Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main flow function, generate the result data Table for the REPORT VIEWER
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstrCCNID"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrYear"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrMonth"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrCode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID, string pstrYear, string pstrMonth, string pstrCode, string pstrMakeItem)
            #region My varriables

            int    nCCNID  = int.Parse(pstrCCNID);
            int    nYear   = int.Parse(pstrYear);
            int    nMonth  = int.Parse(pstrMonth);
            string strCode = pstrCode;
//			string strCCN = string.Empty;

            int intMakeItem = -1;
            if (pstrMakeItem != null && pstrMakeItem != string.Empty)
                intMakeItem = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(pstrMakeItem));
            dstMAIN             = GetDataAndCache(pstrCCNID, pstrYear, pstrMonth, intMakeItem);
            dstMAIN.DataSetName = pstrCCNID + pstrYear + pstrMonth + pstrCode;

            System.Data.DataTable dtbDetailTable;
            dtbDetailTable = dstMAIN.Tables[DETAIL_TABLE_NAME];
            System.Data.DataTable dtbMasterTable;
            dtbMasterTable = dstMAIN.Tables[MASTER_TABLE_NAME];

//			dtbPlanTable = ModifyPlanTable(dtbPlanTable, pstrCCNID, pstrYear, pstrMonth, pstrProductionLineID);
//			dtbPlanTable = SumAndGroupBy(dtbPlanTable, PRODUCTID, PLAN + DATE, PLAN + QUANTITY);

//			System.Data.DataTable dtbSOTable;
//			dtbSOTable  = dstMAIN.Tables[SO_TABLE_NAME];

            #endregion My varriables

            #region GETTING THE PARAMETER
            PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO boUtil = new PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO();
            PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();
//			strCCN = boUtil.GetCCNCodeFromID(nCCNID);

            #endregion GETTING THE PARAMETER


            #region RENDER REPORT

            ReportWithSubReportBuilder objRB = new ReportWithSubReportBuilder();

            objRB.ReportName      = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.SourceDataTable = dtbDetailTable;
            objRB.SubReportDataSources.Add(SUB_REPORT_NAME, dtbMasterTable);

            objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
            objRB.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
            objRB.UseLayoutFile          = true;

            // and show it in preview dialog
            PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();

            //Attach report viewer
            objRB.ReportViewer = printPreview.ReportViewer;

            #region MODIFY THE REPORT LAYOUT

            #region PUSH PARAMETER VALUE
            // objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CCN,strCCN);
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_YEAR, nYear.ToString("0000"));
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_MONTH, nMonth.ToString("00"));
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CODE, strCode);



            /// force the copies number
            printPreview.FormTitle = objRB.GetFieldByName("fldTitle").Text;

            UseReportViewerRenderEngine = false;
            mResult = dtbDetailTable;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Thachnn: 28/10/2005
        /// Preview the report for this form
        /// Using the "InventoryStatusSummaryByMasterLocationReport.xml" layout
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>Thachnn: 29/12/2005: Add parameter display to the report. Change USECASE.</history>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID, string pstrMasterLocationID, string pstrCategoryID, string pstrParameterModel)
            #region Constants
            string       mstrReportDefFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
            const string REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE  = "InventoryStatusSummaryByMasterLocationReport.xml";
            const string TABLE_NAME          = "InventoryStatusSummaryByMasterLocationReport";
            const string REPORT_NAME         = "Inventory Status Summary By Master Location";

            const string PAGE   = "Page";
            const string HEADER = "Header";

            const string REPORTFLD_TITLE = "fldTitle";

            const string REPORTFLD_COMPANY = "fldCompany";
            const string REPORTFLD_ADDRESS = "fldAddress";
            const string REPORTFLD_TEL     = "fldTel";
            const string REPORTFLD_FAX     = "fldFax";

            const string REPORTFLD_DAY   = "fldDay";
            const string REPORTFLD_MONTH = "fldMonth";
            const string REPORTFLD_YEAR  = "fldYear";

            const string REPORTFLD_CATEGORY     = "fldCategory";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARTNUMBER   = "fldPartNumber";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARTNAME     = "fldPartName";
            const string REPORTFLD_MODEL        = "fldModel";
            const string REPORTFLD_STOCKUM      = "fldStockUM";
            const string REPORTFLD_LOCATION     = "fldLocation";
            const string REPORTFLD_OHQTY        = "fldOHQty";
            const string REPORTFLD_COMMITQTY    = "fldCommitQty";
            const string REPORTFLD_AVAILABLEQTY = "fldAvailableQty";
            const string REPORTFLD_TYPE         = "fldType";
            const string REPORTFLD_SOURCE       = "fldSource";
            const string REPORTFLD_SAFETYSTOCK  = "fldSafetyStock";
            const string REPORTFLD_LOT          = "fldLot";
            const string REPORTFLD_WARNING      = "fldWarning";

            #region QUERY COLUMMS
            const string CATEGORY_COL     = "[Category]";
            const string PARTNUMBER_COL   = "[Part No.]";
            const string PARTNAME_COL     = "[Part Name]";
            const string MODEL_COL        = "[Model]";
            const string STOCKUM_COL      = "[Stock UM]";
            const string LOCATION_COL     = "[Location]";
            const string OHQTY_COL        = "[OH Qty]";
            const string COMMITQTY_COL    = "[Commit Qty]";
            const string AVAILABLEQTY_COL = "[Available Qty]";
            const string TYPE_COL         = "[Type]";
            const string SOURCE_COL       = "[Source]";
            const string SAFETYSTOCK_COL  = "[Safety Stock]";
            const string LOT_COL          = "[Lot]";
            const string WARNING_COL      = "[Warning]";



