unsafe public void btnGetUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UInt32 uiLength, uiRead, uiResult, uiWritten; byte[] ReadBuffer = new byte[0x40]; byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[] { 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, 0x1 }; //Command {STX, LEN, CMD, DATA1, DATA2.....} byte[] sResponse = null; sResponse = new byte[21]; EasyPOD.VID = 0xe6a; EasyPOD.PID = 0x317; Index = 1; uiLength = 64; fixed(MW_EasyPOD *pPOD = &EasyPOD) { dwResult = PODfuncs.ConnectPOD(pPOD, Index); if ((dwResult != 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Not connected yet"); } else { EasyPOD.ReadTimeOut = 200; EasyPOD.WriteTimeOut = 200; dwResult = PODfuncs.WriteData(pPOD, WriteBuffer, 4, &uiWritten); //Send a request command to reader uiResult = PODfuncs.ReadData(pPOD, ReadBuffer, uiLength, &uiRead); //Read the response data from reader txbGetUIDh.Text = BitConverter.ToString(ReadBuffer, 4, (Int32)uiRead).Replace("-", " "); //HEX txbGetUIDd.Text = BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadBuffer, 4).ToString(); //DEC } dwResult = PODfuncs.ClearPODBuffer(pPOD); dwResult = PODfuncs.DisconnectPOD(pPOD); } }
unsafe public void btnGetUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UInt32 drResult, dwResult, Index, uiWritten, uiRead; byte[] WriteBuffer_SN = new byte[] { 0x02, 0x01, 0x0D };//Command {STX, LEN, CMD,.....} byte[] sResponse_SN = null; sResponse_SN = new byte[10 + 2]; EasyPOD.VID = 0xe6a; EasyPOD.PID = 0x317; Index = 1; fixed(MW_EasyPOD *pPOD = &EasyPOD) { dwResult = PODfuncs.ConnectPOD(pPOD, Index); if ((dwResult != 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Not connected yet"); } else { EasyPOD.ReadTimeOut = 200; EasyPOD.WriteTimeOut = 200; dwResult = PODfuncs.WriteData(pPOD, WriteBuffer_SN, Convert.ToUInt32(WriteBuffer_SN.Length), &uiWritten); drResult = PODfuncs.ReadData(pPOD, sResponse_SN, Convert.ToUInt32(sResponse_SN.Length), &uiRead); txbGetSNh.Text = BitConverter.ToString(sResponse_SN, 4).Replace("-", " "); //HEX txbGetSNt.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(sResponse_SN, 4, sResponse_SN.Length - 4); //ASCII } dwResult = PODfuncs.ClearPODBuffer(pPOD); dwResult = PODfuncs.DisconnectPOD(pPOD); } }
unsafe private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { UInt32 uiLength, uiRead, uiResult, uiWritten; byte[] ReadBuffer = new byte[0x40]; byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[] { 0x2, 0x2, 0x1, 0x1 }; //Command {STX, LEN, CMD, DATA1, DATA2.....} byte[] sResponse = null; sResponse = new byte[21]; EasyPOD.VID = 0xe6a; EasyPOD.PID = 0x317; Index = 1; uiLength = 64; fixed(MW_EasyPOD *pPOD = &EasyPOD) { dwResult = PODfuncs.ConnectPOD(pPOD, Index); if ((dwResult != 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Ligue o leitor de cartões"); } else { EasyPOD.ReadTimeOut = 200; EasyPOD.WriteTimeOut = 200; dwResult = PODfuncs.WriteData(pPOD, WriteBuffer, 4, &uiWritten); //Send a request command to reader uiResult = PODfuncs.ReadData(pPOD, ReadBuffer, uiLength, &uiRead); //Read the response data from reader textBoxHex.Text = BitConverter.ToString(ReadBuffer, 4, (Int32)uiRead).Replace("-", " "); //HEX textBoxDe.Text = BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadBuffer, 4).ToString(); //DEC //textBox1.PasswordChar = '*'; string conexao = "Server=localhost;Database=Scholendar;Uid=root"; var connection = new MySqlConnection(conexao); var command = connection.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(); //QUERY'S MySqlCommand queryAl = new MySqlCommand("select * from Aluno where Hex = '" + textBoxHex.Text + "' or De = '" + textBoxDe.Text + "'", connection); MySqlCommand queryAd = new MySqlCommand("select * from Admin where Hex = '" + textBoxHex.Text + "' or De = '" + textBoxDe.Text + "'", connection); MySqlCommand queryProf = new MySqlCommand("select * from Professor where Hex = '" + textBoxHex.Text + "' or De = '" + textBoxDe.Text + "'", connection); connection.Open(); //DATATABLES DataTable dataTable1 = new DataTable(); DataTable dataTable2 = new DataTable(); DataTable dataTable3 = new DataTable(); //ADAPATERS MySqlDataAdapter daAl = new MySqlDataAdapter(queryAl); MySqlDataAdapter daAd = new MySqlDataAdapter(queryAd); MySqlDataAdapter daProf = new MySqlDataAdapter(queryProf); daAl.Fill(dataTable1); daAd.Fill(dataTable2); daProf.Fill(dataTable3); connection.Close(); foreach (DataRow list in dataTable1.Rows) // Aluno { if (Convert.ToInt32(list.ItemArray[0]) > 0) { textBoxVar.Text = "1"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Teste"); } } foreach (DataRow