Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 接受邮件,处理所有正确存在邮件
        /// </summary>
        public MailResult ReceiveMail(string asmName, string typeName, string methodName, bool delete, string stateText)
            MailResult result = new MailResult();

            result.StateText = stateText;
            string strPort = "";

            if (strPort == "" || strPort == string.Empty)
                strPort = "110";
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

                popClient.Connect(PopServer, Convert.ToInt32(strPort));
                popClient.Authenticate(UserName, Password);
                int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

                int resultCount = 0;
                for (int i = count; i >= 1; i--)
                    OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                    if (msg != null)

                        string dllPath = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath;
                        dllPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(dllPath);
                        string   asmNames = asmName;//程序集名称(*.dll)
                        string   dllFile  = Path.Combine(dllPath, asmNames);
                        Assembly asm      = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllFile);
                        object     obj    = asm.CreateInstance(typeName, false);
                        Type       type   = obj.GetType();              //类名
                        MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(methodName); //方法名称
                        object[] args = new object[] { (object)msg, (object)result };
                        method.Invoke(obj, args);
                        if (delete)
                            popClient.DeleteMessage(i); //邮件保存成功,删除服务器备份
                result.Count = resultCount;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            POPClient client = new POPClient();

            client.Server   = "";
            client.Port     = 110;
            client.Password = "******";
            client.User     = "******";

            client.CommandIssued += new CommandIssuedEventHandler(client_CommandIssued);

            int count = client.CountMessage();

            for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++)
                IMailMessage m    = client.FetchMail(i);
                string       name = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".msg";

                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(name, m.Source);

                System.Console.WriteLine(m.Subject + "\r->\r" + name);

Example #3
 private void ConfigForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     this.textBoxServerAddr.Text = config.ServerAddr;
     this.textBoxPort.Text       = config.Port;
     this.textBoxEmail.Text      = config.Email;
     this.textBoxPWD.Text        = config.PWD;
     popClient = new POPClient();
     popClient.AuthenticationBegan    += new EventHandler(popClient_AuthenticationBegan);
     popClient.AuthenticationFinished += new EventHandler(popClient_AuthenticationFinished);
     popClient.CommunicationBegan     += new EventHandler(popClient_CommunicationBegan);
     popClient.CommunicationOccured   += new EventHandler(popClient_CommunicationOccured);
     popClient.CommunicationLost      += new EventHandler(popClient_CommunicationLost);
     isPopOK = false;
Example #4
        // 서버에 연결하는 코드
        private void ConnectServer()
            POPService service = new POPService();

            client = new POPClient()
                performance_id = this.performance_id
            if (client.Connect())
                client.production_id         = production_id;
                client.performance_qtyimport = Convert.ToInt32(txtcount.Text);
                client.time = service.setTacttime(txtProductID.Text);
Example #5
        public MainForm()
            progressBar1.Minimum = 0;

            client = new POPClient();
            client.KeepAliveInterval = 60000;
            client.Port           = 110;
            client.StateChanged  += new EventHandler(client_StateChanged);
            client.DataRead      += new DataReadEventHandler(client_DataRead);
            client.CommandIssued += new CommandIssuedEventHandler(client_CommandIssued);
            client.UpdateInterval = 100;
            client.Server         = "";
            client.User           = "******";
            client.Password       = "******";


        public EmailAccountHelper(
            String name,
            String userPassword,
            String server,
            int port)
            userName      = name;
            password      = userPassword;
            popServerName = server;
            popServerPort = port;

            //    = new POP3Connection(
            //    userName,
            //    password,
            //    popServerName,
            //    popServerPort);

            mailClient        = new POPClient();
            mailClient.UseSSL = useSSL;
Example #7
 private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (dgvWaitWork.SelectedRows.Count < 1)
         MessageBox.Show("시작할데이터를 선택하여 주세요");
     // 처음 접속인 경우
     if (client == null)
         // 서버와 연결함
         // 기존 서버와 연결을 끊고 다시 생산시작을 가동
         client = null;
Example #8
    //receive email from POP3 server
    public void ReceivePop3Mail()
        POPClient popClient = new POPClient(); //new POP client to grab emails
        Hashtable msgs      = new Hashtable(); //stores the email messages