            #region GETTING THE PARAMETER
            PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO boUtil = new PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO();
            PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();
            string strCCN            = boUtil.GetCCNCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrCCNID));
            string strMasterLocation = objBO.GetMasterLocationCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrMasterLocationID)) + ": " + objBO.GetMasterLocationNameFromID(int.Parse(pstrMasterLocationID));

            string strCategory = string.Empty;
                strCategory = objBO.GetCategoryCodeFromID(pstrCategoryID);
            catch {}


            float fActualPageSize = 9000f;

            #region  Build dtbResult DataTable
            DataTable dtbResult;
                dtbResult = GetInventoryStatusData(pstrCCNID, pstrMasterLocationID, pstrCategoryID, pstrParameterModel);
                dtbResult = new DataTable();

            ReportBuilder objRB;
            objRB = new ReportBuilder();

            objRB.ReportName      = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.SourceDataTable = dtbResult;

            #region INIT REPORT BUIDER OBJECT
                objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
                objRB.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
                if (objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile() == false)
                    //					PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    return(new DataTable());
                //objRB.UseLayoutFile = objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile();	// use layout file if any , auto drawing if not found layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = true;                     // always use layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = false;
                //				PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            C1.C1Report.Layout objLayout = objRB.Report.Layout;
            fActualPageSize = objLayout.PageSize.Width - (float)objLayout.MarginLeft - (float)objLayout.MarginRight;

            //grid.DataSource = objRB.RenderDataTable;

            #region RENDER TO PRINT PREVIEW
            // and show it in preview dialog
            PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();
            printPreview.FormTitle = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.ReportViewer     = printPreview.ReportViewer;

            #region COMPANY INFO  header information get from system params
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_COMPANY,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.COMPANY_NAME));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_ADDRESS,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.ADDRESS));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_TEL,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.TEL));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_FAX,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.FAX));
//			}
//			catch{}


            #region DRAW Parameters

            const string CCN             = "CCN";
            const string MASTER_LOCATION = "Master Location";
            const string LOCATION        = "Location";
            const string CATEGORY        = "Category";
            const string MODEL           = "Model";

            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection arrParamAndValue = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
            arrParamAndValue.Add(CCN, strCCN);
            arrParamAndValue.Add(MASTER_LOCATION, strMasterLocation);
            if (pstrCategoryID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(CATEGORY, strCategory);
            if (pstrParameterModel.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(MODEL, pstrParameterModel);

            /// anchor the Parameter drawing canvas cordinate to the fldTitle
            C1.C1Report.Field fldTitle  = objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_TITLE);
            double            dblStartX = fldTitle.Left;
            double            dblStartY = fldTitle.Top + 1.3 * fldTitle.RenderHeight;
            objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER).CanGrow = true;
            objRB.DrawParameters(objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER), dblStartX, dblStartY, arrParamAndValue, objRB.Report.Font.Size);


            /// there are some hardcode numbers here
            /// but these numbers are use ONLY ONE and ONLY USED HERE, so we don't need to define constant for it.
            objRB.DrawBoxGroup_Madeby_Checkedby_Approvedby(objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER), 16005 - 1400 - 1400 - 1400, 600, 1400, 1300, 200);

            #region DAY--MONTH--YEAR INFO
            DateTime dtm;
                dtm = objUtilBO.GetDBDate();
                dtm = DateTime.Now;

                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_DAY, dtm.Day.ToString("00"));
            catch {}
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_MONTH, dtm.Month.ToString("00"));
            catch {}
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_YEAR, dtm.Year.ToString("0000"));
            catch {}

            try                 // mapping report field with table column
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_CATEGORY, CATEGORY_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARTNUMBER, PARTNUMBER_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARTNAME, PARTNAME_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_MODEL, MODEL_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_STOCKUM, STOCKUM_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_LOCATION, LOCATION_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_OHQTY, OHQTY_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_COMMITQTY, COMMITQTY_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_AVAILABLEQTY, AVAILABLEQTY_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_TYPE, TYPE_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_SOURCE, SOURCE_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_SAFETYSTOCK, SAFETYSTOCK_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_LOT, LOT_COL);
                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_WARNING, WARNING_COL);
            catch {}



            UseReportViewerRenderEngine = false;
            mResult = dtbResult;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Thachnn: 28/10/2005
        /// Preview the report for this form
        /// Using the "InventoryDetailReport.xml" layout
        /// </summary>
        /// <history>Thachnn: 29/12/2005: Add parameter display to the report. Change USECASE.</history>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID, string pstrMasterLocationID, string pstrLocationID, string pstrBinID, string pstrCategoryID, string pstrParameterModel)
            #region Constants
            string       mstrReportDefFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
            const string REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE  = "InventoryDetailReport.xml";
            const string TABLE_NAME          = "InventoryDetailReport";
            const string REPORT_NAME         = "Inventory Detail";

            const string PAGE   = "Page";
            const string HEADER = "Header";

            const string REPORTFLD_TITLE = "fldTitle";

            const string REPORTFLD_COMPANY = "fldCompany";
            const string REPORTFLD_ADDRESS = "fldAddress";
            const string REPORTFLD_TEL     = "fldTel";
            const string REPORTFLD_FAX     = "fldFax";

            const string REPORTFLD_DATETIME = "fldDateTime";


            #region GETTING THE PARAMETER
            PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO boUtil = new PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO();
            PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();
            string strCCN            = boUtil.GetCCNCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrCCNID));
            string strMasterLocation = objBO.GetMasterLocationCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrMasterLocationID)) + ": " + objBO.GetMasterLocationNameFromID(int.Parse(pstrMasterLocationID));

            string strLocation = string.Empty;
                strLocation = objBO.GetLocationCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrLocationID));
            catch {}

            string strBin = string.Empty;
                strBin = objBO.GetBinCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrBinID));
            catch {}

            string strCategory = string.Empty;
                strCategory = objBO.GetCategoryCodeFromID(int.Parse(pstrCategoryID));
            catch {}


            float fActualPageSize = 9000f;

