Example #1
        private static void DrawImageMasks(PDFPage page, Stream imageStream, Stream softMaskStream, Stream stencilMaskStream, PDFFont titleFont, PDFFont sectionFont)
            PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush();

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Images Masks", titleFont, brush, 20, 50);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Soft mask:", sectionFont, brush, 20, 70);
            PDFPngImage softMaskImage = new PDFPngImage(softMaskStream);
            PDFSoftMask softMask      = new PDFSoftMask(softMaskImage);

            imageStream.Position = 0;
            PDFJpegImage softMaskJpeg = new PDFJpegImage(imageStream);

            softMaskJpeg.Mask = softMask;
            // Draw the image with a soft mask.
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(softMaskJpeg, 20, 90, 280, 0);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Stencil mask:", sectionFont, brush, 320, 70);
            PDFPngImage    stencilMaskImage = new PDFPngImage(stencilMaskStream);
            PDFStencilMask stencilMask      = new PDFStencilMask(stencilMaskImage);

            imageStream.Position = 0;
            PDFJpegImage stencilMaskJpeg = new PDFJpegImage(imageStream);

            stencilMaskJpeg.Mask = stencilMask;
            // Draw the image with a stencil mask.
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(stencilMaskJpeg, 320, 90, 280, 0);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Stencil mask painting:", sectionFont, brush, 20, 320);
            PDFBrush redBrush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.DarkRed);

            page.Canvas.DrawStencilMask(stencilMask, redBrush, 20, 340, 280, 0);
            PDFBrush blueBrush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.DarkBlue);

            page.Canvas.DrawStencilMask(stencilMask, blueBrush, 320, 340, 280, 0);
            PDFBrush greenBrush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.DarkGreen);

            page.Canvas.DrawStencilMask(stencilMask, greenBrush, 20, 550, 280, 0);
            PDFBrush yellowBrush = new PDFBrush(PDFRgbColor.YellowGreen);

            page.Canvas.DrawStencilMask(stencilMask, yellowBrush, 320, 550, 280, 0);

Example #2
        private static void DrawImages(PDFPage page, Stream imageStream, PDFFont titleFont, PDFFont sectionFont)
            PDFBrush brush = new PDFBrush();

            PDFJpegImage jpeg = new PDFJpegImage(imageStream);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Images", titleFont, brush, 20, 50);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Scaling:", sectionFont, brush, 20, 70);

            // Draw the image 3 times on the page at different sizes.
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 3, 90, 100, 0);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 106, 90, 200, 0);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 309, 90, 300, 0);

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Flipping:", sectionFont, brush, 20, 320);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 20, 340, 260, 0);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 310, 340, 260, 0, 0, PDFFlipDirection.VerticalFlip);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 20, 550, 260, 0, 0, PDFFlipDirection.HorizontalFlip);
            page.Canvas.DrawImage(jpeg, 310, 550, 260, 0, 0, PDFFlipDirection.VerticalFlip | PDFFlipDirection.HorizontalFlip);

Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the pdf document
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument();
            PDFFixedDocument doc = new PDFFixedDocument();

            // Create one page
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFPage page = doc.AddPage();
            PDFPage page = doc.Pages.Add();

            PDFBrush blackBrush = new PDFBrush(new PDFRgbColor(0, 0, 0));
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontSection = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 10);
            PDFStandardFont fontSection = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 10);

            fontSection.Bold = true;
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFont fontText = new PDFFont(PDFFontFace.Helvetica, 8);
            PDFStandardFont fontText = new PDFStandardFont(PDFStandardFontFace.Helvetica, 8);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Text annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 45, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            PDFStringLayoutOptions slo = new PDFStringLayoutOptions()
                X = 20, Y = 45, VerticalAlign = PDFStringVerticalAlign.Bottom
            PDFStringAppearanceOptions sao = new PDFStringAppearanceOptions()
                Font = fontSection, Brush = blackBrush

            page.Canvas.DrawString("Text annotations", sao, slo);

            // Create all available text annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFTextAnnotation ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Comment", "Comment annotation");
            PDFTextAnnotation ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Comment", Contents = "Comment annotation"

            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Comment;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(20, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Comment", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Comment", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Help", "Help annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Help", Contents = "Help annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Help;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(100, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Help", fontText, null, blackBrush, 100, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Help", fontText, blackBrush, 100, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Insert", "Insert annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Insert", Contents = "Insert annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Insert;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(180, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(180, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Insert", fontText, null, blackBrush, 180, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Insert", fontText, blackBrush, 180, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Key", "Key annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Key", Contents = "Key annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Key;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(260, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(260, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Key", fontText, null, blackBrush, 260, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Key", fontText, blackBrush, 260, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("New paragraph", "New paragraph annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "New paragraph", Contents = "New paragraph annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.NewParagraph;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(340, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(340, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("New paragraph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 340, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("New paragraph", fontText, blackBrush, 340, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Note", "Note annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Note", Contents = "Note annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Note;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(420, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Note", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Note", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 80);