list in dataTable2.Rows) // Admin { if (Convert.ToInt32(list.ItemArray[0]) > 0) { textBoxVar.Text = "2"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Teste"); } } foreach (DataRow list3 in dataTable3.Rows) //Professor { if (Convert.ToInt32(list3.ItemArray[0]) > 0) { textBoxVar.Text = "3"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Teste"); } } if (textBoxVar.Text == "1")//ALUNO { connection.Open(); string Hex = textBoxHex.Text; string query = "select * from Aluno where Hex = '" + Hex + "' "; MySqlCommand MyCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader; MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader.Read()) { textBoxID_Aluno.Text = MyReader["ID_Aluno"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); try { string ID_Aluno = textBoxID_Aluno.Text; connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = ('" + ID_Aluno + "') where ID_Var = 1;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); connection.Open(); string query1 = "select * from Aluno where ID_Aluno = '" + ID_Aluno + "' ;"; MySqlCommand MyCommand1 = new MySqlCommand(query1, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader1; MyReader1 = MyCommand1.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader1.Read()) { textBoxVarPass.Text = MyReader1["var"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } try { connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = '1' where ID_Var = 2;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } if (textBoxVarPass.Text == "1") { this.Hide(); MudarPass newform1 = new MudarPass(); newform1.Show(); form.textBoxUtilizador.Text = "Aluno"; } else { this.Hide(); Aluno newform = new Aluno(); newform.Show(); } } else if (textBoxVar.Text == "2")//ADMIN { connection.Open(); string Hex = textBoxHex.Text; string query = "select * from Admin where Hex = '" + Hex + "' "; MySqlCommand MyCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader; MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader.Read()) { textBoxID_Admin.Text = MyReader["ID_Admin"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); try { string ID_Admin = textBoxID_Admin.Text; connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = ('" + ID_Admin + "') where ID_Var = 1;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); connection.Open(); string query1 = "select * from Admin where ID_Admin = '" + ID_Admin + "' ;"; MySqlCommand MyCommand1 = new MySqlCommand(query1, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader1; MyReader1 = MyCommand1.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader1.Read()) { textBoxVarPass.Text = MyReader1["var"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } try { connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = '2' where ID_Var = 2;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } if (textBoxVarPass.Text == "1") { this.Hide(); MudarPass newform = new MudarPass(); newform.Show(); form.textBoxUtilizador.Text = "Administrador"; } else if (textBoxVarPass.Text == "0") { this.Hide(); Admin Form = new Admin(); Form.Show(); } } else if (textBoxVar.Text == "3")//PROFESSOR { connection.Open(); string Hex = textBoxHex.Text; string query = "select * from Professor where Hex = '" + Hex + "' "; MySqlCommand MyCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader; MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader.Read()) { textBoxIDProf.Text = MyReader["ID_Professor"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); string ID_Prof = textBoxIDProf.Text; try { connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = ('" + ID_Prof + "') where ID_Var = 1;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } connection.Open(); string query1 = "select * from Professor where ID_Professor = '" + ID_Prof + "' ;"; MySqlCommand MyCommand1 = new MySqlCommand(query1, connection); MySqlDataReader MyReader1; MyReader1 = MyCommand1.ExecuteReader(); while (MyReader1.Read()) { textBoxVarPass.Text = MyReader1["var"].ToString(); } connection.Close(); try { connection.Open(); string sql = "Update VAR set var = '3' where ID_Var = 2;"; adapter.InsertCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); } if (textBoxVarPass.Text == "1") { this.Hide(); MudarPass newform = new MudarPass(); newform.Show(); form.textBoxUtilizador.Text = "Professor"; } else if (textBoxVarPass.Text == "0") { this.Hide(); Professor Form = new Professor(); Form.Show(); } } else if (textBoxDe.Text == "0") { } else { MessageBox.Show("Cartão não registado"); } } dwResult = PODfuncs.ClearPODBuffer(pPOD); dwResult = PODfuncs.DisconnectPOD(pPOD); } }