public void insert(POJO.pojoDVD dvd) { OleDbCommand comando = null; if (esta(dvd)) { throw new OperacionFallidaException(); } if (this.conn == null) { throw new NotConnectionException(); } comando = new OleDbCommand(insertSql, conn); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@titulo", dvd.titulo); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subtitulo", dvd.subtitulo); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@copiaBluRay", dvd.copiaBR); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@partes", dvd.partes); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fecha", dvd.fecha); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@series", dvd.series); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@copiaSeg", dvd.copiaSeg); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@editadoPor", dvd.editadoPor); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@estuches", dvd.estuches); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hechoMenu", dvd.menuHecho); comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public void delete(POJO.pojoDVD dvd) { if (this.conn == null) { throw new NotConnectionException(); } OleDbCommand comando; comando = new OleDbCommand(deleteSql, conn); comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idDvd", dvd.idDvd); comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public void update(POJO.pojoDVD dvd) { if (this.conn == null) { throw new NotConnectionException(); } OleDbCommand comando = null; updateSql = "UPDATE dvd SET titulo='" + dvd.titulo + "', subtitulo='" + dvd.subtitulo + "'"; switch (dvd.copiaBR) { case 1: updateSql = updateSql + ", copia_BluRay=true"; break; case 0: updateSql = updateSql + ", copia_BluRay=true"; break; default: throw new DatoIncorrectoException(); } switch (dvd.menuHecho) { case 1: updateSql = updateSql + ", menu_hecho=true"; break; case 0: updateSql = updateSql + ", menu_hecho=false"; break; default: throw new DatoIncorrectoException(); } updateSql = updateSql + ", copia_Seg='" + dvd.copiaSeg + "'" + ", editado_por='" + dvd.editadoPor + "'" + ", estuches='" + dvd.estuches + "'"; updateSql = updateSql + ", partes=" + dvd.partes + ", series='" + dvd.series + "'" + ", fecha_creacion=#" + dvd.fecha + "#" + " WHERE id_Dvd= " + dvd.idDvd; comando = new OleDbCommand(updateSql, conn); comando.ExecuteNonQuery(); /*comando = new OleDbCommand(updateSql, conn); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idDvd", dvd.idDvd); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@titulo", "'"+dvd.titulo+"'"); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subtitulo", "'"+dvd.subtitulo+"'"); * if (dvd.copiaBR == 1) * { * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@copiaBluRay", true); * } * else * { * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@copiaBluRay", false); * } * * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@partes", dvd.partes); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hechoPor", dvd.hechoPor); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@series", dvd.series); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@copiaSeg", dvd.copiaSeg); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@editadoPor", dvd.editadoPor); * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@estuches", dvd.estuches); * if (dvd.menuHecho == 1) * { * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hechoMenu", true); * } * else * { * comando.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hechoMenu", false); * }*/ }
public DataTable selectCustom(POJO.pojoDVD dvd) { if (this.conn == null) { throw new NotConnectionException(); } DataTable x = null; OleDbCommand command = null; OleDbDataAdapter adapter = null; if (dvd.idDvd > 0) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND id_Dvd=" + dvd.idDvd; } if (!dvd.titulo.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND titulo like '%" + dvd.titulo + "%'"; } if (!dvd.subtitulo.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND subtitulo LIKE '%" + dvd.subtitulo + "%'"; } if (dvd.copiaBR == 0) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND copia_BluRay=" + "false"; } else { if (dvd.copiaBR == 1) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND copia_BluRay=" + "true"; } } if (dvd.partes > -1) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND partes=" + dvd.partes; } if (!dvd.series.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND series LIKE '%" + dvd.series + "%'"; } if (!dvd.copiaSeg.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND copia_seg LIKE '%" + dvd.copiaSeg + "%'"; } if (dvd.menuHecho == 0) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND Menu_Hecho=" + "false"; } else { if (dvd.menuHecho == 1) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND Menu_Hecho=" + "true"; } } if (!dvd.editadoPor.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND Editado_Por LIKE '%" + dvd.editadoPor + "%'"; } if (!dvd.estuches.Equals("")) { selectCustomSql = selectCustomSql + " AND estuches LIKE '%" + dvd.estuches + "%'"; } command = new OleDbCommand(selectCustomSql, conn); adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command); x = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(x); return(x); }