Example #1
    // I guess this is more like, just running the play and seeing what happens?
    public override void FRunUpdate()
        if (cPlays.mChoice == PLAY_CHOICE.C_PASS)
            mResult = Pass();
        else if (cPlays.mChoice == PLAY_CHOICE.C_RUN)
            mResult = Run();
        else if (cPlays.mChoice == PLAY_CHOICE.C_PUNT)
            mResult = Punt();
        else if (cPlays.mChoice == PLAY_CHOICE.C_KICK)
            mResult = KickFieldGoal();
        else if (cPlays.mChoice == PLAY_CHOICE.C_KNEELDOWN)
            mResult = Kneeldown();

Example #2
    private PLAY_RESULT KickFieldGoal()
        PLAY_RESULT res = new PLAY_RESULT();

        res.mChoice = PLAY_CHOICE.C_KICK;

        // calc dis of the field goal.
        int dis;

        GameData.FIELD_POS uprightPos;
        if (cPlays.mGameData.mPossession == GameData.POSSESSION.HOME)
            uprightPos = cResult.FGetFieldPosFromWorldCoordinates(rAwayEnd.transform.position.z);
            Debug.Log("upright spot: " + uprightPos.mYardMark);
            dis = cResult.FGetRawYardDistance(uprightPos, cPlays.mGameData.mBallLoc) + 15;
            uprightPos = cResult.FGetFieldPosFromWorldCoordinates(rHomeEnd.transform.position.z);
            Debug.Log("upright spot: " + uprightPos.mYardMark);
            dis = cResult.FGetRawYardDistance(uprightPos, cPlays.mGameData.mBallLoc) + 15;

        Debug.Log("Field goal distance: " + dis);

        // you always score when kicking less than 20.
        float gimmieDis = 20f;
        int   adjDis    = dis;

        adjDis -= (int)gimmieDis;
        // always miss when kicking further than 65.
        float missProb = (float)adjDis / (65f - gimmieDis);

        missProb = Mathf.Pow(missProb, 3);
        Debug.Log("Miss Probability: " + missProb);

        float chance = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        res.mSuccessfulFieldGoal = false;
        res.mFieldGoalMiss       = false;
        if (chance < missProb)
            res.mFieldGoalMiss = true;
            res.mInfo          = "Missed field goal from: " + dis + " yards";
            res.mSuccessfulFieldGoal = true;
            res.mInfo = "Hit field goal from: " + dis + " yards";

        res.mTimeTaken = 5f;
        res.mTurnover  = false;                 // just manually handling the field goal as its own thing
        res.mDis       = 0;

Example #3
    private PLAY_RESULT Pass()
        PLAY_RESULT res = new PLAY_RESULT();

        res.mChoice = PLAY_CHOICE.C_PASS;

        float rand = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (rand <= 0.08f)
            rand = Random.Range(0, 1f);
            float avg = -5f;
            res.mDis       = (int)(rand * avg);
            res.mTimeTaken = 35f;
            res.mTurnover  = false;
            res.mInfo      = "Sacked for " + res.mDis + " yards";
        else if (rand <= 0.1)
            // interception.
            res.mTimeTaken = 10f;
            float avg = 0f;
            rand = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            float range  = 20f;
            float intDis = avg * (rand * range);
            res.mDis      = 10;
            res.mTurnover = true;
            res.mInfo     = "Intercepted for " + res.mDis + " yards";
        else if (rand <= 0.4f)
            // incomplete.
            res.mTimeTaken = 5f;
            res.mDis       = 0;
            res.mTurnover  = false;
            res.mInfo      = "Incomplete pass";
            // completion.
            res.mTimeTaken = 35f;
            float avg   = 10f;
            float range = 30f;
            rand          = Random.Range(-0.5f, 1f);
            res.mDis      = (int)(avg + rand * range);
            res.mTurnover = false;
            res.mInfo     = "Completed pass for " + res.mDis + " yards";

Example #4
    private PLAY_RESULT Kneeldown()
        PLAY_RESULT res = new PLAY_RESULT();

        res.mChoice    = PLAY_CHOICE.C_KNEELDOWN;
        res.mDis       = -1;
        res.mTimeTaken = 40;
        res.mTurnover  = false;

        res.mInfo = "Kneeldown";

Example #5
    *  Ultimately all these plays need to know where the ball is, since things are harder
    *  in the redzone, on both sides.
    private PLAY_RESULT Run()
        PLAY_RESULT res = new PLAY_RESULT();

        float rand1 = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (rand1 <= 0.02f)
            // breakaway run here.
            float avg       = 30f;
            float range     = 10f;
            float rangeRand = Random.Range(-1f, 5f);        // bias towards really long runs.
            float runDis    = avg + rangeRand * range;

            res.mDis       = (int)runDis;
            res.mTurnover  = false;
            res.mTimeTaken = 15f;
            res.mInfo      = "Big run for: " + res.mDis + " yards";
        else if (rand1 < 0.04f)
            res.mTurnover  = true;
            res.mDis       = 5;
            res.mTimeTaken = 10f;
            res.mInfo      = "Fumbled the ball!";
            float rand = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            rand = Mathf.Pow(rand, 3);

            float avg    = 4f;
            float range  = 10f;
            float runDis = avg + (range * rand);

            res.mDis       = (int)runDis;
            res.mTimeTaken = 30f;

            res.mTurnover = false;
            res.mInfo     = "Standard run for " + res.mDis + " yards";

Example #6
    *  Previously I had failed to accurately simulate big plays. Most punts are going to
    *  be ~45 yards, give or take 20 yards. However, some smaller percentage are going to
    *  be fumbles, blocks, or big returns for touchdowns.
    private PLAY_RESULT Punt()
        PLAY_RESULT res = new PLAY_RESULT();

        res.mChoice = PLAY_CHOICE.C_PUNT;

        float rand1 = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (rand1 < 0.02f)
            // fumbled, not worrying about blocked now.
            float avg   = 40f;
            float range = 10f;
            float rand  = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            res.mDis       = (int)(avg + (rand * range));
            res.mTimeTaken = 15f;
            res.mTurnover  = false;
            res.mInfo      = "Muffed Punt, Punting team gets the ball back.";
        else if (rand1 < 0.1f)
            // big return
            float avg   = -10f;
            float range = 40f;
            float rand  = Random.Range(-1f, 0.5f);
            res.mDis       = (int)(avg + (rand * range));
            res.mTimeTaken = 20f;
            res.mTurnover  = true;
            res.mInfo      = "Big Return for: " + res.mDis + " net yards";
            // normal.
            float avg   = 35f;
            float range = 20f;
            float rand  = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
            res.mDis       = (int)(avg + (rand * range));
            res.mTimeTaken = 5f;
            res.mTurnover  = true;
            res.mInfo      = "Standard Punt for: " + res.mDis + " net yards";