        // receive emails
            popClient.Disconnect(); //housekeeping
            //connect to pop mail server and authenticate
            popClient.Connect("pop.gmail.com", 995, true);
            popClient.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "sd1ma2sn3");

            int Count = popClient.GetMessageCount(); //number of emails in the inbox
            msgs.Clear();                            //clear out the message hashtable

            //iterate through messages
            for (int i = Count; i >= 0; i -= 1)
                    OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message m = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);//grab a message and its header info

                    if (m != null)
                        if (m.FromEmail == "*****@*****.**")
                            msgs.Add("msg" + i.ToString(), m);//put the message in the hashtable
                            string htmlbody = m.MessageBody[0].ToString();

                            int starting_tag = 0, ending_tag = 0, ID = -1;
                            starting_tag = htmlbody.IndexOf("תאריך ושעה");
                            ending_tag   = htmlbody.IndexOf("לפרטים נוספים");
                            htmlbody     = htmlbody.Substring(starting_tag, ending_tag - starting_tag + 1);
                            htmlbody     = htmlbody.Replace("\n", "");
                            htmlbody     = htmlbody.Replace("\t", "");

                            DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(htmlbody.Substring(htmlbody.IndexOf("תאריך ושעה") + 12, htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("תאריך ושעה") - 12));
                            htmlbody = htmlbody.Remove(htmlbody.IndexOf("תאריך ושעה"), htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("תאריך ושעה") + 4);

                            string name = htmlbody.Substring(htmlbody.IndexOf("שם הלקוח המעביר") + 17, htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("שם הלקוח המעביר") - 17);
                            htmlbody = htmlbody.Remove(htmlbody.IndexOf("שם הלקוח המעביר"), htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("שם הלקוח המעביר") + 4);

                            double amount = double.Parse(htmlbody.Substring(htmlbody.IndexOf("סכום") + 6, htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("סכום") - 6));
                            htmlbody = htmlbody.Remove(htmlbody.IndexOf("סכום"), htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("סכום") + 4);

                            string payment_id = htmlbody.Substring(htmlbody.IndexOf("מספר פעולה") + 12, htmlbody.IndexOf("<br>") - htmlbody.IndexOf("מספר פעולה") - 12);

                            //updateing DB
                            ADO.ExecuteNonQuery("Insert INTO Payments (Full_name, Amount, buying_date, Payment_ID) values ('" + name + "'," + amount + ",'" + date + "','" + payment_id + "')");
                catch (Exception ex)
                { }
        catch (Exception x)
Example #9
        public static List <PhotoData> GetPhotoData(bool deleteMessages)
            var imagesData = new List <PhotoData>();

            OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient client = new POPClient("mail.shockbyte.com.ar", 110, "*****@*****.**", "Password11", AuthenticationMethod.USERPASS);
            var count = client.GetMessageCount( );

            Console.WriteLine("Message Count: " + count);
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                var message = client.GetMessage(i, false);

                foreach (Attachment att in message.Attachments)
                    Console.WriteLine("Att: " + att.ContentFileName);
                    var extPos = att.ContentFileName.LastIndexOf(".");
                    if (extPos >= 0)
                        var ext = att.ContentFileName.Substring(extPos + 1).ToLowerInvariant( );

                        var photo = new PhotoData( )
                            Data = att.DecodedAsBytes( ), From = message.From, Title = message.Subject, FileName = att.ContentFileName

                        switch (ext)
                        case "jpg":
                        case "jpeg":
                            photo.ImageType = "image/jpeg";


                        case "gif":
                            photo.ImageType = "image/gif";


