Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module">Main module of process being analyzed</param>
        /// <param name="processPID">Process id of process being analyzed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool HasRunPE(ProcessModule module, int processPID)
            //Catch if process has been killed already
            //    Process.GetProcessById(processPID);
            //    return false;

            string       modulePath     = module.FileName;
            PEInfomation procPE         = PELoader.Load(processPID, module);
            PEInfomation filePE         = PELoader.Load(modulePath);
            int          unmachedValues = 0;

            unmachedValues += ScanType(procPE.FileHeader, filePE.FileHeader);             // File Header
            unmachedValues += ScanType(procPE.OptionalHeader32, filePE.OptionalHeader32); // Optional Header
            int sectionAmmount = Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(procPE.Overview.NumberOfSections), Convert.ToInt32(filePE.Overview.NumberOfSections));

            for (int i = 0; i < sectionAmmount; i++)
                unmachedValues += ScanType(procPE.Sections[i], filePE.Sections[i]);

            return(unmachedValues >= 8);
Example #2
        public static void LoadDll(int pID, byte[] dllBytes)
            PEInfomation dllPE   = PELoader.Load(dllBytes, string.Empty);
            IntPtr       pHandle = PELoader.OpenProcessHandle(pID);

            if (pHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Invalid PID");

            IntPtr vAlloc = NativeMethods.VirtualAllocEx(pHandle, 0, dllPE.Overview.SizeOfImage, 0x1000, 0x40);

            if (vAlloc == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Alloc failed");

            NativeMethods.WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, vAlloc, dllBytes, dllPE.Overview.SizeOfHeaders, 0);

            foreach (var section in dllPE.Sections)
                byte[] sData = new byte[section.VirtualSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(dllBytes, (int)section.PointerToRawData, sData, 0, sData.Length);

                NativeMethods.WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, new IntPtr(vAlloc.ToInt32() + section.VirtualAddress), sData, (uint)sData.Length, 0);
Example #3
 private void processToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (formLoadProcess procLoadForm = new formLoadProcess())
         if (procLoadForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             LoadedPE              = PELoader.Load(procLoadForm.SelectedProcessID, procLoadForm.SelectedModule);
             LoadedPE.PESource     = string.Format("Process: {0}", procLoadForm.ProcessName);
             lbCurrentSection.Text = "Overview";
             PopulateInfo(LoadedPE.Overview, false);
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProcessModule moduleToScan = null;
            int           pid          = 0;

            using (formLoadProcess procLoadForm = new formLoadProcess())
                if (procLoadForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                this.Text    = string.Format("{0} ({1})", WindowText, procLoadForm.ProcessName);
                moduleToScan = procLoadForm.SelectedModule;
                pid          = procLoadForm.SelectedProcessID;

            string       modulePath     = moduleToScan.FileName;
            PEInfomation procPE         = PELoader.Load(pid, moduleToScan);
            PEInfomation filePE         = PELoader.Load(modulePath);
            int          unmachedValues = 0;

            unmachedValues += ScanType <IMAGE_FILE_HEADER>(procPE.FileHeader, filePE.FileHeader, "File Header");
            unmachedValues += ScanType <IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32>(procPE.OptionalHeader32, filePE.OptionalHeader32, "Optional Header", "ImageBase");
            int sectionAmmount = Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(procPE.Overview.NumberOfSections), Convert.ToInt32(filePE.Overview.NumberOfSections));

            for (int i = 0; i < sectionAmmount; i++)
                unmachedValues += ScanType <IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER>(procPE.Sections[i], filePE.Sections[i], string.Format("Section {0}", i + 1));

            Color  tColor      = Color.Green;
            string warningText = "No RunPE Found (0 Unmached values)";

            if (unmachedValues >= 1)
                tColor      = Color.DarkTurquoise;
                warningText = string.Format("Possable RunPe ({0} Unmaching values)", unmachedValues);

            if (unmachedValues > 4)
                tColor      = Color.Red;
                warningText = string.Format("RunPe Found ({0} Unmaching values)", unmachedValues);

            lbRunpeStatus.Text      = warningText;
            lbRunpeStatus.ForeColor = tColor;
Example #5
 private void fileToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog())
         ofd.Filter = "Executable|*.exe|Library|*.dll";
         if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             LoadedPE              = PELoader.Load(ofd.FileName);
             LoadedPE.PESource     = ofd.FileName;
             lbCurrentSection.Text = "Overview";
             PopulateInfo(LoadedPE.Overview, false);
        public ModuleListViewItem(int procID, IntPtr _handle)
            ModuleInfomation = PELoader.Load(procID, _handle);
            Handle           = _handle;
            ProcessHandle    = ModuleInfomation.GetProcessHandle();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255);

            NativeMethods.GetModuleFileNameEx(ProcessHandle, Handle, sb, 255);
            ModulePath = sb.ToString();

            Text = Path.GetFileName(ModulePath);
            SubItems.Add(string.Format("0x{0:x2}", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? _handle.ToInt32() : _handle.ToInt64()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                SubItems.Add("Byte loaded");
Example #7
        private bool ExtractCurrentData(string il2cppPath, string metadataPath, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp, out Il2CppExecutor executor, out Metadata metadata)
            il2Cpp   = null;
            executor = null;
            metadata = null;
            var metadataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(metadataPath);

            metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes));

            var il2cppBytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(il2cppPath);
            var il2cppMagic  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2cppBytes, 0);
            var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2cppBytes);

            if (il2cppMagic != IL2CPPMAGIC_PE)
                throw new Exception("Unexpected il2cpp magic number.");

            il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory);

            il2Cpp.SetProperties(metadata.Version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages);

            if (il2Cpp.Version >= 27 && il2Cpp is ElfBase elf && elf.IsDumped)
                metadata.Address = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16);

                var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length);
                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                    if (!flag && il2Cpp is PE)
                        il2Cpp = PELoader.Load(il2cppPath);
                        il2Cpp.SetProperties(metadata.Version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages);
                        flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length);
                if (!flag)
                    flag = il2Cpp.Search();
                if (!flag)
                    flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch();
                if (!flag)
                    var codeRegistration     = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16);
                    var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(Console.ReadLine(), 16);
                    il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration);
                throw new Exception("ERROR: An error occurred while processing.");

            executor = new Il2CppExecutor(metadata, il2Cpp);