            #region  Build dtbResult DataTable
            DataTable dtbResult;
                dtbResult = GetInventoryDetailData(pstrCCNID, pstrMasterLocationID, pstrLocationID, pstrBinID, pstrCategoryID, pstrParameterModel);
                dtbResult = new DataTable();

            ReportBuilder objRB;
            objRB = new ReportBuilder();

            objRB.ReportName      = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.SourceDataTable = dtbResult;

            #region INIT REPORT BUIDER OBJECT
                objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
                objRB.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
                if (objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile() == false)
                    //					PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    return(new DataTable());
                //objRB.UseLayoutFile = objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile();	// use layout file if any , auto drawing if not found layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = true;                     // always use layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = false;
                //				PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            C1.C1Report.Layout objLayout = objRB.Report.Layout;
            fActualPageSize = objLayout.PageSize.Width - (float)objLayout.MarginLeft - (float)objLayout.MarginRight;

            //grid.DataSource = objRB.RenderDataTable;

            #region RENDER TO PRINT PREVIEW
            // and show it in preview dialog
            PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();
            printPreview.FormTitle = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.ReportViewer     = printPreview.ReportViewer;

            #region COMPANY INFO  header information get from system params
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_COMPANY,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.COMPANY_NAME));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_ADDRESS,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.ADDRESS));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_TEL,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.TEL));
//			}
//			catch{}
//			try
//			{
//				objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_FAX,SystemProperty.SytemParams.Get(SystemParam.FAX));
//			}
//			catch{}


            #region DRAW Parameters

            const string CCN             = "CCN";
            const string MASTER_LOCATION = "Master Location";
            const string LOCATION        = "Location";
            const string BIN             = "Bin";
            const string CATEGORY        = "Category";
            const string MODEL           = "Model";

            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection arrParamAndValue = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
            arrParamAndValue.Add(CCN, strCCN);
            arrParamAndValue.Add(MASTER_LOCATION, strMasterLocation);
            if (pstrLocationID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(LOCATION, strLocation);
            if (pstrBinID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(BIN, strBin);
            if (pstrCategoryID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(CATEGORY, strCategory);
            if (pstrParameterModel.Trim() != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(MODEL, pstrParameterModel);

            /// anchor the Parameter drawing canvas cordinate to the fldTitle
            C1.C1Report.Field fldTitle  = objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_TITLE);
            double            dblStartX = fldTitle.Left;
            double            dblStartY = fldTitle.Top + 1.3 * fldTitle.RenderHeight;
            objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER).CanGrow = true;
            objRB.DrawParameters(objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER), dblStartX, dblStartY, arrParamAndValue, objRB.Report.Font.Size);


            /// there are some hardcode numbers here
            /// but these numbers are use ONLY ONE and ONLY USED HERE, so we don't need to define constant for it.
            objRB.DrawBoxGroup_Madeby_Checkedby_Approvedby(objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER), 15945 - 1400 - 1400 - 1400, 600, 1400, 1300, 200);

            #region DAY--MONTH--YEAR INFO
            DateTime dtm;
                dtm = objUtilBO.GetDBDate();
                dtm = DateTime.Now;

                objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_DATETIME, dtm.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"));
            catch {}




            UseReportViewerRenderEngine = false;
            mResult = dtbResult;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build Data table for Delivery To Customer Schedule Report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pdtbData">Source Data</param>
        /// <returns>Data with template as data template of report</returns>
        /// <author> Tuan TQ, 06 Dec, 2005</author>
        private DataTable BuildReportTable(DataTable pdtbSourceData, int pintDaysInMonth)
                PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO boPrintPreview = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();

                DataTable dtbTransform = BuildDataTemplateTable();
                if (pdtbSourceData == null)

                //Collection of processed item
                ArrayList arlProcessedItems = new ArrayList();
                DataRow[] arrItem           = null;

                //select condition string
                string strSelectCondition = string.Empty;

                //keeps Product, UM
                string strProductUM = string.Empty;

                //indicate data will be added or modified
                bool blnFirstTime = false;

                foreach (DataRow dtRow in pdtbSourceData.Rows)
                    //Mark processed items
                    strProductUM = dtRow[PARTS_NUMBER_FLD].ToString() + dtRow[PARTS_UM_FLD].ToString();

                    if (!arlProcessedItems.Contains(strProductUM))
                        strSelectCondition = PARTS_NUMBER_FLD + "='" + dtRow[PARTS_NUMBER_FLD].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'";

                        if (!dtRow[PARTS_UM_FLD].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                            strSelectCondition += " AND " + PARTS_UM_FLD + "='" + dtRow[PARTS_UM_FLD].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'";
                            strSelectCondition += " AND " + PARTS_UM_FLD + " IS NULL";

                        //Select data related by select condition
                        arrItem = pdtbSourceData.Select(strSelectCondition);

                        //reset firt time flag
                        blnFirstTime = true;

                        //loop in result table and process data
                        for (int i = 0; i < arrItem.Length; i++)
                            InsertRow2ReportTable(arrItem[i], dtbTransform, blnFirstTime, pintDaysInMonth);
                            blnFirstTime = false;