                        case "png":
                            photo.ImageType = "image/png";


            if (deleteMessages)
                client.DeleteAllMessages( );

            client.Disconnect( );

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Download email messages from the POP3 server for a given Foe message processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        /// <param name="processorEmail">The current Foe message processor's email address.</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages(PopServer server, string processorEmail)
            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            FoeDebug.Print("Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            FoeDebug.Print("Server reported " + count.ToString() + " messages.");

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                //FoeDebug.Print("Opening mail message...");

                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    // Get subject and verify sender identity
                    // Subject line in the mail header should look like one of the followings:
                    // Normal request (for news feed and content):
                    //   Subject: Request <Request ID> by <User ID>
                    // Registration request:
                    //   Subject: Register <Request ID> by Newbie
                    // where:
                    // Request ID is the request ID generated by the Foe client
                    // User ID is the user's ID as assigned by the server

                    //FoeDebug.Print("Message is not null. Getting message details.");

                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    //FoeDebug.Print("Subject: " + subject);
                    //FoeDebug.Print("From: " + fromEmail);

                    // parse subject line
                    string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                    if (tokens.Length == 4)
                        // check what type of request is it
                        string requestType = tokens[0].ToUpper();
                        string requestId   = tokens[1];
                        string userId      = tokens[3];

                        FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                         "subject: " + subject + "requestType: " + requestType);
                        if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("REGISTE") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a registration message.");
                            // It's a registration request
                            SaveRegistrationRequest(requestId, fromEmail, processorEmail);

                            FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                             "Received registration request from " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("CATALOG") == 0)
                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                SaveCatalogRequest(requestId, user.Email, processorEmail);
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("CONTENT") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a content request message.");

                            // It's a content request.
                            // We need to verify the user's identify first.

                            //FoeDebug.Print("Verifying user identity...");

                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                // get the full message body
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foe             = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    string[] catalogs = foe.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                    // save request
                                    if (catalogs.Length == 0)
                                    SaveContentRequest(requestId, user.Email, catalogs, processorEmail);

                                    //FoeDebug.Print("Request saved and pending processing.");
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                                     "Received content request from verified user " + fromEmail);
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                     "Received malformed content request from verified user " + fromEmail + "\r\n" +
                                                     except.ToString() +
                                                     "Raw message:\r\n" + msgBody + "\r\n");

                                    //throw except;
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                        else if (requestType.ToUpper().CompareTo("FEED") == 0)
                            //FoeDebug.Print("This is a content request message.");

                            // It's a content request.
                            // We need to verify the user's identify first.

                            //FoeDebug.Print("Verifying user identity...");

                            // get user info by email address
                            FoeUser user = FoeServerUser.GetUser(fromEmail);

                            // verify user's email against the user ID
                            if ((user != null) && (userId == user.UserId) && (processorEmail == user.ProcessorEmail))
                                FoeDebug.Print("User verified.");

                                // the user's identity is verified
                                // get the full message body
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foe             = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    string[] array = foe.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                                    // save request
                                    if (array.Length == 0)
                                    SaveFeedRequest(requestId, user.Email, array, processorEmail);

                                    //FoeDebug.Print("Request saved and pending processing.");
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                                     "Received feed request from verified user " + fromEmail);
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                     "Received malformed feed request from verified user " + fromEmail + "\r\n" +
                                                     except.ToString() +
                                                     "Raw message:\r\n" + msgBody + "\r\n");

                                    //throw except;
                                //FoeDebug.Print("User is not registered. Request not processed.");
                                FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Warning,
                                                 "Received content request from unregistered user " + fromEmail);
                            // Non-Foe message
                            FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                             "Received non-Foe message from " + fromEmail);
                        // Non-Foe message
                        FoeServerLog.Add(_className + ".DownloadMessages", FoeServerLog.LogType.Message,
                                         "Received non-Foe message from " + fromEmail);