            //PDF4NET v5: ta = new PDFTextAnnotation("Paragraph", "Paragraph annotation");
            ta = new PDFTextAnnotation()
                Author = "Paragraph", Contents = "Paragraph annotation"
            ta.Icon = PDFTextAnnotationIcon.Paragraph;
            //PDF4NET v5: ta.Rectangle = new RectangleF(500, 60, 20, 20);
            ta.Location = new PDFPoint(500, 60);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Paragraph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 500, 80, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Paragraph", fontText, blackBrush, 500, 80);

            // Rubber stamp annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Rubber stamp annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 120, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Rubber stamp annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 120);

            // Create all available rubber stamp annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRubberStampAnnotation rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Approved", "Approved annotation");
            PDFRubberStampAnnotation rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Approved", Contents = "Approved annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Approved;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Approved;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.Opacity          = 50;
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Approved", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Approved", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("As Is", "As Is annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "As Is", Contents = "As Is annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.AsIs;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.AsIs;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("As Is", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("As Is", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Confidential", "Confidential annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Confidential", Contents = "Confidential annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Confidential;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Confidential;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(220, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(220, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Confidential", fontText, null, blackBrush, 220, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Confidential", fontText, blackBrush, 220, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Departmental", "Departmental annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Departmental", Contents = "Departmental annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Departmental;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Departmental;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(320, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(320, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Departmental", fontText, null, blackBrush, 320, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Departmental", fontText, blackBrush, 320, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Draft", "Draft annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Draft", Contents = "Draft annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Draft;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Draft;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(420, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Draft", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Draft", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Experimental", "Experimental annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Experimental", Contents = "Experimental annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Experimental;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Experimental;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(520, 140, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(520, 140, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Experimental", fontText, null, blackBrush, 520, 180, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Experimental", fontText, blackBrush, 520, 180);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Expired", "Expired annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Expired", Contents = "Expired annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Expired;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Expired;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Expired", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Expired", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Final", "Final annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Final", Contents = "Final annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Final;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Final;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Final", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Final", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("ForComment", "ForComment annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "ForComment", Contents = "ForComment annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.ForComment;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.ForComment;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(220, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(220, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("ForComment", fontText, null, blackBrush, 220, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("ForComment", fontText, blackBrush, 220, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("ForPublicRelease", "ForPublicRelease annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "ForPublicRelease", Contents = "ForPublicRelease annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.ForPublicRelease;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.ForPublicRelease;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(320, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(320, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("ForPublicRelease", fontText, null, blackBrush, 320, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("ForPublicRelease", fontText, blackBrush, 320, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("NotApproved", "NotApproved annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "NotApproved", Contents = "NotApproved annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.NotApproved;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.NotApproved;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(420, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(420, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("NotApproved", fontText, null, blackBrush, 420, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("NotApproved", fontText, blackBrush, 420, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("NotForPublicRelease", "NotForPublicRelease annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "NotForPublicRelease", Contents = "NotForPublicRelease annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.NotForPublicRelease;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.NotForPublicRelease;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(520, 200, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(520, 200, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("NotForPublicRelease", fontText, null, blackBrush, 520, 240, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("NotForPublicRelease", fontText, blackBrush, 520, 240);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("Sold", "Sold annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "Sold", Contents = "Sold annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.Sold;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.Sold;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 260, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 260, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Sold", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 300, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Sold", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 300);

            //PDF4NET v5: rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation("TopSecret", "TopSecret annotation");
            rsa = new PDFRubberStampAnnotation()
                Author = "TopSecret", Contents = "TopSecret annotation"
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Icon = PDFRubberStampAnnotationIcon.TopSecret;
            rsa.StampName = PDFRubberStampAnnotationName.TopSecret;
            //PDF4NET v5: rsa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(120, 260, 100, 30);
            rsa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(120, 260, 100, 30);
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("TopSecret", fontText, null, blackBrush, 120, 300, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("TopSecret", fontText, blackBrush, 120, 300);

            // Line annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Line annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 350, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Line annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 350);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFLineAnnotation la = new PDFLineAnnotation("Line", "Line annotation");
            PDFLineAnnotation la = new PDFLineAnnotation()
                Author = "Line", Contents = "Line annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: la.BeginLineStyle = PDFLineEndingStyle.Circle;
            la.StartLineSymbol = PDFLineEndingStyle.Circle;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.EndLineStyle = PDFLineEndingStyle.OpenArrow;
            la.EndLineSymbol = PDFLineEndingStyle.OpenArrow;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.LineDirection = PDFLineDirection.TopLeftToBottomRight;

