private void OnMsgGetPlayerInfo(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (ret.errorCode != 0) { // 创建新的角色 if (ret.errorCode == (int)eErrorCode.NO_PLAYER_ERROR) { UIManager.Instance.OpenWindow <UICreateRoleView>(); return; } } if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.GET_PLAYER_INFO)) { return; } UserManager.Instance.Deserialize(ret); if (!Game.Instance.IsInGame) { // 加入游戏 UserManager.Instance.JoinGame(); } }
public void Late_reset(ulong lastid)//每一条消息(排序最近的列表) { var black = moduleFriend.BlackList.Exists(a => a.roleId == lastid); if (black) { return; } PPlayerInfo isIn = late_ListAllInfo.Find(a => a.roleId == lastid); PPlayerInfo info = moduleFriend.FriendList.Find(a => a.roleId == lastid); if (isIn == null && late_ListAllInfo.Count < 4) { moduleFriend.RefreshLateState = true; } if (info == null) { info = LatePlayerInfo(lastid); } if (isIn != null) { late_ListAllInfo.Remove(isIn); } if (info != null) { late_ListAllInfo.Insert(0, info); } if (late_ListAllInfo.Count > 10) { late_ListAllInfo.Remove(late_ListAllInfo[10]); //如果现在超过十个了 就直接移除最后一个 } }
void _Packet(ScFriendApplyDetail p) { ScFriendApplyDetail pp = p.Clone(); if (pp.applyInfo == null || pp.applyInfo?.playerInfo == null) { return; } var black = BlackList.Exists(a => a.roleId == pp.applyInfo.playerInfo.roleId); if (black) { return; } PPlayerInfo apply = Apply_playerList.Find(a => a.roleId == pp.applyInfo.playerInfo.roleId); if (apply != null) { RemoveApply(apply); } AddApply(pp.applyInfo); Apply_playerList.Reverse();//按接收顺序翻转所以就会是最早的在第一个 DispatchModuleEvent(EventFriendApplyList); if (moduleFriend.FriendList.Count < FriendNumTop) { moduleHome.UpdateIconState(HomeIcons.Friend, true); } }
protected override void OnBecameVisible(bool oldState, bool forward) { playerInfo = Window.GetWindowParam <Window_ApplyFriend>().param1 as PPlayerInfo; if (playerInfo == null) { return; } Util.SetText(name_,; Util.SetText(uid_, "<color=#CDFDFFFF>UID:</color>{0}", playerInfo.index); Util.SetText(level, $"LV.{playerInfo.level}"); Util.SetText(introduce, moduleSet.SetSignTxt(playerInfo.intro)); AtlasHelper.SetShared(protoHint, "ui_invitefriend_" + playerInfo.proto); friendBox.HeadBox(playerInfo.headBox); Module_Avatar.SetClassAvatar(Head_img?.gameObject, playerInfo.proto, false, playerInfo.gender); bool apply = moduleFriend.AddApplyID.Exists(a => a == playerInfo.roleId); if (apply) { Util.SetText(m_addTxt, 263, 5); } else { Util.SetText(m_addTxt, 263, 1); } addButton.interactable = !apply; }
public void SendAddMes(ulong playId)//发送添加请求 { ApplyPlayerID = playId; var p = PacketObject.Create <CsFriendAddApply>(); p.roleId = playId; bool is_apply = false; PPlayerInfo apply_add = Apply_playerList.Find(apply => apply.roleId == playId); if (apply_add != null) { is_apply = true; } if (is_apply) { SendReplyAgreeMes(playId); DispatchModuleEvent(EventFriendAddApply, 0); } else { session.Send(p); moduleGlobal.LockUI(string.Empty, 0.5f); } AddApplyID.Add(playId); }
private void FriendClick(RectTransform rt, PPlayerInfo Info) { GameObject select = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("selectbox").gameObject; GameObject selectbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("checkBg_Img").gameObject; GameObject checkbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("check_Img").gameObject; bool have = moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Exists(a => a.roleId == Info.roleId); if (!select) { return; } if (select.activeInHierarchy) { select.SafeSetActive(false); selectbg.SafeSetActive(false); checkbg.SafeSetActive(false); if (have) { moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Remove(Info); } } else { select.SafeSetActive(true); selectbg.SafeSetActive(true); checkbg.SafeSetActive(true); if (!have) { moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Add(Info); } } }
