PIN PIN = new PTEID_PIN(PINUtils.getAuthenticationPin(card)); pinCallback.verifyPIN(PIN, PIN.getLabel(), bundle.getString(""), bundle.getString("")); final PTEID_ByteArray outputData = card.Sign(new PTEID_ByteArray(fullDigest, fullDigest.length)); return outputData.GetBytes(); } catch (PTEID_Exception ex) { throw new CCError(ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CCError(ex); } } */ public void signData() { String str_to_be_signed; PTEID_ByteArray content_to_be_signed; PTEID_ByteArray content_signed; str_to_be_signed = "String a ser assinada"; try { this.idCard = this.readerContext.getEIDCard(); // TO FIX //content_to_be_signed = new PTEID_ByteArray(str_to_be_signed.getBytes(), str_to_be_signed.length()); // content_signed = this.idCard.Sign(content_to_be_signed); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
private void readNotes() { byte[] content; String NOTES_FILE_ID = "3f005f00ef07"; String notes_content=""; try { this.idCard = this.readerContext.getEIDCard(); PTEID_ByteArray bytesRead = idCard.readFile(NOTES_FILE_ID, 0); //Get Only 256 bytes content = getFirst256(bytesRead.GetBytes()); char[] sa; sa = new char[2]; sa[0] = 'a'; sa[1] = '2'; notes_content = content.ToString(); //notes_content= new String(getFirst256(content)); // yes, this will remove valid white space in the end... } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(notes_content); }