                        //Add item to collection as processed

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Main function, generate the result data Table for the REPORT VIEWER
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstrCCNID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID, string pstrYear, string pstrMonth, string pstrMPSCycleID, string pstrProductionLineID)
            //const string METHOD_NAME = ".ExecuteReport()";
            const string TABLE_NAME     = "WorkingSchemeReport";
            const string SUB_TABLE_NAME = "ShiftTotalReport";

            string       REPORT_NAME        = "WorkingSchemeReport";
            const string SUB_REPORT_NAME    = "ShiftTotalReport";
            string       REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE = "WorkingSchemeReport.xml";

            short COPIES = 1;

            const string ENDSTOCK         = "EndStock";
            const string CHANGECATEGORY   = "Change Category";
            const string LEADTIME         = "Lead Time";
            const string REQUIRECAPACITY  = "Require Capacity";
            const string STANDARDCAPACITY = "Standard Capacity";
            const string COMPARESECOND    = "Compare Second";
            const string COMPAREPERCENT   = "Compare Percent";

            string strFromDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", pstrYear, pstrMonth);              // begin date of the selected month

            const string REPORTFLD_WORKINGDAYS = "fldParameterWorkingdays";
            const string REPORTFLD_OFFDAYS     = "fldParameterOffdays";

            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CCN            = "fldParameterCCN";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_YEAR           = "fldParameterYear";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_MONTH          = "fldParameterMonth";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CYCLE          = "fldParameterCycle";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PRODUCTIONLINE = "fldParameterProductionLine";

            int nCCNID            = int.Parse(pstrCCNID);
            int nYear             = int.Parse(pstrYear);
            int nMonth            = int.Parse(pstrMonth);
            int nCycle            = int.Parse(pstrMPSCycleID);
            int nProductionLineID = int.Parse(pstrProductionLineID);
            int nWorkingDays;
            int nOffDays;

            string strCCN            = string.Empty;
            string strCycle          = string.Empty;
            string strProductionLine = string.Empty;

            #region GETTING THE PARAMETER
            PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO boUtil = new PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO();
            PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();
            strCCN            = boUtil.GetCCNCodeFromID(nCCNID);
            strCycle          = objBO.GetMPSCycleFromID(nCycle) + "-" + objBO.GetMPSCycleDescriptionFromID(nCycle);
            strProductionLine = objBO.GetProductLineCodeFromID(nProductionLineID) + "-" + objBO.GetProductLineNameFromID(nProductionLineID);

            // refer to mr.TuanTQ to get WOrkingDayInMonth
            nWorkingDays = GetWorkingDayInMonth(nMonth, nYear);
            nOffDays     = DateTime.DaysInMonth(nYear, nMonth) - nWorkingDays;


            System.Data.DataTable dtbSourceData;
            System.Data.DataTable dtbSubReportData;

            OleDbConnection oconPCS = null;
            OleDbCommand    ocmdPCS = null;
            string          strSql  = string.Empty;

            #region BUILD THE DATA TABLE

                DataSet dstPCS = new DataSet();
                oconPCS = null;
                ocmdPCS = null;

