//save the buttons in the scene into the XML file and the orginalHandler
    public void SaveButsToXML()
        Debug.Log("generating saved button files based on current project");
        originalHandler = new POIHandler();
        foreach (Transform child in POIList.transform)
            POI pointToAdd = child.GetComponent <POIInfoRef>().poiInfo.Point;

        XmlIO.Save(originalHandler, POI_GlobalVariables.XMLpath);
 //merge the buttons in editor with the existing XML file
 private void mergeEditorButsIntoXML(List <POI> butsInEditor, string XMLpath)
     loadButsFromXML(XMLpath, ref originalHandler);
     for (int i = 0; i < butsInEditor.Count; i++)
         bool match = false;
         foreach (POI point in originalHandler.projectPOIs)
             if (IsPointSame(point, butsInEditor[i]))
                 match = true;
         if (!match)