private void toolStripButtonFetchMapBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.CheckLoginState()) { return; } DoTask(() => { var result = PH.GenerateMapTrusureBox(base.MyCookie); if (result.Content[0].boxVO == null) { if (result.Content[0].targetStep == 0) { DoOutput("获取地图宝箱已达到上限!"); } else { DoOutput("必须达到" + result.Content[0].targetStep + "步才能领取宝箱!"); } } else { var fetchResult = PH.FetchMapTrusureBox(base.MyCookie, result.Content[0], result.Content[0].boxVO.lng, result.Content[0]; MessageBox.Show("获取健康金:" + fetchResult.Content[0].boxGiftList[0].gold * 0.01); } }, "领取失败"); }
private void toolStripButtonQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckLoginState()) { return; } new Thread(() => { try { base.ClearListView(this.listView1); var list = PH.QueryPrizeList(base.MyCookie); for (int i = 0; i < list.Content[0].prizes.Count; i++) { var item = list.Content[0].prizes[i]; base.AddListViewmItem(this.listView1, new object[] { i + 1,, item.costGold + "金/次", "" }); base.SetListViewItemTag(this.listView1, i, item); } } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("查询失败," + ex.Message); } }) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); }
public void PH_Parsing_Success_Test_3() { string testPHRaw = "teststring test</ph>"; PH parsedPH = new PH(testPHRaw); Assert.AreEqual(false, parsedPH.ParsingSuccess); }
public void PH_Parsing_Success_Test_2() { string testPHRaw = "<ph id=\"1\">"; PH parsedPH = new PH(testPHRaw); Assert.AreEqual(false, parsedPH.ParsingSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// 查看我的宝箱详情 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripLabel1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DoTask(() => { var result = PH.GetMyBoxDetail(base.MyCookie); var frm = new FrmMyBoxDetail(result.Content[0].Value); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); }, "查看失败", false); }
} // calculated at turn start public void SetInboundShips(IEnumerable <Ship> ships) { HealthAtTurnKnown = new Dictionary <int, (float health, int?owner, bool ownerChanged)>(NeighbouringPlanetsDistanceTurns?.Last()?.TurnsToReach ?? 0); InboundShips = ships.OrderBy(s => s.TurnsToReachTarget).ToList(); InboundHostileShips = InboundShips.Where(s => PH.IsHostile(s)).ToList(); HealthDiffInboundForTurns = InboundShips.GroupBy(s => s.TurnsToReachTarget, s => s).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.GroupBy(s2 => s2.Owner).Select(s => (s.Key, s.Sum(s2 => s2.Power))).ToList() ); }
public void PH_Initialize_Test_3() { string testPHRaw = "<ph></ph>"; string innerText = string.Empty; PH parsedPH = new PH(testPHRaw); Assert.AreEqual(-1, parsedPH.ID); Assert.AreEqual(innerText, parsedPH.Content); }
public void PH_Initialize_Test_1() { string testPHRaw = "<ph id=\"1\"><afr story=\"ub35\" id=\"ub32\"/></ph>"; string innerText = "<afr story=\"ub35\" id=\"ub32\"/>"; PH parsedPH = new PH(testPHRaw); Assert.AreEqual(1, parsedPH.ID); Assert.AreEqual(innerText, parsedPH.Content); }
private void toolStripButtonLottery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckLoginState()) { return; } if (this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count < 1) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("请勾选需要抽奖的项目!"); return; } List <int> list = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { list.Add(this.listView1.CheckedItems[i].Index); } new Thread(() => { SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, false); SetControlEnabled(this.listView1, false); foreach (var index in list) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 3, "正在抽奖..."); try { var info = GetListViewItemTag <PajkPrizeItemInfo>(this.listView1, index); var result = PH.DoLottery(base.MyCookie,; if (result.Content[0].isPrized || result.Content[0].prize || result.Content[0].prized) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 3, "抽奖成功," + result.Content[0].winRecordId); } else { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 3, "抽奖失败"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 3, "抽奖失败," + ex.Message); } Thread.Sleep(500); } SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, true); SetControlEnabled(this.listView1, true); }) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// 砸蛋 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripButton7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.CheckLoginState()) { return; } DoTask(() => { var result = PH.ZaEgg(base.MyCookie); ShowZaEggResult(result); }, "领取失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 逛商场 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.CheckLoginState()) { return; } DoTask(() => { var result = PH.FetchBoxByWalkMall(base.MyCookie); ShowFetchBoxResult(result); }, "领取失败"); }
public void Bitmap2BitmapImageTest() { var bitmap = Image.FromFile(GetFile("17")); bitmap = BitmapHelper.ChangeColor2(bitmap, System.Drawing.Color.Black, ColorH.RandomColor(false).ToSystemDrawing()); BitmapImage biVsLogo = BitmapImageHelper.Bitmap2BitmapImage(bitmap); var outFile = GetFile("out"); BitmapImageHelper.Save(biVsLogo, outFile); PH.Start(outFile); }
public String ToJSONString() { var phStr = "PH: " + PH.ToString("F5"); var doStr = "DO: " + DO.ToString("F5"); var bod5Str = "BOD5: " + BOD5.ToString("F5"); var codStr = "COD: " + COD.ToString("F5"); var nh4nStr = "NH4-N: " + NH4N.ToString("F5"); var no2nStr = "NO2-N: " + NO2N.ToString("F5"); var no3nStr = "NO3-N: " + NO3N.ToString("F5"); var ssStr = "SS: " + SS.ToString("F5"); var clStr = "CL: " + CL.ToString("F5"); var cbStr = "CB: " + CB.ToString("F5"); return(phStr + ", " + doStr + ", " + bod5Str + ", " + codStr + ", " + nh4nStr + ", " + no2nStr + ", " + no3nStr + ", " + ssStr + ", " + clStr + ", " + cbStr); }
/// <summary> /// “上传走步数据”按钮点击事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripButtonUploadStepData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckLoginState()) { return; } var frmStepDataGen = new FrmStepDataGen(); if (frmStepDataGen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } string certPath = MyCertPath; if (certPath == null || !System.IO.File.Exists(certPath)) // 证书路径不存在,则重新选择 { if (this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } certPath = this.openFileDialog1.FileName; } try { var result = PH.UploadWalkData(, MyCookie, certPath, frmStepDataGen.StepCount); if (result == null) { SetMyCertPath(null); MsgBox.ShowInfo("无效证书!"); return; } if (result.Content[0].Value) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("上传成功!"); } SetMyCertPath(certPath); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMyCertPath(null); MsgBox.ShowInfo("上传失败," + ex.Message); } UpdateCertPathDisplay(); }
public MyObjective(PH.Mission.BaseObjective obj) { objective = obj; if (objective is PH.Mission.NavigationObjective) { foreach (PH.Mission.NavPoint navPoint in ((PH.Mission.NavigationObjective)objective).NavPoints) { pointsToVisit.Add(navPoint); } } else { if (objective is PH.Mission.UniqueNavigationObjective) { foreach (PH.Mission.NavPoint navPoint in ((PH.Mission.UniqueNavigationObjective)objective).NavPoints) { pointsToVisit.Add(navPoint); } } } //this.pointsToVisit = this.OrderPointsToVisit(pointsToVisit); }
