Example #1
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            //disable easter eggs and color map

            //change out heightmap for new one
            var height = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexHeightMap> ();

            height.heightMap = MapSO.CreateInstance <MapSO> ();

            var heightMap = Utils.LoadTexture("Height/Duna_height.png");

            height.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, heightMap);
            height.scaleDeformityByRadius = false;
            height.heightMapDeformity     = 8000.0;

            //new colormap
            var colorMapBlend = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend> ();

            colorMapBlend.modEnabled = false;
            var colorNoise = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor> ();

            colorNoise.modEnabled = false;

            var land = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSLandControl> ();

            land.createScatter = false;
            land.createColors  = false;

            var _LandClass  = pqs.transform.FindChild("_LandClass").gameObject;
            var heightColor = _LandClass.AddComponent <PQSMod_HeightColorRamp> ();

            heightColor.modEnabled = true;
            //just before the original color map, which is now disabled
            heightColor.order  = 9999990;
            heightColor.sphere = pqs;

            //new color ramp
            var ramp = new PQSMod_HeightColorRamp.ColorRamp();

            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(149, 85, 58), Utils.Color(122, 58, 30), -100f);                                //lowlands
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(149, 85, 58), Utils.Color(122, 58, 30), 200f);                                 //end of lowlands
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(192, 119, 87), Utils.Color(178, 79, 37), 1000f);                               //fade into midlands
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(192, 119, 87), Utils.Color(178, 79, 37), 2100f);                               //end of midlands
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(215, 170, 150), Utils.Color(220, 150, 120), 3000f);                            //fade into highlands
            ramp.Add(new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f), new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f), 3200f);                       //sharp start of snowlands
            ramp.Add(new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f), new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f), 5750f);                       //snowlands
            ramp.Add(new Color(0.87f, 0.87f, 0.87f), new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.85f), 6000f);                      //sharp start of veryhighlands
            ramp.Add(new Color(0.87f, 0.87f, 0.87f), new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.85f), 100000f);                    //veryhighlands go to the top

            heightColor.Ramp          = ramp;
            heightColor.simplex       = new Simplex(555, 5, 0.5, 5);
            heightColor.BaseColorBias = 0.2f;

            //rebuild sphere
Example #2
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            //new heightmap
            var height = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexHeightMap> ();

            height.heightMap          = MapSO.CreateInstance <MapSO> ();
            height.heightMapDeformity = 20000;
            var heightMap = Utils.LoadTexture("Height/Moho_height.png");

            height.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, heightMap);

            //setup fine details
            var simplexAbsolute = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute> ();

            simplexAbsolute.deformity = 100;
            var simplex = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight> ();

            simplex.modEnabled = false;

            //remove old colormap
            var noiseColor = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor> ();

            noiseColor.modEnabled = false;
            var heightColor = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_HeightColorMap> ();

            heightColor.modEnabled = false;

            var _Color    = pqs.transform.FindChild("_Color").gameObject;
            var colorRamp = _Color.AddComponent <PQSMod_HeightColorRamp> ();

            var ramp = new PQSMod_HeightColorRamp.ColorRamp();

            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(101, 48, 37), Utils.Color(104, 65, 58), -100f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(118, 40, 25), Utils.Color(129, 64, 50), 3900f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(155, 123, 105), Utils.Color(121, 102, 91), 13000f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(90, 69, 57), Utils.Color(95, 79, 70), 17000f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(115, 105, 100), Utils.Color(152, 148, 145), 20000f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(115, 105, 100), Utils.Color(152, 148, 145), 100000f);

            //TODO: make ramp

            colorRamp.Ramp          = ramp;
            colorRamp.simplex       = new Simplex(666, 6, 0.6, 6);       //>:D
            colorRamp.BaseColorBias = 0.1f;
            colorRamp.modEnabled    = true;
            colorRamp.order         = 202;
            colorRamp.sphere        = pqs;