                    // Delete the current message
Example #11
 public MainForm()
     popClient = new POPClient();
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and process email messages from the POP3 server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages()
            Trace.WriteLine("Entered DownloadMessages().");

            // Get POP3 server info
            PopServer server = GetPopServer();

            Trace.WriteLine("  Retrieved POP server info.");

            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            Trace.WriteLine("  Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            Trace.WriteLine("  There are " + count.ToString() + " messages in inbox.");

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                Trace.WriteLine("  Opening message #" + i.ToString());

                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    Trace.WriteLine("  Message came from " + msg.FromEmail + " with subject \"" + msg.Subject + "\"");

                    // Check if fromEmail is the same as processor's email on file
                    if (fromEmail.ToLower() == FoeClientRegistry.GetEntry("processoremail").Value.ToLower())
                        Trace.WriteLine("  Message came from the processor.");

                        // parse subject line
                        string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                        // There should be 5 or 6 tokens
                        if (tokens.Length == 5)
                            Trace.WriteLine("  There are 5 tokens.");

                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string requestId = tokens[2];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);

                            if (req != null)
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message Request ID matched.");

                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                Trace.WriteLine("  Downloaded full message body.");

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Decoded Base64 message.");

                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Decompressed message.");

                                    string foe = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Retrieved original FOE message.");

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "registe")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Registration reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Registration reply processed.");
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "catalog")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Catalog reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Catalog reply processed.");
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "feed")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  feed reply. Processing message.");
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  feed reply processed.");
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Exception detected: \r\n" + except.ToString());
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message ID mismatched.");
                        //content request's reply
                        else if (tokens.Length == 6)
                            Trace.WriteLine("  There are 6 tokens.");

                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string catalog   = tokens[1];
                            string requestId = tokens[3];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);

                            if (req != null)
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message Request ID matched.");

                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                Trace.WriteLine("  Downloaded full message body.");

                                    byte[] compressed   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressed = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressed);
                                    string foe          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressed);

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "content")
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Content reply. Processing message.");
                                        ProcessContentReply(catalog, foe);
                                        Trace.WriteLine("  Content reply processed.");
                                catch (Exception except)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                                    Trace.WriteLine("  Exception detected: \r\n" + except.ToString());
                                Trace.WriteLine("  Message ID mismatched.");
                            Trace.WriteLine("  Message does not have 5 tokens.");
                        Trace.WriteLine("  Message did not come from processor.");
                // Delete the current message
                Trace.WriteLine("  Deleted current message in inbox.");
            Trace.WriteLine("  Disconnected from POP server.");

            Trace.WriteLine("  Exiting DownloadMessages().");
Example #13
        private void HandleClientComm(object client)
            var client = new POPClient();

            client.Connect("pop.gmail.com", 995, true);
            client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "YourPasswordHere");
            var     count   = client.GetMessageCount();
            Message message = client.GetMessage(count);

            TcpClient     tcpClient    = (TcpClient)client;
            NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
            IPAddress     ipOfClient   = IPAddress.Parse(((IPEndPoint)tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(ipOfClient + " has connected...");
            ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();

            byte[] buffer;
            byte[] message = new byte[4096];
            int    bytesRead;

            while (true)
                bytesRead = 0;
                    bytesRead = clientStream.Read(message, 0, 4096);
                catch {
                if (bytesRead == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine(ipOfClient + " has disconnected...");
                Console.Write("Message received from - " + ipOfClient + " : ");
                string incomingMsg = encoder.GetString(message, 0, bytesRead);

                if (incomingMsg == "List")
                    buffer = encoder.GetBytes("Currently connected are: ");
                    clientStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    buffer = null;
                    foreach (TcpClient c in clients)
                        IPAddress cliIP = IPAddress.Parse(((IPEndPoint)c.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString());
                        buffer = encoder.GetBytes(cliIP.ToString());
                        clientStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        buffer = null;
                    buffer = encoder.GetBytes("Hello Client!");
                    clientStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    buffer = null;
Example #14
        public void Execute(XmlNode node)
            if (node.Attributes == null)