/// <summary> /// 查询礼品 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.CheckLoginState()) { return; } this.listView1.Items.Clear(); DoTask(() => { var result = base.PH.GetDepot(base.MyCookie); result.Content[0].depotItems = result.Content[0].depotItems.OrderByDescending(s => s.OwnNum * 1.0 / s.NeedNum).ToArray(); // 按完成率降序排列 double percent = 0; string percentStr = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < result.Content[0].depotItems.Length; i++) { var depoItem = result.Content[0].depotItems[i]; percent = depoItem.OwnNum * 1.0 / depoItem.NeedNum * 100; percentStr = percent.ToString("0"); base.AddListViewmItem(this.listView1, new object[] { i + 1, depoItem.SpuTitle, depoItem.PriceGold * 0.01, depoItem.NeedNum, depoItem.OwnNum, percentStr }); base.SetListViewItemTag(this.listView1, i, depoItem); if (percent >= 100) { base.HighlightListViewRow(this.listView1, i); } } // 获取碎片数 var result2 = PH.FetchMyBoxNum(base.MyCookie); this.toolStripLabel1.Text = "我的碎片数:" + result2.Content[0].TotalBox; }, "查询失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 兑换 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void 兑换ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listView1.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } var item = this.listView1.SelectedItems[0]; var itemInfo = item.Tag as PajkGetDepotResultItem; if (itemInfo.NeedNum > itemInfo.OwnNum) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("碎片个数不够,无法兑换!"); return; } if (MsgBox.ShowOkCancel("确定要兑换-" + itemInfo.SpuTitle + "?", "提示") != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } DoTask(() => { ProductInfo info = new ProductInfo(); = itemInfo.SpuTitle; = itemInfo.SkuId; var frm = new FrmCreateOrder(info); frm.CreateOrder += (o, args) => { var obj = o as FrmCreateOrder; GlobalContext.Output("正在下单..."); PH.CreateOrder2(base.MyCookie, itemInfo.SkuId.ToString(), obj.SelectedMobile, obj.SelectedAddress); GlobalContext.Output("已下单,详情请在【订单信息】中查询!"); }; frm.ShowDialog(); }, "兑换失败"); }
/// <summary> /// “获取走步数据”按钮点击事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void toolStripButtonDownloadStepData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckLoginState()) { return; } string certPath = MyCertPath; if (certPath == null || !System.IO.File.Exists(certPath)) // 证书路径不存在,则重新选择 { if (this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } certPath = this.openFileDialog1.FileName; } try { var result = PH.DownloadWalkData(, MyCookie, certPath); if (result == null) { base.SetMyCertPath(null); MsgBox.ShowInfo("无效证书!"); return; } if (result.Content == null || result.Content.Count < 1 || result.Content[0].walkDataInfos == null || result.Content[0].walkDataInfos.Count < 1) { // 没有数据 MsgBox.ShowInfo("未查询到走步数据!"); return; } var query = from info in result.Content[0].walkDataInfos orderby info.walkDate descending select info; this.listView1.Items.Clear(); int index = 0; foreach (var item in query) { var lvItem = new ListViewItem(new string[] { (++index).ToString(),, item.walkDate.ToString(), item.distance * 0.001 + "", item.stepCount.ToString(), ToDateTime(item.walkTime).ToString(), item.calories.ToString(), item.targetStepCount.ToString() }); this.listView1.Items.Add(lvItem); } SetMyCertPath(certPath); } catch (Exception ex) { SetMyCertPath(null); MsgBox.ShowInfo("查询失败," + ex.Message); } UpdateCertPathDisplay(); }
private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count < 1) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("请勾选账号!"); return; } List <int> checkedRows = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { checkedRows.Add(this.listView1.CheckedItems[i].Index); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, false); for (int i = 0; i < checkedRows.Count; i++) { int index = checkedRows[i]; string cookie = GetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 3); #region 查询余额 try { var goldInfo = PH.GetGoldInfo(cookie); SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 5, goldInfo.balance + "金"); } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 5, "余额查询失败"); } #endregion #region 查询下次可抢购时间 try { var orders = PH.QueryOrders(cookie, OrderType.ALL, 1); if (orders.Count > 0) { DateTime