Example #3
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            //new heightmap
            var height = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexHeightMap> ();

            height.heightMap = MapSO.CreateInstance <MapSO> ();
            var heightMap = Utils.LoadTexture("Height/Laythe_height.png");

            height.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, heightMap);

            //all that cool stuff

            //rebuild sphere
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            var fractal = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexPlanet> ();

            fractal.deformity = 3500;
            fractal.seed      = 425364;
            foreach (var lc in fractal.landClasses)
                if (lc.name == "AbyPl")
                    lc.baseColor  = Utils.Color(100, 203, 173);
                    lc.colorNoise = Utils.Color(92, 224, 185);
                if (lc.name == "Beach")
                    lc.baseColor  = Utils.Color(96, 196, 169);
                    lc.colorNoise = Utils.Color(96, 196, 169);
                if (lc.name == "Grass")
                    lc.baseColor  = Utils.Color(44, 94, 84);
                    lc.colorNoise = Utils.Color(41, 111, 91);
                if (lc.name == "Snow")
                    lc.baseColor  = Utils.Color(66, 104, 96);
                    lc.colorNoise = Utils.Color(76, 124, 114);

            var land = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSLandControl> ();

            land.createScatter = false;

            /// <summary>
            /// Renders the Window
            /// </summary>
            protected override void Render(Int32 id)
                // Call base

                // Check for PQS
                if (Current.pqsController == null)
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD, () =>
                        // Create a new PQS
                        GameObject controllerRoot       = new GameObject(Current.name);
                        controllerRoot.transform.parent = Current.transform;
                        PQS pqsVersion = controllerRoot.AddComponent <PQS>();

                        // I am at this time unable to determine some of the magic parameters which cause the PQS to work... (Or just lazy but who cares :P)
                        PSystemBody Laythe = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Laythe");
                        Utility.CopyObjectFields(Laythe.pqsVersion, pqsVersion);
                        pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial = Laythe.pqsVersion.surfaceMaterial;

                        // Create the fallback material (always the same shader)
                        pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial      = new PQSProjectionFallbackLoader();
                        pqsVersion.fallbackMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                        // Create the celestial body transform
                        GameObject mod       = new GameObject("_CelestialBody");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
                        PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform transform = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>();
                        transform.sphere                        = pqsVersion;
                        transform.forceActivate                 = false;
                        transform.deactivateAltitude            = 115000;
                        transform.forceRebuildOnTargetChange    = false;
                        transform.planetFade                    = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade();
                        transform.planetFade.fadeFloatName      = "_PlanetOpacity";
                        transform.planetFade.fadeStart          = 100000.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.fadeEnd            = 110000.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.valueStart         = 0.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.valueEnd           = 1.0f;
                        transform.planetFade.secondaryRenderers = new List <GameObject>();
                        transform.secondaryFades                = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade[0];
                        transform.requirements                  = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        transform.modEnabled                    = true;
                        transform.order = 10;

                        // Create the material direction
                        mod = new GameObject("_Material_SunLight");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
                        PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection lightDirection = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_MaterialSetDirection>();
                        lightDirection.sphere       = pqsVersion;
                        lightDirection.valueName    = "_sunLightDirection";
                        lightDirection.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        lightDirection.modEnabled   = true;
                        lightDirection.order        = 100;

                        // Create the UV planet relative position
                        mod = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.transform;
                        PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition uvs = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
                        uvs.sphere       = pqsVersion;
                        uvs.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        uvs.modEnabled   = true;
                        uvs.order        = 999999;