private void SetInvateClick(RectTransform rt, PPlayerInfo info) { if (info == null) { return; } GameObject select = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("selectbox").gameObject; GameObject checkbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("check_Img").gameObject; bool have = moduleActive.m_coopCheckList.Exists(a => a == info.roleId); if (!select) { return; } if (have) { moduleActive.m_coopCheckList.Remove(info.roleId); select.gameObject.SetActive(false); checkbg.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { if (moduleActive.m_coopCheckList.Count > GeneralConfigInfo.defaultConfig.coopInvateTop) { moduleGlobal.ShowMessage(active_text[37]); } else { moduleActive.m_coopCheckList.Add(info.roleId); select.gameObject.SetActive(true); checkbg.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } }
void _Packet(ScFriendRefuse p)//拒绝申请 { if ( == 0) { ScFriendRefuse pp = p.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < apply_player_id.Count; i++) { if (pp.applyId == apply_player_id[i]) { if (!apply_player_player.ContainsKey(pp.applyId)) { return; } PPlayerInfo infos = Apply_playerList.Find(a => a.roleId == apply_player_player[pp.applyId].roleId); if (infos == null) { Logger.LogError("Apply list not have this id {0}", pp.applyId); } RemoveApply(infos); } } DispatchModuleEvent(EventFriendResufed); } else if ( == 1) { if (AddApplyID.Exists(a => a == p.applyId)) { AddApplyID.Remove(p.applyId); } } }
public SourceFriendInfo(PPlayerInfo rInfo) { if (rInfo != null) { Relation = Module_Friend.instance.IsFriend(rInfo.roleId) ? CommonRelation.Friend : Module_Union.instance.IsUnionMember(rInfo.roleId) ? CommonRelation.UnionMember : CommonRelation.Stranger; } PlayerInfo = rInfo; }
public void DelayAddData(SourceFriendInfo info, int index = 1, int type = -1, int sub = -1) { // type -1其他页面不可出现红点 0 是好友界面 可以出现红点 1公会悬赏记录 不出现状态及公会好友标识 m_Source = info; m_playerInfo = info.PlayerInfo; m_index = index; isopen = true; m_type = type; m_sub = sub; }
private void OnMsgOtherHeroInfo(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.OTHER_HERO_INF0)) { return; } UserManager.Instance.Deserialize(ret); }
private void OnGetSomeHerosInfo(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.GET_SOME_HEROS_INFO)) { return; } UserManager.Instance.Deserialize(ret); }
private void OnGetRoleInfo(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.GET_ROLE_INFO)) { return; } Deserialize(ret); }
// Update is called once per frame public void SetPlayerInfo(PUnionPlayer playerInfo) { Get(); PPlayerInfo baseInfo =; if (baseInfo == null) { return; } Module_Avatar.SetClassAvatar(m_headImg, baseInfo.proto, false, baseInfo.gender); headBoxFriend detailBox = m_headBox.GetComponentDefault <headBoxFriend>(); detailBox.HeadBox(baseInfo.headBox); m_name.text =; m_level.text = "LV." + baseInfo.level; m_contribution.text = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(242, 183) + playerInfo.sentiment.ToString(); if (baseInfo.state == 0) { m_state.text = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(218, 30); m_state.color = Color.gray; } else { m_state.text = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(218, 29); m_state.color =; } m_rankImg.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (playerInfo.title == 0) { m_rankImg.gameObject.SetActive(true); AtlasHelper.SetShared(m_rankImg.gameObject, "ui_union_level01"); m_rankTxt.text = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(242, 184); } else if (playerInfo.title == 1) { m_rankImg.gameObject.SetActive(true); AtlasHelper.SetShared(m_rankImg.gameObject, "ui_union_level02"); m_rankTxt.text = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(242, 185); } if (baseInfo.roleId == Module_Player.instance.roleInfo.roleId) { detailBox.HeadBox(Module_Player.instance.roleInfo.headBox); m_name.text = Module_Player.instance.name_; m_level.text = "LV." + Module_Player.instance.level; } }
public void Deserialize(PPlayerInfo data) { if (data.pBattlePT.Count < 2) { Log.Error("Error Battle Formation"); return; } // pvp的阵型数据 PBattlePT formation = data.pBattlePT[1]; // 英雄 HeroList.Clear(); foreach (var item in formation.heroPT) { HeroInfo info = new HeroInfo(); info.Deserialize(item.hero, false); HeroList.Add(info); } SoldierList.Clear(); foreach (var item in formation.buildPT) { BuildingInfo binfo = CityManager.Instance.CreateBuilding(; if (binfo == null) { continue; } TroopBuildingInfo tbinfo = binfo as TroopBuildingInfo; if (tbinfo != null) { // TODO 暂时只处理兵营数据,将来再处理校场,校场含有士兵等级数据 binfo.Deserialize(; SoldierInfo info = new SoldierInfo(); info.ConfigID = tbinfo.SoldierConfigID; SoldierList.Add(info); } if (binfo.BuildingType == CityBuildingType.TRAIN) { // 校场,持有士兵等级数据 } else if (binfo.BuildingType == CityBuildingType.TROOP) { // 兵营 } } }