            XmlAttribute server               = node.Attributes["Server"];
            XmlAttribute port                 = node.Attributes["Port"];
            XmlAttribute username             = node.Attributes["Username"];
            XmlAttribute password             = node.Attributes["Password"];
            XmlAttribute connectionStringName = node.Attributes["ConnectionStringName"];

            var popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.Connect(server.Value, int.Parse(port.Value), false);
            popClient.Authenticate(username.Value, password.Value);
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            if (count <= 0)
                using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionStringName.Value].ConnectionString))
                    List <Product> productsFromBase = GetRelatedProductsFromBase(connection);
                    List <Product> allHouseFlowers  = GetFlowers(connection);
                    foreach (var product in allHouseFlowers)
                        string diam = GetDiametr(product.ShortDescription);
                        int    diametr;
                        if (Int32.TryParse(diam, out diametr))
                            List <Product> neededRelatedProducts   = GetNeededRelatedProducts(productsFromBase, diametr);
                            List <Product> existingRelatedProducts = GetExistingRelatedProducts(connection, product.Id);
                            foreach (var p in existingRelatedProducts)
                                neededRelatedProducts.RemoveAll(x => (x.Id == p.Id));

                            UpdateRelatedProducts(connection, neededRelatedProducts, product);

            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionStringName.Value].ConnectionString))
                    Message  message = popClient.GetMessage(i);
                    string[] rows    = message.MessageBody[0].Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    foreach (string row in rows)
                            string[] cols = row.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (cols[2].Contains("."))
                            string  sku      = cols[0];
                            decimal price    = decimal.Parse(cols[1]);
                            int     quantity = int.Parse(cols[2]);

                            using (var command = new SqlCommand(UpdateProductVariantQuery, connection))
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Sku", sku));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Price", price));
                                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StockQuantity", quantity));


                            if (cols.Length == 5)
                                int  height;
                                int  diameter;
                                bool heightParsed   = int.TryParse(cols[3], out height);
                                bool diameterParsed = int.TryParse(cols[4], out diameter);

                                using (var command = new SqlCommand(UpdateProductVariantQuery, connection))
                                    command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Sku", sku));
                                    Product product = null;

                                    int saoHeightId = 0;
                                    if (heightParsed && height != 0)
                                        product = GetProduct(connection, sku);

                                        if (height < 11)
                                            saoHeightId = 54;
                                        else if (height >= 11 && height < 16)
                                            saoHeightId = 55;
                                        else if (height >= 16 && height < 21)
                                            saoHeightId = 56;
                                        else if (height >= 21 && height < 26)
                                            saoHeightId = 57;
                                        else if (height >= 26 && height < 31)
                                            saoHeightId = 58;
                                        else if (height >= 31 && height < 50)
                                            saoHeightId = 64;
                                        else if (height >= 50)
                                            saoHeightId = 60;

                                        if (product != null && !SaoExists(connection, product.Id, saoHeightId))
                                            InsertSao(connection, product.Id, saoHeightId);

                                    int saoDiameterId = 0;
                                    if (diameterParsed && diameter != 0)
                                        if (product == null)
                                            product = GetProduct(connection, sku);

                                        if (diameter < 11)
                                            saoDiameterId = 16;
                                        else if (diameter >= 11 && diameter < 16)
                                            saoDiameterId = 18;
                                        else if (diameter >= 16 && diameter < 21)
                                            saoDiameterId = 48;
                                        else if (diameter >= 21 && diameter < 26)
                                            saoDiameterId = 49;
                                        else if (diameter >= 26 && diameter < 31)
                                            saoDiameterId = 50;
                                        else if (diameter >= 31 && diameter < 50)
                                            saoDiameterId = 51;
                                        else if (diameter >= 50)
                                            saoDiameterId = 52;