                        // Crete the quad mesh colliders
                        mod = new GameObject("QuadMeshColliders");
                        mod.transform.parent = controllerRoot.gameObject.transform;
                        PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders collider = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_QuadMeshColliders>();
                        collider.sphere                          = pqsVersion;
                        collider.maxLevelOffset                  = 0;
                        collider.physicsMaterial                 = new PhysicMaterial();
                        collider.physicsMaterial.name            = "Ground";
                        collider.physicsMaterial.dynamicFriction = 0.6f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.staticFriction  = 0.8f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.bounciness      = 0.0f;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.frictionCombine = PhysicMaterialCombine.Maximum;
                        collider.physicsMaterial.bounceCombine   = PhysicMaterialCombine.Average;
                        collider.requirements                    = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                        collider.modEnabled                      = true;
                        collider.order = 100;

                        // Assing the new PQS
                        Current.pqsController              = pqsVersion;
                        pqsVersion.transform.position      = Current.transform.position;
                        pqsVersion.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                        // Set mode
                        _mode = Modes.List;
                    }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                // Mode List
                if (_mode == Modes.List)
                    // Get the PQS-Spheres and their mods
                    IEnumerable <PQS>    pqsList    = Current.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true);
                    IEnumerable <PQSMod> pqsModList = Current.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod>(true);

                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, (pqsList.Count() + pqsModList.Count()) * distance + distance * 4, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render
                    foreach (PQS pqs in pqsList)
                        Button(pqs.ToString(), () =>
                            _mode   = Modes.PQS;
                            _sphere = pqs;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    foreach (PQSMod mod in pqsModList)
                        Button(mod.ToString(), () =>
                            _mode   = Modes.PQSMod;
                            _sphere = mod.sphere;
                            _mod    = mod;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_MOD, () => _mode = Modes.AddMod, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                    if (Current.pqsController.ChildSpheres.All(s => s.name != Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean"))
                        Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_OCEAN, () =>
                            // Generate the PQS object
                            GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("Ocean");
                            gameObject.layer      = Constants.GameLayers.LocalSpace;
                            PQS ocean             = gameObject.AddComponent <PQS>();

                            // Setup materials
                            PSystemBody Body = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Laythe");
                            foreach (PQS oc in Body.pqsVersion.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true))
                                if (oc.name != "LaytheOcean")

                                // Copying Laythes Ocean-properties
                                Utility.CopyObjectFields <PQS>(oc, ocean);

                            // Load our new Material into the PQS
                            ocean.surfaceMaterial      = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuadLoader(ocean.surfaceMaterial);
                            ocean.surfaceMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                            // Load fallback material into the PQS
                            ocean.fallbackMaterial      = new PQSOceanSurfaceQuadFallbackLoader(ocean.fallbackMaterial);
                            ocean.fallbackMaterial.name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                            // Create the UV planet relative position
                            GameObject mod       = new GameObject("_Material_SurfaceQuads");
                            mod.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                            PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition uvs = mod.AddComponent <PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition>();
                            uvs.sphere       = ocean;
                            uvs.requirements = PQS.ModiferRequirements.Default;
                            uvs.modEnabled   = true;
                            uvs.order        = 999999;

                            // Create the AerialPerspective Material
                            AerialPerspectiveMaterial mat = new AerialPerspectiveMaterial();

                            // Create the OceanFX
                            OceanFX oceanFX = new OceanFX();

                            // Apply the Ocean
                            ocean.transform.parent = Current.pqsController.transform;

                            // Add the ocean PQS to the secondary renders of the CelestialBody Transform
                            PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform transform = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).FirstOrDefault(mod_ => mod_.transform.parent == Current.pqsController.transform);
                            typeof(PQS).GetField("_childSpheres", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.SetValue(Current.pqsController, null);

                            // Names!
                            ocean.name            = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";
                            ocean.gameObject.name = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";
                            ocean.transform.name  = Current.pqsController.name + "Ocean";

                            // Set up the ocean PQS
                            ocean.parentSphere            = Current.pqsController;
                            ocean.transform.position      = Current.pqsController.transform.position;
                            ocean.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            ocean.radius = Current.Radius;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));
                        Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REMOVE_OCEAN, () =>
                            // Find atmosphere the ocean PQS
                            PQS ocean = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQS>(true).First(pqs => pqs != Current.pqsController);
                            PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform cbt = Current.pqsController.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform>(true).First();

