loadPlistFromFile() public static method

public static loadPlistFromFile ( string xmlFile, Hashtable, plist ) : bool
xmlFile string
plist Hashtable,
return bool
Example #1
    public static void enablePromptAfterInstall(bool enable)
        // find all the config.plist files in plugin directories
        string basePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Editor");
        var    dirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(basePath);

        var pluginDirs = from dir in dirInfo.GetDirectories()
                         let files = dir.GetFiles("config.plist")
                                     where files.Length == 1
                                     select files[0];

        // loop through our pluginDirs
        foreach (var dir in pluginDirs)
            if (!File.Exists(dir.FullName))

            // initialize the hashtable and plistKeys
            Hashtable plistContents = new Hashtable();

            PListEditor.loadPlistFromFile(dir.FullName, plistContents);

            if (plistContents.ContainsKey("neverShowCompletedMessage"))
                plistContents["neverShowCompletedMessage"] = !enable;
                PListEditor.savePlistToFile(dir.FullName, plistContents);
Example #2
    // grabs the contents of the plist and sets them in the ivar
    public void getPlistContents()
        // initialize the hashtable and plistKeys
        plistContents = new Hashtable();

        // get the contents of the plist file if it exists
        filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Editor/Prime31/" + plistFileName);

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            PListEditor.loadPlistFromFile(filePath, plistContents);

            // set any keys that we have present
            var t = typeof(Prime31PlistHelperWizard);
            foreach (var info in t.GetFields())
                if (plistContents.ContainsKey(info.Name))
                    // special case for orientations
                    if (info.Name == "UISupportedInterfaceOrientations")
                        var list   = new List <UIInterfaceOrientationEnum>();
                        var values = plistContents[info.Name];

                        // parse out the strings to enums
                        foreach (var orientation in (ArrayList)values)
                            var fixedOrient = (UIInterfaceOrientationEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(UIInterfaceOrientationEnum), orientation.ToString());

                        // set the list to the ivar
                        UISupportedInterfaceOrientations = list.ToArray();
                        info.SetValue(this, plistContents[info.Name]);
                else if (plistContents.ContainsKey("CFBundleURLTypes"))                    // special case for url schemes
                    var values        = (ArrayList)plistContents["CFBundleURLTypes"];
                    var ht            = values[0] as Hashtable;
                    var listOfSchemes = ht["CFBundleURLSchemes"] as ArrayList;

                    var extractedSchemes = new List <string>();
                    foreach (string scheme in listOfSchemes)

                    CFBundleURLSchemes = extractedSchemes.ToArray();