lastOrderCreateTime = PapdHelper.ConvertFromUnixTime(orders[0].createTime); DateTime nextOrderCreateTime = lastOrderCreateTime.AddDays(GlobalContext.CurrentConfigInfo.CreateOrderTimespan); var leftDays = Math.Round((nextOrderCreateTime - DateTime.Now).TotalDays, 1); var msg = string.Format("{0},下次抢购时间:{1}", leftDays > 0 ? ("还有" + leftDays + "天") : "可抢", nextOrderCreateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss dddd")); SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 6, msg); } else { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 6, "可抢"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 6, "查询下次抢购时间失败"); } #endregion } SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, true); }); }
private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count < 1) { MsgBox.ShowInfo("请勾选账号!"); return; } List <int> checkedRows = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.listView1.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { checkedRows.Add(this.listView1.CheckedItems[i].Index); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { var configInfo = ConfigStorage.GetInstance().GetConfigInfo(); SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, false); for (int i = 0; i < checkedRows.Count; i++) { int index = checkedRows[i]; CookieInfo cookieInfo = GetListViewItemTag <CookieInfo>(this.listView1, index); string cookie = cookieInfo.Cookie; string id = cookieInfo.Id.ToString(); string cert = cookieInfo.CertPath; bool fetchYestodayReward = true; if (configInfo.IsAutoFetchYesterdayBonus) { #region 领取昨日奖励 SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "正在领取奖励"); try { var rewardInfo = PH.QueryRewardInfo(cookie, 3000); if (!rewardInfo.IsPreMoneyFetch()) { var fetchRewardResult = PH.FetchReward(cookie, rewardInfo.preRewardId); SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "昨日奖励领取成功!"); } else { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "昨日奖励已领取。"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "昨日奖励领取失败!"); fetchYestodayReward = false; } #endregion } Thread.Sleep(1000); int grabGoldSuccess = 0; if (configInfo.IsAutoGrabGold) { #region 抢金 SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "正在抢金"); try { var grabGoldInfo = PH.GetGrabGoldInfo(cookie, 1); for (int j = 0; j < grabGoldInfo.userRankingList.Length; j++) { var user = grabGoldInfo.userRankingList[j]; if (!user.IsGrabGoldAvailable()) { continue; } try { PH.GrabGoldFromFollower(cookie, user.userInfo.userId); grabGoldSuccess++; } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "抢金错误"); } } SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "成功抢金" + grabGoldSuccess + "个好友!"); } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "抢金失败"); } #endregion } int fetchBoxCount = 0; if (configInfo.IsAutoGrabTreasure) { #region 步步夺宝 SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "正在夺宝..."); var fetchBoxFuncList = new List <Func <string, PajkResultList <PajkFetchBoxResult> > >(); fetchBoxFuncList.Add(PH.FetchBoxByShareReading); fetchBoxFuncList.Add(PH.FetchBoxByWalkMall); fetchBoxFuncList.Add(PH.FetchBoxByInviteFriend); fetchBoxFuncList.Add(PH.FetchBoxByVideo); for (int j = 0; j < fetchBoxFuncList.Count; j++) { try { var fetchResult = fetchBoxFuncList[j](cookie); Thread.Sleep(1200); SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "得到宝箱:" + fetchResult.Content[0].BoxGiftList[0].GiftName); fetchBoxCount += fetchResult.Content[0].BoxGiftList.Length; } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion } Thread.Sleep(1000); bool uploadWalkData = true; float sc = 0f; if (configInfo.IsAutoUploadWalkData) { #region 走步数据 SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "正在上传走步数据"); try { var downloadResult = PH.DownloadWalkData(id, cookie, cert); if (downloadResult != null) { PajkWalkDataInfo