private void SetInvateInfo(RectTransform rt, PPlayerInfo info) { if (info == null) { return; } FriendPrecast fInfo = rt.GetComponentDefault <FriendPrecast>(); fInfo.DelayAddData(info, 1, 2, 12); GameObject checkbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("check_Img").gameObject; bool have = moduleActive.m_coopCheckList.Exists(a => a == info.roleId); checkbg.gameObject.SetActive(have); }
public void SendLookDetails(ulong playerId) { PPlayerInfo info = PlayerInfo(playerId); if (info != null) { DispatchModuleEvent(EventFriendDetails, info); } else { var p = PacketObject.Create <CsFriendStateView>(); p.roleId = playerId; session.Send(p); } }
public PPlayerInfo LatePlayerInfo(ulong lateId) { PPlayerInfo player = late_ListAllInfo.Find(a => a.roleId == lateId); if (player != null) { return(player); } PUnionPlayer chat = moduleUnion.m_unionPlayer.Find(a => == lateId); if (chat != null) { player =; } return(player); }
private void OnMsgCreateNewRole(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.CREATE_NEW_ROLE)) { return; } UserManager.Instance.Deserialize(ret); // 加入游戏 UserManager.Instance.JoinGame(); UIManager.Instance.CloseWindow <UISelectServerView>(); }
private void OnToggle(PPlayerInfo data, bool isOn) { if (!isOn) { Check.Remove(data); } else { if (Check.Count >= Check.Capacity) { moduleGlobal.ShowMessage(9810); return; } Check.Add(data); } }
public void OnlineFriend() { m_friendOnline.Clear(); List <PPlayerInfo> thisInfo = moduleFriend.FriendList.FindAll(p => p.state != 0); for (int i = 0; i < thisInfo.Count; i++) { PPlayerInfo info = null; thisInfo[i].CopyTo(ref info); if (info == null) { Logger.LogError(" error"); continue; } m_friendOnline.Add(info); } }
public void IsfriendDetails(PPlayerInfo playerInfo, bool world = false, Action <int, string, ulong> invate = null) { if (playerInfo == null) { return; } Get(); m_invate = invate; PlayerId = playerInfo.roleId; //isMyfriend 0 好友 1 不是好友但是显示添加 2 黑名单 SetButtonShow(world); //在这加载玩家的详情 PlayerDetailsInfo(playerInfo, world); }
private void OnMsgOtherPlayerInfo(byte[] buffer) { PPlayerInfo ret = Net.Deserialize <PPlayerInfo>(buffer); if (!Net.CheckErrorCode(ret.errorCode, eCommand.OTHER_PLAYER_INFO)) { return; } PVPPlayerInfo info = PVPManager.Instance.GetPlayer(ret.roleAttrs.userId); if (info != null) { info.Deserialize(ret); } UIManager.Instance.RefreshWindow <UIPVPPlayerInfoView>(); }
private void RemoveApply(PPlayerInfo pp) { var t = pp.roleId; if (roleID_player.ContainsKey(pp.roleId)) { t = roleID_player[pp.roleId]; } var p = Apply_playerList.Find(a => a.roleId == pp.roleId); if (p != null) { Apply_playerList.Remove(p); } apply_player_id.Remove(t); apply_player_player.Remove(t); roleID_player.Remove(pp.roleId); }
void _Packet(ScFriendAdd p) { //被同意申请 bool is_myfriend = false; for (int i = 0; i < FriendList.Count; i++) { if (p.friend_.roleId == FriendList[i].roleId) { is_myfriend = true; } } if (!is_myfriend) { PPlayerInfo add = p.friend_.Clone(); FriendList.Add(add); //好友的详细信息加进去了 My_FriendList.Add(add.roleId, add); //把这个信息加进去 FriendList = moduleFriend.SortWay(); DispatchModuleEvent(EventAddFriendReply); } }
private void Oncheckfried() { //判定选中的好友有哪些 if (moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Count > 0 && moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Count <= 5) { List <ulong> SendId = new List <ulong>(); for (int i = 0; i < moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Count; i++) { PPlayerInfo playerInfo = moduleFriend.FriendList.Find(a => a.roleId == moduleMatch.m_invateCheck[i].roleId); if (playerInfo == null || playerInfo.state != 1) { continue; } SendId.Add(moduleMatch.m_invateCheck[i].roleId); } moduleMatch.FriendFree(SendId); } else { moduleGlobal.ShowMessage(ConfigText.GetDefalutString(TextForMatType.MatchUIText, 31)); } }
