// GET: Home public ActionResult Index() { FloraAndFaunaEntities db = new FloraAndFaunaEntities(); PLANTA planta = db.PLANTAs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.idplanta == 1); PlantaViewModel plantaVM = new PlantaViewModel(); plantaVM.idplanta = planta.idplanta; plantaVM.nombrePlanta = planta.nombrePlanta; plantaVM.especie = planta.especie; plantaVM.flor = planta.flor; plantaVM.familia = planta.familia; plantaVM.nombrechileno = planta.nombrechileno; plantaVM.nombreingles = planta.nombreingles; plantaVM.description = planta.description; return(View(plantaVM)); }
public static DateTime obtenerHoraDeLaCuenta(DateTime hwTime, PLANTA utc) { //DateTime hwTime = new DateTime(); try { TimeZoneInfo hwZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(GetEnumDescription(utc)); /*return String.Format ("{0} {1} is {2} local time.", * hwTime, * hwZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(hwTime) ? hwZone.DaylightName : hwZone.StandardName, * TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(hwTime, hwZone, TimeZoneInfo.Local));*/ return(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(hwTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZoneInfo.Local)); } catch (TimeZoneNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("The registry does not define the Hawaiian Standard Time zone."); } catch (InvalidTimeZoneException) { Console.WriteLine("Registry data on the Hawaiian STandard Time zone has been corrupted."); } return(DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Local)); }