today = null; if (downloadResult.Content[0].walkDataInfos == null || (today = downloadResult.Content[0].walkDataInfos.Find( match => match.walkDate == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) == null) { int stepCount = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next( GlobalContext.CurrentConfigInfo.RandomMinStep, GlobalContext.CurrentConfigInfo.RandomMaxStep); sc = stepCount; var result = PH.UploadWalkData(id, cookie, cert, stepCount); if (result.Content[0].Value) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "成功上传走步" + stepCount + "!"); } else { throw new Exception(result.Stat.Code.ToString()); } } else { sc = today.stepCount; SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "今天已上传走步" + today.stepCount + "。"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, "上传走步失败"); uploadWalkData = false; } #endregion } SetListViewItemValue(this.listView1, index, 7, string.Format("领取昨日奖励:{0},上传走步:{1},成功抢金:{2}个,得到宝箱:{3}个", fetchYestodayReward?"成功":"失败", uploadWalkData?sc.ToString():"失败", grabGoldSuccess, fetchBoxCount)); } SetControlEnabled(this.toolStrip1, true); }); }
public void UpdateItem(PH obj) { ctl.UpdateItem(obj); }
public void InsertItem(PH obj) { ctl.InsertItem(obj); }
/*Constructors*/ public TransUnitElements(string transUnitText) { Regex bptTag = new Regex("<bpt.*?id=\"\\d+\"?>.*?</bpt>"); Regex eptTag = new Regex("<ept.*?id=\"\\d+\"?>.*?</ept>"); Regex itTag = new Regex("<it.*?(id=\"(\\d+)\")?>.*?</it>"); Regex phTag = new Regex("<ph.*?(id=\"(\\d+)\")?>.*?</ph>"); MatchCollection bptMatchList = bptTag.Matches(transUnitText); var listOfBptStrings = bptMatchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); MatchCollection eptMatchList = eptTag.Matches(transUnitText); var listOfEptStrings = eptMatchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); MatchCollection itMatchList = itTag.Matches(transUnitText); var listOfItStrings = itMatchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); MatchCollection phMatchList = phTag.Matches(transUnitText); var listOfPhStrings = phMatchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); /*I think that here there should be validation added to check if all corresponding elements in the list string * have the same index as matcheslist. */ BPT auxiliaryBpt; EPT auxiliaryEpt; IT auxiliaryIt; PH auxiliaryPh; BptEptElement auxiliaryBptEptElement; int auxiliaryIndex; Match bptMatch; Match eptMatch; /*Initializing list of BPT, EPT, PH and IT objects.*/ foreach (string bpt in listOfBptStrings) { auxiliaryBpt = new BPT(bpt); listOfBpt.Add(auxiliaryBpt); } foreach (string ept in listOfEptStrings) { auxiliaryEpt = new EPT(ept); listOfEpt.Add(auxiliaryEpt); } foreach (string ph in listOfPhStrings) { auxiliaryPh = new PH(ph); listOfPh.Add(auxiliaryPh); } foreach (string it in listOfItStrings) { auxiliaryIt = new IT(it); listOfIt.Add(auxiliaryIt); } /*All all bpt tag has to have ept tag but not otherwise, so that's why I search through ept list and initialize * BptEpt objects. * 1 Case - Ept tag list is not empty. We want all pairs bpt-ept in this case. * 2 Case - Some Ept doesn't have a paired Bpt tag - so corresponding Bpt tag should be places in some previous * trans-unit note. We should be able to save this information. * 3 Case - Some Bpt tag doesn't have paired Ept tag so this information should be stored and used in the Case 2. * And in case of 2 and 3 we want to create a EptBpt object on the level of Xliff document. */ if (listOfEpt.Count != 0) { foreach (EPT ept in listOfEpt) { if (listOfBpt.Exists(x => x.ID == ept.ID)) { auxiliaryIndex = listOfBpt.FindIndex(x => x.ID == ept.ID); bptMatch = bptMatchList[auxiliaryIndex]; auxiliaryIndex = listOfEpt.FindIndex(x => x.ID == ept.ID); eptMatch = eptMatchList[auxiliaryIndex]; auxiliaryBptEptElement = new BptEptElement(transUnitText.Substring(bptMatch.Index, eptMatch.Index + eptMatch.Length - bptMatch.Index)); listOfBptEpt.Add(auxiliaryBptEptElement); } else { listEptNotPairedIDs.Add(ept.ID); } } } else if (listOfBpt.Count != 0) { foreach (BPT bpt in listOfBpt) { listBptNotPairedIDs.Add(bpt.ID); } } }
