Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// For Unity Simulator
    /// Saves the current camera pose into the struct simCameraPoses
    /// if the current pose is different (above threshold) from the previous pose
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="currCameraPose">Curr camera pose.</param>
    public void SaveCameraPose()
        PNTransformUnity currCameraPose = GetPose();
        /// Converts PNTransformUnity back into Vector3 and Quaternion
        Vector3    currPosition = new Vector3(currCameraPose.position.x, currCameraPose.position.y, currCameraPose.position.z);
        Quaternion currRotation = new Quaternion(currCameraPose.rotation.x, currCameraPose.rotation.y,
                                                 currCameraPose.rotation.z, currCameraPose.rotation.w);

        /// If the cameraPoses list is empty
        if (simCameraPoses.cameraPoses.Count == 0)
            /// Get previous cameraPose from list
            PNTransformUnity prevCameraPose = simCameraPoses.cameraPoses[simCameraPoses.cameraPoses.Count - 1];
            Vector3          prevPosition   = new Vector3(prevCameraPose.position.x, prevCameraPose.position.y, prevCameraPose.position.z);
            Quaternion       prevRotation   = new Quaternion(prevCameraPose.rotation.x, prevCameraPose.rotation.y,
                                                             prevCameraPose.rotation.z, prevCameraPose.rotation.w);

            float positionDiffNorm = Vector3.Distance(currPosition, prevPosition);
            float angleDiffNorm    = Quaternion.Angle(prevRotation, currRotation);

            // Save current cameraPose as new pose if above distance and angle threshold
            if (positionDiffNorm > SIM_MAP_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD || angleDiffNorm > SIM_MAP_ANGLE_THRESHOLD)
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// For Unity Simulator
    /// Checks if the current camera pose is within the range for localization.
    /// </summary>
    public void checkLocalization()
        PNTransformUnity currCameraPose = GetPose();
        Vector3          currPosition   = new Vector3(currCameraPose.position.x, currCameraPose.position.y, currCameraPose.position.z);
        Quaternion       currRotation   = new Quaternion(currCameraPose.rotation.x, currCameraPose.rotation.y,
                                                         currCameraPose.rotation.z, currCameraPose.rotation.w);

        /// Iterate through each saved cameraPose in the map to find the one that matches
        /// the current cameraPose.
        for (int i = 0; i < simCameraPoses.cameraPoses.Count; i++)
            PNTransformUnity localizeCameraPose = simCameraPoses.cameraPoses[i];
            Vector3          localizePosition   = new Vector3(localizeCameraPose.position.x, localizeCameraPose.position.y, localizeCameraPose.position.z);
            Quaternion       localizeRotation   = new Quaternion(localizeCameraPose.rotation.x, localizeCameraPose.rotation.y,
                                                                 localizeCameraPose.rotation.z, localizeCameraPose.rotation.w);
            float positionDiffNorm = Vector3.Distance(currPosition, localizePosition);
            float angleDiffNorm    = Quaternion.Angle(localizeRotation, currRotation);

            if (positionDiffNorm < SIM_LOCAL_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && angleDiffNorm < SIM_LOCAL_ANGLE_THRESHOLD)
                mCurrStatus = MappingStatus.RUNNING;
                mCurrStatus = MappingStatus.LOST;
Example #3
    static void OnPose(ref PNTransformUnity outputPose, ref PNTransformUnity arkitPose, IntPtr context)
        Matrix4x4 outputPoseMat = PNUtility.MatrixOps.PNPose2Matrix4x4(outputPose);
        Matrix4x4 arkitPoseMat  = PNUtility.MatrixOps.PNPose2Matrix4x4(arkitPose);

