            public void UF_DebugWriteToConsole(PMGActor actor, object owner, FunctionOwnerType ownerType)
                // Write a message to console for testing purposes.
                Console.WriteLine("Utility functions called. ");

                // Get owner as method (this is for testing so we know it's a method)
                PMGMethod ownerM = owner as PMGMethod;

                // if an int is in stack that is over 1k (we push 1337 by default)
                // Then we change the value function to #1 (instead of #0)
                // In this case pushing 42 instead
                int intFromStack = System.Convert.ToInt32(ownerM._valueStack.GetValueOfType(ValueType.INT));

                if (intFromStack > 1000)
                    Console.WriteLine("Changing value function in owner method steps!");
                    ownerM.CurrentStep._functions[0] = new PMGValueFunction(1);