                            // Destroy the ocean PQS (this could be bad - destroying the secondary fades...)
                            typeof(PQS).GetField("_childSpheres", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)?.SetValue(Current.pqsController, null);
                            cbt.secondaryFades     = new PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform.AltitudeFade[0];
                            ocean.transform.parent = null;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode PQS
                if (_mode == Modes.PQS)
                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, Utils.GetScrollSize <PQS>() + Utils.GetScrollSize <HazardousOcean>() + distance * 1, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the PQS

                    // If it is an ocean, create an Hazardous Ocean button
                    if (PQSOceanSurfaceQuad.UsesSameShader(_sphere.surfaceMaterial))
                        Label("hazardousOcean"); index--;
                        if (_sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>() != null)
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_EDIT, () =>
                                UIController.Instance.SetEditedObject(KittopiaWindows.Curve, _sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve ?? new FloatCurve(), c => _sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>().heatCurve = c);
                            }, new Rect(200, index * distance + 10, 75, 20)); index--;
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_REMOVE, () => UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(_sphere.GetComponent <HazardousOcean>()), new Rect(285, index * distance + 10, 75, 20));
                            Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_ADD_HAZOCEAN, () => _sphere.gameObject.AddComponent <HazardousOcean>(), new Rect(200, index * distance + 10, 170, 20));

                    // Rebuild
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REBUILD, () => _sphere.RebuildSphere());

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode PQSMod
                if (_mode == Modes.PQSMod)
                    // Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, Utils.GetScrollSize(_mod.GetType()) + distance * 5, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the PQS

                    // Rebuild
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REBUILD, () => _sphere.RebuildSphere());

                    // Remove
                    Button(Localization.LOC_KITTOPIATECH_PQSEDITOR_REMOVE_MOD, () =>
                        _mod.sphere = null;
                        _mod = null;

                        // Hack

                        _mode = Modes.List;

                    // End Scroll

                // Mode AddPQSMod
                if (_mode == Modes.AddMod)
                    // Get all PQSMod types
                    List <Type> types = Parser.ModTypes.Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PQSMod))).ToList();

                    // Begin Scroll
                    BeginScrollView(250, types.Count * distance + 10, 20);

                    // Index
                    index = 0;

                    // Render the possible types
                    foreach (Type t in types)
                        Button(t.FullName, () =>
                            // Hack^6
                            GameObject pqsModObject       = new GameObject(t.Name);
                            pqsModObject.transform.parent = Current.pqsController.transform;
                            PQSMod mod = pqsModObject.AddComponent(t) as PQSMod;
                            mod.sphere = Current.pqsController;

                            if (t == typeof(PQSMod_VoronoiCraters))
                                PQS mun = Utility.FindBody(Injector.StockSystemPrefab.rootBody, "Mun").pqsVersion;
                                PQSMod_VoronoiCraters craters = mun.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>()[0];
                                PQSMod_VoronoiCraters nc      = pqsModObject.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSMod_VoronoiCraters>()[0];
                                nc.craterColourRamp           = craters.craterColourRamp;
                                nc.craterCurve = craters.craterCurve;
                                nc.jitterCurve = craters.jitterCurve;
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_VertexPlanet))
                                PQSMod_VertexPlanet vp     = mod as PQSMod_VertexPlanet;
                                vp.landClasses             = new [] { new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                                vp.continental             = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalRuggedness   = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalSharpness    = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.NoiseModWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.continentalSharpnessMap = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                vp.terrainType             = new PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper(0, 0, 0, 0);
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMap))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap).landClasses = new [] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMap.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMap2))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMap2).landClasses = new[] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMap2.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise))
                                (mod as PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise).landClasses = new[] { new PQSMod_HeightColorMapNoise.LandClass("Class", 0, 1, Color.black, Color.white, 0) };
                            else if (t == typeof(PQSLandControl))
                                PQSLandControl lc  = mod as PQSLandControl;
                                lc.altitudeSimplex = new Simplex();
                                lc.scatters        = new PQSLandControl.LandClassScatter[0];
                                lc.landClasses     = new [] { new PQSLandControl.LandClass()
                                                                  altitudeRange       = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  coverageSimplex     = new Simplex(),
                                                                  longitudeRange      = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  latitudeDoubleRange = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  latitudeRange       = new PQSLandControl.LerpRange(),
                                                                  scatter             = new PQSLandControl.LandClassScatterAmount[0]
                                                              } };
                                lc.latitudeSimplex  = new Simplex();
                                lc.longitudeSimplex = new Simplex();