public int GetEnemyHitPoints(Point location, PH.Common.NanoBotInfo[] enemies) { foreach (PH.Common.NanoBotInfo nbi in enemies) { if (nbi.Location == location) return nbi.HitPoint; } return -1; }
public bool StillExist(Point location, PH.Common.NanoBotInfo[] bots) { foreach (PH.Common.NanoBotInfo nbi in bots) { if (location == nbi.Location) return true; } return false; }
public void InsertItem(PH obj) { defaultDB.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_PH_Insert" , obj.CodeId, obj.Amount, obj.CurrentAmount, obj.CreateDate, obj.Status); }
public List <Move> Play(Stopwatch watch) { // first turn: 1 planet each, same size // get neutral planets nearest / highest TimeToValue / Biggest! // (afhankelijk van hoe ver weg de tegenstander is, Bigger in begin better dan goedkoop klein planeetje vanwege verwachte langere duur spel) // TODO iets bedenken voor combinatie TimeToValue en nabijheid vijandelijke forces (of verwachte spelduur?) // TODO (neutral) planeet (veroveren) dichterbij vijand beter of juist niet? // check planets that turn from owner var healthQ = _gameState.GetHealthPlayerTotal(_me) / _gameState.GetHealthPlayerTotal(_enemyPlayer); // > 1 => winning! more aggressive? // Meer vanuit meerdere planeten tegelijk denken, vanuit meerdere planeten tegelijk naar 1 gezamenlijke neighbour sturen var myPlanets = _gameState.Planets.Where(PH.IsMine).ToList(); var planetsThatNeedHelp = GetPlanetsThatNeedHelp(myPlanets); var planetsThatCanAttack = new List <Planet>(myPlanets); // Console.WriteLine($"# {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} Checked helpless"); HelpPlanets(planetsThatNeedHelp, planetsThatCanAttack); // Console.WriteLine($"# {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} helped helpless"); var possibleTargets = GetPossibleTargets(); // Console.WriteLine($"# {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} Checked targets"); if (possibleTargets.hostiles.Any()) // TODO twee of meer... op basis van myPlanets.Count? misschien alleen Neutral? <--------------- { var target = possibleTargets.hostiles.First(); var sources = target.NeighboringFriendlyPlanets; var source = sources.First(); var sourceHealth = source.Target.Health - PlanetMinHealth; var targetHealth = target.GetHealthAtTurnKnown(source.TurnsToReach).health; var powerNeeded = targetHealth + PlanetMinTakeoverHealth; if (CheckIfEnoughHealthToSendShips(powerNeeded, source.Target)) { // TODO Check voor target.EnemyNeighbours die dichterbij zijn dan source.TurnsToReach (en extract dit ff naar een method?) <-------------- // if (sourceHealth >= powerNeeded) // only if enemy planet can be taken // { AddMove(powerNeeded, source.Target, target); // TODO meer sturen. Als andere enemy planet dichterbij is dan source, dan kunnen we elke turn allebei steeds een beetje sturen en blijft het alsnog van hem } // TODO loopje var source2 = sources.