                #region SQL Query
                strSql =

                    " Declare @strFromDate smalldatetime " +
                    " Declare @pstrCCNID int " +
                    " Declare @pstrProductionLineID int " +
                    " Declare @pstrMPSCycleID int " +
                    " Declare @pstrMonth char(2) " +
                    " Declare @pstrYear char(4) " +
                    "  " +
                    " Declare @pstrInArray varchar(40) " +
                    " Declare @pstrOutArray varchar(40) " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " Set @strFromDate = '" + pstrYear + "-" + nMonth.ToString("00") + "-01' " +
                    " Set @pstrCCNID = " + pstrCCNID + " " +
                    " Set @pstrProductionLineID = " + pstrProductionLineID + " " +
                    " Set @pstrMPSCycleID = " + pstrMPSCycleID + " " +
                    " Set @pstrYear = '" + pstrYear + "' " +
                    " Set @pstrMonth = '" + nMonth.ToString("00") + "' " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " select   " +
                    " P.ProductID as [ProductID], " +
                    " ITM_Category.Code as [Category], " +
                    " P.Code as [Part Number], " +
                    " P.Description as [Part Name], " +
                    " P.Revision as [Model], " +
                    " IsNull(CPOTable.Quantity,0) as [Plan], " +
                    " IsNull(BeginStockTable.[Begin Stock],0.00) as [Begin Stock], " +
                    " (IsNull(BeginStockTable.[Begin Stock],0) + IsNull(CPOTable.Quantity,0)) As [EndStock], " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " CAST(IsNull((ChangeTimeTable.ChangeTime) , 0.00) as decimal(20,5) ) as [Change Category], " +
                    "  " +
                    " [Lead Time] =  " +
                    " CASE " +
                    " WHEN ITM_Routing.Pacer = 'L' THEN ITM_Routing.LaborSetupTime + ITM_Routing.LaborRunTime " +
                    " WHEN ITM_Routing.Pacer = 'M' THEN ITM_Routing.MachineSetupTime + ITM_Routing.MachineRunTime  " +
                    " WHEN ITM_Routing.Pacer = 'B' THEN  ITM_Routing.MachineRunTime + ITM_Routing.LaborRunTime  " +
                    " END, " +
                    "  " +
                    " 0.00 as [Require Capacity] " +
                    "  " +
                    " from  " +
                    " MST_WorkCenter join ITM_Routing " +
                    " on MST_WorkCenter.WorkCenterID = ITM_Routing.WorkCenterID and ITM_Routing.Type = 0 " +
                    " left join PRO_ProductionLine " +
                    " on MST_WOrkCenter.ProductionLineID = PRO_ProductionLine.ProductionLineID  " +
                    " join ITM_Product as P " +
                    " on P.ProductID = ITM_Routing.ProductID " +
                    " join ITM_Category " +
                    " on P.CategoryID = ITM_Category.CategoryID " +
                    " join PRO_WCCapacity " +
                    " on MST_WorkCenter.WorkCenterID = PRO_WCCapacity.WorkCenterID " +
                    " join PRO_ShiftCapacity " +
                    " on PRO_WCCapacity.WCCapacityID = PRO_ShiftCapacity.WCCapacityID " +
                    " join PRO_Shift " +
                    " on PRO_ShiftCapacity.ShiftID = PRO_Shift.ShiftID  " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* --######-- BEGIN Get Begin  Quantity of Product */ " +
                    " left join " +
                    " ( " +
                    " 		SELECT  DISTINCT  "+
                    " 					ITM_Product.ProductID, "+
                    "  " +
                    " 					( "+
                    " 				ISNULL(IV_MasLocCache.OHQuantity, 0)  "+
                    "  " +
                    " 					-  (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(TransQuantity), 0)  "+
                    " 					FROM v_TransactionHistory inFrom_Today_TransHis  "+
                    " 					WHERE ProductID = ITM_Product.ProductID "+
                    " 							AND CCNID = @pstrCCNID "+
                    " 								AND PostDate BETWEEN  @strFromDate  AND GetDate() "+
                    " 								AND TranTypeID IN (8, 11, 13, 19, 20, 16, 17) "+
                    " 					)   "+
                    "  " +
                    " 					+  (SELECT ISNULL(SUM(TransQuantity), 0)  "+
                    " 								FROM  v_TransactionHistory   "+
                    " 								WHERE ProductID = ITM_Product.ProductID "+
                    " 									AND CCNID = @pstrCCNID "+
                    " 									AND PostDate BETWEEN @strFromDate  AND GetDate() "+
                    " 									AND TranTypeID IN (12, 14, 15) "+
                    " 					)             "+
                    " 				) "+
                    " 					as [Begin Stock] "+
                    "  " +
                    " 		FROM ITM_Product     "+
                    " 		INNER JOIN IV_MasLocCache ON ITM_Product.ProductID = IV_MasLocCache.ProductID "+
                    " 		WHERE ITM_Product.CCNID = @pstrCCNID  "+
                    "  " +
                    " 		GROUP BY  "+
                    " 		ITM_Product.ProductID, "+
                    " 		IV_MasLocCache.OHQuantity  "+
                    "  " +
                    " ) " +
                    " as BeginStockTable " +
                    " on P.ProductID = BeginStockTable.ProductID " +
                    " /* ######-- END Get Begin  Quantity of Product */ " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* BEGIN: Getting the Change time of Product  */ " +
                    " left join   " +
                    " ( " +
                    " 	select  "+
                    " 	CCMatrix.DestProductID as [ProductID], "+
                    " 	Sum(CCMatrix.ChangeTime) as [ChangeTime] "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	from PRO_ChangeCategoryMatrix as CCMatrix "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	/*BEGIN: Join to get condition on parameter: ProductionLineID*/ "+
                    " 	join PRO_ChangeCategoryMaster CCMaster  "+
                    " 	on CCMaster.ChangeCategoryMasterID = CCMatrix.ChangeCategoryMasterID "+
                    " 	join MST_WorkCenter "+
                    " 	on MST_WorkCenter.WorkCenterID = CCMaster.WorkCenterID "+
                    " 	and MST_WorkCenter.ProductionLineID = @pstrProductionLineID "+
                    " 	and MST_WorkCenter.CCNID = @pstrCCNID "+
                    " 	/*END: Join to get condition on parameter: CCNID, ProductionLineID*/ "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	group by  "+
                    " 	DestProductID "+
                    " ) " +
                    " as ChangeTimeTable " +
                    " on P.ProductID = ChangeTimeTable.ProductID " +
                    " /*-- END: Getting the Change time of Product  */ " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* BEGIN GETTING CPO PLAN QUANTITY  */ " +
                    " left join   " +
                    " ( " +
                    " 	SELECT      "+
                    " 	MTR_CPO.MPSCycleOptionMasterID, "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.ProductID,  "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.Revision AS [Model],  "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.Code AS [Part Number],   "+
                    " /*	--DATEPART(yyyy, MTR_CPO.DueDate) as [Year], */ "+
                    " /*	--DATEPART(mm, MTR_CPO.DueDate)as [Month],  */ "+
                    " 	SUM(MTR_CPO.Quantity) AS [Quantity]  "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	FROM        "+
                    " 	MTR_CPO  "+
                    " 	  INNER JOIN MST_CCN  "+
                    " 	  ON MTR_CPO.CCNID = MST_CCN.CCNID   "+
                    " 	INNER JOIN ITM_Product  "+
                    " 	  ON MTR_CPO.ProductID = ITM_Product.ProductID "+
                    " 	left outer JOIN ITM_Category  "+
                    " 	  ON ITM_Product.CategoryID = ITM_Category.CategoryID  "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	WHERE     "+
                    " 	MTR_CPO.CCNID = @pstrCCNID AND   "+
                    " 	MTR_CPO.MPSCycleOptionMasterID = @pstrMPSCycleID AND  "+
                    " 	DATEPART(yyyy, MTR_CPO.DueDate) = @pstrYear AND  "+
                    " 	DATEPART(mm, MTR_CPO.DueDate) = @pstrMonth   "+
                    " 	 "+
                    " 	GROUP BY    "+
                    " 	MTR_CPO.MPSCycleOptionMasterID, "+
                    " 	MST_CCN.Code,  "+
                    " 	ITM_Category.Code,   "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.ProductID, "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.Code,  "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.Description,  "+
                    " 	ITM_Product.Revision, "+
                    " 	DatePart(yyyy,MTR_CPO.DueDate),  "+
                    " 	DatePart(mm,MTR_CPO.DueDate) "+
                    " ) " +
                    " as CPOTable " +
                    " on P.ProductID = CPOTable.ProductID " +
                    " /* END GETTING CPO PLAN QUANTITY   */ " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " WHERE " +
                    " PRO_ProductionLine.ProductionLineID = @pstrProductionLineID " +
                    " and DATEPART(yyyy, PRO_WCCapacity.BeginDate ) <= @pstrYear " +
                    " and DATEPART(yyyy, PRO_WCCapacity.EndDate ) >= @pstrYear " +
                    " and DATEPART(mm, PRO_WCCapacity.BeginDate ) <= @pstrMonth " +
                    " and DATEPART(mm, PRO_WCCapacity.EndDate ) >= @pstrMonth " +
                    " and MST_WOrkCenter.IsMain = 1 " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* GROUP BY of outside query*/ " +
                    " group by 			 "+
                    " P.ProductID, " +
                    " ITM_Category.Code, " +
                    " P.Code, " +
                    " P.Description, " +
                    " P.Revision, " +
                    " CPOTable.Quantity,  " +
                    " BeginStockTable.[Begin Stock], " +
                    "  " +
                    " (IsNull(CPOTable.Quantity,0) - IsNull(BeginStockTable.[Begin Stock],0)), " +
                    "  " +
                    " ITM_Routing.Pacer, " +
                    " ITM_Routing.LaborSetupTime, " +
                    " ITM_Routing.LaborRunTime, " +
                    " ITM_Routing.MachineSetupTime, " +
                    " ITM_Routing.MachineRunTime, " +
                    " CAST(IsNull((ChangeTimeTable.ChangeTime) , 0.00) as decimal(20,5) ) " +
                    "  " +
                    " Order by [Category],[Part Number],[Model] " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /**********************************************************************************/ " +
                    " /**********************************************************************************/ " +
                    " /**********************************************************************************/ " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* BEGIN StandardCapacity caculate */ " +
                    " select   " +
                    " PRO_Shift.ShiftDesc as [Shift], " +
                    " sum(PRO_WCCapacity.Capacity) as [Standard Capacity] " +
                    "  " +
                    " from  " +
                    " MST_WorkCenter " +
                    " join PRO_WCCapacity " +
                    " on MST_WorkCenter.WorkCenterID = PRO_WCCapacity.WorkCenterID " +
                    " join PRO_ShiftCapacity " +
                    " on PRO_WCCapacity.WCCapacityID = PRO_ShiftCapacity.WCCapacityID " +
                    " join PRO_Shift " +
                    " on PRO_ShiftCapacity.ShiftID = PRO_Shift.ShiftID  " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* left join MTR_CPO " +
                    " on MTR_CPO.ProductID = ITM_Product.ProductID " +
                    " and MTR_CPO.MPSCycleOptionMasterID = @pstrMPSCycleID " +
                    " */ " +
                    "  " +
                    " WHERE " +
                    " MST_WorkCenter.ProductionLineID = @pstrProductionLineID " +
                    " and PRO_WCCapacity.CCNID = @pstrCCNID " +
                    " and MST_WOrkCenter.IsMain = 1 " +
                    "  " +
                    " and DATEPART(yyyy, PRO_WCCapacity.BeginDate ) <= @pstrYear " +
                    " and DATEPART(yyyy, PRO_WCCapacity.EndDate ) >= @pstrYear " +
                    " and DATEPART(mm, PRO_WCCapacity.BeginDate ) <= @pstrMonth " +
                    " and DATEPART(mm, PRO_WCCapacity.EndDate ) >= @pstrMonth " +
                    "  " +
                    "  " +
                    " group by  " +
                    " PRO_Shift.ShiftDesc " +
                    "  " +
                    " /* END StandardCapacity caculate */ " +
                    "  " +
                    "  ";