public PPlayerInfo PlayerInfo(ulong playerId) { //聊天页 PPlayerInfo info = FriendList.Find(a => a.roleId == playerId); if (info == null) { info = BlackList.Find(a => a.roleId == playerId); } if (info == null) { info = searchList.Find(a => a.roleId == playerId); } if (info == null) { info = recommend.Find(a => a.roleId == playerId); } if (info == null) { info = moduleChat.LatePlayerInfo(playerId); } return(info); }
public void SetInfo(PPlayerInfo Info, int type = 0) { Get(); Module_Avatar.SetClassAvatar(apply_bg_mask, Info.proto, false, Info.gender); headBoxFriend applybox = apply_bg.GetComponentDefault <headBoxFriend>(); applybox.HeadBox(Info.headBox); name_apply.text =; level_apply.text = string.Format(ConfigText.GetDefalutString(218, 37), Info.level.ToString()); ID_apply.text = Info.roleId.ToString(); add_Ok.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); add_No.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); if (type == 0) { transform.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { Module_Friend.instance.SendLookDetails(Info.roleId); }); add_Ok.onClick.AddListener(AgreeClick); add_No.onClick.AddListener(delegate { Module_Friend.instance.SendReplyRefusedMes(ID); }); } else { add_Ok.onClick.AddListener(UnionAgreeClick); add_No.onClick.AddListener(delegate { long[] ids = new long[1]; ids[0] = m_idUnion; Module_Union.instance.SloveApply(2, ids); }); } }
private void FriendInfo(RectTransform rt, PPlayerInfo Info) { FriendPrecast Presct = rt.gameObject.GetComponentDefault <FriendPrecast>(); Presct.DelayAddData(Info, 1, 1); rt.gameObject.GetComponentDefault <Button>().interactable = true; Text remainTxt = rt.Find("remain").GetComponent <Text>(); remainTxt.SafeSetActive(false); int remain; moduleMatch.m_remainTime.TryGetValue(Info.roleId, out remain); if (remain > 0) { remainTxt.SafeSetActive(true); Util.SetText(remainTxt, ConfigText.GetDefalutString(219, 39), remain); rt.gameObject.GetComponentDefault <Button>().interactable = false; } GameObject selectbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("checkBg_Img").gameObject; GameObject checkbg = rt.gameObject.transform.Find("check_Img").gameObject; selectbg.SafeSetActive(false); checkbg.SafeSetActive(false); bool have = moduleMatch.m_invateCheck.Exists(a => a.roleId == Info.roleId); if (have) { selectbg.SafeSetActive(true); checkbg.SafeSetActive(true); } }
public void PlayerDetailsInfo(PPlayerInfo details, long sent, int title)//加载玩家的详情 { if (details == null) { return; } PlayerId = details.roleId; GetPath(); m_addBtn.interactable = true; bool added = Module_Friend.instance.AddApplyID.Exists(a => a == details.roleId); var black = Module_Friend.instance.BlackList.Exists(a => a.roleId == details.roleId); if (added || black) { m_addBtn.interactable = false; } Module_Avatar.SetClassAvatar(m_headbg, details.proto, false, details.gender); headBoxFriend detaibox = m_headBox.GetComponentDefault <headBoxFriend>(); detaibox.HeadBox(details.headBox); Util.SetText(m_name,; Util.SetText(m_id, ConfigText.GetDefalutString(218, 36), details.index); Util.SetText(m_introduce, details.intro); string formatText = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(218, 2) + details.level.ToString(); Util.SetText(m_level, formatText); string ss = ConfigText.GetDefalutString(242, 167) + sent; Util.SetText(m_contribute, ss); m_blackBtn.gameObject.SetActive(!black); m_removeBlack.gameObject.SetActive(black); bool isFriend = Module_Friend.instance.FriendList.Exists(a => a.roleId == details.roleId); if (isFriend) { m_isFriend.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_notFriend.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { m_isFriend.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_notFriend.gameObject.SetActive(true); } SetSelfState(title); m_addBtn.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); m_chatBtn.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); m_addBtn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { var blacks = Module_Friend.instance.CanAddPlayer(details.roleId); if (blacks) { return; } Module_Friend.instance.SendAddMes(details.roleId); m_addBtn.interactable = false; }); m_chatBtn.onClick.AddListener(delegate { //打开好友私聊界面 Module_Union.instance.m_unionChatID = details.roleId; Module_Friend.instance.m_friendOpenType = OpenFriendType.Union; Window.ShowAsync("window_friend"); }); SetBtnClick(details.roleId, title); }