                            // Edit the mod
                            _mod    = mod;
                            _sphere = mod.sphere;
                            _mode   = Modes.PQSMod;
                        }, new Rect(20, index * distance + 10, 350, 20));

                    // End Scroll
Example #6
        private bool PatchPQS(PQS pqs, ConfigNode node)
            bool pqsChanged = false;
            double oldR = pqs.radius;
            if (node.HasValue("radius"))
                double.TryParse(node.GetValue("radius"), out pqs.radius);
            if (pqs.radius != oldR)
                pqsChanged = true;

            List<PQSMod> mods;
            if (node.HasNode("Mods"))
                mods = pqs.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.sphere == pqs).ToList<PQSMod>();
                foreach (ConfigNode modNode in node.GetNode("Mods").nodes)
                    PQSMod delMod = null;
                    foreach (PQSMod m in mods)
                        Type mType = m.GetType();
                        if (mType.ToString() != modNode.name)
                        if (modNode.HasValue("name"))
                            if (m.name != modNode.GetValue("name"))
                        if(modNode.name != "PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform") // not really a change
                            pqsChanged = true;
                        ParseObject(m, modNode);
                        if (mType == typeof(PQSCity) || mType == typeof(PQSMod_MapDecal) || mType == typeof(PQSMod_MapDecalTangent))
                            ModDecal(m, modNode);
                        delMod = m;
                    // If we found the mod, remove from the list since we edited it.
                    if (delMod != null)
            // Get the whole list again.
            mods = pqs.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.sphere == pqs).ToList<PQSMod>();
            if (node.HasNode("RemoveMods"))
                List<GameObject> toCheck = new List<GameObject>();
                foreach (ConfigNode modNode in node.GetNode("RemoveMods").nodes)
                    PQSMod delMod = null;
                    foreach (PQSMod m in mods)
                        Type mType = m.GetType();
                        if (mType.ToString() != modNode.name)
                        if (modNode.HasValue("name"))
                            if (m.name != modNode.GetValue("name"))
                        delMod = m;
                    // If we found the mod, remove from the list since we edited it.
                    if (delMod != null)
                        pqsChanged = true;
                        delMod.sphere = null;
            // add some mods
                AddModLoader newMods = Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode<AddModLoader>(node);
                if (newMods.mods != null)
                    foreach (ModLoader loader in newMods.mods)
                        loader.mod.transform.parent = pqs.transform;
                        loader.mod.sphere = pqs;
            // just in case, run setup for everyone.
            mods = pqs.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod>(true).Where(m => m.sphere == pqs).ToList<PQSMod>();
            foreach (var m in mods)
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Active.Log("Rebuild sphere for " + node.name + " failed: " + e.Message);

            return pqsChanged;
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            var color = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor> ();

            color.modEnabled = false;

            var land = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSLandControl> ();

            land.modEnabled = false;

            var simplex = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute> ();

            simplex.deformity   = 1000;
            simplex.frequency   = 4;
            simplex.octaves     = 4;
            simplex.persistence = 0.9;
            simplex.seed        = 45276;