        MappingStatus status = Instance.GetStatus();

        var listeners = Instance.listeners;

        if (status == MappingStatus.RUNNING)
            MainThreadTaskQueue.InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                foreach (var listener in listeners)
                    listener.OnPose(outputPoseMat, arkitPoseMat);
            Instance.mCurrentTransform = outputPoseMat * arkitPoseMat.inverse;

        if (status != Instance.mPrevStatus)
            MainThreadTaskQueue.InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                foreach (var listener in listeners)
                    listener.OnStatusChange(Instance.mPrevStatus, status);
                Instance.mPrevStatus = status;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// For Unity Simulator
 /// A coroutine that calls OnPose with in 0.5s intervals
 /// Designed to mimick the behaviour of Invoke Repeating
 /// </summary>
 IEnumerator OnPoseInvokeRepeat()
     while (true)
         PNTransformUnity currCameraPose = GetPose();
         OnPose(ref currCameraPose, ref currCameraPose, IntPtr.Zero);
         yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the current pose computed by the mapping session
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The current pose computed by the mapping session</returns>
    public PNTransformUnity GetPose()
        PNTransformUnity result = new PNTransformUnity();

                #if !UNITY_EDITOR
        PNGetPose(ref result);

Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the current pose computed by the mapping session
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The current pose computed by the mapping session</returns>
    public PNTransformUnity GetPose()
        PNTransformUnity result = new PNTransformUnity();

                #if !UNITY_EDITOR
        PNGetPose(ref result);
        /// Manually setting result to current Unity camera pose
        result.position.x = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.x;
        result.position.y = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.y;
        result.position.z = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.position.z;
        result.rotation.x = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation.x;
        result.rotation.y = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation.y;
        result.rotation.z = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation.z;
        result.rotation.w = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation.w;
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends an image frame and its corresponding camera pose to LibPlacenote mapping/localization module
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="frameData">Image frame data.</param>
    /// <param name="position">Position of the camera at the time frameData is captured</param>
    /// <param name="rotation">Quaternion of the camera at the time frameData is captured.</param>
    /// <param name="screenOrientation">
    /// Fill in this parameter with screenOrientation from the current UnityVideoParams structure.
    /// Used to correct for the extra rotation applied by the Unity ARKit Plugin on the ARKit pose transform.
    /// </param>
    public void SendARFrame(UnityARImageFrameData frameData, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int screenOrientation)
        Matrix4x4 orientRemovalMat = Matrix4x4.zero;

        orientRemovalMat.m22 = orientRemovalMat.m33 = 1;
        switch (screenOrientation)
        // portrait
        case 1:
            orientRemovalMat.m01 = 1;
            orientRemovalMat.m10 = -1;

        case 2:
            orientRemovalMat.m01 = -1;
            orientRemovalMat.m10 = 1;

        // landscape
        case 3:
            // do nothing
            orientRemovalMat = Matrix4x4.identity;

        case 4:
            orientRemovalMat.m00 = -1;
            orientRemovalMat.m11 = -1;

            Debug.LogError("Unrecognized screen orientation");

        Matrix4x4 rotationMat = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), rotation, new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

        rotationMat = rotationMat * orientRemovalMat;
        rotation    = PNUtility.MatrixOps.QuaternionFromMatrix(rotationMat);

        PNTransformUnity pose = new PNTransformUnity();

        pose.position.x = position.x;
        pose.position.y = position.y;
        pose.position.z = position.z;
        pose.rotation.x = rotation.x;
        pose.rotation.y = rotation.y;
        pose.rotation.z = rotation.z;
        pose.rotation.w = rotation.w;

        PNImagePlaneUnity yPlane = new PNImagePlaneUnity();

        yPlane.width  = (int)frameData.y.width;
        yPlane.height = (int)frameData.y.height;
        yPlane.stride = (int)frameData.y.stride;
        yPlane.buf    = frameData.y.data;

        PNImagePlaneUnity vuPlane = new PNImagePlaneUnity();

        vuPlane.width  = (int)frameData.vu.width;
        vuPlane.height = (int)frameData.vu.height;
        vuPlane.stride = (int)frameData.vu.stride;
        vuPlane.buf    = frameData.vu.data;

                #if !UNITY_EDITOR
        PNSetFrame(ref yPlane, ref vuPlane, ref pose);
Example #8
 private static extern int PNGetPose(ref PNTransformUnity pose);
Example #9
 private static extern void PNSetFrame(
     ref PNImagePlaneUnity yPlane, ref PNImagePlaneUnity vuPlane, ref PNTransformUnity pose