                oconPCS = new OleDbConnection(mConnectionString);
                ocmdPCS = new OleDbCommand(strSql, oconPCS);

                OleDbDataAdapter odadPCS = new OleDbDataAdapter(ocmdPCS);

                if (dstPCS.Tables.Count > 0)
                    dtbSourceData    = dstPCS.Tables[0].Copy();
                    dtbSubReportData = dstPCS.Tables[1].Copy();
                    dtbSourceData    = new DataTable();
                    dtbSubReportData = new DataTable();
            catch (OleDbException ex)
                throw new Exception(strSql, ex);
                if (oconPCS != null)
                    if (oconPCS.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

            // only re-calculate Require Capacity, Compare Second, and Compare Percent column

            /// Calculate the Require Capacity
            foreach (DataRow drow in dtbSourceData.Rows)
                drow[REQUIRECAPACITY] = (decimal)drow[ENDSTOCK] * (decimal)drow[LEADTIME] + (decimal)drow[CHANGECATEGORY];

            decimal decSumOfRequireCapacity = 0;
            /// calculate the Sum of Require Capacity
            foreach (DataRow drow in dtbSourceData.Rows)
                decSumOfRequireCapacity += (decimal)drow[REQUIRECAPACITY];

            dtbSubReportData.Columns.Add(COMPARESECOND, typeof(System.Decimal));

            /// calculate the 2 Compare Column
            foreach (DataRow drow in dtbSubReportData.Rows)
                drow[COMPARESECOND] = decSumOfRequireCapacity - (decimal)drow[STANDARDCAPACITY];

                if ((decimal)drow[STANDARDCAPACITY] != Decimal.Zero)
                    decimal decPercentValue = (decSumOfRequireCapacity * 100) / ((decimal)drow[STANDARDCAPACITY]);                      /// Percent
                    drow[COMPAREPERCENT] = decPercentValue.ToString("#,##0.00") + "%";


            #region RENDER REPORT

            ReportWithSubReportBuilder objRB = new ReportWithSubReportBuilder();

            objRB.ReportName      = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.SourceDataTable = dtbSourceData;
            objRB.SubReportDataSources.Add(SUB_REPORT_NAME, dtbSubReportData);

            objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
            objRB.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
            objRB.UseLayoutFile          = true;

            // and show it in preview dialog
            PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();

            //Attach report viewer
            objRB.ReportViewer = printPreview.ReportViewer;

