public ActionResult Index()
            // The PKCertificateAuthentication class requires an implementation of INonceStore. We'll use the
            // FileSystemNonceStore class.
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();

            // Instantiate the PKCertificateAuthentication class passing our EntityFrameworkNonceStore.
            var certAuth = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            // Call the Start() method, which is the first of the two server-side steps. This yields the nonce,
            // a 16-byte-array which we'll send to the view.
            var nonce = certAuth.Start();

            // Notice that this previous will be executed even if an error has occured and it was redirected to
            // this action.
            var model = new AuthenticationModel()
                Nonce           = nonce,
                DigestAlgorithm = PKCertificateAuthentication.DigestAlgorithm.Oid

            // If this action is called because occurred an error. This error's message will be shown.
            var vr = TempData["ValidationResults"] as ValidationResults;

            if (vr != null && !vr.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", vr.ToString());
Example #2
        private void startNewAuth()
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);
            var nonce      = certAuth.Start();

            NonceField.Value           = Convert.ToBase64String(nonce);
            DigestAlgorithmField.Value = PKCertificateAuthentication.DigestAlgorithm.Oid;
        public IHttpActionResult Get()
            // The PKCertificateAuthentication class requires an implementation of INonceStore.
            // We'll use the FileSystemNonceStore class.
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();

            // Instantiate the PKCertificateAuthentication class passing our EntityFrameworkNonceStore
            var certAuth = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            // Call the Start() method, which is the first of the two server-side steps. This yields the nonce,
            // a 16-byte-array which we'll send to the view.
            var nonce = certAuth.Start();

Example #4
        protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            PKCertificate certificate;
            var           vr = certAuth.Complete(Convert.FromBase64String(NonceField.Value), Convert.FromBase64String(CertificateField.Value), Convert.FromBase64String(SignatureField.Value), Util.GetTrustArbitrator(), out certificate);

            if (!vr.IsValid)
                vr.Errors.ForEach(ve => ModelState.AddModelError("", ve.ToString()));

            this.AuthenticatedCertificate = certificate;
            this.ValidationResults        = vr;
        public ActionResult Index(AuthenticationModel model)
            // As before, we instantiate a FileSystemNonceStore class and use that to
            // instantiate a PKCertificateAuthentication
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            // Call the Complete() method, which is the last of the two server-side steps. It receives:
            // - The nonce which was signed using the user's certificate
            // - The user's certificate encoding
            // - The nonce signature
            // - A TrustArbitrator to be used to determine trust in the certificate (for more information see
            // The call yields:
            // - A ValidationResults which denotes whether the authentication was successful or not
            // - The user's decoded certificate
            PKCertificate certificate;
            var           vr = certAuth.Complete(model.Nonce, model.Certificate, model.Signature, Util.GetTrustArbitrator(), out certificate);

            // NOTE: By changing the TrustArbitrator above, you can accept only certificates from a certain PKI,
            // for instance, ICP-Brasil (TrustArbitrators.PkiBrazil). For more information, see
            // The value above (TrustArbitrators.Windows) specifies that the root certification authorities in the
            // Windows certificate store are to be used as trust arbitrators.

            // Check the authentication result
            if (!vr.IsValid)
                // The authentication failed, redirect and inform in index view.
                TempData["ValidationResults"] = vr;

            // We redirect to AuthenticationInfo action, that renders the certificate infomations
            // in its viwe
            return(View("AuthenticationInfo", new AuthenticationInfoModel()
                UserCert = PKCertificate.Decode(model.Certificate)
        public ActionResult Index(AuthenticationModel model)
            // As before, we instantiate a FileSystemNonceStore class and use that to instantiate a
            // PKCertificateAuthentication.
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            // Call the Complete() method, which is the last of the two server-side steps. It receives:
            // - The nonce which was signed using the user's certificate.
            // - The user's certificate encoding.
            // - The nonce signature.
            // - A TrustArbitrator to be used to determine trust in the certificate.
            // The call yields:
            // - A ValidationResults which denotes whether the authentication was successful or not.
            // - The user's decoded certificate.
            PKCertificate certificate;
            var           vr = certAuth.Complete(model.Nonce, model.Certificate, model.Signature, Util.GetTrustArbitrator(), out certificate);

            // Check the authentication result
            if (!vr.IsValid)
                // The authentication failed, redirect and inform in index view.
                TempData["ValidationResults"] = vr;

            // At this point, you have assurance that the certificate is valid according to the
            // TrustArbitrator you selected when starting the authentication and that the user is indeed the
            // certificate's subject. Now, you'd typically query your database for a user that matches one of
            // the certificate's fields, such as userCert.EmailAddress or userCert.PkiBrazil.CPF (the actual
            // field to be used as key depends on your application's business logic) and set the user ID on
            // the auth cookie. For demonstration purposes, we'll set the email address directly on the
            // cookie as if it were the user ID.
            return(View("Success", new AuthenticationInfoModel()
                UserCert = PKCertificate.Decode(model.Certificate)
        public IHttpActionResult Post(AuthenticationPostRequest request)
            // As before, we instantiate a FileSystemNonceStore class and use that to
            // instantiate a PKCertificateAuthentication
            var nonceStore = Util.GetNonceStore();
            var certAuth   = new PKCertificateAuthentication(nonceStore);

            // Call the Complete() method, which is the last of the two server-side steps. It receives:
            // - The nonce which was signed using the user's certificate
            // - The user's certificate encoding
            // - The nonce signature
            // - A TrustArbitrator to be used to determine trust in the certificate (for more information see
            // The call yields:
            // - A ValidationResults which denotes whether the authentication was successful or not
            // - The user's decoded certificate
            PKCertificate certificate;
            var           vr = certAuth.Complete(request.Nonce, request.Certificate, request.Signature, Util.GetTrustArbitrator(), out certificate);

            // NOTE: By changing the TrustArbitrator above, you can accept only certificates from a certain PKI,
            // for instance, ICP-Brasil (TrustArbitrators.PkiBrazil). For more information, see
            // The value above (TrustArbitrators.Windows) specifies that the root certification authorities in the
            // Windows certificate store are to be used as trust arbitrators.

            // Check the authentication result
            if (!vr.IsValid)
                return(new ResponseMessageResult(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new ValidationErrorModel(vr))));

            var response = new AuthenticationPostResponse()
                Certificate = new CertificateModel(certificate)