            //PDF4NET v5: la.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 370, 150, 30);
            la.StartPoint = new PDFPoint(20, 370);
            la.EndPoint   = new PDFPoint(170, 400);
            //PDF4NET v5: la.Border = new PDFAnnotationBorder(1, PDFBorderStyle.Solid);
            la.LineWidth = 1;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.Color = new PDFRgbColor(Color.Red);
            la.LineColor = PDFRgbColor.Red;
            //PDF4NET v5: la.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(Color.CornflowerBlue);
            la.InteriorColor = PDFRgbColor.CornflowerBlue;
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Line annotation with a circle and open arrow", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 420, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Line annotation with a circle and open arrow", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 420);

            // File attachment annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("File attachment annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 450, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("File attachment annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 450);
            // Create all available file attachment annotations
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Graph", "Graph icon");
            PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Graph", Contents = "Graph icon"

            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Graph;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(20, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Graph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 20, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Graph", fontText, blackBrush, 20, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Paperclip", "Paperclip icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Paperclip", Contents = "Paperclip icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Paperclip;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(100, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Paperclip", fontText, null, blackBrush, 100, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Paperclip", fontText, blackBrush, 100, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("PushPin", "PushPin icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "PushPin", Contents = "PushPin icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.PushPin;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(180, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(180, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("PushPin", fontText, null, blackBrush, 180, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("PushPin", fontText, blackBrush, 180, 500);

            //PDF4NET v5: faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation("Tag", "Tag icon");
            faa = new PDFFileAttachmentAnnotation()
                Author = "Tag", Contents = "Tag icon"
            faa.Icon = PDFFileAttachmentAnnotationIcon.Tag;
            //PDF4NET v5: faa.Rectangle = new RectangleF(260, 470, 20, 20);
            faa.Location = new PDFPoint(260, 470);
            faa.FileName = "sample.pdf";
            faa.Payload  = File.ReadAllBytes("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\SupportFiles\\sample.pdf");
            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Graph", fontText, null, blackBrush, 260, 500, 0, PDFTextAlign.TopLeft);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Graph", fontText, blackBrush, 260, 500);

            // Highlight annotation

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Markup annotation - this text will be highlighted", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 610);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Markup annotation - this text will be highlighted", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 610);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFHighlightAnnotation ha = new PDFHighlightAnnotation("Markup annotation", "Markup annotation with highlight style");
            PDFTextMarkupAnnotation tma = new PDFTextMarkupAnnotation()
                Author = "Markup annotation", Contents = "Markup annotation with highlight style"

            tma.TextMarkupType = PDFTextMarkupAnnotationType.Highlight;
            //PDF4NET v5: ha.Rectangle = new RectangleF(100, 610, 100, 10);
            tma.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(100, 610, 100, 10);
            tma.TextMarkupColor  = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);

            // Square and circle annotations

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Square and circle annotations", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 650);
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Square and circle annotations", fontSection, blackBrush, 20, 650);
            //PDF4NET v5: PDFEllipseAnnotation ea = new PDFEllipseAnnotation("Ellipse annotation", "An ellipse annotation");
            PDFCircleAnnotation ca = new PDFCircleAnnotation()
                Author = "Ellipse annotation", Contents = "An ellipse annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: ea.Rectangle = new RectangleF(20, 670, 150, 75);
            ca.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(20, 670, 150, 75);
            //PDF4NET v5: ea.Color = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);
            ca.BorderColor   = new PDFRgbColor(255, 255, 0);
            ca.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(0, 255, 0);

            //PDF4NET v5: PDFRectangleAnnotation ra = new PDFRectangleAnnotation("Rectangle annotation", "A rectangle annotation");
            PDFSquareAnnotation sa = new PDFSquareAnnotation()
                Author = "Rectangle annotation", Contents = "A rectangle annotation"

            //PDF4NET v5: ra.Rectangle = new RectangleF(200, 670, 150, 75);
            sa.DisplayRectangle = new PDFDisplayRectangle(200, 670, 150, 75);
            //PDF4NET v5: ra.Color = new PDFRgbColor(255, 64, 0);
            sa.BorderColor   = new PDFRgbColor(255, 64, 0);
            sa.InteriorColor = new PDFRgbColor(64, 0, 255);

            // Create 2nd page
            //PDF4NET v5: page = doc.AddPage();
            page = doc.Pages.Add();

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("Annotations with custom appearance", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 45, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            slo.Y = 45;
            page.Canvas.DrawString("Annotations with custom appearance", sao, slo);

            //PDF4NET v5: page.Canvas.DrawText("a. Annotations with image appearance", fontSection, null, blackBrush, 20, 60, 0, PDFTextAlign.BottomLeft);
            slo.Y = 60;
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