                                        if (product != null && !SaoExists(connection, product.Id, saoDiameterId))
                                            InsertSao(connection, product.Id, saoDiameterId);

                                    if (product != null)
                                        string oldShortDescription = product.ShortDescription;
                                        string oldFullDescription  = product.FullDescription;

                                        if (diameterParsed && heightParsed)
                                            if (!product.ShortDescription.ToLower().Contains("(см)"))
                                                product.ShortDescription += (product.ShortDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("{0}X{1}(см)", height, diameter);
                                            if (!product.FullDescription.ToLower().Contains("высота"))
                                                product.FullDescription += (product.FullDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("Высота - {0} см", height);
                                            if (!product.FullDescription.ToLower().Contains("диаметр"))
                                                product.FullDescription += (product.FullDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("Диаметр - {0} см", diameter);
                                        else if (heightParsed)
                                            if (!product.ShortDescription.Contains(string.Format("{0}X-(см)", height)))
                                                product.ShortDescription += (product.ShortDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("{0}X-(см)", height);
                                            if (!product.FullDescription.ToLower().Contains("высота"))
                                                product.FullDescription += (product.FullDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("Высота - {0} см", height);
                                        else if (diameterParsed)
                                            if (!product.ShortDescription.Contains(string.Format("-X{0}(см)", diameter)))
                                                product.ShortDescription += (product.ShortDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("-X{0}(см)", diameter);
                                            if (!product.FullDescription.ToLower().Contains("диаметр"))
                                                product.FullDescription += (product.FullDescription == string.Empty ? "" : "<br />") + string.Format("Диаметр - {0} см", diameter);

                                        if (oldShortDescription != product.ShortDescription || oldFullDescription != product.FullDescription)
                                            UpdateProduct(connection, product);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            LogManager.InsertLog(LogTypeEnum.AdministrationArea, string.Format("Error while sync with 1C. The line is '{0}'.", row), exc);

Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Download and process email messages from the POP3 server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">POP3 server information</param>
        public static void DownloadMessages()
            // Get POP3 server info
            PopServer server = GetPopServer();

            // connect to POP3 server and download messages
            //FoeDebug.Print("Connecting to POP3 server...");
            POPClient popClient = new POPClient();

            popClient.IsUsingSsl = server.SslEnabled;

            popClient.Connect(server.ServerName, server.Port);
            popClient.Authenticate(server.UserName, server.Password);

            FoeDebug.Print("Connected to POP3.");

            // get mail count
            int count = popClient.GetMessageCount();

            // go through each message, from newest to oldest
            for (int i = count; i >= 1; i -= 1)
                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message msg = popClient.GetMessage(i, true);
                if (msg != null)
                    string subject   = msg.Subject;
                    string fromEmail = msg.FromEmail;

                    // Check if fromEmail is the same as processor's email on file
                    if (fromEmail.ToLower() == FoeClientRegistry.GetEntry("processoremail").Value.ToLower())
                        // parse subject line
                        string[] tokens = subject.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' });

                        // There should be 5 tokens
                        if (tokens.Length == 5)
                            // Get the request ID for this reply
                            string requestId = tokens[2];

                            // Check if request ID matches any request the client sent
                            FoeClientRequestItem req = FoeClientRequest.Get(requestId);
                            if (req != null)
                                // Found the matching request
                                // Download the full reply
                                OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message wholeMsg = popClient.GetMessage(i, false);
                                string msgBody = (string)wholeMsg.MessageBody[0];

                                    // decompress it
                                    byte[] compressedMsg   = Convert.FromBase64String(msgBody);
                                    byte[] decompressedMsg = CompressionManager.Decompress(compressedMsg);
                                    string foeXml          = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressedMsg);

                                    // Check what is the original request type
                                    if (req.Type.ToLower() == "reg")
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "content")
                                    else if (req.Type.ToLower() == "catalog")
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // the message is likely malformed
                                    // so just ignore it
                // Delete the current message