 *                      try
 *                      {
 *                              objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
 *                              objRB.ReportLayoutFile = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
 *                              if(objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile() == false)
 *                              {
 *                                      return new DataTable();
 *                              }
 *                              //objRB.UseLayoutFile = objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile();	// use layout file if any , auto drawing if not found layout file
 *                              objRB.UseLayoutFile = true;	// always use layout file
 *                      }
 *                      catch
 *                      {
 *                              objRB.UseLayoutFile = false;
 *                      }
//			objRB.MakeDataTableForRender();

            // and show it in preview dialog
//			PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();
//			printPreview.FormTitle = REPORT_NAME;
//			objRB.ReportViewer = printPreview.ReportViewer;

//			objRB.RenderReport();	/// render the parent report

//			/// render the subreport
//			try
//			{
//				C1.C1Report.Field fldSubReport = objRB.GetFieldByName(SUB_REPORT_NAME);
//				fldSubReport.Subreport.Load(mstrReportDefinitionFolder + "\\" + REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE, SUB_REPORT_NAME);
//				fldSubReport.Subreport.DataSource.Recordset = dtbSubReportData;
//				fldSubReport.Subreport.Render();
//			}
//			catch
//			{
//				System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Can't get field " + SUB_REPORT_NAME);
//			}

            #region MODIFY THE REPORT LAYOUT

            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_WORKINGDAYS, nWorkingDays.ToString());
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_OFFDAYS, nOffDays.ToString());

            #region PUSH PARAMETER VALUE

            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CCN, strCCN);
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_YEAR, nYear.ToString("0000"));
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_MONTH, nMonth.ToString("00"));
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CYCLE, strCycle);
            objRB.DrawPredefinedField(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PRODUCTIONLINE, strProductionLine);



            /// force the copies number

            printPreview.FormTitle = objRB.GetFieldByName("fldTitle").Text;

            UseReportViewerRenderEngine = false;
            mResult = dtbSourceData;
Example #6
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID, string pstrCategoryID, string pstrModel, string pstrProductID)
                const string REPORT_NAME   = "ItemStandardCostReport";
                const string REPORT_LAYOUT = "ItemStandardCostReport.xml";

                const string RPT_PAGE_HEADER = "PageHeader";

                const string RPT_TITLE_FLD     = "fldTitle";
                const string RPT_CURRENCY_FLD  = "fldCurrency";
                const string RPT_CCN_FLD       = "CCN";
                const string RPT_CATEGORY_FLD  = "Category";
                const string RPT_MODEL_FLD     = "Model";
                const string RPT_PART_NO_FLD   = "Part No.";
                const string RPT_PART_NAME_FLD = "Part Name";

                DataTable dtbData = BuildItemStandardCostData(pstrCCNID, pstrCategoryID, pstrModel, pstrProductID);

                //Create builder object
                ReportBuilder reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder();
                //Set report name
                reportBuilder.ReportName = REPORT_NAME;

                //Set Datasource
                reportBuilder.SourceDataTable = dtbData;

                //Set report layout location
                reportBuilder.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
                reportBuilder.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT;

                reportBuilder.UseLayoutFile = true;

                // and show it in preview dialog
                PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog         printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();
                PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO        = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();

                //Attach report viewer
                reportBuilder.ReportViewer = printPreview.ReportViewer;

                reportBuilder.DrawPredefinedField(RPT_CURRENCY_FLD, GetHomeCurrency(pstrCCNID));

                //Draw parameters
                System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection arrParamAndValue = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
                string strCode = GetCCNInfoByID(pstrCCNID);
                arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_CCN_FLD, strCode);

                if (pstrCategoryID != null && pstrCategoryID != string.Empty)
                    strCode = objBO.GetCategoryCodeFromID(pstrCategoryID);
                    arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_CATEGORY_FLD, strCode);

                if (pstrModel != null && pstrModel != string.Empty)
                    arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_MODEL_FLD, pstrModel);

                //Product Information
                if (pstrProductID != null && pstrProductID != string.Empty)
                    Hashtable htbProductInfo = GetProductInfoByID(pstrProductID);

                    arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_PART_NO_FLD, htbProductInfo[CODE_FLD].ToString());
                    arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_PART_NAME_FLD, htbProductInfo[DESCRIPTION_FLD].ToString());
                    if (pstrModel == string.Empty || pstrModel == null)
                        arrParamAndValue.Add(RPT_MODEL_FLD, htbProductInfo[REVISION_FLD].ToString());
                        arrParamAndValue[RPT_MODEL_FLD] = htbProductInfo[REVISION_FLD].ToString();

                //Anchor the Parameter drawing canvas cordinate to the fldTitle
                C1.C1Report.Field fldTitle  = reportBuilder.GetFieldByName(RPT_TITLE_FLD);
                double            dblStartX = fldTitle.Left;
                double            dblStartY = fldTitle.Top + 1.3 * fldTitle.RenderHeight;
                reportBuilder.GetSectionByName(RPT_PAGE_HEADER).CanGrow = true;
                reportBuilder.DrawParameters(reportBuilder.GetSectionByName(RPT_PAGE_HEADER), dblStartX, dblStartY, arrParamAndValue, reportBuilder.Report.Font.Size);

                    printPreview.FormTitle = reportBuilder.GetFieldByName(RPT_TITLE_FLD).Text;


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Main function, generate the result data Table for the REPORT VIEWER
        /// Modify the REPORT VIEWER to display the report

        /// ------------------------------ MAIN FLOW OF THIS REPORT ----------------------------------
        /// GETTING RAW DATA USING DataHelper Class
        /// RENDER TO REPORT
        /// SHOW THE REPORT
        /// END -------------------------- MAIN FLOW OF THIS REPORT ----------------------------------
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstrYear"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrMonth"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrPPMDefault"></param>
        /// <param name="pstrPPMDefault">Base Item</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable ExecuteReport(string pstrCCNID,
                                       string pstrPurchaseOrderID_LIST, string pstrPartyID_LIST, string pstrProductID_LIST)
            #region My variables

