Example #1
        void Execute(string[] args)

            // Optional: Set ICC color profiles to fine tune color conversion
            // for PDF 'device' color spaces. You can use your own ICC profiles.
            // Standard Adobe color profiles can be download from Adobes site:
            // http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/iccprofiles_win.html
            // Simply drop all *.icc files in PDFNet resource folder or you specify
            // the full pathname.
                // PDFNet.SetColorManagement();
                // PDFNet.SetDefaultDeviceCMYKProfile("USWebCoatedSWOP.icc"); // will search in PDFNet resource folder.
                // PDFNet.SetDefaultDeviceRGBProfile("AdobeRGB1998.icc");
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("The specified color profile was not found.");

            // Optional: Set predefined font mappings to override default font
            // substitution for documents with missing fonts. For example:
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst("StoneSans-Semibold", "C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/comic.ttf");
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst("StoneSans", "comic.ttf");  // search for 'comic.ttf' in PDFNet resource folder.
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Identity, "C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialuni.ttf");
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Japan1, "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 7.0/Resource/CIDFont/KozMinProVI-Regular.otf");
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Japan2, "c:/myfonts/KozMinProVI-Regular.otf");
            // If fonts are in PDFNet resource folder, it is not necessary to specify
            // the full path name. For example,
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Korea1, "AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.otf");
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_CNS1, "AdobeSongStd-Light.otf");
            // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_GB1, "AdobeMingStd-Light.otf");

            string input_path = "../../TestFiles/";             // Relative path to the folder containing test files.

                // Open the PDF document.
                Console.WriteLine("Opening the input file...");
                using (pdfdoc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "tiger.pdf"))

                    // Example 1: use the PDF::Print::StartPrintJob interface
                    // This is silent (no progress dialog) and blocks until print job is at spooler
                    // The rasterized print job is compressed before sending to printer
                    Console.WriteLine("Printing the input file using PDF.Print.StartPrintJob...");

                    // Setup printing options:
                    PrinterMode printerMode = new PrinterMode();
                    printerMode.SetDPI(300);                     // regardless of ordering, an explicit DPI setting overrides the OutputQuality setting
                    printerMode.SetNUp(PrinterMode.NUp.e_NUp_1_1, PrinterMode.NUpPageOrder.e_PageOrder_LeftToRightThenTopToBottom);

                    // If the XPS print path is being used, then the printer spooler file will
                    // ignore the grayscale option and be in full color
                    printerMode.SetPaperSize(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 792));
                    PageSet pagesToPrint = new PageSet(1, pdfdoc.GetPageCount(), PageSet.Filter.e_all);

                    // You can get the name of the default printer by using:
                    // PrinterSettings ps = new PrinterSettings();
                    // String printerName   ps.PrinterName();
                    // however Print.StartPrintJob can also determine this for you, just pass an empty printer name

                    // Print the document on the default printer, name the print job the name of the
                    // file, print to the printer not a file, and use printer options:
                    Print.StartPrintJob(pdfdoc, "", pdfdoc.GetFileName(), "", pagesToPrint, printerMode, null);

                    // Example 2: use the .Net PrintDocument class and PDFDraw rasterizer
                    // This will pop up a progress dialog

                    // Start printing from the first page
                    pageitr = pdfdoc.GetPageIterator();
                    pdfdraw = new PDFDraw();

                    // Create a printer
                    PrintDocument printer = new PrintDocument();

                    // name the document to be printed
                    printer.DocumentName = pdfdoc.GetFileName();

                    // Set the PrintPage delegate which will be invoked to print each page
                    printer.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(PrintPage);

                    Console.WriteLine("Printing the input file using .NET PrintDocument and PDFDraw...");
                    printer.Print();                            // Start printing

                    pdfdraw.Dispose();                          // Free allocated resources (generally a good idea when printing many documents).
            catch (PDFNetException e)