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(); if (source2 != null && !source.Target.InboundHostileShips.Any() && !source2.Target.InboundHostileShips.Any()) { var source2Health = source2.Target.Health - PlanetMinHealth; var targetHealth2 = target.GetHealthAtTurnKnown(source2.TurnsToReach); if (targetHealth2.owner != _me) { var powerNeeded2 = + PlanetMinTakeoverHealth; if (sourceHealth + source2Health >= powerNeeded2) // only if enemy planet can be taken { var hq = (powerNeeded2) / (sourceHealth + source2Health); // TODO half/half? dichtste meest? dichtste wachten tot even ver? AddMove(hq * sourceHealth, source.Target, target); // TODO meer sturen. Als andere enemy planet dichterbij is dan source, dan kunnen we elke turn allebei steeds een beetje sturen en blijft het alsnog van hem AddMove(hq * source2Health, source2.Target, target); // TODO meer sturen. Als andere enemy planet dichterbij is dan source, dan kunnen we elke turn allebei steeds een beetje sturen en blijft het alsnog van hem } } // } } } // Console.WriteLine($"# {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} sent to hostiles"); if (possibleTargets.neutrals.Any()) { var target = possibleTargets.neutrals.First(); AttackNeutral(target); if (myPlanets.Count > 3) { var target2 = possibleTargets.neutrals.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(); if (target2 != null) { AttackNeutral(target2); } } } // Console.WriteLine($"# {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds} sent to neutrals"); // bij checken of je non-friendly planet wil aanvallen ook checken of je er niet al troepen heen hebt gestuurd foreach (var planet in planetsThatCanAttack) { // Console.WriteLine($"# {planet.Id}"); if (planet.NeighboringPlanets.All(PH.IsMine)) // misschien ook als alleen Mine of Neutral, wanneer er andere planet is die wel NeighbouringEnemyPlanet heeft, om meer te focussen op enemy? { // TODO mag ook als 1tje niet van mij is allemaal naar die sturen // Console.WriteLine($"# {planet.Id} surrounded by friendly"); if (!planet.InboundHostileShips.Any()) // TODO zend zoveel als overblijft na laatste ship.. { // TODO rekening houden met dat 1 van die planeten binnenkort naar de enemy gaat var planetThatNeedsReinforcementsMost = // planet.ShortestPaths.FirstOrDefault(p => PH.IsHostile(p.Target)).Via; planet.NeighboringPlanets.OrderBy(p => p.NearestEnemyPlanetTurns).First(); // TODO which planet is that, houd rekening met HealthMax // TODO divide between multiple planets? var movePower = planet.Health - PlanetMinHealth; AddMove(movePower, planet, planetThatNeedsReinforcementsMost, false); } continue; } // check of planeet wel health kan missen // var enemies = planet.NeighboringHostilePlanets.ToList(); //planet.HealthPossibleToReceiveInTurns(enemyPlayer); // if (enemies.Any()) // { // foreach (var enemy in enemies) // { // var health = planet.GetHealthAtTurnKnown(enemy.TurnsToReach); // var enemyHealth = enemy.Target.Health; // } // } var closestEnemy = planet.NeighbouringPlanetsDistanceTurns.FirstOrDefault(n => PH.IsHostile(n.Target)); var closestNeutral = planet.NeighbouringPlanetsDistanceTurns.FirstOrDefault(n => PH.IsNeutral(n.Target)); var target = closestEnemy ?? closestNeutral; // kan niet null zijn want eerste if checkt alles Mine // var healthAtTurn = planet.GetHealthAtTurnKnown(target.TurnsToReach).health; var targetHealth = target.Target.GetHealthAtTurnKnown(target.TurnsToReach); if (targetHealth.owner == _me)//is al van mij? { //choose other planet :) choose planet in loopje? continue; } var powerNeeded = + PlanetMinTakeoverHealth; // var planetHealth = planet.Health- PlanetMinHealth; // Console.WriteLine($"# {planet.Id} targetting {target.Target.Id} with {planetHealth} against {powerNeeded}"); if (CheckIfEnoughHealthToSendShips(powerNeeded, planet))//planetHealth > powerNeeded && !planet.InboundShips.Any(PH.IsHostile))) // only if enemy planet can be taken { AddMove(powerNeeded, planet, target.Target); continue; } if (planet.HealthLimitAboutToBeExceeded) // too much health! { var target2 = planet.NeighboringPlanets.First(); AddMove(planet.GrowthSpeed, planet, target2); } } return(_moves); }
public void UpdateItem(PH obj) { defaultDB.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_PH_Update" , obj.ID, obj.CodeId, obj.Amount, obj.CurrentAmount, obj.CreateDate, obj.Status); }