            var heightNoise = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise> ();

            heightNoise.modEnabled = false;

            var _Height = pqs.transform.FindChild("_Height").gameObject;
            var _Color  = pqs.transform.FindChild("_Color").gameObject;

            var noise = _Height.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute>();

            noise.modEnabled  = true;
            noise.order       = 8;
            noise.sphere      = pqs;
            noise.deformity   = 20000;
            noise.frequency   = 0.65;
            noise.octaves     = 4;
            noise.persistence = 0.55;
            noise.seed        = 45276;

            var noise2 = _Height.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute>();

            noise2.modEnabled  = true;
            noise2.order       = 9;
            noise2.sphere      = pqs;
            noise2.deformity   = 4000;
            noise2.frequency   = 3;
            noise2.octaves     = 4;
            noise2.persistence = 0.65;
            noise2.seed        = 45276;


            var flatten = _Height.AddComponent <PQSMod_FlattenOcean> ();

            flatten.modEnabled  = true;
            flatten.order       = 12;
            flatten.sphere      = pqs;
            flatten.oceanRadius = 0.0;

            var colorRamp = _Color.AddComponent <PQSMod_HeightColorRamp> ();

            colorRamp.modEnabled = true;
            colorRamp.order      = 110;
            colorRamp.sphere     = pqs;

            var ramp = new PQSMod_HeightColorRamp.ColorRamp();

            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(30, 30, 30), Utils.Color(45, 45, 45), -100f);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(150, 150, 150), Utils.Color(200, 200, 200), 20000);
            ramp.Add(Utils.Color(150, 150, 150), Utils.Color(200, 200, 200), 60000);

            colorRamp.Ramp          = ramp;
            colorRamp.simplex       = new Simplex(45267, 3, 0.5, 8);
            colorRamp.BaseColorBias = 0.45f;

Example #8
        protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)
            //MUA HA HA HA...
            if (SpaceKraken)
                //disable the special craters
                var decals = pqs.GetPQSMods <PQSMod_MapDecal> ();
                foreach (var decal in decals)
                    decal.modEnabled = false;
                var flattens = pqs.GetPQSMods <PQSMod_MapDecal> ();
                foreach (var flatten in flattens)
                    flatten.modEnabled = false;

                //disable the heightmap, scatter, and colormap
                var scatter = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSLandControl> ();
                scatter.modEnabled = false;
                var heightNoise = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise> ();
                heightNoise.modEnabled = false;

                //collect gameobjects
                var _Color  = pqs.transform.FindChild("_Color").gameObject;
                var _Height = pqs.transform.FindChild("_Height").gameObject;

                var simplexColor = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor> ();
                var simplex      = pqs.GetPQSMod <PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute> ();

                simplexColor.modEnabled = false;

                //the guy can't have perfectly flat skin, can he?
                simplex.deformity   = 50;
                simplex.frequency   = 4;
                simplex.octaves     = 4;
                simplex.persistence = 0.4;
                simplex.seed        = 4;
                simplex.modEnabled  = true;
                simplex.order       = 6;

                var height = _Height.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexHeightMap> ();
                height.heightMap              = CreateMapSO(Utils.LoadTexture("Height/Kraken_height.png"));
                height.heightMapDeformity     = 25000;
                height.heightMapOffset        = 50.0;
                height.scaleDeformityByRadius = false;
                height.modEnabled             = true;
                height.order  = 5;
                height.sphere = pqs;

                var color = _Height.AddComponent <PQSMod_VertexColorMap> ();
                color.vertexColorMap = CreateColorMapSO(Utils.LoadTexture("Scaled/Kraken_color.png"));
                color.modEnabled     = true;
                color.order          = 200;
                color.sphere         = pqs;

                Log("THE KRAKEN HAS RISEN! >:D");
                Log("The kraken decided to sleep in today... :'(");

Example #9
 protected override void SetupPQS(PQS pqs)