Example #1
 public static extern bool CreateProcessWithTokenW(
     IntPtr hToken,
     LogonFlags dwLogonFlags,
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     uint dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
     out PROCESSINFO lpProcessInformation);
Example #2
 public static extern bool CreateProcessAsUserW(
     IntPtr hToken,
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
     ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
     bool bInheritHandles,
     uint dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
     out PROCESSINFO lpProcessInformation);
Example #3
        public static void RunWithTokenOf(
            int ProcessID,
            string ExeToRun,
            string Arguments,
            string WorkingDir = "")
            plsThrow = true;
                #region Process ExeToRun, Arguments and WorkingDir
                // If ExeToRun is not absolute path, then let it be
                ExeToRun = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(ExeToRun);
                if (!ExeToRun.Contains("\\"))
                    foreach (string path in Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%path%").Split(';'))
                        string guess = path + "\\" + ExeToRun;
                        if (File.Exists(guess))
                            ExeToRun = guess; break;
                if (!File.Exists(ExeToRun))
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.FileNotFound, ExeToRun);
                // If WorkingDir not exist, let it be the dir of ExeToRun
                // ExeToRun no dir? Impossible, as I would GoComplain() already
                WorkingDir = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(WorkingDir);
                if (!Directory.Exists(WorkingDir))
                    WorkingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(ExeToRun);
                // If arguments exist, CmdLine must include ExeToRun as well
                Arguments = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Arguments);
                string CmdLine = null;
                if (Arguments != "")
                    if (ExeToRun.Contains(" "))
                        CmdLine = "\"" + ExeToRun + "\" " + Arguments;
                        CmdLine = ExeToRun + " " + Arguments;

                string obj;
                Log += "Running as user: "******"SeDebugPrivilege";
                obj = "OpenProcessToken";
                if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, out hToken))
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                foreach (string priv in privs.Split(','))
                    obj = "LookupPrivilegeValue (" + priv + ")";
                    LUID Luid;
                    if (!LookupPrivilegeValue("", priv, out Luid))
                        GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                    obj = "AdjustTokenPrivileges (" + priv + ")";
                    TOKEN_PRIVILEGES TP = new TOKEN_PRIVILEGES();
                    TP.PrivilegeCount = 1;
                    TP.Luid           = Luid;
                    TP.Attrs          = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
                    if (AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, false, ref TP, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)
                        & Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == 0)
                        Log += obj + ": OK!";
                        GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                // Open process by PID
                obj   = "OpenProcess (PID: " + ProcessID.ToString() + ")";
                hProc = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.All, false, ProcessID);
                if (hProc == null)
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                Log += obj + ": OK!";
                // Open process token
                obj = "OpenProcessToken (TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY)";
                if (!OpenProcessToken(hProc, TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY, out hToken))
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                Log += obj + ": OK!";
                // Duplicate to hDupToken
                obj = "DuplicateTokenEx (TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)";
                if (!DuplicateTokenEx(hToken, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, ref dummySA,
                                      TokenType.TokenPrimary, out hDupToken))
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                Log += obj + ": OK!";
                // Set session ID to make sure it shows in current user desktop
                // Only possible when SuperCMD running as SYSTEM!
                if (ForceTokenUseActiveSessionID)
                    obj = "SetTokenInformation (toActiveSessionID)";
                    uint SID = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();
                    if (!SetTokenInformation(hDupToken, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS_TokenSessionId, ref SID, (uint)sizeof(uint)))
                        GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                    Log += obj + ": OK!";
                // Create environment block
                obj = "CreateEnvironmentBlock";
                if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock(out pEnvBlock, hToken, true))
                    GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj);
                Log += obj + ": OK!\n";
                // Create process with the token we "stole" ^^
                SI           = new STARTUPINFO();
                SI.cb        = Marshal.SizeOf(SI);
                SI.lpDesktop = "winsta0\\default";
                PI           = new PROCESSINFO();
                // CreateProcessWithTokenW doesn't work in Safe Mode
                // CreateProcessAsUserW works, but if the Session ID is different,
                // we need to set it via SetTokenInformation()
                obj = "CreateProcessWithTokenW";
                if (CreateProcessWithTokenW(hDupToken, LogonFlags.WithProfile, ExeToRun, CmdLine,
                                            dwCreationFlags, pEnvBlock, WorkingDir, ref SI, out PI))
                    Log += "CreateProcessWithTokenW: Done! New process created successfully!";
                    Log += "CreateProcessWithTokenW: " + WinAPILastErrMsg();
                    Log += "\nTrying CreateProcessAsUserW instead.";
                    obj  = "CreateProcessAsUserW";
                    if (CreateProcessAsUserW(hDupToken, ExeToRun, CmdLine, ref dummySA, ref dummySA,
                                             false, dwCreationFlags, pEnvBlock, WorkingDir, ref SI, out PI))
                        Log += obj + ": Done! New process created successfully!";
                        switch (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())
                        case 3:
                            GoComplain(ComplainReason.FileNotFound, ExeToRun); break;

                        case 193:
                            GoComplain(ComplainReason.FileNotExe, ExeToRun); break;

                            GoComplain(ComplainReason.APICallFailed, obj); break;
                Log += "Process name: " + Path.GetFileName(ExeToRun);
                Log += "Process ID: " + PI.dwProcessId;
            catch (Exception)