Example #8
        private bool Init(string il2CppPath, string metadataPath, out Metadata metadata, out Il2Cpp il2Cpp)
            WriteOutput("Read config...", Color.Black);
            if (File.Exists(realPath + "config.json"))
                _config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Config>(File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "config.json"));
                _config = new Config();
                WriteOutput("config.json file does not exist. Using defaults", Color.Yellow);

            WriteOutput("Initializing metadata...");
            var metadataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(metadataPath);

            metadata = new Metadata(new MemoryStream(metadataBytes));
            WriteOutput($"Metadata Version: {metadata.Version}");

            WriteOutput("Initializing il2cpp file...");
            var il2CppBytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(il2CppPath);
            var il2CppMagic  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(il2CppBytes, 0);
            var il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2CppBytes);

            switch (il2CppMagic)
                WriteOutput("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported.");
                throw new NotSupportedException("ERROR: il2cpp file not supported.");

            case 0x6D736100:
                var web = new WebAssembly(il2CppMemory);
                il2Cpp = web.CreateMemory();

            case 0x304F534E:
                var nso = new NSO(il2CppMemory);
                il2Cpp = nso.UnCompress();

            case 0x905A4D:     //PE
                il2Cpp = new PE(il2CppMemory);

            case 0x464c457f:             //ELF
                if (il2CppBytes[4] == 2) //ELF64
                    var addressValue = "";
                    il2Cpp =
                        InputBox.Show("Input il2cpp dump address or leave empty to force continue:", "", ref addressValue) !=
                                ? string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addressValue) ? new Elf64(il2CppMemory) :
                        new Elf64(il2CppMemory, addressValue)
                                : new Elf64(il2CppMemory);
                    var addressValue = "";
                    il2Cpp =
                        InputBox.Show("Input il2cpp dump address or leave empty to force continue:", "", ref addressValue) !=
                                ? string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addressValue) ? new Elf(il2CppMemory) :
                        new Elf(il2CppMemory, addressValue)
                                : new Elf(il2CppMemory);

            case 0xCAFEBABE:     //FAT Mach-O
            case 0xBEBAFECA:
                var machofat = new MachoFat(new MemoryStream(il2CppBytes));
                WriteOutput("Select Platform: ");
                for (var i = 0; i < machofat.fats.Length; i++)
                    var fat = machofat.fats[i];
                    WriteOutput(fat.magic == 0xFEEDFACF ? $"{i + 1}.64bit " : $"{i + 1}.32bit ");
                var key   = Console.ReadKey(true);
                var index = int.Parse(key.KeyChar.ToString()) - 1;
                var magic = machofat.fats[index % 2].magic;
                il2CppBytes  = machofat.GetMacho(index % 2);
                il2CppMemory = new MemoryStream(il2CppBytes);
                if (magic == 0xFEEDFACF)
                    goto case 0xFEEDFACF;
                    goto case 0xFEEDFACE;

            case 0xFEEDFACF:     // 64bit Mach-O
                il2Cpp = new Macho64(il2CppMemory);

            case 0xFEEDFACE:     // 32bit Mach-O
                il2Cpp = new Macho(il2CppMemory);
            var version = _config.ForceIl2CppVersion ? _config.ForceVersion : metadata.Version;

            il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages);
            WriteOutput($"Il2Cpp Version: {il2Cpp.Version}");
            if (il2Cpp.Version >= 27 && il2Cpp is ElfBase elf && elf.IsDumped)
                var metadataValue = "";
                if (InputBox.Show("Input global-metadata.dat dump address:", "", ref metadataValue) != DialogResult.OK)
                metadata.Address = Convert.ToUInt64(metadataValue, 16);
                WriteOutput($"global-metadata.dat dump address: {metadataValue}");

                var flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length);
                if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) && !flag && il2Cpp is PE)
                    WriteOutput("Use custom PE loader");
                    il2Cpp = PELoader.Load(il2CppPath);
                    il2Cpp.SetProperties(version, metadata.maxMetadataUsages);
                    flag = il2Cpp.PlusSearch(metadata.methodDefs.Count(x => x.methodIndex >= 0), metadata.typeDefs.Length, metadata.imageDefs.Length);
                if (!flag)
                    flag = il2Cpp.Search();
                if (!flag)
                    flag = il2Cpp.SymbolSearch();
                if (!flag)
                    WriteOutput("ERROR: Can't use auto mode to process file, try manual mode.");
                    WriteOutput("Input CodeRegistration: ");

                    var codeValue = "";
                    if (InputBox.Show(@"Input CodeRegistration: ", "", ref codeValue) != DialogResult.OK)
                    var codeRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(codeValue, 16);
                    WriteOutput($"CodeRegistration: {codeValue}");

                    var metadataValue = "";
                    if (InputBox.Show("Input MetadataRegistration: ", "", ref metadataValue) != DialogResult.OK)
                    var metadataRegistration = Convert.ToUInt64(metadataValue, 16);
                    WriteOutput($"MetadataRegistration: {metadataValue}");

                    il2Cpp.Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration);
            catch (Exception e)
                WriteOutput("ERROR: An error occurred while processing.");