            /// Report layout file constant
            const string REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE = "PurchaseOrderManagementReport.xml";
            const string REPORT_NAME        = "PurchaseOrderManagementReport";
            short        COPIES             = 1;

            /// all parameter are Mandatory
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CCN           = "lblCCN";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PURCHASEORDER = "lblPurchaseOrder";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_MAKER         = "lblMaker";
            const string REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PRODUCT       = "lblProduct";

            PurchaseOrderManagementReport.pnCCNID = int.Parse(pstrCCNID);
            PurchaseOrderManagementReport.pstrPurchaseOrderID_LIST = pstrPurchaseOrderID_LIST;
            PurchaseOrderManagementReport.pstrPartyID_LIST         = pstrPartyID_LIST;
            PurchaseOrderManagementReport.pstrProductID_LIST       = pstrProductID_LIST;

            string strCCN = string.Empty;
            string strPurchaseOrderLIST = string.Empty;
            string strPartyLIST         = string.Empty;
            string strProductLIST       = string.Empty;

            const string REPORTFLD_TITLE = "fldTitle";
            float        fActualPageSize = 9000.0f;

            /// custom object to access and modify the dtbPurchaseOrderList
            PLReportDataHelper objPLTable = new PLReportDataHelper();


            /// ------------------------------ MAIN FLOW OF THIS REPORT ----------------------------------
            #region BUILD some RAW DATA TABLE and Array


            #endregion BUILD some RAW DATA TABLE

            #region GETTING THE PARAMETER
            PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO boUtil = new PCSComUtils.Common.BO.UtilsBO();
            PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO objBO = new PCSComUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.BO.C1PrintPreviewDialogBO();
            strCCN = boUtil.GetCCNCodeFromID(PurchaseOrderManagementReport.pnCCNID);
            strPurchaseOrderLIST = GetListFromDataTable(objPLTable.GetDataTable(1));
            strPartyLIST         = GetListFromDataTable(objPLTable.GetDataTable(2));
            strProductLIST       = GetListFromDataTable(objPLTable.GetDataTable(3));


            #region BUILD DATA OF REPORT

            #endregion BUILD DATA OF REPORT

            /// #### RENDER TO REPORT
            #region RENDER REPORT

            ReportBuilder objRB = mReportBuilder;
            objRB.ReportName      = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.SourceDataTable = objPLTable.PurchaseOrderList;               // we build report base on HashTable, not DataTable, so we put new empty DataTable in to ReportBuilder to avoid error of outside processing
            //return objPLTable.PurchaseOrderList;

            #region INIT REPORT BUIDER OBJECT
                objRB.ReportDefinitionFolder = mstrReportDefinitionFolder;
                objRB.ReportLayoutFile       = REPORT_LAYOUT_FILE;
                if (objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile() == false)
                    //					PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    return(new DataTable());
                //objRB.UseLayoutFile = objRB.AnalyseLayoutFile();	// use layout file if any , auto drawing if not found layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = true;                     // always use layout file
                objRB.UseLayoutFile = false;
                //				PCSMessageBox.Show(ErrorCode.MESSAGE_REPORT_TEMPLATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            C1.C1Report.Layout objLayout = objRB.Report.Layout;
            fActualPageSize = objLayout.PageSize.Width - (float)objLayout.MarginLeft - (float)objLayout.MarginRight;


            // and show it in preview dialog
            PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog printPreview = new PCSUtils.Framework.ReportFrame.C1PrintPreviewDialog();
            printPreview.FormTitle = REPORT_NAME;
            objRB.ReportViewer     = printPreview.ReportViewer;

            #region MODIFY THE REPORT LAYOUT

            #region DRAW Parameters

            const int MAX_PARA_LENGTH_TO_SHOW = 150;

            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection arrParamAndValue = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
            arrParamAndValue.Add(objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_CCN).Text, strCCN);

            if (strPurchaseOrderLIST.Length > 100)
                strPurchaseOrderLIST = strPurchaseOrderLIST.Substring(0, MAX_PARA_LENGTH_TO_SHOW) + " ...";
            if (strPartyLIST.Length > 100)
                strPartyLIST = strPartyLIST.Substring(0, MAX_PARA_LENGTH_TO_SHOW) + " ...";
            if (strProductLIST.Length > 100)
                strProductLIST = strProductLIST.Substring(0, MAX_PARA_LENGTH_TO_SHOW) + " ...";

            if (pstrPurchaseOrderID_LIST != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PURCHASEORDER).Text, strPurchaseOrderLIST);
            if (pstrPartyID_LIST != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_MAKER).Text, strPartyLIST);
            if (pstrProductID_LIST != string.Empty)
                arrParamAndValue.Add(objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_PARAMETER_PRODUCT).Text, strProductLIST);

            /// anchor the Parameter drawing canvas cordinate to the fldTitle
            C1.C1Report.Field fldTitle  = objRB.GetFieldByName(REPORTFLD_TITLE);
            double            dblStartX = fldTitle.Left;
            double            dblStartY = fldTitle.Top + 1.3 * fldTitle.RenderHeight;
            objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER).CanGrow = true;
            objRB.DrawParameters(objRB.GetSectionByName(PAGE + HEADER), dblStartX, dblStartY, arrParamAndValue, objRB.Report.Font.Size);



            // ReportBuilder.ReformatNumberInC1Report(objRB.Report);

            /// #### SHOW THE REPORT
            /// force the copies number
            printPreview.FormTitle = objRB.GetFieldByName(FLD + TITLE).Text;
            /// END ----------------------- MAIN FLOW OF THIS REPORT ----------------------------------

            UseReportViewerRenderEngine = false;
            mResult = objPLTable.PurchaseOrderList;